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Fandom Murder IV: Eye of the Storm

“I’m not even sure how I got here. Just woke up on the outskirts of town. I don’t know where my friends went or even the train I was supposed to be is at.” Leon looked across the table sternly at Jason “Tell me, heard of Umbrella?”
( Stormcloak Stormcloak )
“That’s what I thought,” Leon remarks “where I come from they are the worlds leading pharmaceutical company, and I just figured out that they also dabbled in bio-weapons.” Leon felt suddenly alone. The world seemed to be closing in on him and he realizes he isn’t where he should be. He steadied his hand and picked up a fork to dig into his apple pie.
( Stormcloak Stormcloak )
Leon, noticing Jason’s disinterest, decides to shut up and just eat his apple pie. Kinda pouring out my concerns here man... Leon thinks to himself as he finished the apple pie.
( Stormcloak Stormcloak )
An awkward silence befalls the two at the table as they’ve hit their tolerance point for one another once again.
( Anyone Anyone near two whales diner)
Toshinori "All Might" Yagi

Location - Two Whales Diner | With - Leon and Jason | Condition - Pissed, but fine

After finishing up his business at Blackwell Academy, Toshinori made his way back into town and towards the Two Whales Diner once more. He considered grabbing one more coffee before heading back to his hotel room to prepare for the storm. As he approached the diner, however, he spotted two familiar faces sitting together at a booth by the window. It was Leon and that other guy he was fighting with back at the school. He couldn’t stop his fists from clenching at his sides as he marched his way in, approaching their booth with a none-too-pleased look on his face.

“Pardon my language, but what the fuck were you two thinking, starting a goddamned knife fight in the middle of a school campus?! What would you have done if you’d hurt one of the students there?! Hell, someone could have gotten killed if that security guard had opened fire on you two! Honestly, it amazes me that you aren’t arrested yet!”

He wasn’t sorry for lecturing two grown men like that. There was no excuse for such recklessness, as far as the retired hero was concerned.

( Aegis Aegis , Stormcloak Stormcloak )​
“Well to be fair, he started it. My cop instincts kicked into full-gear. I didn’t really think about the place when I was defending myself.” Leon answered shamefully, but honestly while giving the blond man a repentive look.
( Professor Spacecakes Professor Spacecakes Stormcloak Stormcloak )
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Toshinori "All Might" Yagi

Location - Two Whales Diner | With - Leon and Jason | Condition - Fine

Toshinori let out a heavy sigh. Leon seemed repentant enough – and he was a police officer, so he’d grant him that much – but this other fellow… He dressed like a hero or a villain, he really couldn’t tell. Probably a vigilante, an illegal hero, if he were to judge from what he knew.

“Yes, it seemed to turn out alright in the end, but that doesn’t excuse your actions. But… Well, it looks like whatever beef you two had with each other is resolved, so I’ll let it slide this once. Just don’t start shit like that again, okay?”

( Aegis Aegis , Stormcloak Stormcloak )​
“Seems fair. Either way we both probably have bigger fish to fry around town. I still haven’t found my companions.” Leon smiles to the ex-hero. “Oh and I forgot to introduce myself last time! Name’s Leon.” He fired a two finger wave at the blond man.
( Stormcloak Stormcloak Professor Spacecakes Professor Spacecakes )
Toshinori "All Might" Yagi

Location - Two Whales Diner | With - Leon and Jason | Condition - Fine

“Oh, right. How rude of me. I am All—” he cut himself off before finishing his instinctual greeting. No, revealing who he’d been as a hero would completely defeat the purpose of coming all the way out to this middle-of-nowhere town.

“I’m Toshinori Yagi. How about you, young man?” he finished, nodding in Jason’s direction.

( Aegis Aegis , Stormcloak Stormcloak )​


The match against the Doctor lasted 5 more minutes.

He was so preoccupied with Max he didn't notice two other generators completed in rapid succession with one another.

You could hear his footsteps as he drew closer, the exit gates powering up as you flipped the switch to escape the nightmare.

Glancing back, you saw the Doctor stop in his tracks, his head cocked to the side as you ran out of the premise of the Arcadia Bay Psychiatric Institute. Within approximately 2 or 3 minutes, your vision gave way to the sun once more. The Entity's hold on you weakened the further you traveled across the seemingly abandoned Arcadia Bay... and you found yourself in-front of the Blackwell Academy campus. The time was 4:45pm. The sun was about to set and the campus was all but empty.


You felt... strong. Unusually so. A spark of electricity brimmed violently in your fingertips before dissipating entirely. A smile crept across your face. With your new ability, you could send a localized electro-convulsive burst of electricity at will at your enemies, slowly driving them to madness.

You have obtained [Carter's Spark].



Also, Max re-appeared, completely unscathed, with a sore bum.​
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Master Shake

After danger reared its ugly head, I had decided to position myself in a nearby closet so I could better plan my next move. After a few minutes had passed, I heard a loud and irritating noise, and since I was getting bored, I decided to investigate said noise. Sneakily creeping my way through the shithole hospital, I found that the door to leave had been unlocked, no doubt to reward me for my virtuous patience. With a hearty whoop and a skip in my step, I exited that dumbass place, two middle fingers raised in the air for the doctor's benefit.

As soon as I had left the building I could feel a sensation I had not sensed in a long time. Power. I could feel it coursing through my veins, manifesting in physical form through lightning at my fingertips.

"Ohohohoho! Yeah, baby! Suck it! I can shoot lightning out of my friggin hands!"

Eager to test out my new ability, I zapped a car that someone had lazily parked in the handicapped spot, hoping to make an awesome explosion.

Akibahara Akibahara KandiPoP KandiPoP DapperDogman DapperDogman Username Username Zerulu Zerulu thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Noivian Noivian Rhysie Rhysie
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Pandora Kokoro

Location - Blackwell | With - Forest Peeps ( Rhysie Rhysie )

Pandora looked around and then down to her hand. "Nifty." She took a deep breath thankful to be out of that hell hole. "Few things shake me up but that Doctor...Ew...." She shuddered to recall his face and his unnerving laughter. "I've seen a number horrors in my time and he is right up there near the top." She removed her sunhat returning it to her tote bag as she looked over the darkened campus. "I get the feeling that...whatever that was...was just the beginning." She sighed in resignation before turning to Jack to see how he fared.​
"Mouth of Madness"


The storm came, a massive coastal storm system covering most of the Western United States and Oregon swept across Arcadia Bay violently.

It fell on Blackwell Academy, where Principle Wells looked out his window, a strike of thunder illuminating his face before dimming once again.

It fell on the Madsen Residence, where Joyce and David lay on their bed, under a blanket and watched the rain lash against the windows, a look of worry on David’s face while his wife slept, nestled against him.

It fell over you, who watched the torrential downpour wash over the small Oregon town, possibly wondering how you got to Arcadia Bay, and worse yet, what fate has in store for you.

It would be tomorrow for your fear to be realized.



Morning hits.

It's 10:52am and the storm stopped a few hours ago.

You woke up, well rested, but you couldn't shake that terrible feeling something was off, oh so off, today. You opened your windows, or wherever you slept, looking outside: It was normal. Nothing irregular, nothing out of the ordinary. Stepping outside, you decide to make a return trip to Two Whales Diner.


A flashing yellow on blue neon sign lit up the early morning. Stepping through the door, you’re met by your new friends you met yesterday. Of course, there's Joyce welcoming your appearance with that familiar, sweet smile, "Well welcome back, hon. Would you like to try out our new menu item: Beef a la Lisa this morning? It's on special!"

The smell was a little different though. Pleasant, but different.

The fresh aroma of beef and wondrous sound of sizzling bacon fills the air. If you looked at the Chef, he smiled, and the bacon looks a bit more raw than usual, but damned delicious! Mmm, yummy eggs and bacon for my tummy! If you looked to your right, you could see two posters which caught your attention:

A.) Two Whales Diner: Helping the Disenfranchised and Homeless since 2018!

B.) An image of Nathan Prescott sporting an 18th Century powdered wig and Dana Ward sporting an elegant Victorian era dress. There's an inscription on top which read 'New Play Coming Today! Buy tickets now!'

Welcome back to Two Whales Diner.

You can now start posting in-game! The Traitors will be set up shortly. First kill & Choose-Your-Own-Adventure decision will be posted @ 5:00pm MST depending on activity levels.

Cast List:
Rhysie Rhysie - Handsome Jack (Borderlands)
Professor Spacecakes Professor Spacecakes - Toshinori "All Might" Yagi (My Hero Academia)
Username Username - Max Ludwig (OC)
Jeremiah Jeremiah - Agent 8 (Splatoon)
Zerulu Zerulu - Elise Fuser (OC)
Storm-Shadow14 Storm-Shadow14 - Kinara Kaal (OC)
Zamasu Zamasu - Sakura Kasugano (Street Fighter)
ghxstfreak ghxstfreak - (Placeholder)
GinkyGotBack GinkyGotBack - Master Shake (Aqua Teen Hunger Force)
doggodaily doggodaily - Connor (Detroit: Become Human)
LunarDiscord LunarDiscord - Celeste Seshafi Ikari (OC)
darkred darkred - Colonel Mael Radec (Killzone)
Corrosion Corrosion - Nathaniel Renko (Singularity)
FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla - Kessler (Placeholder)
Noivian Noivian - Max Caulfield (Life is Strange)
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore - Chloe Price (Life is Strange)
Caffeine Freak Caffeine Freak - Touka Kirishima (Tokyo Ghoul)
Maxiliase Maxiliase - Tony Montana (Scarface)
Macarons in Pastel Macarons in Pastel - Garry (Ib)
June Verles June Verles - The Joker (DC Universe)
DapperDogman DapperDogman - Gregory House (House)
T The Man With No Name - Joseph Joestar (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Goldie Goldie - Vernita "Copperhead" Green (Kill Bill)
Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara - Yuri (Doki Doki Literature Club)
Neptunes_Goddess Neptunes_Goddess - Megumin (Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo!)
Stormcloak Stormcloak - Red Hood (DC)
Aegis Aegis - Leon Kennedy (Resident Evil)
Sleek Sleek - The Heavy (Team Fortress 2)
Spireshade Spireshade - The Jester (Darkest Dungeon)
Centurion_ Centurion_ - Nagayuki Tsumita (Juuni Taisen: Zodiac War)
e_ighth e_ighth - Takeyasu Tsumita (Juuni Taisen: Zodiac War)
MLP_Phoenix MLP_Phoenix - Lanaya (OC)
LunarDiscord LunarDiscord - Claire Redfield (Resident Evil)
RAVEN THE DESTROYER RAVEN THE DESTROYER - Ghirahim (Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword)
KandiPoP KandiPoP - Pandora Kokoro (OC)
Ineptitude Ineptitude - Mey-Rin (Black Butler)
Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi - Lilian Ashfallen (OC)
kirimei kirimei - Babydoll (Suckerpunch)
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp as Vaati (Legend of Zelda)

Vaati looks at his hand, the sparks dancing along his fingertips, "More lightning Magic? Like I don't have that. Yet it seems to contain the essence of whatever that corrupt realm was. This may prove useful." He looks around and spots the posters. "Play or food, Play or food. The choice is obvious. If any of you can still see or hear me, let me tell you that it was a horrible experience to share with you." He then turns and walks to the diner. (A)
Round 1
Connor looked around, looking at the two posters as he squinted. He had already been to the diner...so perhaps he could go to the elegant play, or get some tickets at least. (B) Connor hoped not to go alone, so he walked along until he met Leon, however in a new outfit now. He also saw the scrawny blonde man and some new man in some odd vigilante type clothing. Connor looked to Leon, nodding to him, "It's me, Connor. The android sent by CyberLife, perhaps we can investigate at the Victorian play, some deviants may be hiding there, and I'd need a couple of hands, the two others can come too." Connor reassured as he asked the two.

"Human plays don't quite intrigue a deviant hunter like me, however it'd be a good place to hunt deviants at, who knows what could be lurking there." Connor then inquired further, ready to head on his way to get some tickets.

Aegis Aegis
Professor Spacecakes Professor Spacecakes
Stormcloak Stormcloak


Name- Yuri

Yuri woke up rubbing the tiredness from her eyes. She decided to just go back to her hotel and sleep until the storm was over. The sun was out and shining its beautiful rays down through the blinds from her window waking her up.
"M-Moring already...?"
The storm had definitely stopped yet something still seemed off. She shrugged it off and put some books in her bag before heading to the diner again. Upon arrival she was greeted by the same lady. She smiled and sat down. She decided to order the special and some tea and proceeded to get her book out. It was a rather large book with an eye on the cover that said "Portrait of Markov.". She looked around the diner a bit and saw everyone around. She would talk to them, but her shyness keeps her from talking to anyone.

Akibahara Akibahara Anyone Anyone who wants to partner up :/​
Handsome Jack

Jack and his group decided to take a stroll back to the diner where everything started, the same waitress from before approached Jack and now offered a "Beef a la lisa" something which the corporate maniac decided to order "A meal would do me good.. go for that....", A bit of a meal can't make anyone bad, right?... RIGHT? Anyway, Jack decided to stand up and look at some of the posters which contained info for a play and for another event

Akibahara Akibahara KandiPoP KandiPoP Stormcloak Stormcloak

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