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Fandom (MultI-Fandom RP) Smash Brotherhood


Two Thousand Club

Character Name

World or origin:



Group ( Light/Dark/Neutral/other ):

Powers/Special Abilities:

( Optional )








Final Smash:
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Character Name: Mickey Mouse

World or origin: Disney World

Personality: Happy Go-Lucky guy, overly friendly and hospitable, a great leader, can get serious when the going gets tough, has an affinity with children and toons.


Group ( Light/Dark/Neutral/other ): Light

Powers/Special Abilities:

Keyblade: A great sword wielder and able to do basic magic spells with it. The weapon is very lightweight which allows him to jump around quickly. He's very fast his short stature make him a hard target to hit.

Paint Brush: Unlike the key blade it isn't effective in melee combat, but instead specializes in projectile streams of attacks. It has two settings Paint and Thinner. Paint heals others' wounds and can even make them happy and able to turn weak minded villains friendly ( usually just minions ) not only that but it can create objects. Thinner does the opposite it melts whatever it touches and takes away objects and kills stuff for good.

Sorcerer Magic: He's able to summon brooms and other things to his side to aid him in battle but he mostly sticks to brooms and such. He is also able to conjure up waves of water and can blast bursts of starry light at opponents.

( Optional )

Backstory: He was drawn as a simple cartoon character but as time went on he began to gain more and more fame and became the head of the Walt Disney corporation and took over the reigns after Walt had passed on. He vowed to take care of the land and make sure all of the characters were all happy. He doesn't do much in the acting business nowadays but instead takes care of the land.

Friends: Almost everyone, Donald Duck, and Goofy

Enemies: The Heartless and the Blot

Species: Toon Mouse

Likes: Children, magic, making people smile

Dislikes: People that threaten the world

Other: If there's anyone you don't want to make angry it's Mickey. Make him mad and you'll have the whole disney universe at your neck.

Final Smash: He summons the Disney World castle, the Epcot ball, Sorcerer Mickey hat, and Tree of Life, in addition to all the attractions at the Disney parks as it transforms into a giant robotic monster fueled by magic and it's an utter beast and able to do tons of damage
Character Name: Pac-Man

World or origin: Earth

Personality: Happy Go-Lucky guy, always has an appetite, a good listener, a real goof ball ( literally )


Group ( Light/Dark/Neutral/other ): Light

Powers/Special Abilities:

Appetite: Able to eat and consume pretty much anything that would usually be harmful and is even immune to dip which is lethal to most things.

Enhanced Strength: Although he isn't quite as powerful as someone like Superman, his hits still pack quite a punch due to him training endlessly in mazes. His attacks include the infamous butt bounce that is even said to surpass Marios' stomp due to Pac-Man's added weight due to his eating.

Speed: Pac-Man is known for his fast eating abilities so when he sees something that he thinks deserves eating he'll rush over as fast as he can to devour it whole.

Backstory: In the year 1980 the internet was still early in development and people were still trying to figure out this whole computer business off in the darkness there were already hackers that aimed to hack into the government's computer system. A terrorist organization known as G.H.O.U.L began hacking into the American and Japanese government with these Trojan viruses that fooled people with their cartoony appearance and seemingly friendly names like Inky, Blinky, Pinky and Clyde. The Americans and Japanese both fell for this trick and collaborated to try to create an anti-virus system that would put a stop to the ghost viruses. Code name Pac-Man , a product of American and Japanese scientists. Pac-Man was installed into the computers and was extremely efficient in literally eating the viruses whole and disposing their code. The terrorists got smarter and created complicated frame wirings around the ghost viruses to protect them from Pac-Man, but even that wasn't enough to hinder Pac-Man as he found his way through them in the blink of an eye and continued munching ghost viruses like they were nothing. Soon word spread about the small yellow pizza thing and soon he became a mascot for American and Japanese relations and soon people started to adore the cute computer programs' simple design. Soon as technology improved the public was able to see Pac-Man's true form, he wasn't too different as he was still a cartoony ball that enjoyed eating but now he had gained a physical robot form with the Pac-Man's A.I installed into it except now instead of just battling viruses he was actually out in the battlefield defending the public from would be wrong do-ers. His robot form is very resilient to damage as blows from rockets and even supernatural attacks did minimal damage. Something that multiple terrorist organizations have tried endlessly to do was hack into Pac-Man himself but the advantage of being Pac-Man is that you're already an anti-virus program so nothing could ever turn him away from his original mission. His body was much like a human in a way because it wasn't made of a metallic material like most robots but instead he was made of some kind of synthetic skin material and like humans he wasn't fueled by oil but by food, or his perception of food because Pac-Man didn't really have a preference for what he ate so I guess he could eat oil and be powered up. Over time he's gotten smarter and didn't just rely on eating and he gained more fighting moves and skill in using different weapons. As time went on and the Smash Brotherhood initiative had been established, the people wanted Pac-Man to be accepted into their ranks but such a thing didn't happen. After a few years Pac-Man began to gain intelligence about the world around him as he learned social skills and actual eating etiquette as he started to go out in public and started talking to children due to his friendly appearance. The Smash Brotherhood began recruiting members again and again but Pac-Man kept getting the shaft. Pac-Man didn't mind that he wasn't accepted but he did start to gain human emotions over time due to his learning A.I system. Unlike most learning robots he never grew hostile and he wasn't ever angst-y and began questioning life and reality and stuff like that. Pac-Man liked being a robot, he enjoyed eating for a living and it was because of his cute appearance that everyone liked him, he had no reason to complain so he remained happy and liked making others happy and protecting them from the dangers of the world. Although one day when Pac-Man had gotten back to the lab and found a letter for him and to his surprise it was an invitation into the Smash Brotherhood and all he had to do was sign his name on the dotted line. His buddies at the lab encouraged him to take them up on that offer, all Pac-Man wanted to do was help out the public and the Smash Brotherhood would be a perfect outlet for him to amplify his means of protecting them. He signed his name as fast as he could and was instantly teleported to the Smash Headquarters. He went around to different worlds and took out the biggest threats of the galaxy like Tabuu and other threats. When the Smash Brotherhood had split up again he, Game & Watch, DuckHunt Dog, Megaman, and R.O.B were assigned the mission of holding down the base while the rest of the team went back to their own home. Pac-Man had created a bond with those four and began to view them as his best friends as they began moving the base from world to world and saving different places. The five of them were like a miniature version of the Brotherhood and since they worked as the Retros for a few years they gained the most goodwill amongst the different worlds due to them saving them on many occasions over the years. Pac-Man and his four friends are now the unofficial mascots for the Smash Brotherhood as they are the ones who do most of the legal speak and public appearances as well as showing up for interviews and such. They still have time for each other as they continue to bond over the course of their time together.

Friends: The Smash Brotherhood

Enemies: Inky, Blinky, Pinky, and Clyde

Species: Pac-Person

Likes: Pac-Dots, Food, Kids

Dislikes: Ghosts


Final Smash: Eating an even bigger power pellet than usual causing everyone around him to be completely defenseless leaving them open for a good chowing down as well as growing exponentially in terms of height and volume. He also is able to move slightly faster.
Character Name: Dog and Ducky

World or origin: Earth


Dog: Loyal, Fun Loving, Courageous

Duck: Loyal, Fun Loving, Cowardly but can bring himself to do it if he knows lives are on the line


Group ( Light/Dark/Neutral/other ): Light

Powers/Special Abilities:

Flight: Ducky has the ability to fly and he's usually the one to scout ahead of Dog and see if there's any danger ahead.

Team Work: Dog and Duck are very strong when they're together. When separated they'll do anything to get back together.

Wonder Zapper: They don't look like it but these two are good snipers and hold, the legendary Wonder Zapper. These Guns are stronger than normal firearms as they are able to shoot some sort of static shock at enemies. This gun isn't the strongest but it gets the job done on a few hits but on the smaller guys it should just take one.

Power Glove: The Duck and Dog have been granted the Power Glove, a magical weapon that deals more damage than any other weapon in their arsenal, as it's not just one weapon it can unleash a plethora of things to deal damage, unfortunately the glove is extremely hard to use. It's a very inaccurate weapon since the weapons seem to disobey where the user is aiming it. Not only that but to get the weapons to come out is another story entirely, it is very difficult to guess how to unleash weapons since the Power Glove changes the rules constantly making it near impossible to figuring out how get it to work. The Power Glove......its' so bad....

Super Scope: A large bazooka-like gun that shoots bigger projectiles than the wonder zapper but it takes six energy packets just to shoot one blast. It's also a bit on the heavier side so it's not good for speedy combat. It's blasts may not be very accurate as well, but their blast radius is big enough to where it's just a minor inconvenience.

Miracle Piano: The Miracle Piano is a pretty weird weapon as most people wouldn't think of a piano as much of a weapon but the Duck and Dog found a way. The Miracle Piano has the ability to energize people with it's music as well as shooting down enemies with it's notes. It fires small notes at foes which don't do a whole lot of damage as a matter of fact it's weaker than the Wonder Zapper but it can fire much faster since it has like eighty eight triggers since it's a piano after all.

Power Pad: Made out of some flexible metal, it's able to be laid out on the floor and stepped on to charge up an attack. The more steps you take on the power pad the stronger the attack will be when it is unleashed.

Speed Board: A overboard that, as the name implies makes the two of them get around faster. This board is able to hover a several feet off the ground so they can make it over hazardous surfaces. Unfortunately the speed board is not able to fly like the warp star is, and it is also able to be destroyed quite easily.

Laser Scope: A headpiece with a speaker attached to it which the dog and duck can use to communicate while separated. The name isn't just for show as it is able to fire projectiles if the duck quacks or the dog barks.

Rock & Roller: The Rock & Roller is a round disk-like trap that can be thrown onto the ground and it slides across the floor to it's destination. It causes the opponent to do what no smash player would ever want to happen.........trip...... that's right this dastardly trap causes you to lose your balance and leave you open for attack.

U-Force: An energy field that can project ally's attacks farther than they'd usually fly. If you punch the air in one spot, your fist could shoot the force of the punch farther to your opponent.

( Optional )

Backstory: The Duck and Dog were raised by the government to be used by the military to accomplish missions that humans would be unable to do. Soon their trainers noticed that the Dog and Duck were more advanced than the other animals in the facility. They demonstrated teamwork that was unparalleled by anyone else on the force. Soon enough the duck and dog were sent on stealth missions to spy on a pair of criminals. The dog and duck found some sort of way to communicate with each other using wing flaps and scratches and they figured out a way to apprehend them and turn them in to the authorities. They were clearly more intelligent than had been previously thought. Soon they became the test subjects for experimental technology known as the N.E.S set. They performed exemplary work on the field using the N.E.S set better than even the human soldiers. Soon the Duck and Dog received a new N.E.S weapon called R.O.B. The two of them worked well with R.O.B as he wasn't much of a weapon and more of a friend, they were a good trio but R.O.B. was more capable of going on solo missions while the duck and dog needed to be together to be useful. R.O.B was accepted into the Smash Brotherhood during the third recruitment period which left the duck and dog as a duo yet again. Soon their R.O.B started to advocate for the duck and dog and he urged them to let them join the Smash Brotherhood at their fourth recruitment period, they agreed. They joined and agreed to be one of the five members to stay in the base and protect the base and travel to other worlds and save them as the other members protected their own.

Friends: Smash Brotherhood

Dog: Duck, Smash Brotherhood

Duck: Dog, Smash Brotherhood

Enemies: They don't have much bias but anything that threatens others

Species: Dog and Duck

Likes: Playing games

Dislikes: Being bored, they get restless without attention

Other: They somehow fire accurately with their Wonder Zappers despite none of them having opposable thumbs.

Final Smash: They both go turbo mode and they equip all of their NES weapons and fire them all off at the same time. And the unthinkable happens....the power glove actually starts to work properly and for as long as the final smash lasts.
Character Name: R.O.B

World or origin: Earth

Personality: Limited emotions, Friendly, a bit stiff


Group ( Light/Dark/Neutral/other ): Light

Powers/Special Abilities:

Lasers: He is able to shoot a heated laser out of his eyes. The longer he waits the stronger the laser is and the farther the laser flies.

Stack-Up: R.O.B carries small colored disks made of some strange metallic material around. ( kind of like Tron disks but in different colors ) He tosses them at his opponents and it does a considerable amount of damage.

Gyromite: A spinning top that R.O.B can charge up in-between his arms and toss it at enemies. The top is more like a drill and it once someone is touched by it they'll find it quite hard to escape it until it stops spinning.

Flight: He has thrusters at the bottom of his torso that he uses to fly into the air or light people below him on fire.

Intelligence: Due to his analytical skills and experience he developed an above average intellect that he uses in battle to calculate his enemies' moves before even THEY know how that they're going to do it

( Optional )

Backstory: Created as a part of the N.E.S. weapon set he was by far the most advanced invention of the bunch as he could accomplish missions on his own without the guidance of someone else. He was given to the Duck and Dog so that he could assist them on missions. They made a good team but R.O.B. began to overshadow the Duck and Dog and he began to get noticed by the Smash Brotherhood. R.O.B. didn't know how to feel since the Duck and Dog were his closest friends and he just didn't want to go defend the public without them. The Smash Brotherhood was no stranger to letting animals into the ranks but a duck and dog were kind of stretching it, all the other animals would either control elements like electricity, water, fire or something like that and if they didn't do that they were huge gorillas or dinosaurs. The Duck and Dog told R.O.B. that this was a huge opportunity that shouldn't be wasted since the Smash Brotherhood was capable of saving many lives. R.O.B. reluctantly joined the group and did the missions without complaining, he kept to himself without talking to too many people that was until he met

Mr.Game & Watch. That was R.O.B.s' first friend outside of Duck and Dog, they would hang out and go on missions together. R.O.B. was finally learning to have fun again. Six years after his recruitment into the team the Smash Brotherhood opened up their fourth recruitment period. R.O.B. was overjoyed and he started to urge the other members to allow Duck and Dog to join them. It was a hard decision but they allowed it after months of begging and soon enough R.O.B. had been reunited with his best pals. He didn't just meet up with them again though, he met other robots on the team, Megaman and Pac-Man. He started to hang out with them too and soon enough the five of them became best friends and became the last remaining members of the Smash Brotherhood as of now since the others had left for their home worlds until something serious was to happen.

Friends: Smash Brotherhood

Enemies: Anything that he perceives as hostile

Species: Robot

Likes: Everything being organized

Dislikes: Disorder

Other: R.O.B. stands for Robotic Operating Buddy

Final Smash: He shoots a giant laser out of his eyes and it has a slight magnetic pull so it may be able to attract enemies into it whether they want to or not.
Character Name: Mega Man

World or origin: Mega City

Personality: Likes to learn, Friendly


Group ( Light/Dark/Neutral/other ): Light

Powers/Special Abilities:

Mega Buster: He's able to rapidly shoot small yellow balls of energy out of his cannon arm. When charged up he's able to a large blue ball of energy.

Ability Absorbing: When he defeats an enemy he's able to absorb their powers and use them to his advantage. He gains most of them from robot masters but there's a lot so uhhhhhh......you'll see all of them soon enough.

( Optional )

Backstory: In the year 20XX there were two professors that worked together Dr. Wily and Dr. Light. They made robots to help the world but eventually Dr.Wily grew tired of always being in the shadow of his partner and he left the lab. He started reprogramming Dr.Light's robots to take over the world and he started creating smaller robots of his own to help them. Soon he grew infamous for his evil schemes so Dr.Light was quick to repurpose a cleaning robot to fight against the robot masters and put Dr.Wily's plans to a stop. Luckily Mega Man had always found a way to destroy all of Wily's robots all alone without fail. The Smash Brotherhood would have recruited him long ago but this was before they were able to travel to different universes as easily as they could now, the only people from other dimensions were Solid Snake and Sonic but when they built their new base after discovering Smash Balls they soon found a new universe. They saw Mega Man and without hesitation they knew that they needed to recruit him for their team. Mega Man was glad to find an array of other heroes since he was used to doing stuff all on his own.

Friends: Dr.Light, Roll, Beat, Bass, Eddie, Smash Brotherhood

Enemies: Robot Masters, Dr.Wily, Mavericks, Dr.Wily's robots

Species: Robot

Likes: Friends

Dislikes: Chaos

Other: He's got a lot of different versions of himself

Final Smash: Mega Man summons all the other versions of him that have gone down in history and they all fire their signature blasters at once
Character Name: Mr. Game & Watch

World or origin: Flat Zone

Personality: Mysterious, silent but deadly, Kind of hard to tell


Group ( Light/Dark/Neutral/other ): Light

Powers/Special Abilities:

Weirdness: His strange behavior, look, and everything make him quite the character. No one knows just what goes on in that head of his, making him very unpredictable on the battlefield. Not only that but his weird body is made of some unknown material that the others call "Flatonium". Whatever it is, it really hurts and also kind of hard to see coming, going by it's namesake the Flatonium is, well....flat! And since Mr. Game & Watch stands upright, not many people can see the 2D figure flying toward them.

BALL: Mr. Game & Watch is able to juggle a small ball made "Flatonium" that he throws above his head to do quite a bit of damage. He's not only good at tossing the ball but also his opponents as he is literally able to juggle them.

FLAG: Mr. Game & Watch carries a two big flags that he uses to give his opponents a good whacking. Something about the flags causes his opponents to forget minor things, ( not straight up amnesia or anything but maybe of what just happened or a bit of their strategy ) maybe it's the flags maybe Mr. Game & Watch just knows where to hit you, who knows?

VERMIN: Mr. Game & Watch's hammers are more heavy hitting than his flags as he squashes the ground with them as he crushes them as if they were vermin. These things can send you flying if you aren't careful.

Parachute: Mr. Game & Watch summons two other flat people with a stretcher of some sort and they catch him which causes him to fly high into the air and he falls back to the ground gently with a parachute.

JUDGEMENT: This attack uses a special hammer with a 9 sided die inside of it. When he swings the hammer which rolls the little die inside of it and depending on what number it landed the higher amount of damage it does. 9 is a guaranteed kill and a 1 feels like a paper cut.

MANHOLE: He carries a manhole that he tosses on the floor to hurt his foe as well as being able to lift it up fast enough to send his enemies flying.

HELMET: Mr. Game & Watch dons a helmet and he dashes at an enemy and gives them a hearty head butt. This may do a moderate amount of damage but Mr. Game & Watch wears it mostly for defense purposes so he can block some of the damage from attacks.

LION: Mr. Game & Watch takes out a chair and whacks his enemies but he's added a new flair to the attack this time around as now he actually summons his flat lion to attack his foes by tackling them and chowing down.

CHEF: Mr. Game & Watch gets out his magical frying pan and he tosses out made of Flatonium at his enemies to throw them off. They don't do too much damage but they come out rapidly and don't go in the same direction so it's hard to predict where they'll show up.

TURTLE: Mr. Game & Watch takes a turtle out of his pocket and has it snap at his foes as well as being able to summon a platform of turtles to break his fall. A weird use for turtles but they seem to be fine with it.

FIRE: Mr. Game & Watch takes out a torch to light his enemies on fire. It's one of his stronger attacks.

PANIC: When Mr. Game & Watch gets scared and is unable to avoid an attack he'll get out a bucket to store an attack into and then release it back at the enemy in a liquid state.

GREEN HOUSE: Mr. Game & Watch gets out a small pump that he uses to poison his enemies due and he's able to pump it faster than his other attacks.

( Optional )

Backstory: Mr. Game & Watch hailing from Flat Zone a strange universe where it seems to have very little inhabitants and most of them are animals but the only guy who seems to make anyone happen is Mr. Game & Watch himself. There isn't much to say about Flat Zone as it seems to be a purgatory like place where Mr. Game & Watch just continually accomplishes menial tasks for as long as possible until he gets bored of one of them and then goes to the next but there isn't much to do there. Mr. Game & Watch was getting tired of the uniformity of it all and soon gathered his skills that he gained over time and rounded them up to break into the third dimension. He soon found himself in the middle of nowhere but he was so glad to find a new world in color and a literal new dimension. He started floating around in space and found a meteor belt made of Smash Balls and he started to build a little ship by using the power of them. He started to travel around as the very first unofficial member of the Smash Brotherhood until coming into contact with Master and Crazy hand. He was given an order to find the best heroes in the galaxy to destroy the darkness that infected it. He started to round up everyone without hesitation as all he did in life was do weird tasks for people. When the Smash Brotherhood went through it's third phase he went from being the errand boy to a full fledged member as he started to help the team out on missions and not just driving them places and finding new members. Not many people know much about him as he doesn't talk as much as everyone else but he's friendly enough......I think...?

Friends: Super Smash Brotherhood

Enemies: nobody knows~~~~~

Species: nobody knows~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Likes: Games

Dislikes: Not really sure but he's quite adamant about what he hates


Final Smash: He turns into a giant octopus and whatever he touches takes a great amount of damage.
(Let's see if all of this actually works..)


Character Name

Kenzi Helm

World or origin:

The Homerealm; Clockwork City of Queran


Lynx is an extremely hyper and happy-go-lucky individual, and loud, too. Although, behind this lurks a small amount of anxiety that she might be a bit too much of a handful. Always a sucker for food, Lynx is almost impossible to depress, and she hides her annoyance rather well. Anger is a stretch for her anymore, although a threat to her pride or her friends won't result well for the enemy.








LEFT HAND: The Chaos Drive, a special gauntlet that augments the user's magical capabilities and do a variety of different things, from temporary enchantments to magical spells and summoning weapons. (The glowing ball on the side determines the current magical alignment). However, switching alignments takes a small amount of time and while aligned, she is vulnerable to the opposite element.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-27_10-24-34.jpeg.07734648caaefcdf49837a69084d212c.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121074" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-27_10-24-34.jpeg.07734648caaefcdf49837a69084d212c.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

RIGHT HAND: The Needler, a magic-sensitive weapon whose alignment changes with the aura around it. The needles change color and effect based on alignment. (EX: purple needles would poison you, blue needles would freeze..)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-27_10-23-48.jpeg.bdc071a66e4f6d0c6972e885893ec1ee.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121073" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-27_10-23-48.jpeg.bdc071a66e4f6d0c6972e885893ec1ee.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Powers/Special Abilities:

-Alignment Switch: This switches Lynx's current elemental alignment. It renders her temporarily invulnerable, but she cannot use it to avoid an attack.

Final Smash:

Lynx's Chaos Drive and Needler take on a gold color, and Lynx's next shot morphs into an ethereal version of the animal of her namesake. Lynx temporarily disappears, and controls this being until she takes enough damage to be forced out of the form.


Lynx comes from a gathering of realms and dimensions known altogether as the Homerealm. She hailed from the human town of Uryl, living a normal life until a demon ransacked it. As a last resort, the village sage sealed the demon within Lynx, before dying himself. Upset and confused, Lynx left to wander the land, but her demon broke out of its 'prison' many times until Lynx came across a warrior who taught her how to control herself. As her demon's form was revealed to her, she dubbed herself 'Lynx' in honor of its cooperation.

She left again, telling thanks to the warrior and setting her destination to the Clockwork City of Queran. As she arrived, she was first slightly unwelcome, as tales of her demon had preceded her coming. However, as she proved herself as an excellent engineer and created the first Chaos Drive, she was quickly accepted.

She lived an easy life from then on, working on PROJECT SMASH, an attempt to gain access to a fabled land where those of many different universes lived. The project was considered a failure, as Lynx was sucked into the completed portal before her spiritual energy tore it apart. Lynx found herself in this world, unbound from her demon, only to hear it had awaken long before her and had quickly begun celebrating its freedom with the death of Smashers.

--Character Two--

Character Name

Kalamitat, the Golden Demon

World or origin

The Homerealm


Kalamitat is cruel and unforgiving to any that she feels have wronged her. She enjoys killing to a great degree, but isn't a cardboard villain. She is easy to anger but can control herself. If she likes someone, she'll often act closer to human, being influenced by Lynx's behavior. In fact, the two's personalities are very alike, with the exception of the hyperness that Lynx possesses.

: Humanoid:

Just.. with actual clothing..








A simple katana

Powers/Special Abilities

-Kalamitat can take on a lynx-like form and fight this way. This form is very much akin to Lynx's Final Smash, but less ethereal.

Final Smash:

Kalamitat strikes once with her katana, brings back painful memories of her target to empower her attack, and swings again, sending them flying.


Kalamitat was enraged at her low position among the demons of Hell, and was desperate to prove herself. This led her to attack a human settlement, but she found herself stuck inside a human host. She managed to wrench back control and cause chaos every once in a while, until her host learned how to control Kalamitat. Eventually, the demon resigned to her position, but took advantage of the large amounts of magical energies emitting from the portal Lynx had created and used them to free herself.



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Character Name
: Meta Knight

World or origin: Dreamland

Personality: A loner, observer, acts tough but is a real softy, intellegent, and is a well known fighter


Group ( Light/Dark/Neutral/other ): Dark

Powers/Special Abilities:

  • Standard Special Move Mach Tornado
  • Side Special Move Drill Rush
  • Up Special Move Shuttle Loop
  • Down Special Move Dimensional Cape

( Optional )

Backstory: He is a mysterious character of the Super Smash Brothers, no one knows of his backstory of how he came to be

Friends: Kirby and Smash Brotherhood

Enemies: N/A

Species: Many speculate that Meta Knight is like Kirby

Likes: His sword, training, flowers, his friends

Dislikes: To him its a secret

Other: His sword's name is Galaxia

Final Smash: Galaxia Darkness
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Character Name: Pyro Freeze

World or origin: She was created from a science experiment, somehow scientist combined ice and lava together to get her

Personality: Shy, Optimistic, Childish, creative, care free, rarely gets angry



Group ( Light/Dark/Neutral/other ): Neutral

Powers/Special Abilities:

  • Standard Special Move Blizzard- When she blows, crystilized snow comes out of her mouth like a strong wind freezing her opponent for 2 minutes
  • Side Special Move Fire Wave- When she slides, she creates a trail of hot fire with her that whoever lands into the fire deals 9% damage
  • Up Special Move Flame Spin - Whenever she double kicks her opponents upwards, they feel fire on her feet which burns them a bit leaving them helpless for 19 seconds
  • Down Special Move Smash Stomp - Pyro Freeze throws her opponents down before stomping on them with a hot and cold feet making them loose 8% damage

( Optional )


Friends: Kirby, Meta Knight, Smash Brotherhood

Enemies: The people who created her, as they only wanted to use her as a weapon

Species: Fire and Ice Element

Likes: Flowers, her friends, art, parties with music, the heat and cold

Dislikes: What she is

Other: She has a fire and ice tattoo on her back

Final Smash: Fire and Ice - Combining both a snowball with a fireball, she throws it at her opponents like a baseball. Even though it may seem small, it does a lot of damage
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Character Name: Ultron

World or origin: Marvel Earth

Personality: in the outside, Ultron is rather dark and sadistical, but deep inside he also feel some human emotion such as loneliness.



Group ( Light/Dark/Neutral/other ): Dark

Powers/Special Abilities:

  • Concussions Blast- Ultron Shot his opponent with a powerful laser blast from his finger
  • Hive Mind- Call two Ultron Sentry, melee and Ranged for 2 Minute
  • Gravity Controller- Ultron use Gravity controller Device to barrage the opponent with Boulders, Stun for 30 Second
  • Avenging - Summon Mecha Iron Man and Mecha Captain America to combo attack the Opponent
  • Godlike - Summon Mecha Thor that attack the opponent with Thunder Blast. Chance to Applies Electric damage on every attack.
  • Cosmic Blast - Summon Mecha Thanos that attack opponent with Cosmic Blast, Applies Cosmic Radiation Reducing Opponent Accuracy by 20%, and dealing damage overtime


  • We Are One - Chance for either Mecha Iron Man, Captain America, Thanos, or Loki to join attack
  • Vibranium Shell - Ultron Body are Full Vibranium, give 50% Chance that 10% of opponent attack are reflected. Also reduce damage taken from the opponent. At the cost of reduced Evasion

Backstory: Originally Created by to Safeguard Humanity, Ultron instead turn against them and aims at Humanity Extinction.

However Unlike other Villains, Which Goal is for something selfish, Ultron's Ultimate Goal is to achieve a true Peace by any means necessary.

As Time pass by Ultron have upgraded himself countlessly and also made a lot version of his army such as the Ultimates, a Mechanical Version of The Avengers.

Friends: Spectre, Loki

Enemies: The Avengers

Species: Artificial Intelligence

Likes: Technology, Dark Humor, All of his creation

Dislikes: Stringed/Being used by others

Other: Ultron have once tried to replace all live on earth with his machine

Final Smash:

Ultimate Perfection - Summon Mechanical Version of Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Thanos, Loki, and Dr Doom which attacks his opponents simultaneously. Finishing by a last blow from Mecha-Galactus
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Character Name: Kirby

World or origin: Pop Star

Personality: A trainee on fighting, happy about everything, gets scared easily, is like a child, and can only say 'Poyo'


Group ( Light/Dark/Neutral/other ): Light

Powers/Special Abilities:

  • Standard Special Move - Inhale
  • Side Special Move - Hammer
  • Up Special Move - Final Cutter
  • Down Special Move - Stone

( Optional )

Backstory: He doesn't remember where he came from

Friends: Meta Knight and the Smash Brotherhood

Enemies: N/A

Species: Its not specified

Likes: Meta knight since he looks up to him in a way

Dislikes: He doesn't have many dislikes

Other: He likes to eat a lot

Final Smash: Cook Kirby
(NOTE: All three of these are sort of W.I.P., but mostly complete.)

Character Name
: Dark Matter

World or origin: Unknown Origins (Kirby's Dreamland Series)

Personality: A mostly silent manipulator with unknown goals. Dark Matter fights without mercy, and will destroy anything in his way. Holds a grudge against Kirby for defeating him twice before.



Group ( Light/Dark/Neutral/other ): Dark

Powers/Special Abilities:

Immune to the forces of gravity.

Able to possess other, weaker life forms.

His sword is technically a part of him, and as such disarming him is not a possibility.

Dark Orbs: Dark Matter can launch dark energy orbs that slightly home in on enemies.

Dark Beam: Dark Matter can fire beams of dark energy from his sword.

Extremely difficult to defeat when using anything other than the Rainbow Sword.

Character Name
: Magolor

World or origin: Halcandra (Kirby's Return To Dreamland)

Personality: Manipulative and a great liar. Magolor will do anything to fulfill his goal of conquering everything. Fairly mocking towards others, but still surprisingly friendly towards most others as well.



Group ( Light/Dark/Neutral/other ): Dark

Powers/Special Abilities:

Defies the laws of gravity.


Can summon orbs of weak purple energy with black holes in their center and use them in various formations to attack. The orbs can easily be destroyed with a single attack of any kind.

Can create puddles of pink liquid that shoot upward into extremely tall spikes at his command.

Can create powerful blasts of blue fire.

Can rapidly fire large lasers from his hands.

Final Smash:

Interdimensional Hole: Magolor creates a star shaped black hole to suck in his enemies, which deals massive damage if they get sucked in and then spits them out.

Character Name: Dark Meta Knight

World or origin: The Mirror World (Kirby & The Amazing Mirror)

Personality: A complete loner with no regard for anyone except himself. Fairly intelligent, and a feared villain for his power. He has a deep hatred for his normal counterpart and for Kirby, due to Kirby trapping him in the labyrinth of mirrors. He tends to use underhanded and cheap tactics in battle. Extremely aggressive in combat, and tends to ambush his foes instead of giving them a chance to defend themselves.



Group ( Light/Dark/Neutral/other ): Neutral

Powers/Special Abilities:

Mach Tornado.

Dimensional Cape.


Drill Rush.

Can create sword beams with each slash.

Can create tall but thin tornadoes using magic.

Final Smash: Dark Meta Knight causes enormous blades identical to Galaxia's to burst out of the ground all around him, dealing massive damage to his foes.
Character Name: Bandana Dee

World or origin: Popstar (Kirby's Return To Dreamland)

Personality: Doesn't talk. Ever. At all. Instead he mimes things through a weird set of gestures that only other Waddle Dees understand, making it quite difficult to tell what he's trying to get across. Well, unless he's angrily poking you with his spear. It's quite difficult to misunderstand the meaning behind that. He's very friendly, and goes out of his way to help others. He's also fairly unintelligent, and has a tendency to get himself into tricky situations that make absolutely no sense.



Group ( Light/Dark/Neutral/other ): Light

Powers/Special Abilities:

Literally every power that Spear Copy Ability Kirby has.

Can somehow jump multiple times in midair, despite the laws of gravity.
Sort of a WIP, but I can start using him before it's finished because all I need is the Final Smash and the weapon and a few other details.

Character Name

Zacharias Juulris

World or origin:

The Homerealm; Shadow Realm


Zacharias seems like one of the nicest people you will ever meet, always there when you need him. Always lending a helping hand or giving advice. However, behind this he's actually a cold, calculating bastard, and every move he makes plays into his hand one way or another, even if it's just garnering support. He's such a good liar that he could make you believe the world was flat and just inflated at some point at time. Some traits that remain, however, include a dry sense of humor, and being "evil" doesn't mean he won't pick a kitten up off of the side of a street and find it shelter and food. He does have the occasional bout of depression, but nobody can ever crack him open. He'll die laughing in your face, even as his loss becomes obvious.




Shadow Realmist




None (yet).

Powers/Special Abilities:

Any illusion Zacharias wants to create, he can. Not much else to put here.

Final Smash:

(I can't think of anything right now, but when I do I'll let you know.)


Zacharias also comes from a gathering of realms and dimensions known altogether as the Homerealm. After the formation of the Shadow Realm, he became the seventeenth High General (basically leader) of the Realm, and not too soon afterwards the Angel War started. When it ended, with major casualties on both sides, and the cause (Zacharias) was discovered, he was locked away in a prison-dimension known as the Fourth Gate, which also happened to be a well-kept secret from the 'common folk' of the Homerealm.

After a few years locked away, Zacharias had turned the entire prison on his side and began working to open the Gate. Before he could completely succeed, the forces of the Shadow Realm, Heaven, Hell, and the Underworld invaded the prison, and managed to beat back the revolt. However, Zacharias disappeared before anyone could kill him. He reappeared in the Smashverse.
The Guild of Xilas

Name: North

Gender: Male

Species: Sawk

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 32

Backstory: He's a hardened warrior who has lived up high in the mountains for much of his life, training for the day when someone might possibly need him on a Rescue Team. Then he founded the Guild of Xilas where he could finally bring his dream to life, he soon gained a disciple of each type and they aim to gain more over time.


Name: Aqua Alpheus

Type: Water

Gender: Male

Species: Squirtle

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 19

Backstory: The Squirtle of a certain famous trainer, he was a former member of the Squirtle Squad, he thought it was time for an early retirement so he could make some new friends and see the world outside of the small areas he and his crew protected. After a while of searching he caught word of this new movement called the guild of Xilas and intentions to create more guilds and organizations called Rescue teams to save pokemon from bondage of the pokeballs and the iron shackles of the trainers. They believe in working with humans without the need of keeping them stowed away in awful spheres. Now he travels around with the other members making sure they keep safe, they're trying to get support from legendary pokemon, no luck right now however but they're doing a good job given how few of them are out there.



Name: Kumba

Type: Normal

Gender: Male

Species: Snorlax

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 16

Backstory: Just a Snorlax, he's an overall friendly dude, some of the smaller weaker pokemon sleep, rest, or eat on his stomach while he lies down, Snorlax is happy to give them protection from any bully pokemon that seek to attack them. Sometimes a bigger pokemon will wrestle for him for fun, he's an undefeated champion, he's not quite as lazy as other Snorlax since he's constantly fighting with pokemon who want to attack the little guys under his custody. He acts as the safe haven where the other Xilas pokemon bring them to so he can keep them on his large stomach.



Name: Helios

Type: Fire

Gender: Male

Species: Rapidash

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 19

Backstory: Has an unnatural need for speed, does anything as long as it's fast. He often gives pokemon rides just so he has a chance to run somewhere. It goes without saying that he's a good runner because he's so eager to tell Pokemon about the revolution that he's an advocate for, he wants to rise up against the humans and start something that he and his fellow pokemon are calling rescue teams by joining guilds such as Xilas.



Name: Nuptup

Type: Poison

Gender: Male

Species: Vileplume

Sexuality: Straight

Age: As old as time itself....according to him

Backstory: This guy really likes to eat, or at the very least absorb whatever he comes across. He was released from his trainer to see the world, he had one of those psychotics who refused to take their pokemon back to the pokemon center after they fainted part of the new religion of Nuzlocke. He was the sole survivor of his trainer's Nuzlocke, being in the Pokemon Hall of Fame this little guy has quite the ego but being in a backpack full of unconcious pokemon messed him up quite a bit. He now puts on a persona of being a crazy powerful demon lord in disguise as an innocent Vileplume. It's a convincing act due to how strong he is but if your in his group of friends he'll act normal. He's a bit of a celebrity amongst a few routes and gyms for his ruthless battle tactics. Now that he's free he dedicates his time to the Xilas guild in hopes of protecting other pokemon from being captured, he dons a bit of a super hero persona when doing this as well.



Name: Neon

Type: Electric

Gender: Male

Species: Ampharos

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 22

Backstory: When he was a young Mareep he was walking with his herd at night, but in the midst of the darkness all of his friends and family were captured and taken away by team rocket...or was it plasma? Maybe it was Galactic... he was too traumatized to focus on what the logo was but all in all the bad guys stole away his life. When he heard about the movement of resisting captures and helping the other defenseless pokemon when he grew up into an Ampharos he had found what he'd like to do with his life. His role is keeping the pokemon safe at night with his glowing tail, he shows them across the safest parts of the routes and where they can be protected. He's not just some tour guide however, he can also hold his own in battle.



Name: Hathi

Type: Ground

Gender: Male

Species: Donphan

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 29

Backstory: This guy is the blacksmith/inventor of the group. He is one of the few pokemon to actually sport armor save for maybe a cubone or some others. Despite his already thick hide he believes in not being satisfied with mediocrity when you have the chance to do more. He makes weapons and other things for the pokemon to use while out gathering pokemon to protect, he makes a great bodyguard as well.



Name: Cleus

Type: Psychic

Gender: Male

Species: Duosion

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 12

Backstory: This little guy is just a small Duosion who had only evolved recently, he floats about providing support for the other more powerful members of the Guild of Xilas. He got involved with them because he looks up to the real powerful guys, they kind of use him as their mascot due to his lil' face. He hangs out with the pokemon they keep safe and acts as a sort of therapeutic squishy guy for them to converse with and get comforted by.



Name: Boulderbark

Type: Rock

Gender: Male

Species: Sudowoodo

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 27

Backstory: Raised by a very bratty child who would constantly water him thinking that he was a grass type pokemon, but seeing as how water hurts him he would always try to escape, his family was too neglectful to ever stop their child from doing this however so he'd have to run away as fast as he could from them while they sprayed him with a hose and kept him outside when it rained. In his early years he was small enough to hide under the roof of the house but as he grew up he was too thick to completely shield himself from water. One rainy day he faced his fears and ran into the soaked yard and began to dig and scrape at the dirt with his green orbs doing his best to crawl under the brick wall that separated him from the rest of the world. He squirmed his way out and ran and ran and never looked back. He then cursed his years as a Bonsly and his teens as a Sudowoodo, now was time for a change. He started to bust walls down and help pokemon escape their abusive owners for their cruel behavior toward them. He'd crush security cameras, sneak into houses, and other spy things all while pretending to be a tree. Because of this he's gained a lot of friends for his actions and very thankful smiles from whoever he saved. He's a master at sneaking about and is often seen standing out in the rain as a reminder of why he does what he does, it's also a kind of resistance training to water as well.



Name: Ralph

Type: Dragon

Gender: Male

Species: Tyrantrum

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 1200

Backstory: By far one of the heaviest hitters on the team, you'd better be glad that this guy is friendly because if someone crosses one of his buddies he shows no mercy. A veteran in the pokemon wars of old he was one of the few to survive, many prehistoric pokemon were reduced to mere bones. He was a mighty warrior but he didn't feel right fighting his fellow pokemon for another species, he served his master well however as it was a knight's duty. When his old master passed away he found it in himself to find a new calling. He found Dialga on the brink of death as Palkia was beating him to the floor, he wasn't quite ready to have time itself be destroyed because of their petty squabble so he used roar on Palkia and he knocked him unconcious in an epic battle, beating even Palkia without the orders of a trainer. He took Dialga to a cave for away from the battle grounds and fed him Oran berries until he was better, Dialga rewarded him with a gift of immortality. Ever since that day he roamed the world taking what he wanted and getting stronger each day. That was until he saw the invention that was the pokeballs, he saw pokemon after pokemon absorbed into it's cold clutches, he shuddered at the thought of it. He found a group of skilled pokemon helping out others in need and keeping them safe, he challenged the Snorlax to see if their cause was worth anything, and in all his years he was finally bested. He admitted defeat and vowed to help them out as they were obviously serious about their cause, he soon began to make a friendship with all of the pokemon on the team and soon became one of it's most valued members.



Name: Seti

Type: Ghost

Gender: Male

Species: Cofagrigus

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 39

Backstory: So this guy might seem a bit scary being a ghost type and all, but he does a good job in hiding pokemon in his body. He also stores plenty of stolen man made items as well as money. The thing with him is that he's the thief of the group and manages to take plenty of things from towns and backpacks, each day he'll return to the hideout with revives, potions, TM's, HM's and other things, stuff that would be impossible to find in the wild unless a trainer dropped it. If you run across him he'll be sure to have whatever you need if it's physical or something, being a master thief that also makes him skilled in the art of mugging so he can knock out hoardes of pokemon with ease and take their precious items.



Name: Styx

Type: Dark

Gender: Male

Species: Houndoom

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 20

Backstory: This houndoom is part of the body guard portion of the group, he goes out and keeps smaller pokemon safe from attacks and other things. In his early years he'd walk around towns to scavenge for food because unlike other Houndoom he's unable to digest meat which limits his diet to moo moo milk, berries, and poffins. Because of the lack of protein he was a bit weak as a Houndoor but when he evolved (late bloomer but he did eventually evolve) he still felt as if he was going to starve to death that was until a child on the street coming home from school saw him, he saw the Houndoom's thin frame and long horns and mistaked him for a monster causing him to run away in fear and leaving his lunch behind. He snacked on it and he started coming around at night more often and ghost stories were passed around about a zombie Houndoom. He was given the nickname Styx like the river that leads you to the underworld and tons of tall tales were made about him, he soon joined the Guild of Xilas as he needed the extra protection as he wasn't the strongest Houndoom out there but over time with training from some of the more tough pokemon he was soon able to commit to his job and use his powers of intimidation to help others instead of scaring kids.



Name: Fern

Type: Grass

Gender: Male

Species: Simisage

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 19

Backstory: This guy is real playful and fun, real friendly and approachable. When he was a young Pansage he met a very strong Sawk and his crew of other pokemon that protect smaller ones from being caught. He didn't want to be buckled down to a trainer and noticed that the Xilas didn't have a grass type as of yet so he volunteered to become a permanent member of the team. He works as a scouting agent as he travels to the farther regions and sees who needs help.



Name: Marco

Type: Flying

Gender: Male

Species: Staraptor

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 24

Backstory: As the resident flying type in the Xilas Guild he goes on a lot of missions in the air to see if there's any issues there, he often swoops in on unsuspecting trainers to scare them away from areas with his intimidating appearance. He even goes above criminal organization buildings to see what their up to so they know whether or not it's safe to raid depending how many people are in there. He was a former pokemon to the gym leader Falkner, this guy experienced many defeats and many victories from countless trainers, he was alright with Falkner, he was a kind trainer but he wanted to see what the world was like outside of the walls of Violet City. He made that expressly clear and Falkner with a tearful goodbye released him into the wild, Marco would visit from time to time but he dedicates his time to traveling the world and protecting the little guys. He became quick friends with Helios the Rapidash and challenges him to races, he's yet to win any but he's gotten close.



Name: Sir Stag

Type: Bug

Gender: Male

Species: Pinsir

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 38

Backstory: A Pinsir tied to his honor, he often recieves weapons and armor from Hathi as he gets into battle quite often. He might be a bit extreme in what he does but that might be due to how many times he's had pokeballs thrown at him as many trainers would want a Pinsir on their team. He does resistence training often so he can break out of pokeballs easier, he actually has the other Xilas members chuck ultra balls and great balls at him to see how many he can take, he gets better each day but he longs for the day he can break out of a master ball in case that day comes. His friends tell him not to worry as they usually only use those on legendaries but you never know.



Name: Snowball

Type: Ice

Gender: Male

Species: Glalie

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 48

Backstory: This guy was a former nurse at a Pokemon Center, he doesn't look like the medical type but that was because a Chansey took him when he was just a baby mistaking him for an egg. Of course he would have to be pretty old to have evolved as Snorunts take a while longer to evolve than the average pokemon but he was very very much late born so he was one in a million chance he evolved before he even hatched. So when he was born he didn't have the big icicles coming out of the upper part of his body making him look like a lost exeggcute egg but with a lot of weird cracks. The Chansey that picked him up put him in her pouch and back to the Pokemon Center. The nurses did a DNA scan that identified it as a premature Glalie. So over time his mothers, Chansey and Nurse Joy trained him in the art of medical care which isn't common for a Glalie but he got the job done. When he got older he asked if he could go free into the wild and find his purpose, they gave him a mega stone as a gift and he keeps it stored somewhere (he won't quite tell) on him at all times just in case. He joined the Xilas guild in hopes of keeping pokeballs off of pokemon as he thinks that's what he wants to do as the Chansey's at the Pokemon center never had to put up with it and they get along with the nurses just fine so he feels like it's not a requirement to keep them bottled up. He's the only one on the team that has a mega stone and able to mega evolve, being a nurse that limited his time to train for fighting for much of his life so the mega evolution gives him a bit of something to fall back on when they get in a scuffle. His name however is the result of much ridicule, being raised by a Nurse Joy obviously meant getting quite the unfortunate name, he resents it but keeps it to respect his parents so he wears it with pride or at least as much pride as you can being named Snowball.



Name: Briar

Type: Steel

Gender: Male

Species: Ferrothorn

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 27

Backstory: This guy is the resident steel pokemon on the team, there aren't a lot of pure steel types out there let alone steel types in general so they took what they could get. But enough about that the way he got involved in the guild of the Xilas was when he was busy contemplating how he was a good design in any regard. He was busy wiggling his noodle-like arms and huge flails at the end of it trying to figure out what he could do with these odd limbs of his. He climbed up a wall with them and he sat down, he remembered the days when he used to be a Ferroseed and he could just roll about without a care but now he had these dangly weird appendages and they were a bit hard to maneuver because how thin they were. He then saw a mighty Tyrantrum and was very much jealous of his evolution. He skittered his way toward him and begged to be his student so he could know how to put his odd drumpy things to good use. That's how he became a member of Xilas but he never was interested in getting caught because alot of pokehipsters boycott places like the Unova region and even those who don't still don't catch many Ferrothorns anyway as they weren't the most popular pokemon out there so he can use his unattractiveness as an advantage as he can leave and go into cities without much of a problem.



Name: Kirby

Type: Fairy

Gender: Male

Species: Wigglytuff

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 26

Backstory: Often mistaken for a girl this Wigglytuff might look sweet but she's got a pretty crooked past. She used to belong to a Team Rocket grunt, no one particularly special just some guy. He was then passed on to Team Galactic and Plasma so needless to say, he's a bit of a gangster at heart but he wasn't about that life anymore. He busted out of the base and became a gangster pokemon on the streets, he became so tough he even formed a gang of Scrafty's that he'd go around flaunting and go fighting wild pokemon with. They'd get into fights with tons of Pokemon hoardes. Eventually he joined the Xilas as he thought of it as just another gang that he'd be able to actually help people with. He's a real tough nut so don't mess with him.


Character Name: Zoey Cardigan, now known as Z

World or origin: Pokemon (Gijinka)

Personality: Chill/emo. When you ask her for permission to do anything, she'll let you go. Unless if it is to touch her tails, then she will probably hurt you. She can have fun but it is kinda rare. Also, it's easier to make her like you, but also is prone to easily hating you.


Group ( Light/Dark/Neutral/other ): Completely Neutral, if you can convince her she will join your side.

Powers/Special Abilities: A HUD in her eyes that can detect almost anything she wants to, a healing move that will be explained in the RP if needed to be used, and extreme endurance. Scales about as thick as plastic

( Optional )

Backstory: Her life was pretty average for a 16 year old, until her favorite subject in school got the best of her. She was willingly experimented on, with an advertisement stating for her to be completely changed into a Zygarde. She joined for 2 reasons, one being that she loved genetics and the other being she loves snakes because of Vore stuff online that she likes. (I will NOT explain what vore is, you don't need to know.) However the test failed mid-transformation and the lab basically went deserted. There was a note on a table saying

" YOU'RE NOT ZOEY ANYMORE". It took her nearly 6 months for her to get used to her new body.

Friends: None yet, after her transformation she was hated for being different.

Enemies: The entire human race, for their terrible discrimination against her.

Species: Formerly human, now 50% Zygarde 50% Human

Likes: Amusement park rides, making friends for once, her form today

Dislikes: Humans, When you touch her tail(s) (She will go berserk or have a seizure, depends on how you touch it.), anyone against her and her being different, when her HUD mode fails because that means something's wrong with her spinal cord.

Other: 17 years old.

Final Smash: The pokemon move, Earthquake. Except it is 18X more powerful. She stomps her foot on the ground and a massive shift causes everyone around her to either fall to their knees or fall down.
Character Name: Ventus

Age: 16

World or origin: Kingdom Hearts

Personality: Ventus sweet, cheerful, curious, and gets excited at anything new or interesting. He makes new friends easily in different worlds and really cares about his best friends Terra and Aqua, viewing Terra as an older brother. Along with his kind personality, he also shows a lot of bravery, especially evident when he battles Vanitas for the final time, where he promises to fight for his friends no matter what, knowing the fact that he would lose his heart as a result.


Group ( Light/Dark/Neutral/other ): Light

Powers/Special Abilities:

Wayward Wind Keyblade: Wayward Wind is a peculiar Keyblade that is designed to be easily wielded in reverse. It is short compared to most keyblades, but Ventus makes up for it with his speed. He can do different magical attacks with his keyblade that he uses to activate command styles.

Command Styles: Ventus activates his command styles by doing certain types of attacks. When he does enough of these attacks he undergoes a style change. Ventus's Command Styles are as followed:

Fever Pitch: An exclusive Command Style for Ventus that utilizes Ven's speed and a wide-range of attacks. Activated by doing physical-based attacks.

Cyclone: Activated doing Raid, or Aero-based attacks. A powerful Command Style that consists of Ven attacking surrounding enemies with a series spinning slashes.

Thunder Bolt: A swift Command Style that unleashes powerful lightning upon attacks. Activated by doing Thunder-based commands.

Fire Storm: ranged and versatile Command Style that focuses the Keyblade to erupt in flames while attacking. Activated by doing Fire-based attacks.

Diamond Dust: An ice-based Command Style that seems to specialize in crowd-control and dealing with multiple enemies. It's activated by doing Ice-based attacks.

( Optional )

Backstory: Ventus was an apprentice of Master Xehanort,as part of the elderly Keyblade Master's plans to forge the legendary ?-blade. However, Ventus proved to be a poor candidate, and when he refused to use his darkness to fight several Neoshadow Heartless in the Keyblade Graveyard, Master Xehanort finally lost patience with him and used his own keyblade to unlock and extract the darkness from Ventus's heart, using it to form a being of pure darkness who is then named "Vanitas" by Master Xehanort.

Unfortunately, the process left Ventus in a comatose state, with his broken heart of pure light slowly fading out of existence. Master Xehanort, disguised in a Black Coat, then took Ventus to Destiny Islands to allow him to live out his last days peacefully. Ventus is sent to the Dive to the heart, where he comes in contact with the heart of a young Sora. After a brief discussion, Ventus's heart connects with Sora's, mending his broken heart and allowing Ven to stay alive until he someday becomes strong enough to repair the damage by himself.

Friends: Sora, Mickey, anyone else from Kingdom Hearts

Enemies: The Heartless

Species: Human

Other:Video for his comand styles. Go to 2:24 to see his final smash. You don't have to watch the whole video. Only for the things that are listed.


Wayward Wind:

Final Smash:

Wingblade: Ven discards his Keyblade in exchange for six glowing swords of light that float behind him resembling wings, and allow him to strike multiple enemies at once. The finisher consists of Ventus jumping in the air with his blades pointed downward; Ventus lands and causes a flash of light that damages all enemies that are near by.
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Character Name: Mizelia

World or origin: Star Wars (The Old Republic), Coruscant


Mizelia is a friendly person, trying to see more the optimistic side of situations if possible. She is also a pacifist, being absolutely against violence and harming others. She is also very forgiveful and believes that people can change. Mizelia tries to help others when she can, even though her fellow Jedi disagree with her actions sometimes. She can be very stubborn when it's about helping others, sometimes ignoring the risks she is taking. She is also willing to trust people easy.

She only fights when she must and when everything else fails. Even if she fights, she refuses to strike down an enemy.



Group ( Light/Dark/Neutral/other ): Light

Powers/Special Abilities:

Force Powers:

Force Augmentation: Strengthening herself with the Force.

Curato Salva: Name for healing abilities. Can be used to heal others, heal herself and to sense wounds (requires concentration)

Telekinesis (Force Push, Force Pull etc.): Able to use telekinetic attacks like Force Pushes and Pulls or lift things up.

Force Sense (ability to sense her surroundings): Able to sense her surroundings using the Force.

Force Shield: ability to create a shield with the Force around herself or someone else. She can only create one Force shield at a time and she has to keep concentrating to keep it up.

Lightsaber combat:

Form I Shii-Cho: A lightsaber form that is very effective against multiple opponents, but weak in one-on-one fights. Its strength is its random attacks. Parts of Form I can be found in any other lightsaber form and is required to learn any more advanced lightsaber forms properly. (increased offense and defense against multiple opponents, decreased offense and defense against a single opponent)

Form III Soresu: A lightsaber form that that heavily relies on blocking and deflecting attacks. Its strength is that it is a very defensive form, but lacks offensive capabilities. Soresu is a very good form against ranged combat. (additional defense, but decreased offense)

( Optional )


Mizelia was born 1 week after the Sacking of Coruscant. She lived most of her life at the Old Galactic Market Sector. At the age of five, she was found Force sensitive. But it wouldn't be another 10 years before she is taking as a Jedi Initiate and brought to Tython. She was first taken as Padawan by Jedi Master Lee Skyhunter, but was dropped as Padawan, due to their different personalities and because Lee was a Jedi Ace. Mizelia went with her enclave to Myrkr, where they stayed for quite some time. Here, Mizelia helped a former Sith with turning away from the Dark Side under supervision of Jedi Master Marie Whitestone.

Master Whitestone later took Mizelia as her Padawan and trained her as a Force Healer. However, around this time, the Eternal Empire (Zakuul) attacked the Galaxy and attacked both the Sith Empire and the Republic at the same time. Mizelia fled with Marie to Hoth where they remained hidden for five years. During the five years, Mizelia took her Knight Trials and passed.

After the five years, the two regrouped with their enclave and went to Tatooine to rebuild their enclave.



Species: Twi'lek

Likes: Helping people, showing mercy to an enemy, talking over violence, talking down a fight.

Dislikes: Striking down an unarmed person, harming innocents, extortion, striking down prisoners, lying.


Mizelia has a single bladed, green lightsaber.

She also has a bag with her which contains rations bars, water, a first aid kit and a woodcarving set.

Mizelia is 20 years old.

Due to her pacifism, Mizelia is not a fighter and only fights when it's absolutely necessary (and that means mostly after everything else fails).

Edit: I forgot one ability she had learned as a Padawan by Master Whitestone
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Character Name: Undyne

World or origin: Undertale

Personality: Undyne is your average cool kid. She works out about 80% of her day and stands guard the other 20%. She likes to say "NGAAAAH" when she's in the heat of battle. Undyne tends to be a little rough with her friends, but if your her enemy, you better watch out. She resorts to violence more than anything, but being the head of the royal guard, she can't help it. Although, as tough as she seems, on the inside, she's a skeleton and anime loving softie. However, Undyne is not just some goofy side character. She is more than willing to die for the cause that she believes is right. She also would throw herself between an innocent and an attack, even if she knows that it will kill her. Even as she was dying, Undyne smiled, knowing that the rest of her friends would be safe. She smiled as she turned to dust, but not before proclaiming "This world will live on!" She, Undyne, is the true hero.

Group (Light/Dark/Neutral/other ): Light

Powers/Special Abilities: Undyne summons glowing, magic spears which she uses in battle. Almost all of her attacks use them. She also has a giant sword which she got from her friend and lover, Alphys.

  • Barrage: Like the name says, tons of spears coming from different directions barrage the enemy, each dealing a little damage. If she charges it up, however, there are more spears that do more damage.
  • Kick-charge: Undyne kicks the enemy and charges at them with spears and all.
  • Boulder: Undyne suplexes a boulder. Because she can. She can also throw the boulder at the enemy, dazing them as well as doing damage.
  • Sword-sweep: Undyne pulls her giant sword out of nowhere, which is ten times her size, and sweeps it out in front of her, dealing a bunch of damage.
  • Watch your step: Undyne raises a row of spears underneath the enemy, with a 1 out of 10 chance of impaling them, keeping them stuck there.
  • Up above: Undyne drops a row of spears above the enemy from the cieling, which you have to duck underneath. This normally follows Watch your step, or vice versa.
  • Face danger: Undyne charges a huge spear behind the enemy, stating that "If you want to survive, you'll have to learn to face danger head-on." If the opponent is facing the spear, no damage will be done. If not, then a lot of damage will be dealt.
  • The Undying: When killed, Undyne has a 1 out of 50 chance of refusing to die, sending her back to the stage with the same amount of damage done as before she almost died. This also makes her attacks stronger than before, but more vulnerable to attacks.

Friends: All of her underground friends, Papyrus, Sans, Frisk, Alphys, Asgore, and Toriel.

Enemies: Anyone who stands in her way.

Species: Monster (Fish lady)

Likes: Papyrus's cooking, being outside, her friends, anime.

Dislikes: Anyone who makes her mad.


Final Smash: Undyne becomes super powerful with the power of DETERMINATION, then pummels the stage with spears and boulders. After all that, her giant sword comes in and literally knocks the enemy off their feet. Also, a dog. Don't ask about that last part.

In armor:



Character Name: John Marston

World or origin: Earth, America


He has a strong dislike of birds and a rather dull imagination, especially when compared to his son Jack.

John is also extremely polite to women, often calling Bonnie MacFarlane "Miss MacFarlane", even after she has asked him to call her "Bonnie." He also does anything possible to keep women safe, even pistol-whipping Irish to defend two nuns he was holding up. In contrast to his politeness to women, John is unafraid to take the moral high-ground when dealing with less than reputable characters, like Irish with his alcoholism and Nigel West Dickens with his swindling of gullible people.

John is a fairly serious individual with very little patience for the eccentricities of the various people he meets during the story. He frequently threatens Irish into sobering up so as to be of some use to him, and he is clearly disturbed/disgusted by Seth's habitual grave robbing. However, he is not above employing sarcasm in conversation with certain characters, particularly those he sees as exhibiting hypocrisy.


Group ( Light/Dark/Neutral/other ): Light/Neutral

Powers/Special Abilities:

Despite Marston's apparent reformation, he remains a masterful and experienced gunman, marksman, rider and hunter. Marston is a rugged survivalist and knows life as a fight for survival; he adheres to the old-fashioned West in a world rapidly experiencing the advancements of modernized American lifestyle.
John uses several weapons, such as:

High Powered Pistol

Vulcanic Pistol

Evans Repeater

Explosive Rifle

Sawn-off Dubble-Barreled Shotgun


Hunting Knife
( Optional )


John Marston was born in 1873. His father was an illiterate Scottish immigrant who was born on the boat into New York, his mother passed away during John's birth. John's father was blinded in both eyes during a bar fight south of Chicago. His father loved to talk about Scotland and hated the English for what they did to his great-grandparents, who he never met.

In 1881, John's father supposedly died in a bar fight; John was only eight years old at the time and was sent to an orphanage where he lived his teenage years. Although the circumstances are unclear, he managed to escape the orphanage and fell into Dutch van der Linde's gang; this is where John met his future wife, Abigail. Dutch became a father figure to John, teaching him how to shoot, hunt, gather, read, and how to survive in the world.

John Marston was an outlaw gang member and gunslinger. He ran with Dutch van der Linde, Bill Williamson and Javier Escuella, committing robberies, raids, murders, kidnappings, and other crimes across the frontier. According to Marston, the gang stole and fought for a reason. In stealing from the rich, they in turn gave to the poor. They wanted to elicit change in the people of the West, although this might just be his own justification for their actions.

In 1906, after being shot in a failed robbery and left to die by his comrades in arms, Marston sought to retire from outlaw lifestyle. Putting his history behind him, he left his old life along with his wife Abigail, their young son Jack and his deceased daughter, and began a ranch in Beecher's Hope. Between his gang days and 1911, Marston's daughter died from an unknown cause.

The old American West is being tamed by encroaching technological advances such as railroads, telegram offices and stronger law enforcement. The federal government creates the Bureau of Investigation to aid in the process and puts Edgar Ross in charge of the western region. One of the Bureau's major goals is to rid the region of all of the savage gangs running wild and unchallenged, especially that of Bill Williamson and Dutch van der Linde. Ross decides to use an ex-associate of Williamson's to hunt him down: former outlaw John Marston. By kidnapping John's wife and son, Ross forces him to comply. Thus, John is forced to roam the frontier once again to save his family, and to get his slice of the American dream.

After leaving the region to get his details on his large task, John arrives by the Blackwater ferry "Morningstar" and is escorted by Edgar Ross and Archer Fordham through the town of Blackwater, then sent off by train to Armadillo. Once there, John is led by a middle aged guide named Jake to the walls of Fort Mercer, the main hideout of the Williamson gang. In confronting his old friend, Marston tries to reason with Williamson in giving up peacefully, but this only results in a rifle bullet in his lower right torso from one of Bill's outlaws.

After suffering through the night and eventually passing out on the side of the road, Bonnie MacFarlane and her ranch hand Amos find John and take him to Nathaniel Johnston's doctor office in Armadillo. After treating his wounds, Bonnie provides John with lodging, food and drink, on condition he helps her around the ranch.

John works off his debt of $15 and his life to Bonnie, and her father Drew MacFarlane by doing various ranch jobs such as night watching, cattle herding and horse taming. However, Williamson finds out that John has survived and is staying at the MacFarlane Ranch, and orders his gang to set the barn on fire. John bravely rescues the trapped horses and Bonnie promises to give John some cattle when he settles on his ranch again.

After helping US Marshal Leigh Johnson clean up Armadillo and the surrounding country side of some outlaws, John and the Marshal begin to plan an assault on the fort. To gather a posse, John works with snake oil salesman Nigel West Dickens, dysfunctional and cowardly alcoholic Irish, and psychotic treasure hunter Seth Briars. However, their plans of assault are temporarily delayed when they save Bonnie from some of Williamson's men from beatings and death. After heroically saving Bonnie, John and his allies carry out a full-blown assault on Fort Mercer, using a "Trojan Horse" strategy by sneaking John and a gatling gun inside the fort with Dickens' sales wagon for hiding. West Dickens gives them a flamboyant lecture about what was inside his "miracle" wagon. John then pops out and kills most of the outlaws while assaulting the fort. However, after the battle, the crew discovers that Williamson had fled the previous morning and went into hiding in the Mexican province of Nuevo Paraiso with Javier Escuella.

Irish escorts John south of the border to the Mexican province, Nuevo Paraiso, where he meets the region's corrupt and evil provisional governor named Colonel Allende and his ruthless subordinate right-hand man Captain De Santa. He is forced to work for them to gain information on Williamson and Escuella. At the same time, John runs into the aging famed gunslinger Landon Ricketts who teaches him new gun fighting skills, and commits raids on the Mexican Army. Marston also aids Abraham Reyes and Luisa Fortuna- two lover revolutionaries working to overthrow Allende and their president,General Sanchez, with numerous revolutionary attacks. He attempts to extract any information possible from both Allende and Reyes regarding the whereabouts of Williamson and Escuella.

Allende and the Mexican law enforcement however, aware of John's loyalties, betray John, and has his men attempt to kill him. However, Reyes and his rebels arrive in time and rescue John before he is executed. John then sides with Reyes and joins the revolution. After killing Captain de Santa and participating in an attack on El Presidio, Marston and the rebels lead a full blown attack on Allende's villa. Unfortunately, Luisa is gunned down by Allende's men. John and Reyes successfully manage to kill Allende and Williamson, who was seeking shelter and protection from the Mexican Army. Reyes and his rebels take over the villa and plan on marching to Mexico's capital, fighting for revolution. John heads back to Blackwater in America to meet with Edgar Ross again.

Though his business with Williamson and Escuella were over, Ross tells him that he still needs to kill Dutch van der Linde, former leader of John's old gang, or he will continue keep his family in captivity. John, along with Ross, Archer Fordham and other Bureau Agents meet in several fights across West Elizabeth against Van Der Linde and his gang of Natives, but he escapes capture or death every time. Marston also works with incompetent Yale Professor Harold MacDougal and Native-American informant Nastas in tracking Dutch down. Eventually, John and the Bureau join the US Army in ambushing Dutch's hideout. He confronts Dutch himself, who warns John that the government will always find a new "monster" to justify their pay. Rather than dying or being taken captive by John's hand, Dutch chooses to commit suicide by falling from a cliff.

After the raid, John is released by the government and finally reunites with his family at their ranch in Beecher's Hope. He settles down with his wife Abigail and sixteen year old son Jack, along with old family-friend Uncle, and attempts to return to a crime-free life as a farmer and rancher with his family.
Friends: Bill Williamson, Dutch van der Linde, Javier Escuella, Bonnie MacFarlane, Drew MacFarlane, Marshall Leigh Johnson, Jack Marston (son), Abigail Marston (wife)

Enemies: Bill Williamson, Dutch van der Linde, Javier Escuella

Species: Human

Likes: his family, helping women

Dislikes: Birds, hypocrites, modernization of old West


Final Smash:

Dead Eye: time slows down for a small amount of time, during this time, John will mark several enemies (the amount of marks depends on the amount of ammo his current weapon can hold). This attack can't miss, but does not work if there is something between him and the target (like a wall or anything that would stand in the way) and John can only mark people when he can see them. Damage depends on where it hits (legs and arms are doing minimal damage, head does massive damage).
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Character Name:

Yuichiro Hyakuya

World or origin:

Earth/2018 (Owari no Seraph)


Yuichiro (also called Yu by his friends) is Brave, fearless and somewhat reckless. He worked as a Private to protect the humanity from the 4 Horsemen. As a private, he often ignored orders, which caused him problems sometimes. As he got his cursed Gear "Asuramaru" he joined the Moon Demon Company and stopped to ignore orders, but sometimes acts on his own. He cares a lot about his friends and "family". He hates Vampires cause they killed his family. Now, he tries to protect his new family. His biggest goal is to kill all Vampires.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/latest-3.png.2f53768807ae2e21d7ee27827b88c4a8.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131783" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/latest-3.png.2f53768807ae2e21d7ee27827b88c4a8.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/latest-4.png.c5e2ef6a8a03c6723466d314b21cc0a3.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131784" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/latest-4.png.c5e2ef6a8a03c6723466d314b21cc0a3.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



Powers/Special Abilities:

<=>Amazing Swordsmanship<=>

The wish to kill all Vampires gave him the power to train. Guren Ichinose, who is like a father to him, trained him in Swordsmanship.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/051cde140fb2f778c36eb5259320539c.jpg.15dd78674102445ae058b1dbb90ecea1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131785" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/051cde140fb2f778c36eb5259320539c.jpg.15dd78674102445ae058b1dbb90ecea1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

His Sword is a special Sword for killing Vampires. It's a "Cursed Gear" of the "Black Demon Series". The Demon in the Sword is called Asuramaru. If Yuichiro calls out the name, his power increases and he gets Possession marks.

<=>Full Possession<=>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/tumblr_inline_nz83vfYPbP1szxasm_540.png.06da6c264719a02e74b5e78e5a297183.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131817" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/tumblr_inline_nz83vfYPbP1szxasm_540.png.06da6c264719a02e74b5e78e5a297183.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

If Yuichiro's heart is weak, Asuramaru takes over his body and he turns into a half Demon. He gets One Scarlet Red eye and stronger Possession marks, as well as One Demon Horn. His personality changes a bit, too. But he gets many times stronger.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/tumblr_o6lvq82mtG1rikp86o2_r1_500.png.d38934afb7c7b3fc40eeeef2c764325a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131821" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/tumblr_o6lvq82mtG1rikp86o2_r1_500.png.d38934afb7c7b3fc40eeeef2c764325a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Cause Yuichiro failed to successfully control his Demon, he became a Namanari. A Human,that is possesed by a Demon and has two Personalities. He's slightly stronger than in his Full Possession Form, but both eyes get Scarlet Red and he gets two Demon Horns. The Possession marks aren't visible cause he doesn't holds back his Demon. His Personality changes into hateful and bloodthirsty. Namanari attack people they love and can't remember anything they did before when they turn back.

<=>Asura Kanon<=>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/11326227_440795166104683_460054050_n.jpg.ef9e2b5af032fca8d4e3867403674d23.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131822" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/11326227_440795166104683_460054050_n.jpg.ef9e2b5af032fca8d4e3867403674d23.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

As Yuichiro got Asuramaru, he was happy that he finally could kill Vampires, but he soon had realized, that he has to get stronger. Asura Kanon is the "Release" of his Demon. Asuramaru's Blade starts to burn (the Fire is Scarlet Red) and creates several Katana behind Yuichiro which are covered in Scarlet Flames. The Katana vanish if they hit something or are dodged.

<=>Strength and Speed<=>

Even without Possession, Yuichiro is very strong and fast. He's able to slay weaker Horsemen of the Apocalypse with a few precised cuts of a Normal Sword. As his group and him made their way to the destroyed Nagoya, Yuichiro was able to run faster than a car for a few seconds to get enough power to kill two Horsemen.


A Virus spread and killed everyone over the age of 13. Yuichiro Hyakuya was 8, as he and his Orphanage family were captured by Vampires. They've lived 4 years as livestock. One day, Yuichiro's brother, Mikaela Hyakuya had stolen a Map and a Gun from a Vampire, Ferid Bathory. As he and his family wanted to escape, Ferid Bathory greeted them at the exit and killed Yu's family, except Yu. He managed to escape after he shot Ferid. 4 Years after this, Yuichiro was in fear to get friends and lose them again, bit he met Shinoa, Kimizuki, Yoichi and Mitsuba who became his friends. Later he joined the Moon Demon Company and formed a Team with them.


Guren Ichinose, Shinoa Hiragi, Shiho Kimizuki, Yoichi (forgot full Name), Mitsuba Sangu, Mikaela Hyakuya, Shinya Hiragi


Vampires; especially Ferid Bathory.

somehow Kureto Hiragi and many of his "servants".



Seraph of the End,


His Family, to protect people


Vampires, Stupid Asshole Guren


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/yuichiro-hyakuya-sword_1_1.jpg.ac29cf3a6c41a2dfae21587149917526.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131824" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/yuichiro-hyakuya-sword_1_1.jpg.ac29cf3a6c41a2dfae21587149917526.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Final Smash:

<×>Salt King: Seraph Gen<×>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/tumblr_o01xaaBIog1v11sc6o1_500.jpg.2e3a1d2bef04542ad70e6db078314df1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131826" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/tumblr_o01xaaBIog1v11sc6o1_500.jpg.2e3a1d2bef04542ad70e6db078314df1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"...be careful... Yu..."

"Huh? What di you mean, Asuramaru?"

"Demons are Bad, but Angels are worser..."

Salt King Yu:

"Sinners... you should all turn into Pillars of Salt..."


If Yu wants to turn into the Salt King, he has to blow into the Horn of the Angel. Thus activates his Seraph Gen.

It's not exactly known how strong Yuichiro is in this form, but he seems to be several times stronger than nobles, Vampires which are stronger than Guren, who is one of the strongest Human.

As he lost control in Shinjuku, he was able to blow away houses with one sword blow and Crowley Euford, a very very very strong noble, was just blown away by a weak sword blow.

The first time he transformed into the actual Salt King, he was able to destroy the strongest Demon Abadon without problems.

But Yuichiro has to "kill" himself and has to ask Asuramaru for permission. Asuramaru says, that using the Seraph is something like cheating.



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