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Fandom Murder IV: Eye of the Storm

Yuri stared at the schematics and scanned every last detail of them before looking back at Leon.
"This is perfect we can finally get out of here!"
She had a huge smile on her face and just felt like hugging something. She could hardly contain it. Usually at times like this where she couldn't control her emotions she'd use her knife, but that isn't an option anymore.

Aegis Aegis
Status: Gucci Mr.Stark
With: Stormcloak Stormcloak doggodaily doggodaily kirimei kirimei Maxiliase Maxiliase Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara @Centurion_

Leon smiled at the news “You seem to be quick to memorize things!” He complimented her as he was happy about this. He thought that the town was beginning to get stale. Too Much death for him to handle. He was ecstatic on the inside and it caused his smile to be very alluring even if his body language wasn’t giving it off.
Yuri looked at everyone again as she continued to smile.
"So, is everyone ready to go?"
She started to remember everything they've all been through during this short period of time. She remembered what Tomy asked her. Her smile slowly began to fade and a more embarrassed, flustered look showed up on her face. She took the money back out of her pocket and stared at it a little bit before putting it back.

Aegis Aegis Stormcloak Stormcloak Maxiliase Maxiliase
Status: Gucci Mr.Stark
With: Stormcloak Stormcloak doggodaily doggodaily kirimei kirimei Maxiliase Maxiliase Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara @Centurion_

Leon got a grave look on his face as she asked this. They were going to leave everyone else to die and this challenged his morals more than any of them realized. His face was awash with serveral emotions as he felt himself become angry. A spark lit inside him. He wanted to go back, but he kept his mouth shut and without a word he pulled out his weapon and was ready to go. A shroud of darkness seemed to look over his tense face.
Yuri got prepared as well. The smile on her face gone now replaced with a more flustered look as she picked up the schematics and putting it in her pocket. She looked at Leon again before unholstering her gun.

Aegis Aegis
She looked at the door and started walking towards it.
"Just follow me..."
She walked out the door and started heading in the direction leading to an entrance to the sewer system.

Aegis Aegis
She blushed a bit. No one has ever called her ma'am. She shook it off an continued forward. She rounded some corner until they were only a few turns away from their goal.

Aegis Aegis
Status: Gucci Mr.Stark
With: Stormcloak Stormcloak doggodaily doggodaily kirimei kirimei Maxiliase Maxiliase Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara @Centurion_

Leon heard his heartbeat begin to buzz as they drew closer to their objective. He didn’t like the idea of abandoning everyone. Every time he forced it back down it floated back to the surface of his mind. Was he really making the right choice by saving the ones he could right now? Should he try to save the others? He was stolen from his thoughts by another symphony of mixed machine gun fire from a nearby street. It was getting closer.
She turned a few more corners before reaching the entrance. She pointed at it with a heroic look on her face.
"Here it is!"
She ran do it looking it and then back at the others. They were finally here. She was ready to finally get out. She started to think if there was anyone still left. She moved her hand back slowly wondering on if it's best to continue.

Aegis Aegis
She nodded a little sadly as she climbed down into the sewage system. It was dark and smelled absolutely terrible. Her gag reflexes went off a few times but she was able to keep herself from throwing up.
"Ugh... I can't believe we have to walk in this stuff..."
The thoughts that they were leaving people behind returned to her head. She looked down sadly with her hair hovering over her eyes. She wished she could do something, but she was useless.

Aegis Aegis
Yuri started to look around before walking again. Luckily the schematic was able to show were the sewage system led and where they could finally get out. She made sure to watch her step since slipping and falling would be a nightmare in here. She gagged a little at the thought.

Aegis Aegis
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Status: Gucci Mr.Stark
With: Stormcloak Stormcloak doggodaily doggodaily kirimei kirimei Maxiliase Maxiliase Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara @Centurion_

Leon stopped on the later every now and again as to not run into Yuri. Before long he had reached the bottom with Yuri and it was exceptionally dark. They probably should of thought of this earlier. Oh well. Leon had a flashlight. Although he didn’t know about anybody else. He kept his from his RPD uniform.
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It was possible to see, but it was extremely dark. If they sat around long enough their eyes would probably adjust enough to be able to see better. They didn't have enough time for that however. Yuri got out her phone to Ye and use the flashlight on it, but it was out of battery.
"No.. not now.. we've come so far..."
She nearly started crying before she remembered. She memorized the layout too to bottom. She didn't need to see to find out where to go. She could feel any walls coming up so she'd know when to turn. It might not be safe to do this, but it was the only option it seemed.

Aegis Aegis
Status: Gucci Mr.Stark
With: Stormcloak Stormcloak doggodaily doggodaily kirimei kirimei Maxiliase Maxiliase Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara @Centurion_

Leon heard Yuri come to a halt and in the silence of the sewer he heard her breathing begin to become ragged as she was panicked, or so Leon thought. He felt around through the darkness as his hand came into hers and clasped around it. He needed her to be strong, and, to be honest, he needed her to be strong. He was getting tired from the days activites.
Yuri began to blush a little. Luckily he couldn't see it since it was so dark. She started to move forward again straining her eyes a bit just to see a little. She continued forward bumping into a few walls here and there, but eventually maneuvered her way through all the twist and turns of the sewer.

Aegis Aegis
(( Me watching this RP at work


Yuri continued to walk ignoring Jason's comment.
"We should be at the exit right abo-"
She was suddenly stopped as her forehead made contact with a metal ladder. The sound of metal shaking echoed through the sewer as she began to rub her head.
"F-Found it..."

Aegis Aegis Stormcloak Stormcloak
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