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Fandom Mt. Olympus University | Main {open}

Aphrodite smiled at Apollo as he slid into the seat beside her. She leaned over to give him a kiss on the cheek, before looking over at Hermes, chuckling softly at his words. She reached out and took his hand, but instead of shaking it, she used it to yank Hermes gently in her direction and give him a kiss on the cheek as well before releasing him.

"Well aren't you a cutie," she chimed, green eyes subtly shifting to gold. "You picked a good one, Lo." She winked at Apollo, her perfect face a halo of mischevious beauty. To Hermes, she said: "Pleasure to meet you. I'm Aphrodite. You can call me Di. Or Ro." She shrugged daintily. "Either is fine. Thank you, but it's a dress." The last sentence was said graciously, without malice or rebuke.

Aphrodite tossed a curl over her shoulder. "So what's your major, Hermes?" she asked, focusing her sparkling golden eyes on the younger man. Her lips bowed upwards as she tilted her head and waited for a reply.

eggsaladsandwitch eggsaladsandwitch RageOfInfinity RageOfInfinity

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  Hermes   *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

The younger god blinked cluelessly a few times, partly because he couldn't believe that had just happened. Did she just-- Did she--She had?? AAA??? He allowed himself a few seconds to get his brain back to complete functionality, before smiling sheepishly over at Aphrodite. A cutie? Oh man, was she trying to kill him? Because he could gosh darn well drop dead right here and only have very few regrets.

"Uhm, thank you," He mumbled, shy but happy, at her direct and indirect compliments. "It's r-really nice to meet you!" He only just avoided calling her 'Miss Aphrodite, ma'am'. He severely doubted he would ever be able to even call her by either of those nicknames, they seemed much too familiar, and he would never...

Anyways. At her question, he leaned forward. Okay. She had turned the conversation towards him, and maybe now he could say a few words without thinking about how pretty her eyes were. Or how pretty the rest of her was--Crap, stop it! "Well, right now I'm a sports therapy major! With a minor in agriculture. But I'm hoping maybe I could double major instead? Because, you know, they're both really interesting, and I don't want the animals to think I care about them less than, like, human athletes." He rambled a bit, his demeanor becoming more and more calm as he continued talking. "What about you?" Hermes asked, before clarifying. "I mean, what's your major, not, like, do you like animals. Or sports. Do you, though? And which do you like better?" Oh god. Stop talking. It was a blessing anyone even gave him the time of day when they were assaulted with this diarrhea of the mouth. He gave Apollo a look that he hoped said 'Please help I can't stop talking and she's too pretty so if she thinks I'm an idiot I think I'll die.'

RageOfInfinity RageOfInfinity
Apollo smiled with a self-satisfied, and slightly drunkened face when Aphrodite kissed his cheek. It honestly wasn't much, but it seemed to him, almost a promise of more to come... until she almost forcibly did the same for Hermes. His drunkened face turned to a near-pout, he knew she would have seen when she winked, Hermes, too, may have seen. He wasn't sure if he wanted Hermes to know how he felt about Aphrodite. Things tended to go bottoms-up when those he had affections for knew, but even more so when his friends did. This would be tricky indeed... and the gift of prophecy would definitely not help as much as he would wish it would. If it did, Aphrodite would already be his.

He was about to respond to her comment about him picking a good one, but she seemed to forget he was there for a second, as she asked Hermes about his major, now he felt positively crushed... he wouldn't let that on, though.
I think the hardest thing will be keeping from feeling jealous of Hermes... I mean... nothings been said... maybe I'm just getting ridiculous... but his gift said otherwise... he saw possibilities where Ro was with Hermes... and he never trusted any future he saw with his gift where she was with him. Thus was the curse of loving the unattainable, yes?

Persephone sighed softly to herself and got up, she had been so awkward that she had introduced herself after Aphrodite had walked out the door. She sighed again as she felt her own stomach growl,so she headed towards the Cafeteria but felt a little awkward about sitting next to Aphrodite but she did know Hermes from him coming and going from the house. She tentatively sat down across from Hermes and ran a hand through her hair.

RageOfInfinity RageOfInfinity girl_on_fire girl_on_fire eggsaladsandwitch eggsaladsandwitch
Hades sighed as he followed Posedion downstairs. He was slightly that Zeus hadn't shown up yet, though he was thankful he hadn't. Deciding to get some food, he walked down to the cafeteria when he spotted Persephone. Smirking, he decided to turn himself invisible, slowly creeping behind his beloved. Quickly, he scooped her up, turning visible, smiling while saying "Ah, dear, you put on my favorite dress! You really shouldn't have!"
MegMath13 MegMath13
Persephone let out a small squeal as she was picked up but she smiled softly as she saw the man that had stolen her heart. "I thought that you'd like it." She said and bit down on her lip her hand moving to be on his chest. "You scared me." She said laughing slightly as she leaned towards him and kissed his cheek.
Insidi Insidi

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  Hermes   *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Hermes seemed to wilt in on himself, his anxiety reaching maximum levels. He was making a fool of himself in front of Aphrodite, and Apollo seemed to also be lost to her charms, and there was nothing stopping him from putting his foot in his mouth and saying something so incredibly stupid.

Nothing except Persephone. At her approach, he shot he a smile, momentarily forgetting his woes, but then Hades all but materialized behind her and Hermes stopped, frozen for a bit in his idiotic irrational fear of the man. God. Whatever. Hades had never done anything to earn Hermes' apprehension, but the smaller god was always so nervous around him. His eyes darted from person to person among the people gathered around, feeling overwhelmed, and there was only one thing Hermes' brain knew how to do in this situation.

"S-so, nice weather we've been having lately..."

Using the weather as a conversation starter was the lowest of the low, but Hermes didn't know how to not make things weird when he felt uncomfortable. This was his attempt to diffuse the situation. The dumb, anxiety induce situation that existed only in his head. On the plus side, he had said it so quietly, perhaps none of them had even heard it.

A god can dream, can't he?

Artemis gazed over at her new roommate. Athena, her side of the dorm perfectly made to her liking, was beautiful, though seemed oblivious to it. She strode confidently to her side of the room, not sparing Artemis a glance, and began to unpack her thick textbooks. She seemed lost in thought as her eyes wandered to the mirror. "H- Hi, I'm Artemis," the young girl tried. numskulls numskulls

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