Ms. Arima's School of Ballet

Kanna Haneoka

New Member
Here at this prestigious school we teach people from the ages of 5 to 40. We have five different classes. Probationary, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, and Special. Probationary class is for those who don't appreciate the teachings and they can be from any of the classes. In Beginner we start out with flats. If you practice hard, you will be moved up to Intermediate where we will prepare you for Pointe. After three years of Pointe you shall be placed in minor rolls in Ballet performances. After eight years, you will be able to audition for main rolls. If successful enough, you will be able to teach your own class. Special is for those exceeding expectations and going beyond of which is expected. This class is strictly limited to ten spots. They shall perform once each quarter for the other classes. We hope you enjoy your time at our school.






Flat or Pointe

Partner (For Pas De Deux')





Name: Yukihyou Arima

Age: 29

Gender: Female

Class: Advanced, instructor to Advanced and Special

Flat or Pointe: Obviously Pointe

Partner: Usually takes a partner from the Advanced or Special when performing for the lower classes

Personality: Yukihyou is an exceptionally kind women and can be strict at some times. She is understanding when it comes to stage fright and other kinds of stuff.

History: She originally started out ballet when she was four, working hard to move up in the ranks. At age 11 she moved up to Advanced, skipping Intermediate. Working hard and striving towards her goal, she made her first debut in "Swan Lake" as Odette when she was 19. At age 24 she became a teacher of ballet, loving to watch the younger students work hard just as she had done. At 28, she brought her dream of a Ballet School to life.

Looks:View attachment 7986
Name: Sozuno Akashi

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Class: Intermediate soon to be Advanced

Flat or Pointe: Flat but soon to be pointe

Partner: Tomoe Akashi

Personality: Hard working and earnest

History: Sozuno has been in ballet since she was 8, constantly practicing and doing her best. When she was 13, she came to Ms. Arima's school, hoping to be taught from Arima herself.



Name: Tomoe Akashi

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Class: Intermediate, soon to be Advanced

Flat or Pointe: Flat, soon to be Pointe

Partner: Sozuno Akashi

Personality: Lively and carefree but hard working like his sister

History: Tomoe and his sister loved ballet, Sozuno finally convincing him to go with her to Arima's


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