• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
Nathaniel sat towards the rear of the tables, not necessarily on his own, but abstained from the group. He ate quietly, thinking over the events of the previous day. A fresh bread roll was in his hands, half pulled apart, as he continued to pull off small pieces before placing them in his mouth. The words of the prior day still fill his thoughts...
"Ah... one whose esteem is of their own, not measured among others. Take this and begone... you disgust me, mortal."
Then there was that ball of white light and even the glow of the Ardenstone...what had the demon given him? What had made the demon view him in such a way? Was it his courage or the taunting? His next thoughts were one that could send chills down his spine. Was that even a demon...or something else?

The crimson-eyed boy continued to eat solemnly. Nihil, his familiar, on the other hand, very much seemed to be enjoying his breakfast. The small, closed-eyed cat seemed to be helping himself to Nathaniel's food, casually stealing away with some of the various meats on the student's plate, including the all-appraised bacon, a favorite of the boy. It seemed Nathaniel was too distracted in his thoughts to notice the thievery, only proceeding to slowly consume the roll before him.

"...'take this and begone....'", he muttered to himself.

(I would write out more, but interactions! Character development! Oh my!)
Iron-eyes Renoux, while not isolating himself and Mi'Tsuun from the others, took up seating beside his roommate and friend Hood, and another whom was surprisingly a specialist like him in the field of Enchantech. "And she's rather easy on the eyes wouldn't you say master~" Mi'Tsuun purred in his right ear making sure the young woman, whom they had learn called herself Nero couldn't hear. Lord Renoux, gave an imperceptible nod to the Kaeyo that rested on his neck.

"Mi'Tsuun... Behave yourself, or i'll be using you for live testing on the V-series." He said proffering a sausage to the spirit, which eagerly accepted the morsel grasping it with her paws before tucking into the meal with gusto. Ever the man of fine taste and generosity, Iron-eyes had reached into the inside coat pocked careful not to jostle the Foliot turned Kaeyo and slipped out his flask from yesterday, pouring a shot's worth of the 72 year old whiskey into his coffee before offering the flask to his fellow dinners. "Not too much now miss. Don't want to throw you off your game for classes." he said with a conspiratorial wink. knowing his friend/housemate wouldn't say anything.

"So tell me miss Nero, what applications have you used for your enchantech? From one specialist to another, it's hard to find someone who can understand let alone converse about the topic and not put them to sleep due to the complexities of the craft."

Kabochamp Kabochamp Foogels Foogels Lekiel Lekiel
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Seeing the silver dust glide towards her Nero put her trust in the presence before her and closed her eyes, letting it fall on her face before flicking her eyes back open to stare ahead. The stone flashed beneath her fingers and she let the small smile tugging at her lips make its way over her face, holding her head high and joining the others who had been deemed true chosen with pride. Now that the adrenaline surge had calmed down, she felt fatigue weighing her down but wouldn't let it show, especially during this event.

One line in particular had struck a cord with her: Are your dreams worthy of your soul? It turned over in her mind so much that she almost didn't see the commotion taking place in front of her. Managing to stop her eyes from widening more than a little, she watched as Enn joined them and gave her a small nod and a smile, feeling impressed by her drive.

And then the event was done and she found herself with an afternoon free. Already knowing where her room was and having a decent knowledge of the surrounding area, she opted to take a walk, letting her mind continue down it's earlier path. I've never even thought of it from that angle she thought as she walked, paying just enough attention to be sure she didn't get lost. From her shoulder, the small familiar watched with a quiet worry as he had seen the shift in her emotions from before she walked up to the Ardenstone. "Nero?" he asked as she took a turn that had her essentially going in circles "What? Did you see something scary up there so now you're getting cold feet?" he taunted, just trying to draw a response from her.

As he spoke, she seemed surprised and looked at him with a blank face "
Oh, Lontano, sorry" she said, getting a slight frown in return when she had no comeback to his gibe "hey, I've always focused on determining and proving my own worth, haven't I?" she asked, completely ignoring his comment, after stopping and taking him from her shoulder so that he was cradled in her arms. He would usually make a show of clawing at her and jumping down but he let her hold him and looked up to meet her eyes "That's true. Are you doubting yourself?" he asked, his frown darkening. "No, not at all" she replied, speaking in a soft voice but looking him in the eye "It's just... I've never considered the other side. I've always followed and chased my ideals as though they were high above me" she trailed off momentarily and broke eye contact "however, what if I could achieve even more?" she asked quietly.

The small creature watched her carefully for a moment before giving his answer: a loud scoff through the nose. Nero's face fell slightly at his reaction and she looked at him with all her focus as he carried on. "Wasn't that obvious the whole time? As if I'd waste my time with anyone who couldn't reach higher than your puny goals" His furry face erupted into a toothy grin "Since when were you they type to worry about what comes next? You already know what you'll do, right?" he asked as her eyes widened and his grin spread to her for her reply "Find the next height to reach for" she said, her voice regaining it's strength.

She slept well that night and woke up early, as usual, and made her way down for breakfast with a spring in her step. What hadn't quite sunk in last night was beginning to feel real now and she felt the excitement like a buzzing in her chest. Entering the dining hall and selecting her food carefully before taking a seat next to a boy that she recognised from the day before who seemed to be lost in though, giving him a polite greeting.

As she ate, another student she recognised took the seat on her other side and poured what seemed to be liqour into his drink. When she was offered some she held up a hand and laughed a little "No, thank you. With such pleasant temperature, I don't feel that I need any and as you said: I would like a clear head for our lessons today." She said with another laugh.

His question about her enchantech suddenly connected his name to the works she had seen and she quickly glanced to the gun at his side. "I wouldn't say that I'm a specialist just yet, most of my creations so far have been a result of simple tinkering" she said, thinking back "though I suppose I was most proud of the music box I created last year. There are two clockwork soldiers on top that fight when you start the song" she couldn't help grinning to herself a little "the addition of the imps illusions adds a realism to it that brings the whole piece together"

Lontano laughed from her shoulder "most of what you make is just things that have been put together rando-" he was cut off by a breadroll knocking him to the floor. Nero cleared her throat and turned back to Iron-eyes "I've heard of your creations as well, I'm sure that my uncle purchased a fine example for my eldest brother. I didn't have the chance to look too closely at it so perhaps sometime you could talk me through your process?" She asked, genuinely curious to see how they worked.

HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest Matt l ttaM Matt l ttaM
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[div style="font-size: 4vh; margin-left: 3vh;"]saverio vaillancourt[/div]
The chuckle which eventually turned into a full-on maniacal laughter was creeping him out. Okay, you can let me go now he thought in his head through a gritted smile as though he was agreeing with the strange being. Saverio couldn’t quite understand what was so funny though. He didn’t recall giving an answer so hilarious that ended up making it laugh.

"You stink of them!" Saverio frowned, now that was just plain rude, He most definitely did not stink. He smelled of myrrh and warm almonds with honey. Unless them had similar taste, but he never met anyone with tastes that were as refined as his. Who was them anyway? How could he not meet anyone with such good taste before if they smelled the same? With the way he said it- it seemed to be a good thing but Saverio couldn’t approve his word of choice. Did he really have to say that he stinked? He was so sure that he took his time to shower today. How could anyone ever say that he smelled bad? It would ruin his aesthetics.

He was glad that he finally let go. He sighs in relief, finally. This test was weirder than he thought but the surprises didn’t end there when the demonic hands were reshaped into a pair of golden statues that were holding a golden liquid mirror. Upon seeing the mirror, he was reminded to check his appearance. He had only leaned forward-

"Are you truly what you are? Or are you nothing more than a soulless mask?" The multitude of hands that suddenly grabbed him, certainly gave his heart a shock. He tried to pull free or get away from them but all his efforts was useless. They were going to ruin his clothes! His hair! Saverio felt faint. He couldn’t even do anything as the hands swallowed him into golden surface.

When the vision fades and his back, Saverio had to buffer for a moment as he tried to catch his wits. When his brain was fully operational once again, the first thing he does was check his body. His clothes seemed fine. He checks his wrist which was grabbed earlier, twice, or thrice, if it had a bruise. He sighed in relief as there seemed to be no physical indication. What about his hair? He pulled out his mirror from his pocket. His hair still seemed fine. Oh that’s good. His face was still handsome as always, as well. Everything was well. Saverio sighed in relief, finally leaving the platform after he was assured his appearance was still pristine as always.

Saverio was too busy admiring himself after he had undergone a shock that led him to not notice the commotion but it’s nothing new.

The next morning, very unwillingly, he had woken up early so that he may wash himself in order to prove himself that the demon or whatever it was, was wrong. Saverio Vaillancourt most definitely does not stink. For extra precaution, he even added extra oils into his body so that the scent would stay. This, along with usual styling had made late as always. He had opened the door with bang with a loud, “Good Morning!~ Today, I am also beautiful~” those who belonged in Highover that were already there simply resumed breakfast like normal.

Saverio sat down randomly and he couldn’t stop himself from yawning, though he covered his mouth. Then he looks to his side and sees unfamiliar faces, “Oh, you’re all from yesterday.” He mumbles thoughtfully. It eventually gave him a perk him up. "So what do you think of the place? It's quite beautiful isn't it? Here's a bit of an early congratulations from me." From out of nowhere he suddenly handed out a rose to the female beside him then he stood up and continued to give roses to the females. How did he do this sorcery, you may ask? A trusty follower of his who was holding it for him, hid and gave it to him. "Oh." He claps after he finishes handing all the gifts to the females. "Of course, I haven't forgotten the gentlemen." As though on a cue, a servant carrying a room service cart filled with bottles of alcohol. "It's still a bit too early so I'll have the servant bring it to your rooms instead." He stated. "Your familiars have gifts as well, no need to fret." He adds as another that was carrying with keychain trinkets that they like. "No need to worry, this is all done by the generosity of my heart. After all, my heart of gold can only be rivaled with my perfect looks. It's a sin to be too perfect." He sighs, dramatically with his palms on his heart.
tags: Lekiel Lekiel Kabochamp Kabochamp HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest Matt l ttaM Matt l ttaM

Anne Basil

Before the sun even rose, her internal clock told her that it was time to wake. Anne was someone that rarely slept longer than necessary. In fact, she abhorred sleeping. It was an extended period of time doing absolutely nothing, done only because the body demanded it. She brushed her blanket side and got off the bed that she noticed was different than the one she was used to. Only then did she remembered where this place is and what happened yesterday.

"What did it meant by 'finally'?"

The being she encountered in the test, though she was quick to realize that it all happened within her mind once it was over, she had a feeling that the entity encountered was not a mere illusion, not only that, it also appeared to be waiting for something, for a long time perhaps. And that strength, that strength she felt as she broke free of those demonic hands, it was like nothing she had felt before, not from this feeble body of flesh. Anne wonder what that was, she had a taste of it and now she wanted more, the strength to break free of absolutely anything.

"There's still time before breakfast, why not take a bath?" Lok chimed in upon realizing that his mistress has awakened. "You haven't had once since yesterday and you wouldn't want to smell, no?"

"I don't particularly mind."

"The others around you would, and you want to get along do you not? You never know if you'll meet someone useful, best be prepared. Besides, it'd be a pain if you get sick, and who do you think will have to nurse you back to health then?"

Anne took a moment to think about it and eventually decided that Lok has a point. There are too many troubles associated with not doing it than the other way around. And so, taking the Foliot's advice, Anne went and took a dip in the bathroom, sinking herself into the warm comfort of the bathwater. There, she remembered more of yesterday's events.

There was a girl, the one that Anne found to be nostalgic for reasons that escaped her. Her name was apparently Enn, one of the professors shouted so. Despite not being a candidate, she swooped in and touched the Ardenstone and the stone accepted her, and more than that, the principal of the school accepted the results. This tells Anne that this is a place that values results above all else. So long one is able to produce results, it seemed a few rules broken here and there are more or less overlooked. At least it appeared to be the case in accordance to what happened yesterday.

Good to know, Anne thought, in the end, all that remains in this world of order are the results. All else becomes dust to the winds. Indeed, power is the ultimate truth, with enough power, the truth may be whatever I desire it to be.

Upon realizing that she may have gotten a bit too comfortable in the water, Anne decided that it is time to leave. She had already made sure that she is clean and any further would be the indulgence of the flesh, and that she would not entertain. She grabbed a towel, quickly drying herself up and returned to her room. There, she found the clothes she would wear all lined up, done by none other than Lok, who knew that if he hadn't laid out a selected set of clothes, his mistress would simply pick whatever she would pull from the luggage first without a care for matching them. The only way to avoid this sloppiness is to have the clothes already laid out, making it far more efficient to just wear whatever's picked out than to find something on her own.

Once clothed, Anne moved on to brush her hair, then proceeding to wear them in the style of twin ponytails, as she does as long as she could remember.

"That's one thing you pay attention to. Always wondered why you haven't just shaved all of your hair while saying 'they were in the way'."

"I've worn it like this since childhood, mother showed me how to do it and father said it looked good on me."

"Oh... My, my, you're actually more human than I thought, mistress."

Hearing those words, Anne's hands stopped, and then, with her hair half done, she moved towards the door saying, "You're right, this is a waste of time. Let us go and see what the day has in store."

With his paws, Lok clutched onto the ends of Anne's coat, trying to keep her from leaving.

"I jest! I jest!" the familiar called out desperately as he imagined the nightmare of showing herself publicly with a mess of a head, or worse, that she may actually attempt to shave it all off now that he has given her the idea. "You must look presentable, no? And it doesn't hurt to have some charm in at least your looks if nothing else. Especially when you have nothing else. Won't you reconsider, mistress?"

Anne paused to consider Lok's words and upon finding reason in Lok's words, she decided to sit back in front of the mirror and finished what was left half done. Only then, did she walk out the door with a tired out Lok following suit.

Entering the dining hall, Anne first spotted a gray-eyed gentleman seemingly flirting with the straitlaced schoolmate from Anne's old school before turning her eyes towards the corner to see the brooding red-eyed young man sitting in the corner. As she scanned the hall, she was given a rose handed out by a gaudy weirdo and tossed it aside once his back was turned, though she kept the keychain for Lok latter. For a moment, she pondered on where to sit. Perhaps she could converse with the red-eyed Nathaniel? The conversation the other day about fate piqued her interest. Or perhaps she should go to her old schoolmate? Anne had never really spoken to her all that much but apparently, she's a bit of a prodigy according to the whispers she had heard about her. This could be a good chance to get to know her. However, all these things will come later. For the moment, Anne will deal with breakfast. With that in mind, she headed straight towards the pantry.

"You know, mistress, there's hardly a need to rush. Class isn't going to start any time soon. Why not sit down and talk to somebody first? I think I see Miss Nero back there, you remember her, yes? Perhaps-"

"I'll talk to her if I'm feeling up to it, but first, breakfast."

"I could hardly call what you consume breakfast, mistress."

"Sustenance is sustenance, it's all the same once it's inside of you."

With Anne is a bag, and from within the bag, she produced a vessel deep enough to contain plentiful of liquids, and at the bottom of the vessel, blades were affixed.

"I knew it, I knew you bought another of these accursed things! And I'd just gotten rid of the other one too."

"So you're the one who took it. There I was wondering where it went. No matter, I have another one now and all is well."

From the pantry, Anne tore asunder the assorts of vegetables she had obtained and tossed them all into the vessel, and once all seemed to be in order, she cracked an egg into it as well for much needed protein. Then, finally, she activated the magic within this Enchantech device, and it began to emit a high-pitched noise as the blades at the bottom of the vessel rotated at high speed. The device Anne brought, it was a blender.

Once all was sliced into the tiniest of pieces and blended into a slushy liquid, Anne poured it all into a nearby mug and drank it all within a few short gulps. And with that, her breakfast was over with.

Matt l ttaM Matt l ttaM HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest Kabochamp Kabochamp Feyrie Feyrie
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Lord Renoux gave a small smile as he drew Vengeance. With practiced deftness, he spun both cylinders and pressed the release latch watching the large rounds slip out onto the table. 12 bullets chambered in 45-70 gov't laid in a small pile on the table in a matter of seconds. With a flick of his wrist, the twin revolvivng cylinders snapped into place before he placed the artifice weapon before his fellow enchanter. "Any Enchanter worth their salt, began with tinkering and will continue to tinker. That is the core of what we are." He said before taking a pull on his now perfect coffee. He was about to continue when the Fab one arrived.

It had taken everything not to do something to the narcissistic lord, mostly by adding more of his flask to his coffee and focusing on the spiked caffeinated beverage. That was, until he brought out a cart laden with bottles. There might be some hope for this lord yet. He thought, only to have the thought dashed as soon as he seen the bottles. Nevermind... the man can't drink... Who the fuck gives men bottles of Merlot?! Port I could appreciate, but Dude... He ended his mental tirade by draining his coffee and focusing on his conversation partner, all the while Mi'Tsuun admired her new attire, purring happily.

"Each piece on the weapon is infused separately. The parts themselves cast from the infused metals, making it stronger and lighter."


Kabochamp Kabochamp Feyrie Feyrie Matt l ttaM Matt l ttaM revior revior
"Still recovering from yesterday's test, Lady Velvet?"
Velvet responded to the concerns of her Foliot that rested in her arms as she stood in the buffet line. "As expected, the test was a breeze. But..."

Her thoughts were interrupted by a strange, though admittedly well dressed, man passing out roses to the women in the cafeteria. After being presented with one, she simply stared blankly at the male for a few seconds hoping that he'd leave. Seeing that he wouldn't relent, she sighed and took the gifts passing the keychain to her Foliot who squeaked in joy at the sight of the trinket. Montague immediately grabbed it, carrying the trinket in his mouth.

Soon after, Velvet's mind went back to the Reckoning ceremony. She had left the Ardenstone victorious, and without a word she walked off to stand with the rest of the Chosen. One after one, more students walked up to the stone and their worthiness was tested. The test was soon over and as the principal began his closing words, the eerily familiar woman she noticed earlier made a mad dash from the crowd and towards the Ardenstone. Amused, she watched the struggle unfold and she saw that the woman was able to reach the Ardenstone and grab it. However, her amusement would quickly turn to curiosity as these words were uttered, "The Ardenstone has chosen her...". Her crimson eyes narrowed as she examined the woman whose determined ferocity vanished and was replaced with the demeanor of a timid mouse. The sudden 180 was jarring enough but by then the deed had already been done, and Velvet's interest had been piqued. The woman had successfully caught her eye, so Velvet would in turn would keep watch over her.

Grabbing a cupcake from the buffet, Velvet then immediately stepped out of the cafeteria and began walking to the Western Gardens.
"Lady Velvet, shouldn't you eat something a little more-"
"Be quiet and let me be." Velvet coldly dismissed Montague's concerns as she walked the vacant halls of Highover, taking a bite out of the cupcake.

(Interactions open for anyone heading to class early or just walking the halls in general)
A sudden yelp followed by a loud crash of breaking china and clattering pots interrupts the subdued solitude of the early morning. Heads craned and turned towards the source of the hubbub at one of the many long dining tables. A crowd had already begun to gather around a clearly infuriated brown-haired student in Ivory Tower colours glaring down at a terrified servant girl, cowering on the floor and rubbing a scalded arm. A growing puddle of spilled breakfast tea, milk and cubes of sugar mars the otherwise pristine stone flooring.

"ARGGHH!! You imbecile! Clumsy piece of gutter-imp!!" The student had begun berating the servant, gesturing at a large brown stain upon his carefully starched uniform arm. "You've burned me!" He continued to whine as a gaggle of his fellow schoolmates fussed over their precious snowflake of a friend.

"I-I... sorry! S-sorry..!"

"Do you know how much this uniform costs!?! It's a bespoke piece tailored by Madame Raefleurs' top craftsman and you've ruined it with your stupidity!" The student loomed menacingly over the servant, raising a fist as a large bat fluttered angrily at his shoulder.

"Please... forgive her. She's sorry... It was just an accident" Another voice spoke up from the gathering crowd as a pale-blonde girl pushed her way to the front, a faint tinkle could be heard as a chime hung around her belt jostled about. Enn approached the terrified servant girl and began helping to put her tray back together. She turned her grey-blue eyes up to regard the fuming student, "Highover's cleaners are exceptional! If you get yourself changed, I can help you-"

"Excuse me, who do you think you are!?" His tone had suddenly taken on venomous spite, so sharp that it caused the sniffling servant to stiffen in renewed fear.

A frown creased Enn's brow as she paused in the process, sitting back on her calves from where she had been kneeling to help the servant. "I am Enn... Enn Velahl. It's a pleasure to meet you..." She offered up a hand from to the Kal`Borian and his sniveling gaggle of minions sneered upon.

"Velahl? Do you know who I am you lowbrowed peasant!?" His reddening pasty face seemed to glare at Enn as he stood akimbo, trying to appear intimidating with his tall lanky frame.

To Enn's credit, she appeared to have taken the question seriously. Her grey eyes narrowing as she stared at the student silently, as if she could actually deduce his identity by studying his features long enough. A nerve bulged in the Kal`Borian's jaw at Enn's marked silence, as if he was sure everyone would know who he was. And indeed, most in that growing crowd who was a noble child worth their silver-spoon would recognize the coat-of-arms proudly pinned on the pasty haired brunette's collar. House Duchanteau. And this was no doubt...

--Lore Update
House Duchanteau is known all over Feria for providing the finest silverite minerals. Their refining process is a well-kept trade secret, producing the purest of silverite materials that no other manufacturer could match.

"Constance of House Duchanteau... do you know know your betters girl!?" Constance sneered at the kneeling girl.

A soft "oh..." breathed from Enn's lips as she nodded vaguely at the young Duchanteau Lord, trying to feign realization.

"Are you serious!? Do you not-!" Constance shook his head incredulously and was about to prattle on another tirade when one of his friends whispered into his ear, catching him mid-sentence. A grin slowly formed across his ruby lips as he turned to regard the wide-eyed servant girl. He cleared his throat.

"It... actually does not matter. I shall invoke the Magician's Mandate!" He gestured rudely at the servant who was shaking her head in fear. "You! You're coming with me. No doubt you cannot repay the loss of this shirt."

--Lore Update
Magician's Mandate - A law which allows Magicians to demand immediate compensation or exact self-defined appropriate punishment upon any commoner who has wronged them. There is no strict regulation about what sort of punishment is deemed appropriate, as long as there is no loss of life or maiming. The Magician's Mandate is a sore wound that further exacerbates the divide between Magician and non-Magician classes.

"No." Enn's voice had taken on a terse edge, the change in her tone was so sharp that it caused the young Duchanteau to be taken aback in surprise.

"I.. what-- I beg your pardon? Did you just deny me my right?"

"You cannot invoke that here. I forbid it!" Enn snapped, turning as the servant had let out a frightened sniff.

Constance's mouth was agape by now, as if he couldn't quite believe what he was hearing. It took him a while to regain his composure. "That's not quite how it works Velahl. Or are you saying you will defend this... this... peasant's honour in a duel, hmm? Or perhaps you have friends to back you up, we could make this a group thing?"

Enn appeared shocked at the turn of events, as if such well-known customs had never occurred to her. She swallowed back a gulp of trepidation and stood to her feet, a determined look in her chilly eyes. "Unauthorized violent altercations between students is forbidden on school grounds." She stated as if reciting a memorized religious verse.

The wretched group of Duchanteaus burst out into hysterics at Enn's declaration, doubling over in raucous laughter. Through it all, Enn remained unfazed. On her shoulder, the usually sleepy Kala had finally awoken and yawned, oblivious to her mistress' predicament.

"You can't be serious? Either you step aside and let me have at that trash or we're doing this duel." Constance had stepped out to the side as the crowds widened to give the disputing Magicians space.

As for Enn... she stood staring wide-eyed at the young Duchanteau as if unsure of what to do.
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Renoux was about to go further into his explanation on the weapon when the clatter of dishes broke the mild din of conversation followed by a voice that forced an involuntary groan from the lord's lips. Sighing through his nose, he looked upon a scene that actually surprised him. The young girl that had become a chosen, had come to the servant girl's defense only to earn Constance's Ire. Standing from his seat at the table, he left Vindication in front of Nero before pushing his way through the crowd.

"Lord Duchanteau! You are a guest here, and are Embarrassing not only our school, but your house..." Renoux barked gaining the attention of the other students as well, as he stepped in front of Enn and the servant. "But if you insist on a duel, then i will happily fight for miss Enn. But know this, if we are to fight, then let it be in the traditional style..." He added darkly, drawing his blade. With a hiss of steel sliding from it's scabbard, Iron-eyes Renoux drew forth a masterfully crafted Estoc handed down from Renoux to Renoux for 12 generations.

Taking up a traditonal fensing guard, Iron-eyes looked upon his classmate and countryman with contempt. "What say you Duchanteau? Or are you only brave enough to duel young girls..."

Lekiel Lekiel
The crash of pottery broke the spell over Nathaniel's thoughts, blinking back into reality. Nihil was still eating the bacon the plate as the young noble turned toward the scene. It was a rather one of common tale. A poor servant girl against some spoiled rich kid. What he hadn't expected, however, was the girl from the day prior, the one that had interrupted the ceremony with the Ardenstone and, more importantly, gave him such a sense of nostalgia. He watched quietly for a while, listening to the fool spout words like peasants and nobles. The boy of House Duchanteau, makes and refiners of the silverite material. Rather high in the nobility list though it mattered very little to Nathaniel. He merely shook his head before he heard the demand of the MAgician's Mandate, that accursed law. Who decided to put mages on a pedestal? Fools. The poor teacher's girl at least had some spine, standing against the noble.

He stood from his table at the mention of a duel. Neither Enn nor the servant seemed capable in a matter like this, at least when it comes to dueling people. Though it seemed he was not the only one. The man speaking so loudly prior, the one with eyes of grey, stood up and addressed the noble proudly,
"Lord Duchanteau! You are a guest here, and are embarrassing not only our school but your house..." Nathaniel watched the man draw his sword and walk between the Duchanteau boy and Enn and sight of it, Nathaniel sighed at their foolishness. As the now deemed idiotic chosenmate of his took a defensive stance, Nathaniel approached the stage they had set with a grim expression.

"That's enough, all of you. All fighting is prohibited on school grounds unless overseen by a teacher." He pointed to the noble boy and tossed down a small sack of currency, "You, Duchanteau. There's your mandate, now go change before class starts." He turns to Enn and Iron-eyes, "Put the weapon away, fool. And you, girl, take the servant that caused this to the nurse, make sure she wasn't cut by any of the glass." He finally looks to the room, his eyes searching the scene, "Someone get this glass cleaned up." He turned back to the rest of them, "Are you all fools? This school has allowed us all a rare opportunity and you dare squander it with petty wants and idiotic fights? If this is something of a joke to you, you should leave the island now." His eyes, scarlet in the early light, gave little argument from most, not to mention he refused to stay long enough to hear anymore. Nathaniel turned sharply with an audible, irritated sigh before walking out of the cafeteria.
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[div style="font-size: 4vh; margin-left: 3vh;"]saverio vaillancourt[/div]Saverio had been busy showing off- in nicer terms, presenting his gifts to everyone when a large crash drew everyone’s attention, including his. More importantly drew attention away from him. Saverio couldn’t help but frown from where he stood. Displeased at the turn of events, everyone had their attention into him. He was basking in the limelight. Even when there were those who may seem displeased by his gifts, he didn’t mind. His heart was not that weak. After all, the greatest gift in the end was his beauty. Yes, everyday he spent beautifying himself so that he could share his beauty to the world. Which is why, a vein on his temple was throbbing, who in the world would dare try to compete for the limelight with him when they already lost before it even had begun.

He made his way to where the crowd had gathered. His height easily gave him a vantage point to see around him. Everyone could hear everything because the moment the fine china came crashing down, everything stood still in silence as though they were in pause focusing on on the people involved of what was occurring. Saverio understood the feelings of the student who’s clothes that were ruined. He nodded in his heart. He couldn’t say that he wouldn’t have fainted the moment his clothes were ruined in a puddle of tea. When he had stated it was Madame Raefleur’s, Saverio’s heart goes out to him more. He understood very well- Saverio was their best customer after all.

But the following events were so unexpected that he totally fell to the role of a spectator. His eyes widened slightly when he revealed his coat of arms, House Duchanteau. He was very familiar with them, or more appropriately his family was familiar to theirs as his father regulated the trade for it. Things then slowly went out of hand when he suddenly spoke of the Magician’s Mandate that he knew things went too far.

But as Enn, if that was her name, he only really remembered it because she was so odd and the fact he was very familiar with Samael Velahl to a degree that he can say he almost disliked, was at lost on what to do. There was another student that came fo her rescue. He vaguely recognised it as one of the individuals he sat near with earlier. It seemed the two were acquaintances and belonged to the same school. His eyes widened at the suggestion of duel between the two.

Luckily another individual has spoken up to prevent any unnecessary bloodshed. Still, Saverio thinks there goes his opportunity to show his charm as a dashing hero. But anyway, there was still aftermath that needs to be cleaned up. Even if Constance may not mean much but he was still the future of House Duchanteau. It wouldn’t bode well for Highover especially the Institute if this gives them misgivings in the future especially when Silverite was a necessity in their lives especially as magicians.

Which is why, Saverio went to Constance putting his arm around him easily with his height advantage pulling him away from the crowd to the shadows to speak to him. “I understand that you are greatly saddened at the ruin of your own clothes, truly.” He puts his hands on his chest as he thinks at the prospect of his clothes being treated that way. “But a Magician’s Mandate? I believe you’re going too far.” He let out a tsk. “Even if it’s one of Madame Raefleurs’ creation-“ he looks up and down inspecting his uniform “It just doesn’t have that much of a spark.” He sighs as though disappointed.

“But you shouldn’t make such a fuss over such drags.” Uniforms can only been as such for Saverio, “I can simply give word to Madame Raefleurs to make you a new pair or two. The Vaillancourt will be more than happy to compensate for a misconduct of one of the servants of Highover.” Saverio gave an unusual dignified air with him that suited his status. He gave a glance to the servant who caused the whole predicament. “Be assured,” he smiles, “We’ll be sure to give appropriate punishment to her.” He signalled her to leave before it became an even bigger issue. After all the people of Highover still need to be the one’s in control of their own people in their own territory.
tags: Lekiel Lekiel HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest Matt l ttaM Matt l ttaM

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Starlight was in her bed sitting up thinking about the events that happened yesterday. The last thing that demon said to her kept ringing in her ears "Do not let your hesitation cost you..." On top of that, she could not believe what happens to Enn. What possessed her to run-up to the Ardenstone like that? Well, it did work in Enn's favor. She was chosen now. "How strange." Starlight said to herself. Luna was sound asleep so as Starlight got up to get ready she made sure not to wake her. Once she was dressed she wrote a note and left it next to Luna. It was basically just letting her know she was heading to breakfast.

When she made it to the dining hall she witnesses a servant girl accidentally dropping a trap and spilling whatever was on it on one of the students who went off on her. Luckily though Enn came to the girl defense but it somehow ended up turning into a duel. Starlight was absolutely fuming. He thought he was so superior. These were the exact type of people Starlight could not stand and unfortunately had dealt with. Finally having enough of this guy Starlight started to step forward and say something but another student beat her to it and then another person spoke up. Then Saverio went over seeming to try to charm the guy. Starlight having just quite enough of the whole thing. Walked up to the servant girl. "Hey, you go on now everything will be taken care of here. Hey Enn why don't you go with her. Make sure she doesn't get trouble for a simple accident." Starlight then walked over to....what was his name again honestly she didn't care. "Hey, jackass!" She crossed her arms and looked him in the eyes. "I really don't give a damn who you are. But you have no right to speak or treat anyone like that! So how about you stop acting like a spoiled little brat and listen to Saverio here and let him get you new uniform and shut your trap before I really lose it and kick your ass and I don't need magic do that." Starlight was very close just jumping him there and now but she held herself back.
Lekiel Lekiel HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest Matt l ttaM Matt l ttaM Feyrie Feyrie
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Constance Duchanteau let out a little irritated 'tsk' as his fellow schoolmate came between him and his 'business'.

"Pfft, if it isn't the orphan of House Renoux..." Constance rolled his eyes. His facade twisted with distaste as he saw Iron-eyes take up his bladed guard. "Don't be ridiculous, traditional style?" Constance began a little walk as he paced around the perimeter of the gathered crowd, smoothening his gloves as he flexed his fingers. Faint red tracings of runes seemed to float around his hands. "Just because you took out some peasants with pitchforks you think you're capable enough..." the Kal`borian noble scoffed. "I've always thought you and your family a disgrace to us Magicians. No offense Renoux, but I mean... the fact that the high and mighty Renoux couldn't even defend themselves from guttersnipes with pointy sticks... says alot about your blood." Constance grinned, clearly enjoying the fact that this impudent noble of a dying House was stepping into his way.

But before anything could happen, another voice called out and soon Enn found herself on the receiving end of yet another altruistic soul.

"That's enough, all of you!" A tall red-eyed violet haired student had joined the fray, and Enn found herself nodding emphatically in agreement to his reasoning.

But the young Duchanteau merely sneered at the proferred compensation, eyeing the bag of gold crowns like a pair of soiled pants. "I presume you know of our customs desert boy... I do not want your dusty coin, so just stand aside and-" Whatever Constance was about to say was cut-off when an arm was suddenly placed over his shoulders. The Duchanteau cortege fumbled at the sudden intrusion that had slipped passed them and gotten to their young master, but Constance waved them off when he realized who had dared come close. The newcomer was taller, albeit barely.

"Ahh... Raestraguc!" Constance's tone had immediately changed to a marginally more amicable one. "Finally, someone who would surely understand this outrageous travesty against me and my rights!" The Kal`Borian politely slipped away from the friendly arm as he listened to Saverio's proposal. Something in his eyes wavered as if he finally found another solution to his 'problem'.

"You've made quite a compelling offer Saverio..." Constance raised his brows, though his eyes drifted to glance first at Nathaniel, before resting on Iron-eyes, "But the opportunity to teach this clown how to sit is surely one which I simply cannot pass up!" He chuckled once more at Renoux's stance.

It was at that moment that Starlight chose to step in.

"I really don't give a damn who you are. But you have no right to speak or treat anyone like that! So how about you stop acting like a spoiled little brat and listen to Saverio here and let him get you new uniform and shut your trap before I really lose it and kick your ass and I don't need magic do that." Starlight threatened, which only provoked another bout of laughter from the Duchanteau group.

--Unfortunately for the servant girl, she was too frozen with fear and could only clutch at Enn. Enn herself was unwilling to depart the scene as now she had other people to account for on her behalf. She simply could not just walk away and let them deal with her problems!

Constance gave Starlight the once over and decided she was not worth a direct response from him.

"Hey Brenda!" He called over his shoulder to a red-headed girl with a french braid. "Deal with this peasant for me." Constance remarked with no little amount of scorn before he turned his attention back to Ironeyes.

"What say you Renoux? Ready to be sent crying home to your non-existent parents?" Constance taunted, his eyes glancing once more at Nathaniel and Enn. "We can make this a three on three if you'd like." Gesturing with his head, three other students from his gaggle of friends stepped up. Constance flexes his shoulders as he circles Ironeyes before taking up a stance, ready to attack.

"Don't do it!" Enn whispered in a panicked voice, as her eyes shifted between Nathaniel, Starlight then towards Iron-eyes. Her hands seemed to want to grasp at his cloak but she hesitated as if afraid.


--A duel is imminent. Despite the various threats and suggestions, only Raestraguc has made a tempting offer for Duchanteau. However the young Lord's thirst for blood has only heightened with the sudden challenge from Renoux. As Duchanteau is a significant NPC, the battle will be played out by you stating your move and target of your strike. The outcome of your attack will be determined by the GM based on the circumstances. Cryvere may participate as well as one of Duchanteau's dark-haired fellow student is more than ready to step up to support his Master. The same goes for Starlight and her red-haired opponent. As of now, Renoux must pick his action.
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As everything began to escalate, Nathaniel stopped short. This was ridiculous. Hardly a day in Highover and every school already seemed about to end the other. Had this...disgrace of a mage truly believe himself so confident as to claim what he pleased? This was so idiotic, Nathaniel had no choice. There were still those in the midst who were but innocent. Spurred by anger and enough frustration to stay his hand, he turned 'round and stood before Enn, offering a hand, "This will only worsen. Should the fight escalate more than what is safe, I'll be sure to defend you, but I highly suggest we take our leave and find your father. The master abjurer would be most helpful in this situation, no? Come." With one hand offered and another on the hilt of his blade, he waited patiently for Enn to decide. Should the fight break out....Nathaniel would not hesitate.
Anne Basil

"It appears a fight has broken out, mistress."

"I can see with my own eyes, Lok."

"Can you? I was starting to wonder whether or not you're perpetually lost in your own thoughts," the Foliot taunted with a mischievous tone. "So, what shall we do?"

"I'll watch. I am curious as to see what the students of the other schools can do. And, for the sake of reference, let's see how far this can go before any serious repercussion befall them." It'll be good to know how much flexibility we have within these rules don't you think?"

"Sometimes I wonder which of us ought to be called Demons, you humans or us Spirits," so said Lok as he climbs atop his mistress' shoulder for a better view, eager to get a good look despite of his words.

"I'll be whatever I want to be, that is the plan, that was always the plan, and will be the plan."

And so, Anne took no side in this conflict, none but her own, and she was most comfortable on the sidelines.
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[div style="font-size: 4vh; margin-left: 3vh;"]saverio vaillancourt[/div]His smile widened as he listened to the the Kal`Borian "You've made quite a compelling offer Saverio..." They only had to seal the deal and end the matter behind- he spoke to soon. "But the opportunity to teach this clown how to sit is surely one which I simply cannot pass up!" Saverio's smile grew strained though remained on his face. "Now, now." He tried to gently coax the other noble.

"I really don't give a damn who you are. But you have no right to speak or treat anyone like that! So how about you stop acting like a spoiled little brat and listen to Saverio here and let him get you new uniform and shut your trap before I really lose it and kick your ass and I don't need magic do that."

The ends of his mouth twitched and he struggled to keep his smile intact. He was just about to bring Constance out of the room to help him out of his clothes but Starlight had to butted in. He could feel his hand itch. By the Sevens, he swore this is why sometimes he found dealing with commoners at times to be so frustrating. They didn't know the delicate intricacies of interaction, especially among higher society. He had been so close- so close in ending the matter peacefully. The fact that other students had gotten involved had made the situation got out of hand since it's no longer going to be resolved peacefully. Great. Just great. He can just imagine the earful that he's getting. Saverio just couldn't understand why whenever trouble occurred in Highover Institute that fingers that are pointing at him couldn't be avoided even if he had done nothing wrong. His Father is going to give him an earful as well. They helped in sponsoring the Reckoning and now that he had joined in the fun, he couldn't avoid having some sort of responsibility as well. His Father tend to overlook most of the deeds he done, but this one didn't seem to be one of them.

He gave a quick glance over the hall and found the servant stuck from where she is. Sevens! That silly girl didn't even leave when she had a chance! It was all well and fine if he was in charge with her punishment but what was she going to do now? Especially since she helped instigate a fight between students. Saverio's head was throbbing as there was nothing else he can do. He stepped out of the situation. There was no need for him to further involve himself in the situation. He had already made his efforts, there was no further obligation for him to stick out his neck for them.

Saverio called one of the nearby servants, "Unless they want to be caught in the crossfire, please urge the other students to leave the hall. Prepare sets of uniform for those involved. Lessons haven't started yet and they are already so eager to ruin their outfits." He couldn't help but roll his eyes a bit. He wasn't quite sure of calling the assistance of one of their teachers. It could imply so many things yet at the end of the day, it only spelled trouble. He sighed once again, the dining hall was just going to get a bit ruined. He moved a bit farther away from them to make sure he doesn't accidentally become a victim between all this. The dining hall can still be fixed. "Ah, maybe you should get a healer as well?" He added to the servants, they weren't going to kill each other.. probably. Perhaps a few bruises at most?
tags: Lekiel Lekiel HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest Matt l ttaM Matt l ttaM animegirl20 animegirl20 revior revior

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Fury burned through Iron-eyes' veins as he glared at his colleague. "You would bring dishonor to your house and not agree to the rules?!" he seethed tightening his grip upon his blade. "So it appears the young lord Duchanteau is either too good for the established rules of dueling, or an honorless coward. What would your father say? What would your patrons that purchase your silverite think? The scion of house Duchanteau a coward." Renoux growled hoping there was ever an ounce of decency, or at least honor in his fellow noble.

When Constance made a verbal jibe at his deceased parents and sister, something within Renoux changed. His fury didn't leave, but his eyes went cold and his grip on his blade relaxed. The Young lord had calmed, and that seemed to unnerve his nemesis' lackeys. What he said next surprised the others. Not in what he actually said, but in the cold calm tone he possessed. "Yes, I am all that is left of the Renoux bloodline. But unlike you, I am also a lord, and you will follow the rules of dueling little lordling, or i will exact compensation from your family for the grievous insult. You will lose station and wealth. I can assure you that. Now either draw your blade and prove to me you have a modicum of honor, or leave this matter alone and act like the man your ancestors would smile upon..."

After finishing, Renoux straightened, squared his shoulders and adjusted his stance to a more aggressive one.

Lekiel Lekiel
"Dishonor my House and not agree to the rules?" Constance's face appeared genuinely puzzled, before once again he burst out into hysterical laughter, one which shook him to the core.

"Established rules for duelling?! Do you even listen to yourself Renoux?" The Duchanteau scoffed before a look of genuine contempt twisted his visage in the form of a venomous smile. "That's fine, let me explain this to you since it seems you're ignorant of our ways-- but that's fine as well, since you probably did not have *cough* a proper upbringing"

"Duels are a Magician's custom... we do not fight with common tools like plebs..." Constance let out a chuckle. "But if such an uncultured tool is your choice of weapon, i will not stop you" the Kal'Borian shrugged.

--Duelling is a Magician's custom, and as such Ironeyes' terms hold no water. He must make a choice whether to fight or to back down, there is no other option. Constance is ready and will immediately react with a spell should fighting be chosen.
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Knowing his foes disdain for Enchantech, Renoux simply smirked. With a smooth fluid action, he sheathed his blade. looking at his apparent "ally" he could see the resolve on her face. With a nod towards Starlight in both respect and thanks, Iron-eyes shot into action, loosing a ball of flux before charging, both Vindication and Vengeance raised. Renoux danced, weaved, and ducked, always in motion to keep his opponents off balance and not get a bead on him; All the while firing Vindication, a revolver based off of Imprifle designs to cut through any magical defenses and and keep their daemons at bay, as Vengeance in his offhand fired a hail of hollow point rounds. On a regular human, this would leave a fist sized hole in them or remove limbs, but he was relatively sure his foe could survive.

While his assault went into action, Mi'Tsuun kept her master protect, firing flux spells at any hostile spell that got too close for comfort, all while her master closed in closer and closer, trusting in his allies to do their part.

Lekiel Lekiel animegirl20 animegirl20 Matt l ttaM Matt l ttaM
Is your cause worthy of who you can become?

Those words haunted Faean through the night. Why? He had no idea, for he had not been anything less than sure of his goals since he was thirteen years old. Become a Master Magician, climb the ranks of the Arcana Council, reach the top. Clear and simple. But was there more? Somewhere beyond that he could go? And, if there was, was pushing through to do it truly worth defying the boundaries that humanity had thus far defined for themselves?

As he reached the dining hall, he put his ponderings to the side for later review, instead preparing himself to meet the Chosen from other schools. The moment the imps opened the doors, however, Faean could immediately feel the extreme tension in the air. It came from the middle of the hall, where a small group of students stood facing each other, looking about ready to break into a brawl.

He recognized a few faces in the mix: Enn, Starlight and his newest acquaintance, Nero. At the side, looking on with some trepidation was Saverio, which made Faean wonder how the boy even got there when their group of friends were right at the front of the hall. Probably, his mind provided, while trying to make a fancy introduction of himself.

To his own surprise, Faean also recognized the opponent. Constance Duchanteau, a face he’d only seen thrice or so in the past seven years in his rare visits back to Kal’Borias but had long since categorized as an insipid pain in the neck.

“Won’t you go defend Enn’s honor, dear master?” Jinx whispered in his ear, obviously enjoying the scene laid out in front of them.

“No,” Faean replied without hesitation. For one, Duchanteau was an important ally to the dea'Aria House back in Kal'Borias. For two, he hadn’t participated in a duel that wasn’t just sparring since an incident a couple years back that ended in him freezing someone’s ear off in a… momentary lapse of judgement. In his defense, the opponent had started the fight and caused him to nearly fail an important test prior ⁠— which, in Faean’s eyes, was an offense worthy of death. He’d been lucky the boy, though noble, hadn’t been from any notable family.

“How terrible. You use her in your dreams then throw her away?” Jinx cackled, prompting him to flick her on her feathery forehead. He couldn't believe she was still on about that dream when even he had forgotten about most of its contents.

“The duellers are some guy called Iron-Eyes and a Duchanteau kid. Place your bets, Faean, who’s winning?” Juniper, one of his closest friends in Highover, cut through his thoughts, laughing as she beckoned him over. He glanced at her and smiled, shaking his head.

Iron-Eyes, he mused in his head, Lord Renoux? I know of his enchantments.

Though he had refused, Faean had already placed his bets on the older man in his heart. Not just because he figured, considering the man’s accomplishments, that he would be fairly impressive in combat but also simply because a small part of him would loathe for the extremely traditionalistic and, therefore, ignorant Duchanteau to come out on top over a leading inventor.

He wandered over to where Saverio sat, ignoring the protest of his other friend. He was curious and, though he wouldn’t admit it, loved the thrill of fights ⁠— especially if he wasn’t involved in them... which he rarely ever was.

“Good morning,” he greeted airily to the boy and those around him, faint mirth audible in his lilting tone, “interesting times you seem to be having. May I join?”

Interactions: Feyrie Feyrie revior revior Kabochamp Kabochamp | Mentions: Lekiel Lekiel HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest
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[div style="font-size: 4vh; margin-left: 3vh;"]saverio vaillancourt[/div] Saverio rubbed his temples, this day was not going the way he had expected. He expected everyone to fawning over him but instead, those who chose to stay behind chose to spectate. A magician's duel. He really didn't want it to come to this. The implications and the result of this was anything but small. Now that things have gone out of proportion, he wasn't sure he could minimize the effects of this aftermath. The servant most likely wouldn't get off easy as so the rest of them. Saverio feared he might get the short end of the stick. Saverio wouldn't profess himself to be extremely intelligent but he was no dullard. As much as he liked putting on a show, he was still raised to succeed after his Father. Hence why even without his penchant for causing a commotion, his prestigious lineage automatically gave him authority in charge among students. His voice carried weight so he couldn't act rashly. As the highest ranking person in the person, at least for Highover, he had some sort of degree of responsibility to his fellow schoolmates and the servants that worked here.

He had already asked leniency for the servant. If he were to lower himself even further than it would not befit someone his status. At least if the teachers had asked what he had been doing since he was around, he could at least state that he had offered some sort of help and help evacuate the other students and prepared a healer in case anything were to happen. But still- he decided to soothe his nerves by admiring his reflection, occasionally casting glances on what was occurring. The moment the first spell was casted a dark shadow fell on his face and returned to admiring himself. He couldn't stress himself out, what if it gave him wrinkles at the end of the day? Still, he couldn't help but foreshadow the events that will occur afterwards. Though they would be punished, it wouldn't be considerably harsh. The students here were part of the upcoming Reckoning and possible future Master Magicians, more importantly they were mostly nobles. It was much better for the blame to be pinned down on the poor servant girl who started it in the first place.

“Good morning,”

Saverio looked at the side and gave a nod of acknowledgment to Faean, “interesting times you seem to be having. May I join?” He couldn't help rolling his eyes at his choice of words. "Hardly. The poor servant is probably going to blamed for all this. She's most likely going to be fired." He said nonchalantly, looking into his mirror. Well, no matter. He could simply employ her but she needed to stay away from high society. She'll probably have to be retrained in how to act appropriately around nobles and wait for this to die down until she can work publicly again. "Ugh." Saverio couldn't help groan, now that he had a chatting companion he couldn't stop himself from sharing his grievances. "I'm going to get blamed again!" He threw his hands in the air. If he had joined in, Saverio could only shudder that his situation might go bad to worse. But still since he was present, he couldn't prevent himself from being associated from this event. "You don't think their going to use this incident to lie fault with me and kick me out right?" He asked him worriedly. "Because I haven't even had any fun! All I had was a most foul demon or whatever say that I stinked! ME? SMELL?" his eyes were wide as he uses his hands to talk animatedly. "Here." he offered his sleeve to Faean near his face. "Check and see. I don't smell right? If I do smell, of course if I do it's only of honey, myrrh and almonds." He gave no wrong for refusal, practically shoving his sleeve to his nose as he already made a conclusion, only awaiting to see his response if he had agreed.
tags: OSWonder OSWonder

Matt l ttaM Matt l ttaM

"Defend me..? Find father?" Enn repeated towards Nathaniel, her slate grey irises wavered as she considered the suggestion. She looked back at the posturing combatants and shook her head in polite denial. "No, we must stay. They will stop this." Enn continued, though she visibly winced after her latter comment. Nevertheless, she did draw the servant girl up with her and backed away to a safer distance, all the while the white fennec fox on her shoulder was baring its fangs at Duchanteau.

HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest

Constance let out a knowing huff of air as he saw Ironeyes position himself for the duel. "Ah... so the ignorant nobleboy has chosen to fight. Applaudable bravery." He sneered, looking towards his red-haired companion and Starlight. Then the battle began.

The Duchanteau's eyes widened momentarily at rapid casted flux spell, before a short albeit sharp guffaw escaped his lips as he recognized the Abjuration spell. "You don't even know what you're doing!" The young noble cried as the nullifying spell whiffed for lack of a target. Despite his verbal tirade, the Duchanteau was no slouch, fingers already weaving in the air as crystalline sheets of ice materialized before him just in time to catch the volley of bullets. Hastily casted and unfinished, they easily shattered upon impact but it was enough to divert the projectiles away. It served its purpose nonetheless as a long crackling whip arced through the air towards the dashing Renoux.

--Dexterity check. Dodged! A crackle of sparks exploded scant inches from where Ironeyes was. In dodging the first strike, he is now unbalanced and must choose to sacrifice being hit for a proper aim for his next attack or to regain his composure for a non-attacking move.

"STOP!" A booming voice suddenly cut over the din of jeering students. There was a blinding flash of scintillating light followed by a loud FWOOM!. Those paying attention would catch a brief glimpse of a multicoloured crystal ball exploding in a brilliant display of chromatic colours right in between the battling duelists. Distracted, no one had a moment to react. There was a shocked yelp as Constance was thrown off his feet to crash against a table laden with cordial.

--Ironeyes and Starlight are both knocked off their feet, flying several feet backwards. They are stunned and blinded for five seconds, bruised, winded, but otherwise unharmed. All those watching the fight directly are deafened and blinded by a brilliant white light for five seconds. Those with Vitality of 3 are only briefly affected with diminished effects.

There was a flutter of heavy wings and a blur of movement. One of the stone gargoyles that stood stalwartly along the side of the dining halls had sprung to life, jumping into the middle of the fight with powerful gusts of wind. Standing to its full height of ten feet, the Sitri puffed out it's chest as it's stony skin hummed with unbridled power. It waited for the combatants to regain their composure, eyeing each of them warily for any sudden movements.

Matt l ttaM Matt l ttaM
As Nathaniel recovered from the blast, he would notice a grim albeit smug look upon Enn's face as she eyed the young Duchanteau, whose clothing now was utterly ruined with the added splash of cordial.

"Unauthorized violent altercations between students is forbidden on school grounds." The Sitri stated stoically, echoing Enn's statement from earlier to the word.

"What's the meaning of this!?" A stern voice called from the expansive entrance to the dining hall. All eyes turned to watch as Principal Deepwater appeared, close on his heels was a ponytailed woman with electric blue eyes dressed in a black topcoat. An audible hush descended upon the crowds of students as they parted to open a direct line of vision to the erstwhile combatants. Without missing a beat, Deepwater continued, "Saverio Vaillancourt Raestraguc, what have you done-" Oulders paused as he caught sight of the young Raestraguc seated beside Faen, for once, away from the source of the commotion. "Oh..."

"Master Deepwater, if I may?" The Sitri had moved forward, heavy footsteps shaking the ground as it knelt down on one knee before Oulders Deepwater. He nodded towards his Djinn, "go ahead Naraia."

"As you wish Master." Stepping forward, she placed her hand upon the Sitri's forehead and tilted her head in concentration. It took barely a moment before the Sitri was released and Naraia turned to look back at the Principal. The two seemed to communicate silently, as Deepwater appeared to nod his head in understanding.

"Velahl, Renoux, Cryvere, Duchanteau, Momozono and Raestraguc. Before me, now." The Principal commanded, his voice steady and even as he took in a deep breath. Constance, for all his earlier bravado, appeared utterly terrified at the sight of Oulders Deepwater, scrambling to his feet to present himself before the Principal.

"This is terribly... terribly disappointing. And we are only days away from The Reckoning... and Starlight, might I remind you that you are here on scholarship?"

--The students have been given a dressing down for their unacceptable behavior. **Both Ironeyes and Starlight receives Deepwater's Consternation for their active role in instigating the fight. Add it to your Status Effects**Saverio, surprisingly, receives Deepwater's Favour for his admirable attempt to actively diffuse the situation. The matter of handling the servant girl and compensating Constance Duchanteau is now up to the young Raestraguc**Nathaniel receives Deepwater's Favour for his admirable attempt to diffuse the situation** All Chosen students are instructed to finish up their breakfast and prepare for their lesson.

Enn watched, mouth slightly parted as the Principal made his concerns clear. Brown eyes twinkling behind his glasses as he explained in even tones the brevity and sanctity of the upcoming event. Finally satisfied with their promises to be on best behavior, the Principal took his leave, picking up a cinnamon roll as he left the dining hall.

Matt l ttaM Matt l ttaM
Nathaniel felt a light tap on his shoulder as the situation calmed down. Turning, he would see Enn offering him a friendly smile. "Thank you... your name's Nathaniel isn't it? I am Enn Velahl... though you probably already knew that." She extended a hand for a handshake. Saverio would also receive a word of thanks and a smile from Enn. To Ironeyes and Starlight, she would offer them a pained smile and an appreciative nod.

--**Nathaniel receives Enn's Favour for remaining behind but choosing not to engage in the duel. However, he may only keep one favour from an NPC. Choosing Enn's Favour removes Deepwater's from his Status Effects**
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Nero recieved the rose and was thinking of dropping it right away but a few uses for it rose to her mind and she put it gently on the table next to her and returned to her examination. Lontano made a show of hissing as he was offered the charm but if anyone was looking closely enough, they'd have seen him tuck it away under his foot for safe keeping first and seen his mistress give a small grin to the creature.

She heard the clatter of the tray falling to the ground as she was looking over the gun that Iron eyes had handed to her. She looked over at the source of the noise and watched as the scene unfolded. The more the young lord spoke, the more Nero disliked him as he seemed to embody many of the qualities her brothers often sported. Just as she was about to go over and try to smooth over the situation, her companion stood and joined the scene, offering to duel on the young woman Enn's behalf. Seeing the situation devolve so quickly she put her index and forefinger to the bridge of her nose let out a sigh, continuing to watch, unsure if she would even be able to help at this point.

"Not going to get a teacher to stop the miscreants, madam perfect student?" Lontano sneered as he watched, discreetly stowing the charm in the fur of his tail. "Oh? But this isn't my school and the combatants are also not of my school, otherwise I would certainly intrude." She replied, simply watching and ready to butt in should things get out of hand. She had stood and started to consider a spell to throw both perties off guard to halt the fight when the Sitri finally interjected, drawing a sigh of relief from her.

After the events had calmed down and the teachers had left she walked over to Iron-eyes and held out the gun he had left with her. "Your actions were a little brash but the sentiment behind it was noble" she said with a smile, holding the handle towards him before turning to Starlight. "It was impressive to see you stand up for your friend as well" she said with a nod. Really she was impressed with everyone that had put themselves forward, however they tried to help. The Reckoning just got even more interesting from her perspective.

HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest animegirl20 animegirl20 Lekiel Lekiel
Iron-eyes accepted the proffered revolver and slipped it back into his holster. He then sat down with a huff at hearing the term noble. "Most of the upper echelon have forgotten what it means to be Noble. They are now but spoiled children whom believe they are above everyone due to being born into their so-called nobility. Oh how my ancestors would have rolled in their graves had myself or my family turned out like them." He began looking towards his nemesis with utter contempt. "They fail to realize that the only reason their families ever became so was because their ancestors went above and beyond, having or showing fine personal qualities, high moral principles and ideals. They put the people under their care first, and the people supported them." He continued reaching into his pocket and pulling out his flask before taking a nip from it.

Capping it he offered it to both Starlight and Nero, despite knowing the latter would decline. "It is why i aided young Enn. I never met her until now, but she and the servant were blameless and undeserving of such behavior. As is my duty not only as a lord, but as a decent human being to protect those whom can not do so themselves. My father had taught me this. And one day, should the fates deem it, i will instill it into my children." He then laughed bitterly. "Most of my peers think me a fool to hold onto such notions. Yet those who serve my house and my interests support me. Tell me Nero, Starlight. Do you find such notions of Nobilty foolish?"

Kabochamp Kabochamp animegirl20 animegirl20 Lekiel Lekiel
"Not in the slightest, in fact, I completely agree" she said, taking a seat beside him "my family often display similar mindsets and it's frustrating that they can't see how ridiculous they are" she sighed at the thought of it. "Being proud of yourself simply because you happened to be born with a special name Is something I just can't understand". A person that relied on the achievements of others for their self worth was just pitiful in her eyes. "All we can do is lead by example and beat down anyone who gives us a bad name"

"Well, there are more important things for us to be focusing on today and I'm sure that we can bruise the brute's ego by not dwelling on his antics" she smiled as she turned back to Iron-eyes "which of our classes are you most looking forward to today?" She asked to try and dispel the dark atmosphere. The Reckoning was only just beginning and she planned to enjoy it as much as she could.

HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest animegirl20 animegirl20 Lekiel Lekiel

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