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Realistic or Modern [Closed.] MxF, Dystopian?, or something else? Slice of life?

Kaoru Asuna

Writer. Reader. Watcher.
Roleplay Availability
I am looking for roleplays.
Roleplay Type(s)
  1. One on One
  2. Group
  3. Quests
(Recruitment for this RP is closed. See the RP, "... Flowers In Your Hair." -- Realistic or Modern - "....Flowers In Your Hair." -- if you're interested -- just don't post anything. No touching, just looking!)

So. I don't have a ton of time on my hands. Posts will probably be short-ish, spaced out poss. 2-4 days or longer apart (though every day is the creme de la creme, esp. for the chosen partner).

This will be a MxF story (I'll be playing the female). I'm a 30yo female, and I'm looking for a guy around the age of 30 (21-35 maybe) to play the male side.

I have some rules for this tale:
1. No: sex, demons, ghosts, preferably magic, or rap music (lol).
2. No controlling each other's Chara, 1-2 posts per person in turns, only up to short paragraphs (I don't have time to read through a lot when I log on), swearing and other mature content is fine. If there's something that either of us have a problem with before or during the story, throw up a separate post with parentheses hugging it in the thread (or included in any posts before the story begins).

I have some vague story ideas, but I'd love to hear yours and any changes or suggestions to make to mine. Here are the ones I've come up with:
1. "...Flowers In Your Hair." A dystopian tale of a 22 y.o. girl who's going to attempt a dangerous journey from Chicago to San Francisco through Raider-infested territory. She was an assistant to a traveling doctor who has just passed. San Francisco is a safe, newly fortified walled city, and she's heading there on Doc's dying request.Shes going to hire a bodyguard/navigator (your Chara)(and possibly a friend of your Chara, if you're interested in taking on 2. My orig. version of this story had 2 guys) to get her there in one whole piece (hopefully). They'll be driving an old station wagon loaded with medical supplies and provisions for the trip. {My Chara:
Name: Arlandria "Ria" Tellion.
Appearance: Dark brown wavy hair about shoulder length, tan skin, green eyes--shes a mutant!, freckles, about 5'5" tall. Wears no make-up, ties her hair up in old bandanas to keep it out of her way when working, cargo pants, jeans, print t-shirts and flannel, hardy and comfy boots. No jewelry, but wears an unidentifiable perfume--
Personality: Sturdy, quiet, only open with her friend (who she's leaving behind because he and his g.f. won't come with her).} (I prefer this idea.)

Romance + FunOriginal RP (Here's a link to the orig. rp of this story. The longer posts with blue text actually explain the guy's idea of the powers and the school better than I did.) 2. "Untitled." 2 students at a secret college/high school for young adults with powers related to chemicals and the Periodic Table of Elements (they can manifest these things with their thoughts, creating fire by imagining oxygen, heat, and a fuel, et cetera). They've just arrived for their first year at the school when they meet (not sure how). They're both just discovering their powers and will be taught how to use them at school. Not sure where it goes from here. I started a story like this (high school version) back in 2014 and had to quit the site at the time. {My Chara:--I'll come up with one later if you prefer this idea, though I prefer the former.}

(Romance may be included, but isn't a necessity. Backstory can mostly be discovered through the story--its more interesting that way, no?)

Post any story ideas (+ changes/suggestions) and a skelly for each different idea ( skelly example below) and I'll announce who's submission was excepted and mark the rp as closed!


Character Name:
Backstory (to be discovered in the tale!)

P.S.: If my text color annoys you, let me know and I'll change it, but I'd like to use a different color than you so I can tell our posts apart easily.
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P.P.S.: If you have questions about the world's, let me know.
I have a character for the mercenary, as for the friend would you allow an Android (If that doesn't fit the worldbuilding I can stick to a human)
Show me the merc! (though I was thinking a normal-ish guy) And sorry, but humans only (it's set only slightly in the future). Also, you're a guy, right?
Show me the merc! (though I was thinking a normal-ish guy) And sorry, but humans only (it's set only slightly in the future). Also, you're a guy, right?
Correct- I am male, the character is simply chaotic enough for me
What?(Your avatar image?) Go ahead and post the chara profile.
I'll make some clarifying statements on the story. This is based on an rp I started in 2014 and didn't get to finish. I've since tried to write offline stories based on the vague beginning of this rp, which differed significantly. The one I outlined in the first post was one of my altered versions. It takes place slightly in the future from now in a war-torn U.S. plagued by semi-roving gangs that are based in areas all over the country. It's one large conglomerate broken into branches with leaders who lord over certain territory, usually near cities but on the outskirts. They pillage, murder, rape, et cetera, and they've captured whole buildings, along with most of the gas stations (mostly along major highways) which they use to finance their camps and expand their reach. Most large towns and cities don't allow Raiders (as they're called) into city limits, checking the palms of everyone's hands for the membership brand.
(I'll add more to this, but I have to go offline just now.)

(Here's the continuation: )
Quite a bit of infrastructure was damaged in the war (no nukes, though). Small cities haven't really been rebuilt, larger ones are working on it. There's electricity but that's also mostly centered in the Big Apples of the country. You can have batteries and devices charged at second-hand shops there -- for a price, of course. But cell service is down thanks to the lack of towers.
Hmm, what else? I guess I could give my Chara a bit more detail.
She grew up on a homestead in a forrest in Michigan, farming, fishing, reading, writing and hunting. Hunting for game made her a crackshot, bow, rifle or slingshot. Her mother taught her homemaker skills that she uses only when she needs to, though she's proficient at cooking, dealing with kids, and an expert at sewing -- but that skill was perfected later. She's got mental scars on top of the physical ones, and has no feeling in the majority of her left arm. She has an affinity for yellow-flowered fields in the evening, loves dancing among raging techno crowds (when she makes it into a city), fireworks and explosions, and her sad little iPod that's filled with someone else's music. She's been an assistant/apprentice to a traveling Doctor who moves around the Central and South-Eastern part of the land, moving between small camps and towns with no physician. She's never been farther than Kansas City toward the West, this being the reason she wants a navigator for the imminent trip. Doc has just died from a gunshot wound. At his suggestion, Ria sells most of the medical supplies they were toting in the wagon to the local hospital to raise funds, made some plans, bought provisions to get halfway across the country, and hung up posters across the city of Chicago requesting a bodyguard/navigator. She told interviewees to call at the front desk of a hotel, where they'd be sent straight to her. After an entire day of meeting possibles, she's tired and frustrated.
And that's where you come in.

Any suggestions or changes you'd like?
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Character Name: Collin "Granite" Richards
Age: 25
Appearance: Collin usually a wide brimmed hat with a decent amount of body armor sewn into his usual duster jacket. Collin enjoys wearing old world luxurious clothing, having grown up in a settlement where he regularly watched wild west movies on a traveling merchants projector screen. His hair is a muddy brown, usually a close cut by Crystal. Being more of the muscle in the Duo- he is relatively strong built. Scars cover his tan skin, usually dealing with sunburn and stubble being on the road often
Personality: Collin is normally quiet and keeps to himself- preferring silence and a book over the usual loud parties he usually has to attend as a mercenary/hitman. When provoked he is terrifying, expertly taking down enemies in combat with a willingness to live that gave him the alias "Granite"- following a particularly deadly betrayal he survived .

Character Name: Crystal
Age: 20
Appearance: Crystal usually wears provocative and less armored clothing for her usual activities- being theft, scamming , and running away from her marks after they discover her misdeeds. her hair is cut short in order to better disguise herself, along with avoiding her hair from being grasped while fleeing. She is free of any major (Visible) Scarring, other than a scar on her cheek she usually conceals with old-world makeup.
Personality: Crystal fully embraces the chaos of the new world, regularly trying any fancy that comes to mind- to Collin's annoyance. Most would write her off as unreliable due to this, but in a fight, Crystal will quickly dispatch enemies with "Slugger", an autographed baseball bat she stole from a museum- though Collin has to maintain it because she forgets to do so. Crystal is seductive at times, but appears to only do so for a purpose- whether its getting a target in an isolated room or grabbing some cash off a random drunkard.
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Ooh, I like him.
I added info to the end of the above "more deets" post for you to check out.
Ooh, I like him.
I added info to the end of the above "more deets" post for you to check out.
Looks good, I'll change Crystal so she isn't an expert marksman
Cool (yeah, I guess every chara can't be an expert gunslinger). I think I've accepted your proposal, so I'll close this thread, start the rp under the name, "...Flowers In Your Hair", and copy over the relevant info (for people who might want to read it like a book).

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