Mutants & Masterminds - Superfolk


One Thousand Club
The city of Townsville! Wait, Gotham City! Wait, Metropolis! Wait...

Joke all you want about Megalopolis, California, but it's still superhuman central. A coastal city whose population has just recently exceeded NYC's, Megalopolis boasts the largest known superhuman-to-human ratio of any area in the world (granted, the ratio's still very tiny, but still). Recently, internet business tycoon Gabriel Sunder donated a facility on an island in Megalopolis's harbor to the superhero community, to foster cooperation among the disparate heroes. Most are still operating independently, but a few supers have decided to give this team thing a shot. At least it comes with some swanky digs.

Oh, by the way, that's you.


This game runs on the Mutants & Masterminds 2e system. The character generation is standard, PL 10 with 150 power points. However, I am ready to make adjustments to suit your needs. Other than that, go all out with your origin stories and powers. Pretty much everything is fair game. Just make sure your character is willing to work with a group and is heroic enough that other superheroes will consider them to be on the same side almost all the time.


Because this keeps coming up:

I am not going to choose among your characters for you. I know that you are all, like me, overflowing with ideas for supers. But only you can pick the one that is truly the one you will have the most fun with. Do not ask me to choose, because I cannot. I will point out any ideas that sound really infeasible, but I don't expect to be exercising that option, because the system is awesome like that.
a question.

I was thinking on creating a hero that has the power to deflect, and in fact, reflect back, energy attacks. But was considering having it always on, with no control.

How do I model this?
Okay, so if I understand you correctly, you want a personal effect that's always on and reflects energy attacks? Okay, first, take Protection at full ranks with Impervious and Limited (Energy). Then you take Mimic (Power) at the weakest type (which limits you to one power at a time) at full ranks, with the Perception extra, the Duration flaw twice to make it Instant, and the Triggered power feat and the Uncontrolled flaw as well. So, Protection will cost you 20 for 20 ranks, and Mimic will cost power point total. So that's 21 for your energy deflector. Pretty reasonable, I think.
Very reasonable, thanks.

Can we be given some info on some of the known villians? or can we put some villian into our background?
You may CREATE villains. Not stat-wise, but background and flavor-wise, certainly. I will, of course, be making some villains, especially the minor ones, but heroes need rivals.

If you want me to throw a villain out there for you, I can. But I want to encourage you guys to shape Megalopolis to be the city you WANT to hero in.
Vladimir Semyonovich Prerovsky originally came from Russia. Like many others coming in the first waves of immigration, he was a scientist. He was also a dwarf, with a height of 4'. Despite his short stature, his mind was great, and his intuition led him to success, giving him a lucrative position in a physics research facility in Megalopolis.

For several years he conducted research there, working with prisms and high-powered lasers to try and create a breakthrough in science that will allow near-instantaneous travel.

The research got stuck, unable to make the mathematical theory into practical use, but when word of this research leaked out, the villian Fortress broke into the facility just as Vladimiar was ready to run another test. When Vladimir saw this giant of a man strolling in, seemingly oblivious to the gun shots of a few brave guards, all the while his own attached soci weaponry firing in every direction, he tried to hide, but as chance would have it, he stumbled on one of the posts on which a prism lay, causing it to fall on him. Except it was this one prism that all the lasers in the experiment room were trained on, and when it shattered from a stray shot by the Fortress, Vlamidir saw a bright light emerge from it and engulf him, yet the light quickly receded.

When the Fortress finally took notice of the small scientist, after killing all the guards, and smashing the experiment room, he trained his weapons on him, and asked where was the research notes. The image of the bright light still fresh in his mind, vladimir instinctively called upon it and blinded the fortress, causing a multi-colored ray of light to erupt from his hand. With his opponent blinded momentarily, Vladimir began to learn some control of his new-found powers, and began to shoot damaging blasts of light at him, though they did not prove very effective. Once the Fortress recovered from his blindness, he let loose a volley of his sonic bolts at the new mutant, and both were surprised when the sonic bolts bounced off, and were sent back at the Fortress, who had no defense against his own shots. At that moment, the Fortress decided to leave. Vladimir, still unsure of his powers, did no pursue him, though he vowed to bring him to justice in the future.

After that battle, and once he began to use his powers, he took on the alias of Prism, and knowing his powers are not enough to take out some of the bad guys out there, he jumped on the idea to form a new team of superheroes.

Just a rough draft, and to give a general idea.
Sounds good. That's really all you need fluff-wise, though you're free to write more. anyone ELSE interested in this game? Because it had sounded like more than 1 person wanted to play.
It's been a while since I played a Mutants and Masterminds game, but I'm willing to give it a shot. Just need some time to kind of brainstorm and get refamiliarized with the rules. I have two possible concepts, but I want to think them through before bringing them forward, and see how they would run with this system (Been a long time, and I only played it once before. xD ).
Absolutely interested, just working on different broad concepts.

- Strongman (or Paragon) type, but with Gravity Powers instead of physical bulk. So form doesn't follow function.

- A Bon-Vivant Sorcerer (a bit like a college kid who realizes that when he really goes to work he has to get serious. But he still has so much 'fun' to have)

- A battlesuit wearing female (I don't actually think there's any of those around in any non-anime comic book)

Make your pick for me to flesh it out.
Heh. The last two sound like superheroes I'm working on for a project of my own, though only if you boil them down to really vague descriptions. Go with what you really want to play. Try fleshing all three out, and drop one when it starts getting less exciting. The one that stays strongest the longest is probably your best bet.
I'm also interested, and tossing a couple of ideas around, but I've been busy with the Memorial Day weekend and what not.

To give a quick blurb of each, the first is a techie of somesort, either Gadgeteer or Battlesuit of some sort, probably verging on Savage Worlds Weird Science. The second is some sort of mutant ninja or something along those lines. And the third one is some sort of wielder of ancient/forgotten/forbidden magic.

Soooo, yeah I'm kinda torn, but I plan on working on them some later, after all the family stuff is done with.
I'm still thinking, just letting you know I didn't forget. xD After running through so many concepts in my head, i'm down to either wanting to focus on a character that uses duplication and team work, or a policeman turned costumed cowboy sharp shooter.
Remember that you don't need to stick to the templates. They're just ideas that model very common superheroes. Feel free to be out there with your own ideas.
True, but i'v always wanted to make a duplication type character. and the template is a nice base. xD I'm just trying to see how I might flesh him out differently (More of a gang brawler than a grappler maybe, or maybe more about infiltration).

And the sharpshooter character has alot of potential. Particularly with taking the right feats, he could be a real flashy guy.

I'm taking the advice you gave earlier, just building them both bit by bit and see which one eventually stands out most to me.
I know I wasn't around for the initial discussion of this game, but if there are spots available, I'd like to put my hat in the ring. I have two characters I'm thinking of, right now. The first is a Sonic Control energy projector cum rock star; the second is a stretchy Mr. Fantastic type. Both are made to work well with others. So. If there's room, I can provide more. Just let me know!
Honestly, there's plenty of room. I have no reason to impose a character limit. Worst case scenario, I split you guys up to deal with problems occurring separately. You'll even be able to pick your teams, with moderation, of course, if it comes to that.
Groovy! I have a slight preference for the sonic guy, but I can do either. Whichever works better.....
Okay, I am going to say this here, and add it to the intro post since apparently everyone needs to hear it.

I am not going to choose among your characters for you. I know that you are all, like me, overflowing with ideas for supers. But only you can pick the one that is truly the one you will have the most fun with. Do not ask me to choose, because I cannot. I will point out any ideas that sound really infeasible, but I don't expect to be exercising that option, because the system is awesome like that.
A descendant of German settlers born under the name Jonathan Handel. He grew up as a normal child, not that good in school, not very good at sports. But he was pretty good with his hands. Straight out of highschool he ended up working in his Uncle's construction business and since Megalopolis was booming there was plenty of work to be done there.

Jonathan doesn't know exactly how he became super-powered, but he knows when it happened. One day, not too long ago, he was working on one of the new high rises, when a small tremor shook the entire building, causing him to fall from the beam he was sitting on. His tether snapped unexplained at that time, and he plummeted to what he thought would be his certain death. His life flashed before his eyes and even then there was some time to think, such falls take an eternity when they happen to you. Upon impact with the ground, he didn't die, instead he smashed straight through the armored concrete into the almost finished parking garage where he left a big crack in the floor.

As he wanted to walk up the wooden stairs out of it, incredibly surprised, almost dazed by his fall, the boards snapped under his weight. It took one of the big cranes to lift him out of the garage. Unable to be driven to the hospital because of his massive weight, he walked there to be checked, followed by his confused Uncle and several construction workers.

With much confusion he was researched at the hospital, after a few minor mishaps with the floor not supporting his weight in all places. But the only thing the physicians could discover was that for some reason Jonathan's density had increased incredibly, nearly twenty-five times of normal. He was kept overnight on a mattress on the floor and when the adrenaline finally stopped roaring through his body, Jonathan was back to his normal self.

The doctors had to give him a clean bill of health and he checked out, thinking about the events that had occurred and in his relaxed state he became a walking disaster, inadvertently lowering the gravity in a wide area around him. At least he knows it was him, even though the city blamed it on a natural fluke.

Jonathan left the city and went to a place where he could harm nobody and he started to practice, realizing that what he had was a great gift, but if he couldn't control it, it would be a great disaster.

A month later he returned to his work a different man, hovering slightly above the ground. With him around the construction and repairs of the building went incredibly fast and efficient. Lifting up massive loads and carrying them around as if they weighed nothing. I-beams that would take cranes to carry to the top of the building, he flew up in bundles, holding them in place one handed.

The press was all over this incredible construction site where a super-powered human was working and this ended his career as a construction worker incredibly fast. Union representatives came by and told him that he had to stop showing off, or stop working as a construction worker. After all, a man who could do the work of multiple heavy machines and do that same work faster would put many honest Americans out of a job. And not just in construction.

Jonathan did understand the situation, even though he was forced to leave the only thing he was really good at, even without super-powers and he became one of Megalopolis' first super-powered citizens without a secret identity. Helping out the fire department, occasionally the police, and wherever else he could use his powers to do good. But he was no super-hero, leaving that to the costumed brigade.

Only recently with an increase in super-powered activity has he shifted his activities toward actual super-heroing and he joined up as a full time super-hero.

He has really good looks. He can fly. He is strong and tough. And that's as far as the public knows about his powers. He's a nice guy willing to risk his own life for others. And with all this speaking for him, he still doesn't feel he's a super-hero. For him something is still lacking and he doesn't know what.


Six foot tall, broad in the shoulders, small in the hips. His muscles are defined, but not terribly so. Tends to dress in jeans and plaid pattern shirts. His skin bronzed by being out in the sun a lot. Blond hair turned a little lighter by too much light and clear blue eyes. A pleasant smile and and warm voice.

Storyteller Notes:

Even though he's nigh indestructible due to impervious toughness, all his powers are sustained in duration. Stun Jonathan and he's just a normal mortal, as he's not very likely to make any concentration check on maintaining his powers. Also, his other saves are weak, so that leaves plenty of weakness open. He also can't defend himself really well and is very likely to be hit by almost every blow from a non-extra.

Jonathan Handel

PL 10 (150pp)

Abilities: Str: 12/36 [+1/+13], Dex: 12 [+1], Con: 12 [+1], Int: 12 [+1], Cha: 12 [+1], Wis: 12 [+1]

Skills: Craft: Structural +11 [10], Diplomacy +5 (+9 opposite sex)[4], Notice +5[4], Sense Motive +6[5], Language: Spanish [1]

Feats: Attractive, Interpose, Luck x 3


Density 12 (PF: Subtle (Unnoticeable))

-Strength 24, Impervious Toughness 6, Super-Strength 4, Immovable 4

Force Field 12 (E: Impervious, PF: Impervious Con)

-Toughness 6 (and makes the point from his constitution impervious under the same condition as well)

Gravity Control 13 (PF: Environmental Adaptation x2 (Low & High Gravity))

DAP: Flight 6 (E: Affect Others, Range)

DAP: Super-Strength 13 (F: Duration (Sustained)) /*Capped by Array/*

DAP: Increase Gravity 12 (PF: Selective)

DAP: Decrease Gravity 12 (PF: Selective)

DAP: Blast 13

Combat: Attack +7, Grapple +33, Damage +13, Knockback -10, Defense 13 (11 flatfooted)

Saves: Tougness +13 (Impervious), Fortitude +5, Reflex +5, Will +5

Cost: Abilities 12, Saves 12, Combat 20, Skills 12, Feats 5, Powers 89, Drawbacks 0 = 150

Complications: Famous
Just as an FYI, as far as I can tell, the game system is not meant to work with powers over rank 20, so you should probably limit yourself to that for power ranks.
TherealBrickwall said:
Okay, I am going to say this here, and add it to the intro post since apparently everyone needs to hear it.
I am not going to choose among your characters for you. I know that you are all, like me, overflowing with ideas for supers. But only you can pick the one that is truly the one you will have the most fun with. Do not ask me to choose, because I cannot. I will point out any ideas that sound really infeasible, but I don't expect to be exercising that option, because the system is awesome like that.
My apologies if it sounded like I wanted you to choose my character. I was thinking more in terms of group balance. Having too many of the same type of character can oftentimes be a frustrating thing, as those players pretty much do the same thing. I didn't want to step on any toes. Again, I wasn't asking you to choose which character to play, and I'm sorry if that's what it seemed like.
I've only gotten one character in so far, and he's right up here on this forum. Maybe if more come in, I'll have something to say on the matter of balance.

I've got most of the character figured out, just need to fine-tune a few minor details, which i will just edit into this post.

Vladimir Semyonovich Prerovsky originally came from Russia. Like many others coming in the first waves of immigration, he was a scientist. He was also a dwarf, with a height of 4'. Despite his short stature, his mind was great, and his intuition led him to success, giving him a lucrative position in a physics research facility in Megalopolis.

For several years he conducted research there, working with prisms and high-powered lasers to try and create a breakthrough in science that will allow near-instantaneous travel.

The research got stuck, unable to make the mathematical theory into practical use, but when word of this research leaked out, the villian Fortress broke into the facility just as Vladimiar was ready to run another test. When Vladimir saw this giant of a man strolling in, seemingly oblivious to the gun shots of a few brave guards, all the while his own attached soci weaponry firing in every direction, he tried to hide, but as chance would have it, he stumbled on one of the posts on which a prism lay, causing it to fall on him. Except it was this one prism that all the lasers in the experiment room were trained on, and when it shattered from a stray shot by the Fortress, Vlamidir saw a bright light emerge from it and engulf him, yet the light quickly receded.

When the Fortress finally took notice of the small scientist, after killing all the guards, and smashing the experiment room, he trained his weapons on him, and asked where was the research notes. The image of the bright light still fresh in his mind, vladimir instinctively called upon it and blinded the fortress, causing a multi-colored ray of light to erupt from his hand. With his opponent blinded momentarily, Vladimir began to learn some control of his new-found powers, and began to shoot damaging blasts of light at him, though they did not prove very effective. Once the Fortress recovered from his blindness, he let loose a volley of his sonic bolts at the new mutant, and both were surprised when the sonic bolts bounced off, and were sent back at the Fortress, who had no defense against his own shots. At that moment, the Fortress decided to leave. Vladimir, still unsure of his powers, did no pursue him, though he vowed to bring him to justice in the future.

After that battle, and once he began to use his powers, he took on the alias of Prism, and knowing his powers are not enough to take out some of the bad guys out there, he jumped on the idea to form a new team of superheroes.

Prism is only 4' tall, yet he keeps up his looks, striving to appear as good as possible. His black hair stops just shy of covering his eyes, who seem to be almost multi-colored, though in low light they take on a deep green color.

PL 10 (150pp)

Abilities: Str: 10 [+0], Dex: 14 [+2], Con: 12 [+1], Int: 16 [+3], Cha: 14 [+2], Wis: 20 [+5]

Skills: Computer +5, Concentration +10, Drive +5, Gather Information +10, Knowledge (Physical Sciences) +15, Languages: English, Notice +15, Search +5, Sense Motive +10, Stealth +10

Size: Small

Feats: Blind-Fight, Defensive Roll x2, Evasion x2, Uncanny Dodge (Sight)


Mind Shield 10

Sensory Shield 5 (Visual)

Light Control 10 (Duration - Concentration)

DAP: Blast 8 (PF: Accuracy x2, Limited - Only in light)

DAP: Dazzle 8 (PF: Accuracy x2, Sense-Dependant - Visual)

Flight 4 (100 mph, Concentration)

Super Senses 5

Danger Sense - Visual and Mental

Radius - Visual

Low-Light Vision

Protection 10 (Impervious, Limited - Energy)

Mimic (Power), Perception, Duration x2, Triggered, Uncontrolled

Combat: Attack +6 (+10 with Blast or Dazzle), Grapple ?, Damage ?, Knockback ?, Defense +11

Saves: Tougness +5, Fortitude +3, Reflex +7, Will +10

Cost: Abilities 26, Saves 16, Size 4, Combat 30, Skills 13, Feats 6, Powers 55, Drawbacks 0 = 150

Complications: Enemy (Fortress)
I've been wanting to play M&M for some time considering I've only really gotten to GM it a while back. So I'll start trying to think up a hero.

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