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Fandom My Hero Academia: Heros of Tommorow

Catro the Writer

Sorin High Baby!
So this RP will follow the story of Eri and Kouta as they train to be pro hero. Following a path like Izuku did, school wise, with sports festival, the work study test and work studies themselves. But we'll focus on a few characters, instead of a entire class with named characters and hardly any of them getting character development.

Of course there will be a class. But we won't focus on the entire class, and th characters we won't be focusing on won't be given any names. Of course we can add more characters as we go on if need be. But let's not overwhelm ourselves in the beginning .

I will be honest... I haven't really developed much of a character for teenage Kauto. But I do feel like I've made a good character for teenage Eri.
Name: Eri
Age: 16
Likes: Sweets, reading, learning.
Hates: Spicy foods, bullies, failing

After being saved from Overhaul and recovering from the events, physically and mentally. She trained to control her quirk and was able to see how helpful it could be, mainly to the sick. And once she was able to control her quirk, Izuku and Orarcha get married and adopt the little girl. Giving her the family she deserved, and somewhat of a normal life.

And at the age of 8 dreamed of becoming a children's doctor, to help kids with their physical injuries but also to help the kids who suffered mental abuse like she had. Reading medical book, after going to elementary and middle school she took whatever classes she could that was involved in the medical field. And her plan for highschool was to go to one that trained their students for the medical field.

But one day when a explosion happened near her, and a building filled with people burned. She rushed over as the heros tried putting the fire out and pulling burn victims out... Eri seen they wouldn't make it she used her quirk on them... And learns that she may be more helpful on the front lines of hero fights and applies for UA. Which she is almost instantly accepted since she's the daughter of one of the heros tied for the number one spot, the other being Shoto

If you want to make something for Kouta that would be great 😅

As for a plot I do have them set up in arcs, like the anime/manga has them. And they are kinda bare boned... But since this is going to involve both Eri and Kouta they will be going through many of the same events but experience them differently and react to them differently. So the "plot" we would be making together.

Arc 1: Setting up for the other arcs. Introducing the other characters, foreshadowing some of the other arcs. Also hinting at the main villains.

Arc 2: The sports festival training and events.

Arc 3: Christmas Break. All the students are home. But While Eris home Bakugo, someone who hardly anyone has seen, comes to her Father with news about something big happening and shocking news concern the death of number 1 hero Endevor, who has died 4 years prior.

Arc 4: Work study test. And when searching for a hero agency to have the work study for Izuku denies her a place at his agency and she then goes to Shoto.

Arc 5: The truth on Endeavors death is revealed, causing problems with Eris work studies.
Other then Eri... I don't have some more characters made up. Some in the original show just added onto for being adults, some original character. But as this is already going to be plenty long I'll wait and when we start to discuss the RP, Ill share them then.

What to expect from RPing with me:

So.... I haven't been RPing on the site long... But the RPs I have done, my reaponces have been long and, what I like to think, have been thought out. I think my last post was about 6 or 7 paragraphs long. And I like it that way. I like seeing a lot of detail in the replies and one liners do not have any detail in them... Now I'm not saying you have to write as long as I do... But a little care and attention to detail in your reaponces is always wanted and appreciated.

Grammer.... I'm not the Grammer police. As even I mess up and I have Grammerly on my computer to make sure things are worded nicely. I wrote out my RPs and will discuss them on my phone. But I only RP on my computer thanks to that.

Speaking of that. I mainly RP in the evening. I live in Est time zone. As I'm up and around all day everyday. So my RP time is usually from the evening, usually from 11pm-1am. So I'm not expecting the RP to go fast, which I'm fine with as it usually means you have time to think about reaponces and edit them if need be. Now I'll probably read them if they happen during the day. But I probably won't answer 😅.

I do think thats it from me... I'f you're interested in the RP just reply here on message me.
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