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Fandom My Hero Academia: GO BEYOND ﹗ ☆ ★ Lore



J.K. Meowling


Class 1-A Classroom


Lunch Rush Cafeteria


Class 1-A Dorms


Field Gamma


Alduren Mall


Ground Beta




Sports Fest Stadium


Unforeseen Simulation Joint


U.A. Teachers Lounge
Organization: K-1 - Maximum


History: In the modern age, various topics & ideals from the past linger onward. One place remained over the many decades ever since Quirks Remained - K-1! One of Japan's most popular and well-known combative practices to date that comes from the teachings of Kick-Boxing itself. Having been popularized in 19th century, it holds a time honor tradition of the various stars and champions whose abilities allowed them to rain at the top of their divisions.

But as time progress & quirks revealed themselves. Athletes refused to fight & stocks sunk because of the dreadful issues that came with this... Until an idea came... What if... Quirks were used alongside the sport's teachings... What if the organization allowed new stars to shine when they used their natural gifts as others in the past had done but at a small scale.

Thus - K-1 Maximum was born - A sport which those who have been allowed to use their quirks outside of heroic workings or crimes in a combative setting. Feel the effort and trials required with training and working as hard as possible for victory, every victory earned & every lost was something to learn from.

It then sported a new-system to limit the possible issues which came in the form of the age divisions. It begun from the 6 to 8 age division known as 'Larva Division." Afterwards, the 9 to 11 age division turned to the 'Caterpillar Division.' Next, the 12 to 14 age division turned to become the 'Moth Division.' Following that, the 15 to 19 age division was known as the 'Nurtured Division.' Finally, the 20 & beyond age division is simple called the 'Monarch Division.'

It's required an able body & money in order to support a desire into entering K-1 - Maximum from an early age.



Character's Affected:
( Rage Rage ): A well-known competitor of K-1 - Maximum is Alexander Saito. Having started and coming from 'Larva Division' as a promising fighter, his talent soon exploded as he grew older and older alongside his body growing in addition with his quirk's developments. Upon reaching the age of 14, He became known 'The Grappler' for his absurd power that he could muster against his opponents in close-range alongside grappling his opponents having forced many to submit in a striking-sport from a vicious choke or rapid-fire blows. When he hit the final year of middle-school, Alexander was knocking on the door for international in the 'Nurtured Division' having fought out-seas and in his country of origin. Nearly becoming world champion, the goal was taken in the final round by stoppage from a damage on both sides being too greater for them to continue resulting in a draw. it's unsure if Alexander is going to pursue K-1 - Maximum however he has stopped and been unable to be in any more matches til he finishes his time at U.A.

☆ ⋯ x T H E x B A S I C S

Name: Kiku Kuroda- But Miss Kuroda, please.

Gender: Female

Height: Approximately 3 feet or 91 cm.

Weight: Approximately 18 pounds or 8 kg.

Position: U.A. High Principal

Quirk Name: High Spec

Quirk Description: This Quirk grants Kiku, who was formerly a regular animal, an intelligence surpassing that of humans. Through this Quirk, Kiku became capable of thinking, speaking, and acting like a human. Due to her high intelligence, Kiku is capable of formulating incredibly intricate battle strategies. This same intellect also grants her great leadership skills, which are acknowledged by the fact that she is the principal of U.A. High, a top hero school.


  • Strengths:
    ♡ High intelligence
    ♡ Superb battle strategist
    ♡ Empathetic and supportive to teammates
    ♡ Fantastic leader

    ✖ Sensitive about past
    ✖ Holds grudges
    ✖ Can let her emotions overwhelm her
    ✖ Works far too excessively

Civilian Clothes: [Meow!]

☆ ⋯ x D I G x D E E P E R

Personality: Kiku is a polite, well-mannered principal that is well liked by students and faculty alike. She is an excellent team player and often facilitates a role as a mediator between the many different forces of good within the city and beyond. Fiercely intelligent with a poker face that is unsurpassed, she is a top notch strategist and invaluable in the field. Kiku's whole heart is within the school, she is a fantastic educator and deeply cares about students and faculty- they are her top priority, above her own well being. This selfless, hard working and kind nature has garnered her many friends and the unbreakable trust of those around her. She also has a sadistic side though, and takes perhaps too much pleasure in pushing students to their limits.

History: "I'd rather not talk about that, if you please. It's not a very happy story, but what matters is that I've worked hard to get here and I am dedicated to this school and it's legacy."

☆ ⋯ x E V E N x D E E P E R

- Etiquette, rules, and structure
- The art of education
- Engaging with students when she can
- Her faculty and students
- Seafood always
- Puns and terrible dad jokes

- Rudeness and insensitive comments
- Disregard for school property and rules
- Bad hygiene and grooming
- Insubordination
- Dogs (but don't tell anybody!)

"My office hours are from 9:00am to 4:00pm daily. Do try to schedule an appointment beforehand, please. I recommend that you bring medication if you have any allergies, and I am pleased to offer free mini lint rollers if needed."

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