Story My character biographies so far


Nightblade 1.pngNightblade 2.png

Before becoming the vigilante, Nightblade, Jordan was just a less than average student. Played games, watched funny videos on YouTube, collected comics, etc. He was a very closed-minded individual, not having many friends, if any at all. Would often judge a book by its cover, despite being told many times by his family not to. Until one day, he was paired up with a classmate on an assignment for school. Her name was Jade, one of the most well-known girls in the school. Based on her appearance, Jordan thought she was stuck-up. Having to work with her one a project proved him wrong. She was actually much more friendly and approachable than he ever thought. It was during this time that they started to develop feelings for each other and form a secret relationship with each other outside of school. One day, Jade gives Jordan a special pendant. A jade-stone pendant. A reminder of their time together. Jordan one day asks her to meet up with him, to return to favor by giving her some special custom earrings. Even though he arranged this meetup, he was running late. Jordan stopped for a bottle of chocolate milk at a gas station on the way. His thirst and craving got the best of him. On his way to the park, he passes by a man. He had a trenchcoat, hat, and sunglasses. Couldn't see his face. Since it's late-night, no one really goes to the park. When Jordan arrives, he finds Jade in a critical state. Bleeding for the left side of her chest. She had been stabbed deep enough to the heart. She died shortly after.

Weeks later, Jordan is sitting alone at the park, at night. Revolver in his hand, fully loaded, and ready to go. He places the barrel of the gun to the side of his own head and pulls the hammer back. When he pulls the trigger, the hammer doesn't send the bullet flying out the barrel. Something stopped it. He looks at the gun and sees a black liquid latex-like thing in between the hammer and the chamber. Confused and scared, the thing crawls onto his and disappears into his skin and clothing. Suddenly, all the negative feelings and emotions are gone. Jordan discovers that this liquid latex-like thing can act as his clothes (shapeshift into any clothing), filter out poisons in the body, and takes all his negative emotions and makes a new persona out of it. compensate, Jordan invents gadgets, similar to Batman's arsenal in the Arkham games, shurikens, explosive gel, smoke bombs, hacking device, etc.

Fighting criminals for months, things felt pretty satisfying. One day, Jordan meets a special friend. His name is Brett. He had the punk/delinquent look, but after talking to him, he learned that Brett also likes nerdy stuff too. Games, comics, etc. Both of them have an encounter with a couple of guys trying to mug them. Jordan and Brett both fight them off, showing Jordan that Brett is a capable fighter. Jordan may not know much about Brett, but has a feeling that Brett is the entryway to the adventure of a lifetime.

Likes: games, watching nutshot videos, iced coffee, teaming up with Scorpion/Brett
Dislikes: Unnecessary noises, Brett's randomly inappropriate/irrelevant comments, reckless behavior
Attributes: Genius intellect, physically peaked (symbiote-caused), black and white personality change (symbiote-caused), proficient in most known forms of martial arts, genius hacker

Having lived on the streets with his mother, Brett always struggled to get by. He and his mother could never remember a time they didn't have to worry about putting bread on the table in the crummy little house. His life changed one day when he came home to find his house tagged, destroyed, and his mother in a pool of blood. Driven by revenge, Brett tracked down the gang responsible for her death back to a warehouse. With no intention of leaving anyone in the warehouse alive, Brett starts a gas leak without being noticed and leaves a candle on. When he gets out of the warehouse, the whole building violently explodes. No way anyone inside survived. Brett flees the scene and hides out in an isolated forest for a day. Then he is visited by a mysterious man and woman. The man and woman both claim to be his real parents and that the man is the devil himself, and the mother is the daughter of Dracula. Brett believes this when a portal opens up and takes them to a place called hell. There, Brett spends weeks perfecting his fighting skills and abilities, discovering his ability to use fire. Peaks his ability in using dual-wield swords and fire bending. His parents set him up a place to live back on Earth to continue his life there, occasionally visiting hell. Knowing that his abilities must be kept secret, Brett adopts the name Scorpion and makes himself a suit with a black skull mask and body armor. During his time back on Earth, he meets a special friend name Jordan. Not knowing much about him, he knows that life will be more interesting with them as friends.

Likes: Playing with fire (figuratively and literally), games, hitting on women (even if they're bad)
Dislikes: Being questioned about his past,
Attributes: Master in dual wield, proficient in most known forms of martial arts, fire-bending

Ice Demon Twin Girl Assassins (enemies that may be reformed)
Not much is known about these two ice demons. Not only can they use ice, but they are skilled in an arsenal of weapons, preferably sharp ice weapons such as an icepick. They hide their looks with an icy demonic mask and hoody. The question Jordan and Brett are trying to figure out is, what are they after. Why attack Jordan and Brett? And on top of that, the high school Jordan and Brett attend happens to get new transfer students that are twins. Both pale skin, extremely light blonde hair, and blue eyes. Coincidence? (I still don't know much to add for these two characters)

Ice Demon Kingpin (not decided on a name)
The polar opposite of Brett's devil of a dad, the Ice demon Kingpin not only rules the ice version of hell, but also runs a secret organization on Earth that deals out drugs intended to enhance the physical abilities of his clients. He is also the father to the Ice Demon Twin Girl Assassins. Already having an intimidating look with his height and muscle mass, he is even more with his top tier ice abilities and fighting skills. How will Brett and Jordan defeat this guy?
I don't know if you want feedback here, if not then remove it. I think it all works, one tiny thing I would change is not to mention batman. I understand he's an archetypical gadgets-vigilante, so to speak, but you don't have to reference him to explain a vigilante using gadgets. Your character ought to stand on his own.

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