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Multiple Settings Multitudinous Prompts! Hopefully a Little Something for Everyone!


Gruntiest of the Grunts!
Hey guys!! My favorite thing to do is to develop characters of mine and try to make them more three-dimensional, as well as create a fun roleplay that you can enjoy as well. My strength is more in relationships and dialogue; I’ll be sure to leave a small tidbit of writing at the end of this so that you could see my style and decide whether or not you’d be interested in roleplaying with me.

Another thing: I really like to draw my own characters as their faceclaim! My art style isn’t for everyone, and I know this particular face claim isn’t for everyone, so I wanted to let you know ahead of time. Here’s my art style: Digital - ARTING AND ARTING (OCs inside~)

I typically respond between two-three paragraphs. Sometimes I write a little more if the roleplay needs it/there’s a lot to respond to, but otherwise it’s pretty relaxed.

I’m open to romance, friendships, and sibling-like relationships. I think exploring each character’s relationships at one point or another is really sweet.

I do not roleplay smut. The roleplays I provide are fairly innocent enough, even the “harem” roleplays that I have.


This is a world where its people have adapted their lifestyles and formulated groups that were inspired off of animal (such as but not limited to: Leopard Clan, the Dingo Clan, etc. etc.). This story takes place in the Egyptian Fruit Bat Clan, where Starlight, the new queen, is trying to get a handle on things of her position. Fang, a member of the White-Winged Vampire Clan, is accused of a crime and locked in jail. Your character is either Fang’s best friend, Starlight’s best friend, or an unfortunate third party who gets roped into a mission that ends up leaving all three of them stranded in the jungle together.

Second Chances
Your character was left on the step of a house with another infant. The two of them were found with a strange birthmark/tattoo of a sentence that reads, “Once Upon a Time...” The two characters grow up together, wondering about the purpose of the tattoo, until they find a circus performer with the same exact tattoo on their back... The purpose of this story is for those three to find what their tattoos mean, and to find any others who could have the same thing on their back as well.

Gabby and your character occasionally have strange dreams that put them in a videogame-esque trance together that they’re unable to escape from until they either lose or win the game. Losing the game has consequences, forcing them to have night terrors that last a frightening amount of time. While they are dealing with this annoyance, they also meet other friends and try to live their day to day as normal, not being able to shake the strange feeling that they’re always being watched...

Nik, Barbara, and Mercutio find your character and decide to take them under their wing. These adult siblings are trying to find an Oracle known as the Wishmaker who can grant any one wish, or answer any one question of the universe. This world contains inhabitants that have super powers that they can hone and fight with; your character, rarely enough, possesses two of them. As the four of them journey to find the Wishmaker, they keep bumping heads with another group who is also trying to find it, as well as reluctantly taking missions that help them put food in their bellies or give them a warm shelter for the night.

Male Harem Roleplay:
So I have these guys that I like to roleplay with: Harem Dudes, that I’ve been roleplaying with for a while now. The prompts that seems to be the most enjoyable is that there is a Snow White situation, in which your character is trying to escape an abusive step mother and the men take her in, or they are your character’s (supernatural, or slice-of-life average) servants after inheriting a large mansion. Another variation is that the guys are superheroes, and your character becomes a new member of their superhero league, or your character is their Mary Jane.

Female Harem Roleplay:
Similar, I also have girls that I could do the Snow White plot, supernatural servants plot, or superhero plot with. I’ve never really roleplayed with these girls before, but I really do enjoy playing multiple female characters at once. These last two are fairly laidback roleplays, and we can discuss what you’d be most interested in should you select one of these two.


Lyncis noted the somewhat startled expression on the girl’s face and forced himself back from flinching. He hadn’t intended to come earlier than she had anticipated, and was quietly berating himself for not mentioning that he was going to be there sooner.

Unsure what to do in a situation like this, he simply nodded awkwardly and stepped inside the apartment, glancing at all the luggage spread around the room.

“Don’t be sorry,” he said, “I heard about the flooding... I’d honestly be impressed if you had managed to put all your belongings away in such a short amount of time, not to mention the last minute invitation I had extended to you... w-which you could have declined in any way—“ He noticed the undergarments and quickly looked away, trying to distract himself. “—not that I mind that you accepted it— it was a pleasant surprise, really, and I am rambling so I’ll stop now.”

His phone buzzed with another text message. He checked it to make sure it wasn’t an emergency, and relaxed when he saw it was only Spear. He ignored it for now.

Lyncis glanced at her and stood up from the couch. “You, ah... You look pretty... ready.” Realizing how stupid that sounded, he quickly spun around and headed toward the door. “My companions are waiting for us at the cafe. Would you like to have me ask them to order you something so that it’s ready by the time we get there?”

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