

The All Seeing Eye


AKA Jasper Jayce


Serving multiple life sentences

Part of an experiment that fused metal to his face.

Multiple counts of murder.

Now is a government hound.


Unknown, probably in his 50s or 60s




Jasper is a massive 6'5". His skin is weathered and scarred from years as a hunter, his body size can be explained as beast like. He is bulky and muscular, giving off a bodygaurd kind of feel. On top of his head in his white aged hair that is slicked back is two massive metal antlers. And over his always frowning face is a metal contraption that looks like a saber tooth's teeth, and can be traced back to his skull area for it could not be fused with his lip. Further down his body metal claws can be found melded to his hands. But tend to be covered by his pirate coat. Cyan colored like his eyes with wonderful gold accents. Armor near the neck and hands, it gives off a royal vibe but up close it can be considered old and weathered. 


Jasper has no weapon anymore technically. Back when he was a hunter there was no really transforming weapons, the idea had started but had not taken off completely. He had massive gauntlets with claws that helped his semblance. That was it. Now he has contraptions all over his body and really can't use anything else/ does not want to. He is too old to master any weapons and will just stick to his lame metal parts all over his body. Jasper has as stated before, moose antlers on his head that are metal/robotic, claws that are melted into his hands and a giant pair of saber tooth teeth that are also all metal or robotic. Over the years he has learned to use them okay ish, he realizes the way he fights is feral and in his older age it is hard to always do certain attacks hence okay ish. He does still have his old weapon but because of the weird melded claws he really can't put them on so he has not other choice. These weapons are really nothing special, they can't expand or use dust. They are really just a bunch of metal parts.


Blood Boil- When super angry, and I mean really angry because Jasper is generally always angry or grumpy. His blood begins to boil and he glows a dark red. When his blood boils the temperature around him increases and he goes into a sort of rampage mode. Anger boils over and he gains speed and massive strength being able to smash his body through walls or rip certain things up like trees and such. His pain sensors are dulled in this state making him a sort of tank but technically even though he does not feel the pain it is still there. His skin tends to slightly get tougher in this state making it harder to hurt him massively but attacks are still going to leave a dent. Plus now that Jasper is a bit older and has been breaking his back all his life his own body technically fights against him anyways so many dont have to do much to breaks his clearly old feeble bones. Also his semblance eventually cools off and he loses his strength and speed and has to take a break. Jasper tends to keep his cool because the semblance physically drains him.




Jasper is probably the most grumpy person you will ever meet. He never looks like he is ever in a good mood and gets angry really easily. Jasper is explained as a dad almost, as he aged he grew more and more resilient to most bickering and fighting. He generally tries to keep everyone's best interests in mind. He may come off as harsh and as said before, tends to be generally grumpy. Its normally directed at life and not really anyone specific, and if it is he will make it known. But when first met Jasper can come off as a scary, he is massive in size and his metal contraptions make his overall feel pretty eriee. But once you get to know him he is overall okay. I mean he still did a lot wrong and he understands that it is and is now trying his hardest to do some good. He has other reasons to do good as well but his main one is to make up for all he has done. Deep down he is fatherly and quite nice even if he never shows it.

History/Prison record:

Jasper has a long list of crimes. Once the whole test went wrong and they fused metal to his body he went berserk. No one knows why but instead of walking away from the whole ordeal and fix himself but instead he hunted those who greenlit the idea. Even after that he hunted for years looking for something, no one knew what. People tried to stop him but it was hard, being a past hunter and all and his angry hot headed nature made it impossible. Multiple murders hang on his record, robberies, destruction of property and treason. A man once a hunter just disappeared one day and came back later as a monster. No one knows what happened over the years he vanished. After his rampage for a while and multiple attempts at his capture Jasper turned himself in. After all the years he was done fighting, he wanted time to heal and fix things. Even if it was impossible. 


One fateful day Jasper met a small man who spun a tale that made the beast kneel. After that he said he would join the taskforce to help and right his wrongs. But deep down there is another reason he is in the taskforce. And the one with the true answer hides behind a psychotic smile.


Jasper is incredibly strong, able to use his aura to enhance certain attacks.

All around very tanky, able to handle quite the amount of pain and is very skilled at using his aura to protect or heal certain wounds.

Unpredictable attacks because of his feral attacking strategy.

Good leader.


Jasper without his semblance is very slow and not agile at all.

Extremely loud and heavy footsteps and voice, sneaking and hiding are a no go for Jasper.

Does not really plan things out, just goes in.

Takes him a while to trust and like people.

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