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Fandom My Hero Academia (M/F, 21+, OC / CC)

Wordy Girl

New Member
Welcome to another school year!

(I am currently on season 2, I THINK episode 19. I am also reading my way through the first Manga book).

At UA High!

First, the school rules!
1. Please be active!
2. Be courteous.
3. I ONLY write over PM's.
4. I LOVE making character sheets.
5. Be able to write multiple characters.
6. I am looking for advanced writing partners (those who can do at least 150+ words per character).
7. I enjoy long-term-roleplays.
8. I ONLY write M/F-gender-paired roleplays.
9. Let's double!
10. I am fine with including dark subject matters.
11. I am ditch friendly.
12. NEVER control my character(s) without my permission first.
13. I don't mind OPC (overly powerful characters), but they should have a weakness or downside to their Quirk.
14. I am 32 going on 33 this month and would prefer my writing partners to be at least 21+ in age.
15. Please use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation; I want to be able to easily read and understand what you have written for me.





Age: 14
Birthday: September 15th
Birthstone: Sapphire
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She, Her, Hers
Sexuality: Straight
Skin: White
Hair: Dark Blue
Eyes: Dark Blue
Height: 4' 6"
Weight: 116LBS

Occupation: Student
School: UA High
Class: 1-A

Romantic Interest: Izuku Midoria

Personality: Kind, Caring, Shy, Honest, Punctual, Studious, Observant, Intelligent, Loyal, Determined

Bio: Being the youngest of the Ida family, her family and brothers (Tensei and Tenya Ida), are very overprotective of their little sister. She often feels like she has a lot to live up, while also being suffocated by her family's love and protectiveness. She enrolls into the UA High, allows following and looking up to Tenya Ida. While also wanting to discover more about herself and what she can do with her Quirk(s).

Quirk: Super Speed, Brute Force
Super Speed: Like Tenya Ida, she can move just as fast as she wants, but without the engines on her legs that he has.
Brute Force: This Quirk is very similar to One For All, except it's not passed down from previous users. Temara activates this Quirk by moving at incredibly fast speeds around her targets. Building up her energy, she can release it as strong or as weak as she wants. What she can fully do with this Quirk is yet unknown, which is why she enrolls into the UA. With each strike to her opponent, she causes heavy internal damage and can eventually kill her opponent.
Downside / Weaknesses: Ice, Extreme Cold


Alias: Nightshade
Age: 14
Birthday: December 20th
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She, Her, Hers
Sexuality: Straight
Skin: White
Hair: Dark Purple
Eyes: Dark Purple
Height: 4' 8"
Weight: 118LBS

Occupation: Student Hero to Villain
School: UA High
Class: 1-B

Romantic Interest: Katsuki Bakugo

Personality: Quiet, Aloof, Distant, Introvert

Bio: Ever since the age of four, she has lived in different orphanages and foster homes. She has never fit in, and somehow finds the UA High School. She admires the Number One Hero All Might, and tries to make it as a Hero, but finds she doesn't fit in at the UA either and drops out after the Festival Games. She is met by the Villain Stain, and together they become a team, even joining the League of Villains together.

Quirk: Dark Energy

Downside / Weakness: Bright Light

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