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Fantasy Murder: The Shadow's Grip


Arya Stark ran through the forest as quickly as she could.

That damn wolf had ran away from her again.

She wondered what got it distracted this time.


She kept her thumb on the hilt of her thin blade she had named Needle.

There might be danger here.

When she stepped into the House of Black and White in Braavos, she drank from a cup and...

That's all she remembered.

She opened her eyes again and she was in this world.

It was obviously a different world she still had to get used to.

But so far all she had seen were trees and a smoking pile of rubble that used to be a building.

But now she was chasing her direwolf Nymeria.


(Woop! Looks like the travel group didn't move since last night, so I'm just gonna add a little more to Lia's post. ^_^ )

Lia's heart raced as she waited, anxious to hear a bark or any sign at all that her companion could still be alive. Darn that stupid dog. Sometimes he just worried her too much.

She waited, and after a moment...

Bark! Bark!

Lia nearly fell to her knees in relief hearing the sound. "I'll be right back, guys," she said, blindly rushing back to look for Renegade around where Dany had been killed. The danger did worry her, but she was more concerned for her dog at the moment.

RainbowWave said:
The four corners of the old class room sat filled with Military radio's, they all seemed to be broken and smashed inwards.
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
The solemn expression returned to The Doctor's face once he was able to shake the taste of blood from his mouth. He walked over to the corners of the room and kneeled down, taking out his sonic screwdriver to examine the broken radio parts.

"Military. What would the military want with a school?" he puzzled to himself.


He pulled out a pair of black glasses--his super cool thinking glasses he liked to wear, and not because he couldn't see--and put them on his face before examining the parts again.

@RainbowWave @Anyone who needs interaction feel free to join The Doctor. He's exploring a school room on the first floor. :)  

JayJay said:
Arya Stark ran through the forest as quickly as she could.

That damn wolf had ran away from her again.

She wondered what got it distracted this time.


She kept her thumb on the hilt of her thin blade she had named Needle.

There might be danger here.

When she stepped into the House of Black and White in Braavos, she drank from a cup and...

That's all she remembered.

She opened her eyes again and she was in this world.

It was obviously a different world she still had to get used to.

But so far all she had seen were trees and a smoking pile of rubble that used to be a building.

But now she was chasing her direwolf Nymeria.

//ooc: She should totally find Lia's missing dog chilling with her wolf. xD
Klutzy Ninja Kitty]@Delayinder [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/6848-rainbowwave/ said:

(Woop! Looks like the travel group didn't move since last night, so I'm just gonna add a little more to Lia's post. ^_^ )

Lia's heart raced as she waited, anxious to hear a bark or any sign at all that her companion could still be alive. Darn that stupid dog. Sometimes he just worried her too much.

She waited, and after a moment...

Bark! Bark!

Lia nearly fell to her knees in relief hearing the sound. "I'll be right back, guys," she said, blindly rushing back to look for Renegade around where Dany had been killed. The danger did worry her, but she was more concerned for her dog at the moment.

The solemn expression returned to The Doctor's face once he was able to shake the taste of blood from his mouth. He walked over to the corners of the room and kneeled down, taking out his sonic screwdriver to examine the broken radio parts.

"Military. What would the military want with a school?" he puzzled to himself.


He pulled out a pair of black glasses--his super cool thinking glasses he liked to wear, and not because he couldn't see--and put them on his face before examining the parts again.

@RainbowWave @Anyone who needs interaction feel free to join The Doctor. He's exploring a school room on the first floor. :)  

//ooc: She should totally find Lia's missing dog chilling with her wolf. xD
// I was thinking the same thang :3

// lemme just finish this league game xD  
Arya had been sprinting for about a minute.

Her wolf wasn't one to howl often, she actually taught her not to do that, but her silence was unnerving.

Finally, she saw the direwolf's tail from behind a tree.

"Nymeria! Finally! I've miss-"

She would run up to her wolf, but that's when she saw it.

Nymeria was sniffing rears with another dog.

Of course Arya's wolf was easily twice the size of the other animal, but that didn't surprise her anymore.

Direwolves grew up to be freakish big, or so she had heard.

And it had been years since she had seen her wolf.

On top of that, she saw a girl approaching as well. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

The blonde woman with the cap was going straight toward the hounds as well, so Arya could only assume she was the owner of the dog.

Arya slowed her pace, keeping a careful hand on the hilt of her blade Needle.

(Sorry For not joining in sooner, Guys. I'm currently In Spain right now, AND I HAVE INTERWEBZ *fanfare*

So what the Fuck has been going down since I was Gone? O.o )
[QUOTE="Hatty Hattington](Sorry For not joining in sooner, Guys. I'm currently In Spain right now, AND I HAVE INTERWEBZ *fanfare*
So what the Fuck has been going down since I was Gone? O.o )

// we started out in a survivor camp but that got invaded and went kaboom

// now we're in a high school that you all are free to explore

// only Isaac, Lia, Blake and Dr. Brown are out scavenging for food

// EDIT: oh and Arya is out too cuz I just introduced her
JayJay said:
// I was thinking the same thang :3
// lemme just finish this league game xD  
Arya had been sprinting for about a minute.

Her wolf wasn't one to howl often, she actually taught her not to do that, but her silence was unnerving.

Finally, she saw the direwolf's tail from behind a tree.

"Nymeria! Finally! I've miss-"

She would run up to her wolf, but that's when she saw it.

Nymeria was sniffing rears with another dog.

Of course Arya's wolf was easily twice the size of the other animal, but that didn't surprise her anymore.

Direwolves grew up to be freakish big, or so she had heard.

And it had been years since she had seen her wolf.

On top of that, she saw a girl approaching as well. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

The blonde woman with the cap was going straight toward the hounds as well, so Arya could only assume she was the owner of the dog.

Arya slowed her pace, keeping a careful hand on the hilt of her blade Needle.


(Renegade is actually pretty big too. Not freakishly big though, so he probably is smaller than her. xD )

As Lia ran, she eventually saw a girl running too and in the same direction she had heard Renegade barking. Lia tried to keep her distance from her, worried that maybe the girl was a hunter. She didn't want Renegade threatened by anyone. Lia skidded to a stop, however, when she finally came across her companion happily sniffing another... dog, more like wolf actually, and a large one at that. Not intimidated by the size of the other animal, Renegade bowed playfully, wagging his tail after having sniffed her for a while. It had been a long time since he had seen another animal similar to himself, and he was hopeful to have a new friend.

Lia glanced to the girl after a moment, who seemed to be interested in the wolf. "Is that one yours?" she questioned.
Klutzy Ninja Kitty] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/7547-jayjay/ said:
(Renegade is actually pretty big too. Not freakishly big though, so he probably is smaller than her. xD )

As Lia ran, she eventually saw a girl running too and in the same direction she had heard Renegade barking. Lia tried to keep her distance from her, worried that maybe the girl was a hunter. She didn't want Renegade threatened by anyone. Lia skidded to a stop, however, when she finally came across her companion happily sniffing another... dog, more like wolf actually, and a large one at that. Not intimidated by the size of the other animal, Renegade bowed playfully, wagging his tail after having sniffed her for a while. It had been a long time since he had seen another animal similar to himself, and he was hopeful to have a new friend.

Lia glanced to the girl after a moment, who seemed to be interested in the wolf. "Is that one yours?" she questioned.
Arya looked back with a cautious look in her eyes.

She slid her hand off her sword, this girl didn't seem like an immediate threat.

And if she was planning on hurting Arya, Nymeria would surely protect her.

"It is." she said in her English accent.

"Though I haven't seen her in years. She seems to be enjoying your dog's company."

Arya looked over at the animals.

"Nymeria! Here, girl!"

The wolf turned its head to Arya and went up to her.

Arya didn't need to squat down to hug her wolf, it was almost her size.

She hugged her wolf, smiling.

"Don't worry, I know she's big but she's harmless... Unless I don't want her to be." 

Klutzy Ninja Kitty] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/7547-jayjay/ said:
(Renegade is actually pretty big too. Not freakishly big though, so he probably is smaller than her. xD )
// Oh good xD

// It said in the books that an adult direwolf is the size of a small horse :3
*Natsu startles himself awake reaching a hand out trying to grab air as he sat up straightforward* LUCY!!... Dammit! *he hits the wall as hard as he can in anger*
JayJay said:
Arya looked back with a cautious look in her eyes.
She slid her hand off her sword, this girl didn't seem like an immediate threat.

And if she was planning on hurting Arya, Nymeria would surely protect her.

"It is." she said in her English accent.

"Though I haven't seen her in years. She seems to be enjoying your dog's company."

Arya looked over at the animals.

"Nymeria! Here, girl!"

The wolf turned its head to Arya and went up to her.

Arya didn't need to squat down to hug her wolf, it was almost her size.

She hugged her wolf, smiling.

"Don't worry, I know she's big but she's harmless... Unless I don't want her to be."
"Oh so she is your wolf," Lia replied, her expression softening. She had a fondness in her heart for others who cared for animals as well. "Yeah, she does seem to like my pal, huh? So her name is Nymeria? I like it. My dog's name is Renegade."

She blushed, realizing they had introduced their pets before they had themselves. "And my name is Lia," she added quickly. "Good to know Nymeria is harmless. I was worried that Renegade was barking because he had run into some kind of trouble, but it looks like he's made a new friend." She whistled for Renegade and his ears perked up before he came over to her.


//ooc: Yeah, I looked up pictures of her because I was curious. She is pretty dang big! But yeah, I pictured Renegade to be pretty big too, maybe not as big as her, but not much smaller either. He's not like a teacup poodle size compared to her, thankfully. haha. It would be super awesome if they had like puppies or something. xD
Hoxton Sat Patiently upon a School Desk, Merely Cleaning His Silenced Bernetti 9 Pistol with a Clean Rag, Again and Again, On occasions, He would scan his weapon And then the Room, Then soon return to what he Was doing, He suspected that Something Would Jump out and Startle him.
(Mid round update comes at 2:30 PM. I also suggest the group of food scavengers get moving ;D Riddles will be also coming, if your character gets them right, a small wish is granted by the sphinx.)

//ooc: Yeah, I looked up pictures of her because I was curious. She is pretty dang big! But yeah, I pictured Renegade to be pretty big too, maybe not as big as her, but not much smaller either. He's not like a teacup poodle size compared to her, thankfully. haha. It would be super awesome if they had like puppies or something. xD
Arya looked back at Lia, then observed her surroundings as Nymeria walked back to Renegade.

She couldn't help but shake the feeling there was an ambush prepared for her.

But she had her direwolf this time, nothing could happen to her.

"Renegade..." she said to herself.

"I like it. My name's Arya, of house Stark. Pleasure to meet someone in this realm, Lia."

Arya smiled, though her eyes were still vigilant and cautious.
RainbowWave said:
(Mid round update comes at 2:30 PM. I also suggest the group of food scavengers get moving ;D Riddles will be also coming, if your character gets them right, a small wish is granted by the sphinx.)
//ooc: Hard to get moving if they aren't here, but maybe I'll just have Lia invite Arya to go with them and start moving the group. xD
Annie was ravaging through her papers, well that's the last thing she remembers before waking up in a coat on the 3rd floor. Annie swing her legs to the ground, then ran her fingers through her thick auburn hair, almost like a brush. Her head hurt, and she wanted to know how she got here, someone had to move her. Annie stood, and returned to her office, continuing the work she was doing the earlier that day. 

[QUOTE="Klutzy Ninja Kitty]//ooc: Hard to get moving if they aren't here, but maybe I'll just have Lia invite Arya to go with them and start moving the group. xD

(Ohh, Dam xD I thought they were, you don't gotta move the group if you don't want to :P )
JayJay said:
Arya looked back at Lia, then observed her surroundings as Nymeria walked back to Renegade.
She couldn't help but shake the feeling there was an ambush prepared for her.

But she had her direwolf this time, nothing could happen to her.

"Renegade..." she said to herself.

"I like it. My name's Arya, of house Stark. Pleasure to meet someone in this realm, Lia."

Arya smiled, though her eyes were still vigilant and cautious.

"Arya? Nice to meet you too. So you're from another world? Well it's a shame you've ended up in this one. It's not the safest of worlds at the moment. We're under constant attack by creatures called shadows and our world's leaders have fallen. If you're alone, you're welcome to stay with my group. I'm out scavenging for food at the moment, but when I'm done I'll be headed back to them. We could use the help looking for food if you're up for it," Lia said, watching her dog playfully pawing at Nymeria.
Klutzy Ninja Kitty] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/7547-jayjay/ said:
"Arya? Nice to meet you too. So you're from another world? Well it's a shame you've ended up in this one. It's not the safest of worlds at the moment. We're under constant attack by creatures called shadows and our world's leaders have fallen. If you're alone, you're welcome to stay with my group. I'm out scavenging for food at the moment, but when I'm done I'll be headed back to them. We could use the help looking for food if you're up for it," Lia said, watching her dog playfully pawing at Nymeria.
Listening to Lia's explanation, Arya's expression grew more confused by the second.

She had a suspicion she wasn't in the same world anymore, but all this sounded much worse than she anticipated.

Though it didn't sound that much different from her own world.

The shadows Lia spoke of were like white walkers, and the leaders of Westeros were all equally useless in their battle over the throne.

She liked the sound of a group though, and it would probably be safer to stick with this girl for now

Arya nodded, half her mind still processing what was just said.

"Right... I'll come with you. Nymeria, come on girl!"

Nymeria came back and stood by Arya's side.

"Just lead the way... I don't exactly know my way around here."

She gave a little chuckle, stroking Nymeria's fur.
SirDerpingtonIV said:
((Godamnit! I leave for a couple hours of sleep, and Adam has had sex already! I didn't kill him in time!). NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
// yes, please kill him ;-;
((I don't feel a couple hormagaunts would be enough. ENJOY YOUR HIVE TYRANT!) 
\(Butstill, I should've instantly splattered his brains with my bolter.)
JayJay said:
Listening to Lia's explanation, Arya's expression grew more confused by the second.
She had a suspicion she wasn't in the same world anymore, but all this sounded much worse than she anticipated.

Though it didn't sound that much different from her own world.

The shadows Lia spoke of were like white walkers, and the leaders of Westeros were all equally useless in their battle over the throne.

She liked the sound of a group though, and it would probably be safer to stick with this girl for now

Arya nodded, half her mind still processing what was just said.

"Right... I'll come with you. Nymeria, come on girl!"

Nymeria came back and stood by Arya's side.

"Just lead the way... I don't exactly know my way around here."

She gave a little chuckle, stroking Nymeria's fur.
@Delayinder @pochiko

(If they don't come Lia will just continue on and they can catch up. xD Because she's nice like that.)
Klutzy Ninja Kitty]@Delayinder [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/7358-pochiko/ said:
(If they don't come Lia will just continue on and they can catch up. xD Because she's nice like that.)
Arya walked with Lia, the two hounds behind the girls.

She was glad to finally have found someone, and she seemed trustworthy as well.

Arya knew that she would have to find some people to trust, this world didn't seem like the most pleasant to be in.

But she would be fine.

She had Needle and Nymeria.

// gonna play a league match and probably go eat afterward, Arya just walks along with everyone for now

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