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MxM Ideas~ Yes, again. (Ignore Post Count- People Be Flaky)


Lord Legendary
I've given the characters preliminary names, but feel free to change them. It's just so I don't get confused.

P.S. 1-3 are fantasy.

#1: Gryphon is a dragon hunter and has been since a dragon from Novalia, his own kingdom, burnt down his cottage and killed his parents. Now he's chasing a rare Purplebacked Spotbeast across the border of dragon-friendly Tyragon, knowing full well if he's caught killing it he will be punished with death. Then he meets dragon rider Emlyn, who, by chance, is looking for the same dragon and a journey partner. The more Gryphon gets to know Emlyn and his dragons, the less time he spends looking for the dragon and the more time he spends looking at Emlyn.

TLDR: Dragon Hunter x Dragon Rider

#2: Winslow is the human embodiment of lust. He picks a girl; he gets her to fall in love with him; and he moves on after the first kiss. Everything changes when he meets his heavenly counterpart, Eilam, the human embodiment of chastity, who quickly decides to give him a taste of his own medicine. Whoever falls in love first, loses it all.

TLDR: Lust x Chastity

#3: In today's age, the rich do not have to go to war. They can summon an android-like human to do their bidding, in this case, war for them and are exempt from actual fighting as long as they stay within the war zone itself, usually in a safe underground bunker. This is a problem for Sebastian. He's in love with his fighter, Asher.

TLDR: Android x Human, Summoner x Summoned

#4: Finn and Noah can't stand each other. Enemies in almost every sport you can think up (even when they play on the same team!), the entire school is split down the middle in support for its two heroes. Then, Finn breaks his ankle and the principal demands Noah help him in any way possible while he recovers. Being forced into such close proximity constantly, the boys are starting to drive each other crazy in more ways than you'd think. ;)

TLDR: Enemy x Enemy

#5: Barron is a partier. He's had (and has) lots of girlfriends and a whole lot of fun. He's a social butterfly at his finest. Luca is shy as all heck. He's said maybe sixty words this year, total. Despite never having talked before, Barron singles Luca out for attention, after a misunderstanding. Before he can figure out what really happened at that party, can he break Luca out of his shell?

TLDR: Partier x Shy Guy

#6: Channing met Walt on the lawn-front of a church, and they ran off together, abandoning their parents at the picnic. Atheist Channing and Religious Walt are bad news for each other as they grow closer: Walt begins to detest a religion that abhors his feelings for Channing, and Channing begins to believe in a benevolent God who brought him Walt.

TLDR: Atheist x Religious Kid

#7: Against his better judgment, Phelan agrees to tutor his schoolmate Draco. A serious, studious young man, he was not expecting to be schooled himself-- in life and fun and love.

TLDR: Tutor x Bad Boy Student

#8: Everett is an assassin for hire. Currently, his job is to kill the captain of the pirate ship Rogue and commandeer the ship, bringing it back to Spain. Unfortunately for him, he's been captured from his own small ship on his way to get further instructions...his captor? None other than the handsome captain of the Rogue!

TLDR: Pirate x Assassin

#9: At the current moment, the Prince Reed is refusing to marry his long-time fiancé , the Princess Rosemary. Rumor has it that it may have something to do with Reed's best friend, the knight Alan, who is heavily opposed to the wedding. They have little idea how far this really goes.

TLDR: Prince x Knight

#10: Rosario is a demon; Caleb is an angel. They are not supposed to speak, let alone be friends, but what did you expect to happen when they're the only people to understand each other in the last 4000 years? When their superiors catch wind, they may even have to face the wrath of heaven and hell for their overly friendly behaviors.

TLDR: Angel x Demon

#11: The double wedding should have gone off without a hitch. Unfortunately, one of the grooms just admitted that he likes the other groom more than his bride.

TLDR: Cheating Groom x Cheating Groom

If a plot is crossed out, that means someone has exchamged approved bios with me and the thread has been started. In other words, that plot is taken. If you're interested in an untaken one, P.M. me and we'll talk about exchanging bios.
Question, is #1 inspired by the How to Train Your Dragon universe, and will it reflect that heavily? I'd love to do a mixture of #1 and #2, and I also have my eyes set on #3, though I think it's more science-fiction than fantasy. Unless, there is magic I'm not seeing?
@DanDanDan No, but it could be. Hmm, those could be interesting together. I suppose you're right, about it being sci-fi. PM me a bio for any of the above (do please specify which) if you wanna RP. (FYI, I RP in thread but prefer to send bios through PM, so there isn't too much spam everywhere else.)

@Cross_Rhodes Yay! If you want to RP, PM me a bio.
Do you have a set character Skelton you want us to follow or can we just paragraph it?

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I need the name, age, and the personality and history portions. Other than that, I don't care if you add more.

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