Murder Party


Dark roads lead to beautiful destinations.

  1. Atleast a paragraph.
  2. Be detailed.
  3. You MUST have one boy for each girl.
  4. Don't do permanent damage to another character without the player's permission.
  5. Please start off with only 2 characters and then you can add more later on.

All Characters:

@BasicallyMe - Ava, Alex, host 1

@ShadedRose - Valen, Genevieve, host 2

Story: (Starter)

You receive an invitation in the mail to a party that you have absolutely no knowledge of. You've seen the house before, but never the host. Much less did you even know anyone lived there. The party starts in 10 minutes and you're already dressed for the occasion. Although your mind is pondering with thoughts of who else got invited, your quite curious and ready to go. Keep yourself safe, dear.

Dear Guest,

I ask only that you bring this letter and yourself to join me at my home located a mile from Green Lake Cemetary. I expect you to be courteous and upon arriving be prepared to hand in this letter.

I do apologize ahead of time for any inconvenience due to the short notice, you WILL be rewarded before the party's end. There will be food for all and plenty of wine to go around.

Once again, please refrain from forgetting this letter. This will be your ticket into my house of wonders.

Yours Truly,

Ms. Mercury Sweet
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"Welcome valued guests, Ms. Sweet has been expecting you all! I am Mr. O'Connor, Drake O'Connor.

I will be your guide for as long as you stay here at the Sweet House."

Upon entering guests will be urged to this small yet cozy greeting room.


To the left is the dining room.


Going through the closed door at the opposite end leads into the kitchen.

Staff dine in the kitchen and are not allowed to fraternize with the guests.


Going straight/right takes you into the resting area.



Going upstairs will result in the discovery of many guest bedrooms and a master bathroom including several bathing areas within.


Other than the bathrooms there is a study and a viewing room.



Guest bedrooms are all alike.

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I'm sorry to ask this but I would like it to be put into effect that posts are limited to a max of two while someone is missing. It's just to keep us from getting behind and possibly overwhelmed. I apologize if any of you disagree or find it idiotic. Please let me know if there are any complaints...I will do my best to work something out with you guys!

@SassyLlama @Erza Scarlet

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