
Plot: In the hordes of the normal people, an evil group of scientists hid among them. They kidnapped several kids and experimented on them, changing their genes to whatever they pleased. From there, they would make them undergo "tests", which was torture in the name of science. These kids learned little about their newfound capabilites before the Breakout. Now that they've all escaped from the Lab, they have to survive on their own and hide their secret from the rest of the world. However, the scientists have sent Hunters to capture the kids once again. If they do get taken back, they'll be forced to face more torture than they have in their entire lives.





Appearance: (Picture is optional)


Power: (What they have been changed into and what they can do because of the enhancements)

Anything else:


My characters-

Name: Rayne Parker

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Appearance: She has ashy blonde hair that's usually kept in a braid, 5' 4" in height, green eyes, and a little on the paler side.

Personality: She never really talks about herself, but cares about those dear to her. Likes to be serious, but can be fun sometimes.

Power: Can shift into an Avain humanoid (so basiclly, a human with wings)

Anything else: none

Name: Jordan Walker

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Appearance: He has jet black hair and blue eyes. 5' 8" in height, has a swimmers build and has tribal looking tattoos from before he was taken by the lab.

A little overprotective, but means well. He doesn't like it when he doesn't get his way and will be a little set back from those he doesn't know. He's really nice once people get to know him.

Power: Can shift into an Avian humanoid

Anything else: none

Once you put your character here, you can join the RP! (

Name: Kora Wren Alder

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Appearance: Rusty red straight hair that travels down her back to the ends of her shoulder blades where they form into neat curls that rest just above her tale bone. Her bangs hang just above, and sometimes fall into her icy blue eyes, bright and the color of a baby blue sky.. 5'5'' with a curvy shaped body complemented with tattoos. On her thighs there were bows with laces weaving in and out of her skin. from ankle to knee she had un-recognizable designs that were hauntingly intriguing. She has her spine tattooed down her back, and starts behind her ears. Underneath each eye at the outside corner there is a piercing, around the top of her cheek bone sort of. Her stomach was pierced too, at the belly button and top of her thighs. Glasses for reading books.

Personality: Sarcastic, outgoing, likes to joke around, once she gets attached to people loyal as can be, smart, when serious she's really quiet..

Power: Fox.. After DNA testing, she has quick reflexes, speed, high jumping, great smell, and is flawless at sneaking. Downfall, at nigh time she gets fox ears and a tail.Hard to hide. New moons she becomes fully a fox

Anything else: (I think this will be interesting, but you have to play along and not know) She had a bad life, and willingly went to the scientists to be tested on. They gave her a home, so in return she is to gain the run-always trust, and bring them back to the institute.. But.. She might grow feelings for the run away's, and gain new friends.. And become loyal to the other side.

(If you are in need, I am willing to make a different character in case of things becoming un-even.)
Accepted :) You can start RPing! If you want to make another character, that's cool. But I don't need you to if you don't want to.
Name: McKenna Laia Toss

Age: 18

Gender: F


View attachment 14031

Perso: Sweet, Funny, Caring, Laid-back, Calm.

Power: Telekinesis, the power to move objects with your mind.

Anything Else: She's incredible Smart
This sounds pretty interesting! (:

Name: Duncan Cain

Age: 19

Gender: M

Appearance:View attachment 14092

Personality: Comes across as very cocky, he has a constant sarcastic tone no matter what the situation is. Though, when you get to know him, he can be very compassionate and caring, that is until you piss him off. Then you can just expect him to act like an overall piss ant. When he is upset, he tends to act like the biggest drama queen and will exaggerate many situations he finds himself in.

Power: Somewhat of a Necromancer, he has the ability to reanimate the dead. (Dead referring to anything from the obvious to plants and smaller creatures)

Anything else: None.
Name: Alaiason Reynolds

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Appearance: 5'7" tall, athletically built and always wears a black leather jacket and biking gloves, trademarks of his previous life before he was taken to the lab. He has jet black hair and a scar that appears to spiral around his right hand and arm like a snake up to his shoulder.

Personality: Quiet and calculating, he appears cold but this is only due to what was done to him for his enhancements. Once he gets to know someone, he will risk his life to protect them.

Power: He can project his energy into the world and create forcefields or manipulate people's minds for a short period of time. This was accomplished by his brain being enhanced in vital areas, neglecting his ability to show emotion.

Anything else: Well-trained martial artist.
Name: Tora Byron

Age: 18

Appearance: 5'9" tall and slender. Wears a white Tank top with a pink heart that has claw marks going through it design, black pants, white and black sneakers, and a black blazer jacket. Long black hair with two braids going down from her bangs and green eyes.

Personality: Loyal to her friends, laid back, and acts a bit like a feline.

Power: Tora's enhancement allows her to become part white tiger (adds tiger ears, stripes, fangs, and her eyes change from green to yellow). In her white tiger form she has cat-like agility, above average strength, and claws.

Anything else: In her tiger form, Tora thinks and acts more like a savage tiger as a side effect. She still retains some control because she still can distinguish friend from foe. Once in tiger mode she must wait for her adrenaline to go down before being able to change back, which is why she only uses her enhanced form when she feels like it is necessary.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/1252779902_dfbb0945094604a28d3c4a2eae3.jpg.c042e32f18c06703a7a5267b572f4d81.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="57" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/1252779902_dfbb0945094604a28d3c4a2eae3.jpg.c042e32f18c06703a7a5267b572f4d81.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Tiger form (face and head)



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Name: Dell

Age: 17

Gender: F

Appearance: Long white hair usually in a braid, gold eyes, and pale skin. She wears a double layered sweater and jeans. Dell can be seen wearing sneakers of any color and design on any given day along with a book at hand.

Personality: Very sweet and informative, caring for her friends very deeply and cherishes every moment with them. However, when she or any one close to her is threatened or agonized, she will resort to painful punishments and hellish revenge.

Power: She can literally shed her skin like a snakes and change into someone else entirely, and is very quick in self healing, also a result of her snake DNA. Her nails when cut occasionally secret a poison of some sort.

Anything else: Her personality sometimes makes it difficult for her to be notice by others. Dell is somewhat bashful when she sheds her skin and if needed goes to a secluded area to do so.


he goes by Jester why? because the scientists carved lines down his eyes and lips just like a jester's make up.

he has a red eye and his other is pitch black. the scientists experimented on him continousouly until he changed his eyes first and then he discovered his curse. his power when he moves he blends in with the shadows and maniupulates them

he has black jeans with tears in them along with his matching black dress shirt that he wears to hide his scars.

he is alwasy alert and ready to fight and trusts no one. he is not afraid of anything and believes only in Oblivion darkness and death
Name: Rachael Rollins

Age: 17

Gender: Female



Personality: She is very assertive, intelligent, kind, and caring. She's not quiet at all, and loves animals. She is nice to everyone but can get aggressive like a wild animal when someone hurts her friends or anyone else. She's protective, outgoing, and has a good sense of humor as well as being curious and likes to wander around.

Power: Her DNA was infused with a special type of animal DNA that allows her to communicate with animals as well as giving her a few animal like characteristics. She's very fast, agile, and smart and can trick people very easily. She has an excellent sense of smell, sight, and hearing.

Anything else: When the scientists found her, she was only a baby and was alone in a basket hanging in a tree. A car was found extremely close to the tree she was in and it had crashed, there were no traces of anyone else in the crash besides her.
Name: Naomi Cain

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/anime-girl-4.jpg.17dd1cfa06c1afa096b2f6664e2a7ec4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1365" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/anime-girl-4.jpg.17dd1cfa06c1afa096b2f6664e2a7ec4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Naomi is very independent and strong willed, and will do anything for her friends. She finds it hard to hurt someone, but would if it meant saving more people. She is creative, and kind. Yet, she is also cynical. She has never been the most trusting person ever.

Power: She has tawny hawks wings, and can fold them up; she can also read minds

Anything else: She has a long scar down her leg that she hides



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Name: Cylia Terphus

Age: 17

Gender: Female



Personality: Cylia is more of the helper. She's fun, bubbly, shy, caring, mean(At some point), strong, and tough.

Power: She turns into this robotic female that the scientists call 'The Drone.' They encrypted heavy data in her. So the first one they want back is Cylia.

Anything Else: Atom Connection, Technology Manipulaton, Virtual Hologramming, Extreme intelligence, AntiGravity mechanism.
Name: Maraya Link

Age: 23

Appearance: Tall, curvy. She wears bright colors mostly. Able to change her appearance at will so not definite.

Personality: Fun, treats life as a game. Competitive in doing so. Friendly to those who she deems not a threat.

Power: Manipulates reality, as in can give others hallucinations. Can change herself in looks.

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