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Fantasy Munus Deorum - Lore



Tende altum, volare altius

  • Munus Deorum map w text.jpg

    Note there are many points blank on the map, those are towns and villages you can name and create lore around to suit your characters. Simply pm me to discuss and I will add approved content to the lore.
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The Gulli Plains

The land remains as time passes

The Gulli plains span across the southern half of West Averus, demarcated almost in their entirety by the river Ardra, leaving only the Fortval canyon and the imperial border to the south and the Silver sea to the west. The majority of their territory is flatland, comprised of fertile soil and a great number of natural and man-made streams, which together come to create a nurturing environment for many crops, the fields on which they are grown stretching as far as the eye can see. On the horizon one can see the odd hill here and there, usually signaling that a village or town is nearby, yet it is not uncommon for a settlement to start and end amid the nothing, with neither a grove, nor rock in sight. This land is not devoid of forests, however, and they are most commonly found following the great river Ardra or the natural streams that flow into it or the sea.

The great river Ardra, known also as Ardra Nakshatra, is the longest river in Averus and one of the most important water corridors for the country. Depending on who you ask, you may hear different answers when asking about its origin, yet most often one of three names will be mentioned: Ardabashi – the westernmost stream, known for having a brilliant blue karst spring; Perperek – the middle stream, on whose western bank can be found several ruins of ancient importance hidden among the lianas; or Vurbitza – the easternmost stream and southeastern border of the designated area. While there are innumerable other tributaries, the mentioned are considered the main three originators of Ardra. In folk songs, they are described as two sisters Ardabashi and Vurbitza and their brother Perperek, with two of them having an argument and the third finding a way to make amends so that peace may be restored

It should be noted that 100 years ago the land between Ardabashi and Perperek and the one between Perperek and Vurbitza were not considered a part of the Gulli plains. While the first belonged to the Water God’s realm, the second was considered a “land of everlasting friendship”, where the bond between the Water and Earth Gods was commemorated and the two would be each-other’s guest. Yet times have changed and due to the redrawing of the inner borders from the rulers in the capital and the steady persistence of Benevolent Lady Mastani, they now fall under the management of the Gulli Plains

Off the golden dune coast are several islands, big and small, that have their names changed every so often as a present to a noble or deity. Ones that haven’t had their names changed in 100 years are the two largest islands – Tamna and Ilankai – which provide calm sheltered waters for the main city of Baktris.

The Empire’s beloved one is loyal and true

Vast and plentiful, the Gulli Plains is the spoiled child of the Empire. But how could the exalted emperor not look fondly at this land and its people, when both gave him so much more than he returned?

Beginning with what could be found domestically, the Gulli plains provide the Empire with a considerable portion of several types of produce, some commonly found elsewhere and others explicitly grown there, such as various spices, citrus fruits, rice and more. In the animal husbandry sector, the area is widely known for its bird-rearing, sending songbirds and colourful feathers as far as the northern posts, and buffaloes coming in at second, whose milk is the “secret” to the youthful visage of every distinguished lady. Fishing is also a major benefactor to the wealth of the area, not only because the catch can be traded as meat, but also gifted as decoration and pets to the little ones with silver spoons in their mouths.

Moving on towards external factors, the Gulli Plains present as a key player. Whether it be transporting cargo on the Ardra river from Dragon’s Back Mountains, delivering precious or construction stones from Fortval canyon, permitting entrance and leave of caravans through the Empire’s southern border or greeting foreign envoys, who would much rather dock at the southern ports where the weather is pleasant and the waters safe than brave the northern tempests, a merchant would be a fool of themselves to not visit once and learn a thing or two from those with generational traditions in the various types of trade.

If we were to speak of traditions, the Gulli Plains have and express them not just through the glib tongues and diligent book-keeping of the merchant guilds, but also through art.

Some of the most notorious painters and writers hail from towns and villages of the western corner, stirring the hearts of even the most cold-hearted court officials of Xiir with their masterful strokes and vivid depictions. This should come as no surprise, as the biggest producers of paint and dyes are precisely here. What’s more, over the years, the number of those that make and sell paper has increased along the river Ardra, steadily taking away this important craft from the people of the South. That is not the only thing that the Westerners have allegedly stolen from the South in the past 100 years, yet that is a story for another time. Other art forms developed and proudly displayed in the Gulli Plains are dancing and acting, which serve as grand attractions to visitors in and outside of the festivals.

Speaking of festivals, the people of the Gulli plains have, quite frankly, a preposterous amount of them. Not a month passes without at least 5. There are those that are in the name of one important figure or deity, but there are also those that may seem outright ridiculous to outsiders, such as Day of the Flowering Cat, Day of Lying Riceboy, Day of Wive’s Men and so on. Regardless of their theme, the people will cheer with all their hearts, making the streets and even the roads between villages seem like a neverending celebration.

All this said, the Empire’s general view of the Gulli plains is truly benevolent. As a major provider of material pleasure, almost every noble youth has visited their major cities at least once and those that haven’t long to visit, while the older generation looks back fondly at the memories of their wild youth under the warm rays and myriad of colours. Naturally, in order for this land of riches to continue expanding its extravagance, leniency is in order. Thus, the common people of the Gulli plains do, in fact, live in peace, paying the lowest taxes in all of Averus and barely noticing the stationed imperial military, which is down to a bare minimal and consisting predominantly of people close to the Gulli lords. Of course, none of this would be the case, were it not for the governing nobility of Gulli Plains and their Benevolent Lady Mastani.

To rule is to be true to the people’s desires

The Gulli Plains are currently under the administrative care of the Tonuimun family and the Benevolent Lady Mastani. Tonuimun is pronounced Ton-ui-moon with the first “u” like the one in “nut” and the second “u” like the one in “Uber”.

The Tonuimun family has stood the test of time as rulers for centuries. They are known for their steady demeanor, diplomacy and philanthropy, as well as for their love of the arts and their desire to reshape the land with ingenious contraptions that change the flow of the streams, to a point where some say that they know water better than the former Water God.

Historical accounts state that 100 years ago, Kamen Tonuimun, the ruler at the time, had waited at the grand shrine in the capital for their deity, believing that in due time they would answer his call as the siege of the Usurpers began. He had been confident that his people would survive until their arrival, for he knew that the elaborate protection arrays that their Great One had laid down generations ago stood firm and strong. Yet the Water God did not arrive. And the Usurper’s army entered the capital a mere 4 days after they reached them. A listener would assume that unseen horrors would ensue thereafter. Contrary to the repetitive sway of history, such was not the destined fate. For in the same day that the enemy entered the capital, so did Lady Mastani too emerge from the waters of the Starbed Pool within the Thousand Pearls Palace.

She had been a mere assisting deity to the Water God, one no different than the others that directly served them, yet unlike the others, she remained where her duty was, at the heart of the Gulli Plains. Clear and kind was Lady Mastani in her words as she urged her human lord to regain his senses, to uphold his family’s tradition and speak to the Usurper’s general not as a ruler facing his enemy, but as a master greeting his guest. A fresh splash of water it was, bringing clarity to the despondent lord Tonuimun. And thus, amid the foreign solders with a thirst for battle stood he, with a smile bright as the light dancing in a spring and eyes calm as the surface of a lake. Peace talks began and after a long and arduous negotiation process, the Gulli Plains were spared from further conflict and were sworn as vassals to the Empire. This story is a beloved one among common folk and scholars alike and parts of it are often performed at cultural events or sang about in the streets.

The current rulers of the Gulli Plains are a pair of identical twins: Radomir and Thamarai.

In the past, the nobles were worried about how the two would interact in adulthood. Thankfully, the twins have loved and appreciated one another since birth and are ruling in harmony in the present day. They complement each other in every aspect and maintain a cheerful demeanor at all times. Theirs is a policy of balance and peace, complying with the wishes of the Emperor and sending numerous invitations for festivities to the imperial court each year. For the worshipers of old, they have no tolerance, yet prefer to negotiate a convert than outright sending the believers to their watery graves.

Kamen Tonuimun is the great-great-grandfather of the pair and was named Grand Duke of the Gulli Plains by the Emperor.

Benevolent Lady Mastani

Minor deity of ink, dyes, charms, contracts and elegance.
Patron of painters, calligraphers and writers.
Most beloved high being of Gulli Plains.

Lady Mastani is the spiritual leader of Gulli Plains and has been governing alongside each human Grand Duke ever since the God of Water’s downfall. She is accepted by the people not so much as a deity, but as a ruler who just so happens to have a longer lifespan than that of a mortal. Her primary obligations lie in handling cultural affairs and representing her land in front of the Emperor and the original usurper gods. Always smiling and talkative, she is the epitome of grace, an ideal pursued by every lady both inside and outside the main city. Mastani is most fond of creations of art, large mammals, fish and birds, which is why they are her primary sacrifices. In her view, such beautiful things out to exist until their brightest light and then be snuffed out, so that those around them may not suffer the sight of their decay. The only exception is the sarus crane, which is also her animal form. She currently resides in the city of Bakhtris in the Thousand Pearls Palace along with the Tonuimun family.

Of the facts turned myth only the old walls knew

The current capital of the Gulli Plains, Baktris, is well-known for its colourful buildings, waterpaths, bridges and staircases that lead up from the docks under charming blue gates to the various levels of city streets. It is the biggest port on the southwest coastline and an important trade hub. One of the reasons for this is that Ilankai island and Tamil island serve as natural barriers against large waves, making the waters between them and the mainland calm and favorable for docking.

In the past, this was the largest holy city of the Water God, where fervent pilgrimage and worship took place. Numerous statues and monuments existed in their name and believers both rich and poor would flood their temples, singing praises and paying tribute. Since the fall of the Water God, however, major changes were made to the city’s architecture. While the white stone base of the streets and some buildings remain, anything even remotely resembling a shrine in the name of the former deities was demolished. At the time, this provided the common people with materials to reconstruct their homes and opened up space for new construction.

The Thousand Pearls Palace is situated here and consists of tall blue buildings with white roofs and several courtyards that house the Tonuimun Lords and their immediate family, the Benevolent Lady Mastani and the courts of governance.

A new type of building that arose 100 years ago in the city are the Greeting Houses. They are usually small in size and white, with black tiles on their roofs and floors and blue entrances. Inside one can find beautiful natural scenes decorating the walls, a source of water such as a fountain, pool or stone basin and a white stone surface near the water, the rest of the details depending on the preferences of the nearby residents. If cranes are part of the wall paintings, the House is dedicated to Lady Mastani, and if there is something else, they are attributed to the respectful deity. The purpose of the Greeting Houses is to serve as focus points for every neighborhood to complete their sacrificial animal slaughtering during the festivities of the may calendar and non-calendar celebrations. While they aren’t as eye-catching as the temples of old, they are exceedingly popular and their number rises every year.

A variation of the Greeting House is the larger House of Transience. They are fewer in number, usually constructed closer to Thousand Pears Palace and have permanent resident keepers. They are used by people of the arts to offer their works to the Lady Mastani as sacrifice. This is done by “putting it to rest in merciful water”. Examples would be placing written works into the water source or destroying sculptures on the spot and then submerging the remains in the water. Some Houses of Transience even have art rooms where the art may first be created and then sacrificed.
The Northern Mountains & The Temple City Of Liirael

Situated near the summit of Mt. Kalderu, one of the largest mountains in the northern mountain ranges lies the Temple City of Liirael, hallowed for centuries as the home of Siuhaydis Ael`ara Shora. It is said that none but the patroness of air, lightning and change know who laid the foundations of the city, not even the Liiraellians, the devout priesthood of the Goddess. As one of the largest mountains in the region, Mt. Kalderu’s tip has always been shrouded beyond the highest clouds, with none but the goddess herself having seen it.

Liirael was carved right into the cliff-face, sometimes looking as if the very mountains had shaped itself into the wondrous towers with their elegant curved roofs that make up the architecture of the city. Liirael’s population is scarce in comparison, made up mostly of acolytes, priests, priestesses and their immediate families all dedicated to worshipping the Northern Tempest and the general upkeep of the place. But one should never confuse these people with pious clergymen that chant prayers from sunrise to sundown.

In fact, the Liiraellians, like many northerners who revere Siuhaydis, are first and foremost artisans. Masters of their craft. Be it carpentry, pottery, smithing, stoneworking or a master tailor and weaver like the goddess herself. As such, through its people one can grasp life as a devoted northerner as more than weathering the frigid winds and storms, but finding one’s truest passion and pursuing it in order to attain freedom. An air of liberation under the vast snowy skies.

The Winding Way
For much of the year, the trek up to the summit of Mt. Kalderu is long, arduous and even perilous. It begins in the valleys between the snowcapped mountain ranges, not far from the bustling merchant town of Isvaeldale. The path, though well used and maintained, gradually increases in difficulty as it clings to the sides of the mountain, twisting and turning while the traveler is constantly buffeted by strong winds of sleet and snow. Few would seek to traverse the Winding Way during these times as the journey could take several days, except if they sought a freedom no material could provide.

The Storm Chimes
The hallowed grail in Liirael and ultimate destination of many pilgrims who sought the goddess’ audience. It consists of four gigantic ancient wind chimes that sits above the heart of Lirael, the Cloud Altar. It was said that when rung, the goddess would answer its call, no matter the distance. It is then that Siuhaydis’ followers would offer her a gift of their treasured memories and in return, they would find their release.

Andural, Great Library of Lirael
In the innermost sanctums of Lirael lies the great doors that lead to the halls of Andural, the famed Great Library of Lirael. Though set within the mountain, its walls are high with a perpetual cold bracing wind flitting through the echoing chambers, removing the air of claustrophobia often associated with enclosed spaces. Even in ancient times, there were rumours that the Great Library existed before the foundation of Lirael. While it has never been confirmed, the favoured few who have stepped through its vast hallways have always spoken of how the very stone on which they stepped seemed to whisper back to them in a forgotten tongue.

Andural, despite being called a library, is more than an archive of old dusty tomes. Rather, it is more of a repository to house the many great works of legendary craftsmen of the Northlands. The Great Library consists of countless levels, all leading ever upward. None but the closest priesthood of Siuhaydis are allowed in the upper levels and even then, the spiralling hallways extend yet further to ever dizzying heights; places that only one with the power of the air itself could ever reach.

Almara`damri, Festival Of Expression
The Almara`damri would perhaps be the only time the songs and celebrations of the northerners ring louder than the howling winds. Set on the first night of summer when the Moonglimmers bloom, people from all over the Northlands (sometimes other regions as well) would flock to Isvaeldale as the streets and inns light up with scores of artistic presentations. Musical bands would fill the relatively warm air with cheery music, street performers would twirl amidst the crowded streets as all manner of peddlers, victuallers and tallymen showcase their wares and crafts.

As is its namesake, the Almara`damri is a weeklong festival that celebrates all manner of artistic expression. It is also the only time when bracing winds of inspiration and encouragement rush up the Winding Way, clearing the path of obstacles and shielding travellers from the harsh elements. Competitions are often held to see who could reach Lirael the quickest. Many do indeed participate if only to find a reason to travel to the Cloud Altar in order to catch a glimpse of the Goddess’ and her priestesses’ dance performance.

Imperial Era
It was said that when the Imperials first began their invasion of the lands, they dealt such a crippling blow that it left the Averusians reeling from the ruthless brutality of the attack; and the first to fall to the overwhelming ferocity was the North. On promises of parley and peace, the Patroness of the Northlands was lured away from Lirael, leaving the city vulnerable. Stories tell of how there was a great boom like an explosion of a thousand thunders reverberating throughout the valleys surrounding Mt. Kalderu. It caused avalanches and landslides. By the time the echoes of the blast ended, Lirael had been almost completely blasted off the side of the mountain as a huge chunk of it including the Cloud Altar plunged into the frigid valley below.

Isvaeldale survived, though its inhabitants have been converted to the Emperor’s cause. It now acts as a central supply hub between all the Northern towns, extending Xiir’s influence. Although many dalesmen still harbor resentment from the occupation, there isn’t much they could do to oppose the Emperor and his generals.
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