My 4 Virtues


The real Warchief of the Horde
Welcome to My 4 Virtues!

Ok here's the scene and scenario's, The good guys are right above England looking for their next chance to attack the empire. Now I would like most good guys to be at this meeting but for all you want you can start your character eating rice in Canada for all that matters, but at the meeting is preferable. This is their base:

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Now the Empire is going through and beating up innocent towns folk while the emperor is stilling in his home/ throne on a cliff like : Now a few chief advisers will be with him if such characters wish to be crated.

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So please start posting and enjoy!

Also to help the mood of the RP and sort of the 'Theme' song of the RP here's this :3
"Be good..."Rel told Xel and Zel as they sat down,Rel stood behind them with his arms crossed,they had just heard of the meeting and Rel had no plan for this. He hoped this wouldn't take long,he already had plans. Xel just listened to Rel,his straight jacket didn't let him do much anyway and Rel had kept his mouth covered. Xel was used to this so it was normal but still,Rel seemed irritated now and that isn't normal. Zel noticed that as well and didn't ague as usual,he listened for now so things wouldn't get worse.

"Oh I hope I'm not late for the meeting! I wasn't there for the last one and Yaga got pretty mad last time, I can't miss this" I got done with my hair and walked out of my room. I pranced down to the meeting room when I saw Yaga preparing his speech for the meeting. "YAGA! Are you ready to get down to the room? I'm sure some of the members are waiting there for you?"


"Ugg I wasn't preparing for the speak right now, I was just writing as usual. Yeah let's go." I closed my book that I had been writing in. I got pretty irritated that she kept interrupting me in the middle of writing like she planned it. I got up from my chair, pushed it in, and walked out the door with Kisense. I tugged on my collar like I was getting ready for a business meeting, I guess I was just a little nervous that we were going to attack soon, I mean it's not like these armies were unarmed children.


Nathan sighed and leaned against the wall. "A meeting, huh?" He asked himself, "Why not? Couldn't hurt... To much," he laughed. "Anyways, that Yaga guy was the 'host' or whatever you want to call him, how bad could it be?" He thought about the question, then wished he hadn't asked it.

Nathan closed his eyes while leaning against the wall, the meeting wouldn't be starting for a few, he could spare some time.
Venn walked silently into the room where the meeting would be held. He had barely just heard about it so he tried his best to swing by in time. As he entered the room he noticed three brothers already sitting down and another gentlemen leaning by the far wall. It looked like Venn was early, but it wouldn't be much trouble to just sit and wait. His feet lightly smacked against the hardwood floors as he went and took a seat. He sat cross-legged and rested his hands a top his knees, "This better start soon.." he mumbled to himself.

Rushing towards the meeting hall, my feet were slowly starting to tire me out. I don't exactly know what was going on, all I knew was that I'm supposed to be there and a handful of others were attending as well. I was still a little new to this village so I didn't know the people to a personal level, or at a first name basis at the least. That's probably gonna be a problem if ever approached; I'll just have to wing it. What's the worst that could happen? Good behavior isn't exactly what I'm used to, but I'll still have to try, for the sake of my uncle's embarrassment. Speaking of Uncle, what ever happened to waking me up for the meeting? I had to skip breakfast just to get there. I look down at my tummy and let out a groan of desperation, I'm hungry. Mother would smack me upside the head if she heard me say that, apparently I eat like a pig rather than a "lady". Pft, what does she know? Once I see the building in the distance, I slow down to a light jog and walk up towards the closed double doors, bursting in to find a rather quiet bunch. I clasp my mouth as if to say, "my bad". Quietly, gliding over to an empty space, I lean against the wall to find if I can recognize anyone from early encounters. Nope...guess not. I let out a heavy sigh and cross my arms, trying to silently catch my breath. Great! I thought I was late and this thing has yet to start. There was no need to rush.

I was at the door to enter the meeting hall. I look over my shoulder to see Kisense completly fine and happy. That smile on her face was all that kept me sane half the time. I took a deep breath and opened the doors, observing the whole room. This would be enough people for now. I walked in front of them and cleared my throat. "Hello everyone, thank you for coming. Now we have to decide on this quickly. The empire has sat ideal for too long! And I want to put an end to their carefreeness. I will explain the plan of action later. First, I'd like to hear some of your guy's suggestions." I crossed my arms, waiting for a response.


He stood there with his arms crossed,he didn't think of anything so he stayed quiet. Were they finally going to make a move? He thought it was a little bit out of the blue,though that could give them the advantage of a sneak attack. But still,"Do you think the plan we had is at a pause?"He heard Zel whisper to him and Rel nodded."Seems so..."He sighed,they were going to have fun too,it was sad.



He huffed,slouching down in his chair now with his arms crossed also now angry. He wasn't too good with meetings though of course he had to go to them anyway thanks to Rel,usually he didn't mind since he could do what he wanted quietly as it went on. But this time he actually sit and...listen. It was annoying and he really didn't care about all this stuff,he was told what he had to do and he'd do it. Not get stuck deciding what he had to do,which to him was the boring part. He hoped this wouldn't last too long to they could carry on,though these meetings seemed to take forever so he wouldn't be surprised if it took hours.



Just watched Zel,chuckling at his attitude. Xel didn't care ether way,though he had something to say to Rel. So he nudged Rel with his shoulder,and when he got his attention he motioned for Rel to take over the mouth cover. He got an unsure look from Rel before he took it off and leaned down so Xel could whisper in his ear,which he did. He had sharp shark teeth instead of normal teeth which is why his mouth is normally covered,after he was done telling Rel what he thought he got a nod from him and the cover was placed back over his mouth.


Nathan lifted his head up, and began to speak "You know, Yaga," Nathan knew his name, because they were previous aquaintances, "Tell us exactly what you have in mind and maybe we'll have suggestions," just a litte, friendly advice.

Nathan pused off the wall and walked over to a table, and sat down. Slouching a little and bending over the table to lay his elbows on it and lay his head on his left hand. Tilting his head to look at Yaga.
"Hmm, alright." I was afraid this would happen, I wanted them to warm up a little before I put my crazy ideas forth. "Ok so your going to brand me insane but we need to make an assault on one of their supply centers, prefuribly the one in London. It's the closest one and we'll need the support of London's fighting citizens." And now for the wave of hate responses.


Thought it was just fine,though he was crazy anyway so like he could tell. He just shrugged his shoulders not denying it,hoping they'd just simply go with it and not get complicated with all the new ideas and fitting them together so they don't die and so on. Course Rel never said anything when it came to deciding things like this,since if his idea didn't work he'd be blamed. And he really didn't what that to happen so he stayed quiet in meetings.
Nathan nodded at this plan. Most people would find this pretty crazy or just straight up insane, but Nathan found it one of the more logical schemes. Yaga was right, they didn't have near the man power to raid that place as they were. They would have to get the help of the citizens- assuming they'll help us. Maybe, if we pull this off, Nathan thought, we might actually have a chance of doing what Yaga plans in the long run, he paused his thinking process for a second, then added the last word, alive.

Well, at least it was nice knowing they weren't going to start a riot over this. "Yes, so I believe it should go as this, me and a team of 2 others will be on the direct assault, and 3 others including Kisense here will flank around the facility taking out any guards behind the building. Then we shall all meet in the center , taking any supplies we can get. Now the most important part of this. In a room in the south east corner there is an office where the over-seer stays. In that room is a computer with the locations to major empire targets and outpost. We NEED that computer, so no blind fire into that office are we clear?" I looked over the crowd, this was going to be an essential mission. " I would advise you all to go to your rooms and prepare, this is going to be an all out mission, take care of yourselves, I won't be able to be with the flanking party for healing, so keep that in mind. Dismissed." It was so odd to be a leader of something, always being solitary teaches you things, but not how to lead a group. I stepped out of the room into my quarters to get ready.


I smiled at the speech, I was ready to show Yaga that I can fight. I waved goodbye at the people in the room and walked off. Hmm what should I take with, I don't think he'll appoint me as leader, so I can go a little lighter on equipment. Opening the door to my room I pear at my sword on the wall, I pulled it off and polished its silver blade. I put it in its sheath and slung it over my back. I tugged my gloves on my hands and put on my pink headphones, I always have to listen to music. Well I got a bit lazy and then just fell and dozed off on my bed, silently resting.


He couldn't help but smile as the plan was told,"Sounds like fun."he chuckled now thinking he'd enjoy this. He tapped Zel and Xel on there shoulders to tell them come on as he started heading out,he couldn't help but think what he was going to do to those guards. And then what Xel could do,it made him shiver and he shook his head to clear his mind.



All he heard was computer,he wanted to check it out if it was THAT important. He wondered what could be on it,pretty sure a lot that would make Rel confused. He smiled as he felt Rel tap him and he looked back getting on his knees in the chair as he did,then hopped out of it and headed after Rel and Xel who were leaving. He figured he wouldn't go on this trip since Rel might not allow it,so he didn't get his hopes up.



Didn't think anything of it and went he was tapped he simply stood and walked behind Rel,he saw what was coming but things can always change.

Raising an eyebrow, I notice most of the people in this room were actually for this plan. Yes, it was a pretty short introduction to what the actual plan was, and I wasn't really paying attention 100%, but I know it's pretty INSANE! Don't get me wrong, I'm all for taking risks, but my risks usually end with me returning alive. We're raiding a SUPPLY UNIT in London. Oh, yeah, dangerous can that be with our small group? VERY! And I don't even know anyone's skill level in that room; I could be working with a preschooler handed a knife for all I know. But then again, that can also be vise versa of how I depicted them. Walking out of the room, I return to my own with Uncle following short behind; don't tell me he was okay with it as well. I explained to him a while back and I still hadn't gotten a response from him. I fidget a bit uncomfortably, not even bothering to respond positively to that before Uncle slaps me upside the head. "Don't even think about it." He mutters in his usual husky tone. "But--" he interrupts once again with this scarily stern face. "No. Buts." He says slowly and threateningly. I open my mouth to say something, but instead, let out a sigh. "...fine." Uncle gives me a nod before ruffling my hair a bit. "Cheer up Rookie, you should be happy you're on this team. I'd consider it a great honor." He tells me before smiling and giving me a quick hug. Ugh...physical contact. "You be careful, ya hear?" He says before letting go and I nod with a small smile. "Me? Coming back with a scratch? Don't count on it." I chuckle a bit. Letting out an irritated sigh, Uncle looks at me with crossed arms, "And PLEASE try not to give the group a hard time." Ouch, he doesn't think I'm capable of good behavior? Smart man. "Don't worry, I won' off you go! Shoo." I tell him as I push him away. "Love.." "Bye!" I shout before closing the door and smirking to myself, rushing to my room to prepare. I already had my pick of weapons in mind.
Venn was listening intently too Yaga's speech, though he had no idea why since he probably wouldn't be of much help. Most of the people in this room were benders and they could kill someone with a simple flick of power. With Venn all he could rely on was his speed and hand to hand combat. It also looked like they had a small group of people to work with so this would be more than just a dangerous mission. He had no idea the powers or skills these people held and it was hard for him too trust some stranger with a gun. He got up and stretched once Yaga's speech was over with and he quietly exited out the doors he came in. His feet carried him over too the door in which was his own room. Venn glanced over at his two kunai swords that sat leisurely by the wall, but instead of grabbing them he laid on his bed and decided too rest his eyes.


Nathan looked around, not surprised to see the resent on some people's faces of this plan. He didn't know the powers of anyone else, but he knew Yaga was pretty powerful, as Nathan himself was. Nathan cracked his neck, if it was just Yaga and him, so be it, they might get killed, but at least they'd be killed in adrenaline. Nathan laughed to himself, just him and Yaga? That's insane. these people might resent the idea, but he expected that most of them would go along with it anyway.

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