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Fandom Multifandom city roleplay

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[Character Quote]

“Pirates are evil? The Marines are righteous? These terms have always changed throughout the course of history! Kids who have never seenpeace and kids who have never seen war have different values! Those who stand at the top determine what's wrong and what's right! This very place is neutral ground! Justice will prevail, you say? But of course it will! Whoever wins this war becomes justice!”



Name: Donquixote "Heavenly Demon" Doflamingo

Age: 41

Personality: He has a very ruthless yet calculating personality. He knew to bait Straw Hat Luffy using the Devil Fruit recycled from his dead brother. He was also brutal to both his subordinates and Trafalgar Law. Yet, he has nightmares frequently about his torture at the hands of the people of Dressrosa at the age of 10. He also considers his brother family, and shows true trust in him, until he betrays Doflamingo. However, he has a group of people that he unequivocally considers his family, and forgives at all costs. He is willing to brutally torture whoever insults this adopted "family".

Gender: Male

Race: Brown

Universe from: One Piece

Equipment: He possesses a black old school flintlock pistol, loaded with 16 lead bullets. His sharp flamingo styled shoes become a deadly weapon when combined with his string powers.


Ito Ito No Mi

His fruit grants him the power of near unbreakable strings, that are sharp enough to cut 5 feet of solid steel in half easily. It can also be used to control people by shooting a string into their spine, thereby making them a "string puppet". He uses his fruit powers mainly by shaping them in various forms to attack with moves like:

Doflamingo using Parasite to take complete control over Riku Dold III.

  • Parasite (寄生糸 (パラサイト) Parasaito?, literally meaning "Parasite String"): Doflamingo attaches his strings onto his targets' spine at the base of the neck and manipulates their movements like marionettes; usually, only single strings seem to attach to them, at least when more than one is targeted. The controlled can still control their head, but everything below the neck is manipulated by Doflamingo, as seen when the controlled are still able to talk and make their own facial expressions, which contradicts their forced actions. Although Doflamingo is commonly seen moving his fingers in a similar manner to how a marionettist manipulates a marionette while controlling people (it visually mimics the marionette cross with a few alterations (both middle and pinky fingers are extended while the index and the ring finger are curved back at the upper digits while the thumb sticks out)), it does not seem to be necessary, due to the fact that he can control many individuals at the same time (which also makes it seem that Doflamingo does not have to concentrate on the control(s) at all) and, in the anime, he was able to control with both hands in his pockets. While just barely visible, the strings used with this technique are so strong that they can completely and instantly disable the likes of the physically extremely strong "Diamond" Jozu and Sanji, even keeping his victims trapped floating mid-air, and none of his shown victims were able to resist at all. That was until Luffy managed to break free from the control by getting the strings to snap off his body by the sheer brute strength of his Gear Fourth being activated (interestingly, in Luffy's case, more strings were attached). The technique was first seen used to force Vice Admiral Mozambia to attack Vice Admiral Stainless during the Jaya Arc, and its name was revealed during the Dressrosa Arc in the flashback during Doflamingo's takeover of Dressrosa eight years before the start of the series, when he demonstrated the ability to take control of King Riku and many of his soldiers at the same time from far away. This attack was incorrectly named Marionette (マリオネット Marionetto?) in One Py Berry Match.

  • Goshikito (五色糸 (ゴシキート) Goshikīto?, literally meaning "Five Color Strings"): Doflamingo swipes his hand to slash his target with five strings coming out from his fingers. In the anime, the strings initially appear to be of a mere spider web white color, although a shimmering of colors within each string can be seen; this is changed later on, making each string one solid distinct color: red, yellow, green, blue and purple. Also, when Issho brought down a meteor, Doflamingo used a similar technique by crossing two Goshikitotogether to form a net-formation, though smaller in comparison and, unlike Kumo no Sugaki, able to slice through matter. It was first clearly shown being used against the G-5 Marines on Punk Hazard during their short confrontation and named when Doflamingo used it against Sanji during the Dressrosa Arc. In the Viz Manga, it is called Penta-Chromatic String.

Doflamingo using Overheat against Luffy.

  • Overheat (超過鞭糸 (オーバーヒート) Ōbāhīto?, literally meaning "Excess Whip String"): Doflamingo shoots a thick rope made of condensed strings from his palm and whips it at the target. Overheat's range can go from the sky of Green Bit all the way to Dressrosa, a distance of many kilometers, and is strong enough to cut through a building at that range. It was first seen being used in his fight against Sanji in an attempt to finish him off. The anime has an added effect of the whip, exuding high amounts of heat, causing it to glow a fiery orange and steam. In the FUNimation subs, the first time it was used, it was called Overheat, but the second time (in the same episode) it was subbed as Excess Whip String. In the video game One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3, Doflamingo stretches the rope far back, then slams it onto the ground causing a powerful explosion upon impact; the rope can fired at tremendous speed and with no obvious warning.
  • Tamaito (弾糸 (タマイト) Tamaito?, literally meaning "Bullet String"): Doflamingo points at his opponent with his index finger and fires a small bundle of strings from it, as if he were firing a gun; he can shoot multiple rounds from both hands simultaneously. It was first seen being used in the fight against Law on the iron bridge. It was used earlier in the anime, when Doflamingo was chasing Law on Green Bit. The attack's power and effect are similar to Shigan, but it has the advantage of the longer range of a normal gun.

Abdullah and Jeet destroy a string clone made with Black Knight.

  • Black Knight (影騎糸 (ブラックナイト) Burakku Naito?, literally meaning "Shadow Knight String"): Doflamingo forms a clone of himself made entirely out of compressed strings. The technique was used to survive Kyros' attempted decapitation, with Viola remarking that she had never seen it before herself, suggesting that it is rarely used given her ability to see everything going on in Dressrosa. Doflamingo has shown great skill in manipulating his clone to orchestrate combined attacks with his real body, such as a doubleGoshikito or unravel it for use of Torikago. Apparently, the clone is very physically strong, able to simply swat a Jet Pistol from Luffy. In the anime, during Doflamingo's final battle against Law and Luffy, the clone glows sky blue to violet and the strings are visible as white flashes to distinguish it from the real thing. Also in the anime, the clone has displayed the ability to use both Haki and Tamaito in tandem with the real Doflamingo. Finally, since the clone consists enitrely of strings, it does not feel pain and nor does it carry physical pain back to Doflamingo, unlike other devil fruit copies. Again in the anime only, the copy is shown capable of blocking and withstanding multiple Busoshoku Haki-imbued attacks with no visible injury. Viola called the clone Marionette (操り人形 (マリオネット) Marionetto?), Law similarly referred to it as a "string puppet", Trebol referred to it as Ito Joker (糸ジョーカー Ito Jōkā?, literally meaning "String Joker") when he asked Doflamingo where it had flown off to after one of them confronted Luffy and Law, and the technique was formally named when the real Doflamingo created a clone in his battle against Law and Luffy. In One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3, the clones have strings attached to them (like an actual marionette) which serves as a visual cue allowing the player to tell the difference between the Black Knight string clones and the real Doflamingo.

  • Fulbright (降無頼糸 (フルブライト) Furuburaito?, literally meaning "Falling Villainous String"): Doflamingo creates five detached strings from his hand and throws them downwards to impale his target from above. This attack was first used against Law in their second encounter at Dressrosa's royal palace. In the anime, a similar unnamed attack was used against Law during their battle at the bridge.

Doflamingo preparing to use Itonoko.

  • Itonoko (糸ノコ Itonoko?, literally meaning "Fretsaw"): Doflamingo creates a string from the heel of his foot and attaches the other end to his leg. Holding the opponent down with his arms, he then uses the taut string as a saw to sever the opponent's limb. The produced cut is rather jagged, making it very hard to reattach any severed limbs. This was first seen used to cut off Law's right arm in their second encounter, and named by Trebol. This attack gets its name from the real world cutting tool called the fretsaw, which consists of a metal frame and a thin blade held under tension.

  • Athlete (足剃糸 (アスリイト) Asurīto?, literally meaning "Leg Shave String"): Doflamingo attaches several long strings to his foot and kicks his opponents, cutting them. This was first seen used against Luffy in their final fight, who, despite blocking the blow with his arms while also using Busoshoku Haki, still took damage and fell into Trebol's trap.

  • Sora no Michi (空の道 Sora no Michi?, literally meaning "Sky Road"): Doflamingo attaches his strings to clouds, allowing him to move through the air. He was first seen using the technique to travel from Dressrosa to Punk Hazard, but there were not enough clouds for him to be able to complete the journey. When Doflamingo was attacking the Straw Hats and Law at Green Bit, Law instructed the Straw Hats to sail along a route without any clouds, as doing so would prevent Doflamingo from pursuing them.

The Birdcage surrounding Dressrosa.

  • Torikago (鳥カゴ Torikago?, literally meaning "Birdcage"): Doflamingo's ultimate technique. He exudes immense amounts of strings from the center of a palm or a previously created string construct like a string clone, unravelling it, which shoot high into the sky as a concentrated beam. When high enough, they diverge to rain down to all sides in an umbrella-like fashion to cover a large area, even the whole Dressrosa, creating a gargantuan, razor-sharp wire-domed force field, slicing absolutely everything that passes through it, from cutting physical things to even severing such immaterial things as the signals of Den Den Mushi to the outside. The singular bars are incredibly strong, with even multiple mountain-sized meteorites being unable to dent them, let alone breach through them. Generally, the Torikago is Doflamingo's last resort for any desperate situation where he cannot allow anyone in the area to escape, such as when he prevented his brother from escaping from him with the Ope Ope no Mi by covering a portion of Swallow Island (unaware at the time that it was already eaten by Law) more than a decade before the start of the series, or in the event that, during the Dressrosa Arc's midpoint, Sugar fainted, the effects of the Hobi Hobi no Mi on Dressrosa's citizens were cancelled and the reconverted people rebelled, so that he could kill everyone so no one would reveal the country's dark secrets. The Torikago will remain standing as long as Doflamingo is conscious and, should he desire, he can cause the cage to slowly but surely close in, eventually cutting anything inside apart, as when he desired for the "endgame" after his entire crew (sans Trebol and himself) were defeated; Doflamingo can freely control the shrinking rate. The cage does not contract towards its original center point: instead, it slowly converges on Doflamingo's position as it shrinks. With enough physical force, the Torikago's advancement can be halted for a brief duration. Logically, one can also escape the Torikago if one is immune to cutting damage, asBuggy would be able to do so via his Bara Bara no Mi powers.

  • Parasite (Enhanced): Doflamingo's Parasite can be enhanced when used in combination with the Torikago, to the point that those "marionette" strings can spread all across the entirety of Dressrosa in the cage's confines and control an extremely large amount of people simultaneously without any apparent strain on Doflamingo, causing extreme mayhem.

Doflamingo uses Kumo no Sugaki to destroy a tower sent at him by Law.

  • Kumo no Sugaki (蜘蛛の巣がき Kumo no Sugaki?, literally meaning "Spider's Web"): A defensive technique. As the name implies, Doflamingo creates a huge web made of string that protects him from incoming projectiles. This was first used to block a massive piece of the Dressrosa Royal Palace, thrown at him by Law's powers during their final fight. In the anime, he can layer them on top of one another and they can easily withstand Busoshoku Haki-enhanced Gear Second and Gear Third techniques while merely being pushed back, rather than being damaged in anyway.


Doflamingo surpasses all limits of his fruit to turn the surrounding environment into strings and make extremely destructive building sized which he can imbue with Haki. Some attacks he can use are:

  • Break White (荒浪白糸 (ブレイクホワイト) Bureiku Howaito?, literally meaning "Raging Waves White String"): Doflamingo creates two large, thick sheets of string that wrap around his opponent and crush them. This was first used during Doflamingo's fight against Law and Luffy, to attack Luffy in mid-air, but Luffy managed to avoid it, although in the anime it demonstrated some sentience as it continued to attack Luffy after it missed him the first time.

Doflamingo uses Off White against Luffy.

  • Off White (盾白糸 (オフホワイト) Ofu Howaito?, literally meaning "Shield White String"): Doflamingo creates two large masses of strings from the ground near him before swiping at an opponent with them. This was first used to counter Luffy's Gomu Gomu no Double Culverin in their final fight. In One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3, Doflamingo uses this technique to defend against Luffy and Sabo's Gomu Gomu no Fire God Magnum, however the attack manages to burn through the strings.

  • Billow White (大波白糸 (ビローホワイト) Birō Howaito?, literally meaning "Billow White String"): Doflamingo turns several buildings into towering masses of strings before sending them at an opponent. This was first used against Luffy in their final fight.[36]

  • Ever White (海原白波 (エバーホワイト) Ebā Howaito?, literally meaning "Ocean Whitecaps"): Doflamingo kneels and touches the ground with his hands before turning a vast amount of the surrounding area into string. This was first used against Luffy in their final fight.

Doflamingo uses Flap Thread against Luffy.

  • Flap Thread (羽撃糸 (フラップスレッド) Furappu Sureddo?, literally meaning "Wing Strike String"): Doflamingo condenses the vast amount of string from Ever White into countless points before sending them at his opponent in the formation of two wings. He likens this technique to "a thousand arrows". It is possibly a homage to his childhood while he was being tortured as someone wanted to fire a thousand arrows at Doflamingo and his family. This was first used against Luffy in their final fight.

  • God Thread (神誅殺 (ゴッドスレッド) Goddo Sureddo?, literally meaning "God Execution"): Doflamingo summons sixteen thick strings which he refers to as "holy ammunition" (聖なる凶弾 seinaru kyōdan?) and sends them at his opponent in a piercing formation. It is possibly a homage to his childhood while he was being tortured as a father cried out that the Celestial Dragons shot his son sixteen times with a pistol; Doflamingo's cruel way to mock the said father, as well as showing how much he desperately wants to regain his title as a World Noble. This was first used against Luffy at the end of their final fight, but was broken through by his King Kong Gun. In the anime, this attack, enhanced by Busoshoku, was able to pierce into Luffy's King Kong Gun, slightly, but was incapable of stopping it.

Busoshoku Haki

Busoshoku Haki allows the user to use their spirit life force to create an essense of an invisible armor around themselves.Similar to Tekkai, this Haki allows the user to defend against attacks that would otherwise cause them harm. Significant physical force can still overcome this defense; for example, Luffy struck Boa Marigold hard enough with Gear Secondtechniques that it sent her reeling.

Kenbonshoku Haki

Kenbunshoku Haki, also known as Mantra (心綱(マントラ)Mantora?, literally meaning "Mind Rope") on Skypiea, is a form ofHaki that allows the user to sense the presence of others, even if they are concealed from view or too far to see naturally.

Haoshoku Haki

Haoshoku Haki is a rare form of Haki that cannot be attained through training. Only one in several million people have this ability. This type of Haki allows the user to exert their willpower over others. It is said that whoever possesses this type of Haki has the qualities of a king.

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