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Fandom Move On, Akechi. (P5 RP)


A moth, and also a man
Hi everyone! I have separate thread of lots of RP ideas and settings, but I wanted to make a separate thread for this one because it's one I'm really interested in. Spoiler alert for P5 if you haven't completed it, and if you want to look at my bigger thread, it's right here: Fantasy - Partner Thread! Looking for so many things! uwu

So, this is an idea I had with someone a while back, but they eventually ended up dropping and I'd love to pick it up. It essentially boils down to a different ending of Persona 5, perhaps an extended one as well. I'd like to start it either near the end of Sae's Palace with the interrogation, or Shido's Palace with the Akechi fight. Akira ends up finding a way to save Akechi, and offers for him to join back with the thieves if he changes himself. I'd love to play Akechi for this, as I'm a super big fan of his whole plotline, his anger towards Akira and Shido, etc. etc.

If you're interested, I would love if you slid by my original thread above, and just looked at a few things about me and how I like to RP!​

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