Kaoru Asuna
Writer. Reader. Watcher.
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(Recruitment for this RP is closed. See the RP, "... Flowers In Your Hair." -- Realistic or Modern - "....Flowers In Your Hair." -- if you're interested -- just don't post anything. No touching, just looking!)
So. I don't have a ton of time on my hands. Posts will probably be short-ish, spaced out poss. 2-4 days or longer apart (though every day is the creme de la creme, esp. for the chosen partner).
This will be a MxF story (I'll be playing the female). I'm a 30yo female, and I'm looking for a guy around the age of 30 (21-35 maybe) to play the male side.
I have some rules for this tale:
1. No: sex, demons, ghosts, preferably magic, or rap music (lol).
2. No controlling each other's Chara, 1-2 posts per person in turns, only up to short paragraphs (I don't have time to read through a lot when I log on), swearing and other mature content is fine. If there's something that either of us have a problem with before or during the story, throw up a separate post with parentheses hugging it in the thread (or included in any posts before the story begins).
I have some vague story ideas, but I'd love to hear yours and any changes or suggestions to make to mine. Here are the ones I've come up with:
1. "...Flowers In Your Hair." A dystopian tale of a 22 y.o. girl who's going to attempt a dangerous journey from Chicago to San Francisco through Raider-infested territory. She was an assistant to a traveling doctor who has just passed. San Francisco is a safe, newly fortified walled city, and she's heading there on Doc's dying request.Shes going to hire a bodyguard/navigator (your Chara)(and possibly a friend of your Chara, if you're interested in taking on 2. My orig. version of this story had 2 guys) to get her there in one whole piece (hopefully). They'll be driving an old station wagon loaded with medical supplies and provisions for the trip. {My Chara:
Name: Arlandria "Ria" Tellion.
Appearance: Dark brown wavy hair about shoulder length, tan skin, green eyes--shes a mutant!, freckles, about 5'5" tall. Wears no make-up, ties her hair up in old bandanas to keep it out of her way when working, cargo pants, jeans, print t-shirts and flannel, hardy and comfy boots. No jewelry, but wears an unidentifiable perfume--
Personality: Sturdy, quiet, only open with her friend (who she's leaving behind because he and his g.f. won't come with her).} (I prefer this idea.)
Romance + FunOriginal RP (Here's a link to the orig. rp of this story. The longer posts with blue text actually explain the guy's idea of the powers and the school better than I did.) 2. "Untitled." 2 students at a secret college/high school for young adults with powers related to chemicals and the Periodic Table of Elements (they can manifest these things with their thoughts, creating fire by imagining oxygen, heat, and a fuel, et cetera). They've just arrived for their first year at the school when they meet (not sure how). They're both just discovering their powers and will be taught how to use them at school. Not sure where it goes from here. I started a story like this (high school version) back in 2014 and had to quit the site at the time. {My Chara:--I'll come up with one later if you prefer this idea, though I prefer the former.}
(Romance may be included, but isn't a necessity. Backstory can mostly be discovered through the story--its more interesting that way, no?)
Post any story ideas (+ changes/suggestions) and a skelly for each different idea ( skelly example below) and I'll announce who's submission was excepted and mark the rp as closed!
Character Name:
Backstory (to be discovered in the tale!)
P.S.: If my text color annoys you, let me know and I'll change it, but I'd like to use a different color than you so I can tell our posts apart easily.
So. I don't have a ton of time on my hands. Posts will probably be short-ish, spaced out poss. 2-4 days or longer apart (though every day is the creme de la creme, esp. for the chosen partner).
This will be a MxF story (I'll be playing the female). I'm a 30yo female, and I'm looking for a guy around the age of 30 (21-35 maybe) to play the male side.
I have some rules for this tale:
1. No: sex, demons, ghosts, preferably magic, or rap music (lol).
2. No controlling each other's Chara, 1-2 posts per person in turns, only up to short paragraphs (I don't have time to read through a lot when I log on), swearing and other mature content is fine. If there's something that either of us have a problem with before or during the story, throw up a separate post with parentheses hugging it in the thread (or included in any posts before the story begins).
I have some vague story ideas, but I'd love to hear yours and any changes or suggestions to make to mine. Here are the ones I've come up with:
1. "...Flowers In Your Hair." A dystopian tale of a 22 y.o. girl who's going to attempt a dangerous journey from Chicago to San Francisco through Raider-infested territory. She was an assistant to a traveling doctor who has just passed. San Francisco is a safe, newly fortified walled city, and she's heading there on Doc's dying request.Shes going to hire a bodyguard/navigator (your Chara)(and possibly a friend of your Chara, if you're interested in taking on 2. My orig. version of this story had 2 guys) to get her there in one whole piece (hopefully). They'll be driving an old station wagon loaded with medical supplies and provisions for the trip. {My Chara:
Name: Arlandria "Ria" Tellion.
Appearance: Dark brown wavy hair about shoulder length, tan skin, green eyes--shes a mutant!, freckles, about 5'5" tall. Wears no make-up, ties her hair up in old bandanas to keep it out of her way when working, cargo pants, jeans, print t-shirts and flannel, hardy and comfy boots. No jewelry, but wears an unidentifiable perfume--
Personality: Sturdy, quiet, only open with her friend (who she's leaving behind because he and his g.f. won't come with her).} (I prefer this idea.)
Romance + FunOriginal RP (Here's a link to the orig. rp of this story. The longer posts with blue text actually explain the guy's idea of the powers and the school better than I did.) 2. "Untitled." 2 students at a secret college/high school for young adults with powers related to chemicals and the Periodic Table of Elements (they can manifest these things with their thoughts, creating fire by imagining oxygen, heat, and a fuel, et cetera). They've just arrived for their first year at the school when they meet (not sure how). They're both just discovering their powers and will be taught how to use them at school. Not sure where it goes from here. I started a story like this (high school version) back in 2014 and had to quit the site at the time. {My Chara:--I'll come up with one later if you prefer this idea, though I prefer the former.}
(Romance may be included, but isn't a necessity. Backstory can mostly be discovered through the story--its more interesting that way, no?)
Post any story ideas (+ changes/suggestions) and a skelly for each different idea ( skelly example below) and I'll announce who's submission was excepted and mark the rp as closed!
Character Name:
Backstory (to be discovered in the tale!)
P.S.: If my text color annoys you, let me know and I'll change it, but I'd like to use a different color than you so I can tell our posts apart easily.
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