Mummy: the Curse


I'm giving some thought to getting my hand in at STing again (shutup I can ST stuff that lasts longer than two sessions Grey) and since I kickstarted Mummy and it's something new and different I think might be fun to mess around with... anyone read it might be interested in trying it?

I'm thinking a smallish group, four to five people.

We're gonna have to really talk about chargen, 'cause I'm not sure how much I want your characters to know about themselves. Too much Planescape: Torment perhaps...
Also, I would ask that if you haven't yet, please just read the Player section of the Mummy core book. I can't stop you and I trust people I play with not to metagame, but let's do it right. :P
I deliberately acquired ONLY the player section in anticipation of this exact outcome, and have read it once already.

Also, MOAR TORMENT is always welcome.

Is this gonna be one PC Mummy and their cult, or will we all be Mummies?
I'll see how everyone feels when I get players together. Happy to do either.

Also, I won't be using God-Machine rules. Mummy powers rely really heavily on stuff that just isn't compatible with it, but the mechanics seem tight enough. This means that if some of the characters are cultists they won't be GMC-compatible either.

And as for games running past two sessions....well....I'll believe it when I see it <3
This is certainly enough people we can at least start talking about the kind of game we wanna do.

So, big question: are we talking about one mummy (or maybe two) and their cult, or are we talking about a group of Arisen drawn together for some common purpose or perhaps simply by the opportunity the Sothic Turn grants them to see the only vaguely familiar faces on the planet?

I'm cool with either.
I could either way, but the latter probably demands a bigger, more bombastic plot.

I have a new laptop - or at least one I can use until I replace the other one - and I'm a bit more settled in to my new flat and new job and being in Belfast and everything. So.

I'm still interested in Mummy, especially now Guildhalls of the Deathless is out and I *hopefully* will be picking up my kickstarted copy + screen this weekend. So I'm bringing this back up.

Any takers?
Chaka said:
I have a new laptop - or at least one I can use until I replace the other one - and I'm a bit more settled in to my new flat and new job and being in Belfast and everything. So.

I'm still interested in Mummy, especially now Guildhalls of the Deathless is out and I *hopefully* will be picking up my kickstarted copy + screen this weekend. So I'm bringing this back up.

Any takers?
I recommend starting a new Interest Check so members watching this forum get pinged again, since its a few months old.

Might get some new people interested as well.

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