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Multiple plots that I'm craving...<3

Sansa Stark

Queen in the North
Hello~ I really shouldn't be putting out an ad for more roleplays, but here I am. I've got a few things I've really been craving lately, so I'm just gonna go ahead and lay 'em all out there. I'm not going to go too in-depth because I never get good responses when I do that, haha.

Original Plots

Western / Native Americans. The daughter of a rich mayor encounters a native warrior on the outskirts of her town. Though the two groups are a war, the two slowly develop a romance that could destroy them both.

Disney themed! Don't get me wrong, this isn't a Disney RP. What I'm looking for is something along the lines of a fairy tale, sweet and dramatic and sweetly put together. This would involve one of the two in the couple to be royalty, though I don't care who!

Mermaid and human! My thoughts would be that this would run alongside a Little Mermaid plot, only much more twisted to make it unique. I have no particular ideas for this craving, it's just something I'd like to try!

Artist x shy girl. This would be an FxF roleplay. My last partner bailed on me. The plot is that a girl raised by conservative Christian parents leaves Texas to go to the University of Washington. Having been there for a year or two, one of her friends invites her to the Seattle Pride Parade. She goes, and meets a female artist. The two instantly click, but this isn't necessarily a good thing...

Game of Thrones Plots

I don't necessarily have loads of plots--I have ideas for pairings that I'm craving immensely, but as for solid plots, I'll build those with you! The pairings I'm desperate for are Robb/Margaery, Robb/Myrcella, Robb/Shireen, OC/OC, Sansa/Sandor, Jon/OC.


Please, please please PLEASE be literate with a good writing style. I can't explain how frustrating it is when I start a roleplay with someone and it feels like I'm pulling all the effort to make the story as authentic and wonderful as it could possibly be. Grammar, syntax, good writing are all a must.

One reply every 3 days, at least.

You don't have to like OOC chat, but I'm open to it if you'd like.

Don't drop without warning. It's incredibly rude.

Don't be afraid to plot with me!

That's about all I've got! Thanks for reading and considering! Please reply to this post if you're interested and I'll get back to you as soon as I possibly can.~

I'd be into the Artist x Shy girl roleplay ^.^

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Shoot. Looks like someone already beat me to the Western/Native one. I'd like to hear more about the mermaid one if you have anything else, though. Only thing I have to say is that I'll be going on a camping trip in a week or so, I think... so I may or may not be able to reply for a few days during. If I can manage to get reception, I might be able to do it via Tapatalk.
I'm new to the site and still getting my footholds, but i'd be willing to do one of the GoT RPs.

Sidenote: I'm reading the books but am still not past the show yet, so if you've read past the show no spoilers please.
Hey, I got hooked once I saw the first option :P ( being half native American myself haha xD ) I'll pm you sometime late today and see what we can come up with.

Hope to talk to you soon,


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