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Fandom Multifandom/Crossover RP Search


New Member
Hello! My name is Silvia, and I came here so I can find some partners for roleplaying. I am interested in roleplaying as canon characters, however I know that not everyone is into my fandoms, and that is why I'm looking for crossovers between my fandoms and yours. This will be a list of the fandoms and muses I roleplay as well as what I'm looking for in an RP partner, so please keep on reading!

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are in any of my fandoms, we can roleplay within the fandom if that's what you want.

Now, onto the fandoms and muses I'm roleplaying!
  • JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE - I prefer to roleplay muses from parts 2, 5, 7, and 8 the most, with a heavy preference on part 8 if my profile picture is any indication. These muses are Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli, Kars, Pannacotta Fugo, Cioccolata, Johnny Joestar, Lucy Steel, Karera Sakunami, and Tooru.
  • FIRE EMBLEM - I am only roleplaying from the Jugdral era, which is Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Fire Emblem: Thracia 776. The muses I will roleplay as are Chulainn, Tailtiu, Febail, Fee, Eda, and Salem.
  • GORILLAZ - Now, since Gorillaz is a band, I can basically RP as any of them. I will list them in order from most to least preferred, and they are Murdoc Niccals, Noodle, 2D, and Russel Hobbs.
What am I looking for?
  • Someone who can respect the no NSFW rule - jokes can be made, and maybe there are NSFW things that happen in the character's backstory, but any graphic depictions of sexual activity or the like will not be allowed.
  • Please play a canon character from an existing fandom and not an OC! You get a taste of what fandoms I like, so it's only fair that I get a taste of what fandoms you like as well! Besides, it wouldn't be a proper crossover if you were using an OC.
  • I like decisive partners - I ask questions when we're actually messaging just so I can get a good plot. If I ask you to choose from a list of RP starter quotes, I expect you to choose which one you'd like to use and not say things like "Well, which one would you like to do?" Deflecting the question back at me is a great way to not get a roleplay, and I only ask since you came to me for a roleplay I wanted, but I want to cater to your tastes as well.
  • I'd also prefer if you typed in paragraphs, or if you can't do multiple paragraphs, at least type longer paragraphs! Basically, one-liners will not be accepted in any shape or form. Please don't do script and please actually read my response before making yours, I've had experiences before where people just straight-up ignored my response and still responded for the sake of responding.
  • Also, I like people who respond fast. However, since this is a forum roleplay, I'll give you 7 days to answer before dropping the roleplay entirely.
  • Since this is primarily a crossover roleplay search, I won't ship. If you want to roleplay within one of my fandoms, I have some ships if you'd like, though.
Please either comment below or message me if you are interested in roleplaying, and thanks for reading!

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