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Fandom mxm interest thread [haikyuu! or original plots]


New Member
Roleplay Availability
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I recently got into Haikyuu and i'm craving an rp so bad. So far I'm almost finished with Season 4 (i think about halfway thru) but I'm not yet up to date with the timeskip stuff.

I've been rping for a very long time, but in recent years have fallen off more due to lack of interest, but I'm back now! A few things I'm looking for:
  • MxM pairings only please!
  • Please be at least 21+
  • casual lit/adv-lit
These are the Haikyuu pairings I'm most interested in, but honestly, give me any two characters and I'll be convinced, so feel free to suggest if there's something you're interested in.

  • Asahi x Nishinoya
  • Bokuto x Ushijima
  • Bokuto x Any Male Character
  • Kageyama x Hinata
  • omegaverse
  • soulmates
  • alternate universe (fantasy/royalty)
If Haikyuu isn't your thing, I'm also open to original plots. Here's a few plot starters for inspiration:
  • [gladiator x god of war] If you've ever seen Gods of Egypt, the premise is similar. The gods have always lived among men, but they're more powerful, taller, and have supernatural powers, and people worship them still. During the peak of peaceful times, the god of war is bored. He's been told by the other gods not to get into trouble too much as the people deserve a time of peace. So he goes searching for an outlet in the gladiator fights, where he is enthralled by a fighter so desperate to crawl out of the pits, he'd do anything. What starts as a casual fling, turns into something more desperate once the god of war realizes he doesn't want to see the gladiator fail.
  • [prince x bodyguard] The king is healthy, hardy, and a hell of a warrior. His little princeling son, not so much. Born with a defect, he'll never be as strong as his father, nor as fast, or as agile. But the king, he was of a good heart, and did not blame his son for what he could not help. Instead, he held a competition, a tournament, to find a guardian for his son. He allowed any man to participate, no matter their social standing. Unfortunately, the man who wins is the very one who's been terrorizing his kingdom with thievery, general mayhem, and other criminal activity. (Imagine a Robin Hood type character). The King agrees, but if anything were to become of his son, the man will be executed.
  • [adventurer x monster] A very high bounty has been put out to kill a monster that's been lurking in the nearby mountains. Several parties have tried and failed to defeat this monster. A desperate adventurer, running low on funds, makes a risky decision to go on his own after his attempts at recruitment of a party fails. He doesn't make it very far up the mountain with his limited resources and he passes out in the snow. He's rescued and is well taken care of and finds himself falling in love with his quirky savior. Only to find out that his savior is his quarry. The bounty is so large that he could live a wealthy man for the rest of his life, never having to worry about anything ever again. The choice is hard and he makes the wrong one, only to regret it immediately.

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