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Slots Full for Now.

He had had a hard young life. Lost most of his family when he was 15. Emancipated at 16. Dropped out of school and took on the care of his younger twin brothers (8 at the time). He had been living in Albuquerque, NM at the time. Initially, his maternal grandparents helped out. They lived in Northern California. But his step grandparents tried to take his little brothers away. This proved to be a mistake as he owned half of their farm in Geneva, AL., the other half owned by an uncle.

Fast forward 5 years. He bought out his uncle with the condition that his grandparents be allowed to live on the farm until they were too old. (His stepfather was the youngest of 8 kids. They were in their 70s.) His brothers were 13. He was 20. He bought a double wide mobile home and had it set up in the property.

Somehow he managed. His grandfather insisted on working, despite his age. So he worked out wages. His grandmother had spent a lifetime raising kids and spoiling grandchildren. So he put her to work as well. She took offense, but he managed to convince her. He slowly modernized the farm, tearing down old barns and houses that had become death traps and lawsuits waiting to happen.

Another 4 years and he is now 24. His brothers are high school seniors. (We can adjust this. Just trying to keep his brothers in the story as dependents while giving your character time for an Ivy League education.)

Your Character

Your character met him when she got lost. She was a trust fund baby, born into old money. Best education money can buy. Cliche as it sounds, her car broke down. It was practically a Doc Hollywood moment.

You could be the “older woman”. One thing, odds are that you will never meet the approval of his granny. He will not meet the approval of your parents.

You will need a CS.

Strange visitor from another world. He will be your world’s equivalent to Superman. However, he would be a very watered down version. In fact, he is probably more on par physically with early Avengers Thor. No hammer. He has some different powers.

He hails from 21st century Earth where most superheroes were at best on par with the Defenders, i.e. lower powered Marvel. He was the first of a new generation of superheroes. He has found himself stranded on a new world.

Your Character

I am going to put the design of the setting in your hands. I am looking for a setting that is more primitive. Maybe on par with classic Greece, or the Middle Ages, age of piracy, through pre-spaceflight. It could be an alternate Earth, or a fantasy world. Even a post apocalyptic world would work. (Ever heard of Thundarr the Barbarian?) He could become a superhero or be viewed as a god.

Whether your character has powers is up to you, as is her social status, technology, and wealth. You could be a reporter, princess, or the equivalent of Oz.

You are a female djinn.

You do not remember your parents. You were instead raised by human parents. They taught you as they had been instructed, to hide your true nature. You aren’t entirely certain of your true age. But you do know that you were born after the Great Flood (2438 BCE). But you long predate the time of Solomon. You estimate your birth around 2198 BCE (making you about 4220 years old).

After your human parents passed away you began your travels, starting in Persia and traveling East to India, then continued on to China and eventually Japan. You then headed back west through Mongolia, Kazakhstan, and into the lands of Ardael (proper name of Transylvania). You drifted south to Greece and Italy.

It was some time before the fall of Rome that you were discovered by angels, captured and imprisoned. The stories about lamps are the stuff of Hollywood. You were a special case for they called you an abomination. But they did not slay you or cast you into Hell. Neither did they banish you to the land of the djinn.

Instead they created a prison for you, a sort of masterwork as prisons go. It was sort of a mobius pocket realm created in 11 dimensions. You could have searched for ten thousand years and never found an exit. It trapped your soul - your power - within. The key to unlock the prison required a solution of seven unsolvable math problems. Oh, the problems had solutions. But the math was far beyond you - or any humans on the planet. To solve them would require the development of math that hadn’t even been invented yet that would require an understanding of 11th dimensional non-Euclidean topology. To even read the problems would require decrypting them from ciphers written in Pashto. There were warnings on the outside of eternal damnation to any who would attempt to solve the problems and get a wrong answer.

Decision 1. The following description assumes that a periodic exit was possible. If you prefer to limit your knowledge of the world to the Classical Era, skip to Me (over 2000 years later).

It was many years before you discovered that a brief opening would occur and remain open for a short time that would allow you to escape physically before closing once more dragging you back in painfully. You were still a djinn. You were limited to human abilities - though you were still quite invisible unless you chose to be seen. But at least you had the ability to leave your prison for a time. Once more you began to explore the world.

By the Feudal era you found yourself in France. As the British Empire rose in power you took an interest in the Tea Company and wound up in Britain. When the World Wars broke out you visited America. All the while mankind was beginning to grow in the ways of science … and math.

My first visit came in the early 21st century. At the time you were trapped and unable to communicate. You had no idea who I was. I was just a young, pre-adolescent boy at the time, perhaps 10-11 years old. I was your first visitor in all those centuries, so well hidden was your prison. I flicked on a flashlight and gazed upon your prison with the eyes of a kid who had made a discovery.

I couldn’t even get the cover stones open. I walked all around. But in the end I left, doing nothing but raising a brief glimmer of hope and crushing it by abandoning you.

Then about 5 years later I returned. I was in my mid teens and walked with a limp, clearly in pain. This time I came far better prepared. You still couldn’t speak to me, plead your case. But you saw now a young man obsessed with a mystery, willing to endure pain just to travel to unravel it.

This time I took pictures, samples. I treated your prison like an archaeological find. Yet, it was pretty clear I hadn’t told anyone. I took lots of pictures. I spent over a month carefully constructing a hydraulic lift and slide mechanism to remove the cover stones. And it worked.

I had no idea what I was looking at. More pictures. Lots and lots of pictures. But that is where I stopped. To be fair, I had no idea what I was looking at. I barely understood any of the language. I spoke English, sometimes aloud. I was careful to even touch the metal surface, wearing lab gloves. It was very, very clear I was trained in lab science. I was educated. That would have been an understatement. I was a prodigy.

You were privy to see something very few had ever seen. My body was a tapestry of torture. My entire back was crisscrossed with the marks of a whip. Every square inch of flesh had been peeled from it. It was just a massive scab still healing, bleeding when I slipped and fell or moved wrong. When I realized I was bleeding I stripped enough to pour hydrogen peroxide down my back to prevent infection. Then I would put my shirt back on and get back to work. My left hand was useless, having been cut in half. My left torso sported three bullet holes. I was healing. But I could only have survived with the attention of great healers.

I returned again another 5 years later, a young man. I had grown into a handsome giant, standing a solid 6’7” tall. You still had no idea of my name. But I had clearly been busy. I had begun to solve the encryption. As you watched I decrypted the problems themselves. I had taught myself enough Pashto to do that much. But what I was looking at were seven millennium problems. You know, the sort of problems people offer rewards of a million dollars for solving. Well, maybe they weren’t THAT bad. But they required some pretty advanced math skills.

I would return once more, yet another 5 years later, in 2025 to attempt to solve the problems. One by one I started to lock in the solutions - like entering the chevrons of a stargate on SG-1. One mistake and …

Then it happened. After centuries of imprisonment the gate opened fully, setting you free with all your power. I repeat, free. There is no three wishes involved. The "bottle" is open. No strings attached.

It is entirely up to you whether setting you free starts an earthquake - or goes completely unnoticed.

Note: The timeline was borrowed from Futuretimeline.net, a collaborative site that tries to predict future developments. It is not necessary to read them all. The headlines should give an idea of what history has been like over the next 10 years and what technological changes there have been.

Note: Cryogenic as it will be used here is pure science fiction. The best we have achieved today is two weeks in something resembling hibernation. But fiction is so much more fun, sooooo …..


The year is 2035. Five years ago science finally made the end of civilization as we know it within 100 years. We had one chance, to find a way to save humanity by sending them to the stars. Ten years ago we incarcerated a man for treason. Twenty years ago that same man published two papers. Two years later he received Nobel Prizes for those papers. He was 17 when he shook the President’s hand for the first time.

He had pleaded Not Guilty, but the evidence had been damning. He admitted himself that he would have given the same verdict if presented the same evidence. Yet he also claimed that he had been framed. There was absolutely no evidence to support his claim. He was sentenced to Life Imprisonment.

He was stripped of a Civilian Medal of Honor that he had received when he was 23, shortly before evidence of his treason was presented. Only 9 such medals have ever been awarded, 8 during the US Civil War.

What is less known is that immediately after his incarceration in 2025, he was made a human Guinea pig and used as a test subject for cryogenic preservation. The procedure worked, though many later attempts would fail with other test subjects.


One of the papers he had published had regarded a new theory of gravity. Science has made no progress in the development of a warp drive. Some believe that he had been conducting research along these lines and had made progress. With the fate of mankind on the line, the decision has been made to awaken him. (Cryogenic suspension has finally been fully developed, so he can be safely returned to stasis.)

You will be his handler. It will be your job to “motivate” him. He is expected to say no or make demands. The news and social media regarded him as some sort of Lex Luther, loved and respected until evidence of his treason came to light. But from the way it looks he is the best hope mankind has. If news of his awakening makes it out, other nations may even try to kidnap him and make their own offers.

Your Character
Female, preferably mid 20s. Attractive, healthy, dark or red hair as his profile indicates he doesn’t like blondes. (You can dye it if you like.) You will need to decide how far your influence goes if you choose to accommodate him.

Opening Scene
As everyone seems to always want me to write the opening post, I suppose it will open with my character awakening from cryogenic suspension, coming to grips with the fact that the penal system found a way to hold him. He will be suffering from his incarceration. And no, he is not going to be cooperative initially.

June 1. 2024 Saturday
0000 hrs UTC -10

At precisely midnight Rhand and its sister islands appeared on maps and became visible to satellite imagery - though blurred. At that same moment a broadcast went out on several major networks interrupting news channels - even in closed nations such as North Korea. Emperor Jonathan Rhand introduced himself very briefly with an apology for the interruption. Then he stated his sovereignty over the islands, indicating his boundaries. Finally he explained that he was sending diplomatic contact information to the Secretary General of the UN and relinquished control over the networks. The entire broadcast lasted one minute.


Rhand and its sister islands (Beta and Gamma) are new land along the island chain that Hawaii and Midway island are a part of. He set his territorial waters and airspace boundary at 12 miles outside of the triangle formed by the exterior edges of his three islands. The greatest distance between islands is about 95 miles, so this is a point of contention.

Little is known about Emperor Rhand or the micronation. Is he interested in trade? Maybe. He doesn’t have a huge population on the verge of starvation, so any marketshare for food won’t be much. And how much energy can he really use? On the other hand he may have exports. One interesting fact is that he spoke English like an American native .. and Russian like a Russian native .. and Arabic like a …. Get the picture? Despite all the languages used, the voiceprint indicates they were all the same man.

Main reason I bring up trade is that any character solely dependent on seeking trade ties may be a waste. Don’t be a one trick pony.

News. Good luck. At this point no one knows if you can even get to the islands safely. Will he just shoot you as an intruder?

Spies. Lots of room for this idea. With satellite imagery being blurred every advanced nation will be interested in how he is doing this - and how he remained hidden.

To be determined by your characters really. Even the date of the start is yet to be determined. Remember, Rhand hasn’t even been officially recognized as a nation. He has no diplomatic contacts, no trade credit. He is going to have to go through the pain of creating a banking system if he wants to have tourism or conduct trade. But let’s face it, he made his appearance for a reason.

Your Character
You can run multiple characters, spies and reporters from different nationalities. Some could be ambassadors. But I do suggest your main character be American or at least speak English as her primary language.

Very simply this will be an MxF RP set in the Hyborian Age.

My Character
I plan to run a male character of herculean proportions. He will initially be regarded as a barbarian as he is just beginning to learn Hybrorian languages. But he is highly intelligent. He is also not so much a warrior as Conan, despite his size. But he does have skills. Speed and strength. (He is slightly larger than Conan, if you go by fandom sources.)

Recent History
Jon has effectively found himself saddled with two slaves that he freed. They won’t leave him though. One is a street urchin (Kid), perhaps 11-12, a thief. The other is an elderly slave (Bones) that had scholarly skills and could read and write. Jon saved the boy from losing a hand, by buying off the merchant and guards. The boy helped him buy the elderly man from the slave markets. The elderly man was going to be fed to the lions for entertainment. (Note: Kid and Bones are not their real names, but they accept them and can pronounce them. Besides, they are easy to type.)

He will already have a modest vocabulary at the start of the RP, enough for a simple conversation. He has learned how to ask “Word” and point, or mime / gesture actions and ask for the word.

There is a LOT more history if you have the means to investigate it. For example, how he acquired the wealth to pay off people and buy a slave is quite the tale.

Your Character
I am looking for someone to roleplay a female main character, intended as a potential romance interest. Where and how the RP will start will depend largely on your character. For example if you are some noble or royal lady, you won’t be very mobile and any meeting will be difficult to arrange. A slave girl might be even harder as my character doesn’t approve of slavery. (See more on his recent history.) A pirate or mercenary might work as she would be mobile. She might also be the daughter of a traveling merchant whose father needs to hire extra muscle.

Possible Starting Locations
I am thinking that Argos or Aquilonia would be good places to start.



This is a very simple plot. You have recently begun dating a young man. You met him when your car decided to die on the road not far from a service station. Rather gallantly he told you to just stay in your car and steer and he pushed you the rest of the way. Then he took a look under the hood and got you running again - though he warned you that the car needed to spend some quality time with a mechanic.

Jon was easy on the eyes. The words quality time were taken in a suggestive light and you ended up getting some dinner and ended up dropping him off at his place - as he had been on foot. He didn’t even own a car. He lived alone in the corner lot of a mobile home park.

James wasn’t exactly the most upwardly mobile guy. Most of the jobs he did were as a temp employee or subcontractor. It is mostly manual labor stuff. And let’s face it. He’s definitely got the physique for it. It's part of why you fell for him. But he also mentioned work as a freelance news photographer.

Now everyone knows about those superheroes that prowl the night. They are of the Defenders sort. You know, Daredevils, Iron Fists, Luke Cages, and such. And then there is the criminal underworld - the Hand, Kingpin, stuff like that. (Sorry, no big Marvel or DC superheroes, just this street stuff).

But there is ONE superhero that was a cut above the rest. It was both amusing and frustrating how the news had latched onto him. He had purposely avoided the use of a flashy costume or giving out some hyped up superhero name to avoid attention. But it had the opposite effect. He now had a dozen names. Masked Man, Balaclava Boy, Unknown Guy, Super Samaritan.

He is the closest thing to Superman that the world has seen. He doesn’t usually get involved in crime, but he did rescue a policewoman Hancock style, complete with using her car as a shield with one arm while carrying her out of harm’s way. The gang had recreated the scene from the movie, complete with hostages, explosives and detonator thingy. Jon stopped them with a soccer ball and some baseballs.

He has never stuck around for an interview or to have a conversation with police. Hence the lack of giving a name. The rules he lives by are similar to someone in a Witness Protection program.

For this one I was thinking of Miami

Your Character
She should be young (mid 20s), pretty, good job. At least you make enough to afford a nice car and a solid roof over your head. You could be a reporter, though he might shy away from that. Maybe in a technical field? Or medical? Or economic? Whatever it is, you should have a decent income as he is what most ladies would consider a fixer upper. Saddling up with him would mean you would be the breadwinner of the relationship.


While heavily inspired by the Flash Gordon comics and movies, this setting will be original. Our characters will be original. Yes, there will be an Emperor, but his will be Rhand … Rhand the Ruthless.

This Mongo is a ringworld. The link is to a fandom site of the ringworld in the book series by Larry Niven. This will suffice for the sake of this RP.

Like the fictional planet of the comics, Mongo is inhabited by a wide variety of races. These races are always at odds with one another, bickering and feuding. Some curry favor with the Emperor. Some do not.

Some superscience will exist on Mongo. Can’t have a flying city without control of gravity. Neither could one generate an artificial wormhole. And considering that this Mongo is a ringworld, that is an engineering feat far beyond anything Earth is capable of.

Forces from Mongo will arrive in the year 2025 through a wormhole located beyond the orbit of the moon. Their arrival is heralded by fluctuations in gravity, geomagnetic storms, etc.

Okay … not exactly realistic, but somehow I want to send a group of characters to Mongo - one of them being your character. (See Characters)

Once there the group will likely be captured and brought to Rhand.

If we include missions from nations like the USA, Russia, China, etc, oboy. Then we start talking about diplomacy. Or maybe they will be treated as spies. Or maybe the Emperor lay claim to Earth as his to rule. Hmmm…

Here’s an idea. I could have Rhand send ships to Earth to demand the unconditional surrender of every nation. You are part of a group that hijacks one of his superscience ships and flies it back to Mongo. I kinda like that idea. It would require the right group too. Someone smart enough to make enough sense of the ship to override it. (Of course, the ship could also be cooperating and effectively kidnapping them. I REALLY like that idea too.)

I DO intend to run the Emperor. He will NOT be anything like Ming. Rhand is supposedly immortal and appears quite handsome. This one also has no daughter. But I may arrange a marriage.

As the story is a little on the epic side - after all it will have you face to face with the emperor, treated as spies by many, pawns to be used or traded by others, your character should have at least the potential for being a main character in a heroic story.

Alternative version of this uses the original emperor, Ming like, with you playing the part of his daughter. My character is the one who makes his way to Mongo and ends up catching the eye of the Princess. I kinda like this one too. An alternative method of getting to Mongo would be in a ship of his own design, much as Zarkov made.

3rd Person Past Tense
Decent literacy
PM Threads (One for OOC; one for IC)
I typically manage about a page per post.

PM is interested. Have some idea of what sort of character you want. (You will need a CS.)
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