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"The arcana is the means by which all is revealed"
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  • GBZZA3M.gif

    Hey I’m Ploegy (or Plo), and I’m currently searching for 1-2 more 1x1s! I'm an adult who has a pretty laid back schedule and is looking for a chill, possibly long term rp! If you have any questions feel free to post here or DM me! If entirely interested, please DM me and we can hash out plots/ideas together!

    About Me
    ➳EST timezone
    ➳400+ words per character
    ➳Can play canon and OC. Comfortable with mixing them as well. I don't mind being the one playing canon if no doubling
    ➳Can play all genders
    ➳Doubling not necessary (will double if preferred)
    ➳Comfortable with lgbtq+
    ➳Comfortable with AUs
    ➳Does not RP on Discord at all. Only does PMs or threads
    ➳Can be slower with posting so looking for a casual pace and chill with other slow repliers
    ➳Okay with being ghosted. I get it, things happen
    ➳Loves to share random ideas, HCs, silly thought/scenarios pertaining the rp. Communication of some kind is important
    ➳Loves to make lil doodles based around the rp
    ➳Loves soft fluff, but comfortable with more gritty scenarios as well (versatile in what I can write for)
    ➳Bolded characters are my more experienced ones
    ➳Lesser desired rps are very plot dependent for me. Don't be afraid to send a PM regarding one of them if you're strongly seeking! As long as you want to craft a fun plot, I'm generally willing to hear things out
    ➳Will only do the canon ships listed below unless I offer otherwise, so please make sure to read them so I don’t have to awkwardly say I’m not a fan of certain ships and feel bad for rejecting people! Only exception I will make is FE3H/FEH given the sheer number of ships/possibilities. Feel free to ask in that regard only if it involves a character on my list

    Writing samples (All are pulled directly from various rps):
    Hiding worked as poorly as Eren had anticipated it to, but he hadn't fully expected an "attack" of sorts to immediately be taken. At the sound of the click, the scout wasted no time to get himself moving. He had trained long enough to know such sounds never meant anything good.

    Swiftly, he reached for the handles of his blades. Quickly detaching the actual blades, the boy gripped the handles and clicked down the first set of triggers. Within seconds the cords from his gear shot out and latched on to one of the trees a little ways away. With a click onto the next trigger his gear came to life and the gas that escaped the back of it propelled him forward into the air with the help of the cords. As he swung skyward, he clicked on the triggers once again, releasing their grip of the tree to allow himself to freefall rather than immediately retreat to the tree he had been attached to.

    Another burst of gas escaped his gear as he launched himself forward to escape the trees and assure he was far away from whatever it was that had been launched at him. He honestly had no clue if it even had been an actual attack. His instincts simply had told him to escape to ensure no harm came upon him.

    Unfortunately, unbeknownst to him, the result of his actions still did exactly what the other had wished from him. The only difference was he had forced himself out on his own terms rather than falling victim to whatever it was the other had fired.

    Landing out in the open, Eren was well aware of the position he was in now. There was no hiding now and there was a possibility that these others did pose a major threat to him. That was worrisome, but he couldn't resort to violence yet. As much as he wanted to protect himself immediately and transform into his titan, he knew he had to try and at least communicate with these strangers first and judge whether or not they were truly trying to kill him.

    While he had his doubts that things would go smoothly, it was still something he needed to try, though it wouldn't be in a friendly manner. Despite this approach Eren knew he still had to be prepared. Connecting the handles of his blades back into place, he released his grip on them and slowly brought one hand closer to his chin, just in case he had to prepare a bite to transform.

    "What the hell was that?!" the teen hissed out, letting his natural anger surface rather quickly. As he spoke, his brows creased and his nose wrinkled, showing that he was quite unhappy with what had just taken place. "Do you just attack any stranger you see?"

    If such was true, then he couldn't say he was surprised. If anything it was something he expected from those outside the walls, though he still wasn't even sure what this place was. His mind simply could not comprehend the information. He simply had to act on what he understood the world to be for now. Keeping his cold front, he was sheltering far different feelings within. Admittedly, he was scared for what might happen with these others, especially since he hadn't seen such things before. Everything about this situation was abnormal to him and that unfamiliarity made him uneasy.
    The reaction of the teen was rather odd, yet Byleth was hardly fazed by Inosuke's eccentric behavior. Hearing the boy growl at him before taking a defensive stance only caused the professor to flatten his brows in disapproval. Whatever was going on in the boy's head must have been strange, but it was clear enough that he did not take kindly to his presence.

    Eyeing his swords, Byleth was quick to assume this other was trained with them. It wasn't common for the average folk to carry around such blades in the first place. A fight wasn't what he was looking for though. All he wanted to know was if this boy was in the same situation as himself. Getting an answer to that seemed rather unlikely. Even so, the young professor didn't reach for his sword, but instead stood staring at the boar-headed kid.

    His silence probably wasn't doing him much good. Words weren't something that came easy to him, despite the fact he was a teacher. It wasn't as if it had been by choice after all. He merely had been offered the position and his father told him it was best to fall in line and listen to Rhea. Maybe that had been a mistake.

    His mind didn't linger long on the thought of his own previous decisions though. Instead, as Inosuke's next words came out, Byleth's focus was pulled immediately back. The word demon was enough to do that. Those words stung more than the swordsmen wished to admit. Had his nickname from back home followed him here? It seemed strange, but perhaps the ones who had brought him here and mentioned it.

    Thinking on it momentarily, he dismissed the idea. The boy hadn't called him "Ashen Demon," but rather simply a demon. It was likely a mere coincidence, yet it still caused a faint frown to form upon his lips. It was a subtle hint of emotion that rarely crossed his face. However, he did not speak, allowing Inosuke to go on. That was when his expression changed even more. He raised a brow and cocked his head slightly to the side, trying to make sense of the teen's words.

    "Excuse me?" was all he managed to get out before the boy challenged him to a fight.

    It was clear he was convinced that Byleth was some kind of monster who had stolen the voice of one of his friends. It was a strange notion that left the professor unsure. The thought of having a similar voice to someone from another world was both fascinating, but frightening. It wasn't something he could ponder for long though.

    Eyeing Inosuke again, he could tell he was waiting for him to make the first move. As much as he wished to avoid violence, he doubted logic was going to get him far with his individual given his radical accusations thus far. Still, he needed to say something before agreeing to fight. Even with a sword pointed towards him, he decided to speak first.

    "I did nothing to your friend. He and I having similar voices is nothing more than a coincidence," he tried to explain. As he did, his gaze quickly shifted off Inosuke and observed his surroundings better. The room was admittedly too small to use for a fight, especially given his own sword's properties. It wasn't ideal to fight in such a tight space. Even so, he doubted the boar-headed boy would let him past either, not that the hallway offered more space anyways.

    His thought process was briefly put on hold when he heard the boy speak again. His initial statement made it clear that he truly thought that he was some kind of villain. However, the statement that followed was interesting to say the least. He certainly was full of confidence, Byleth would give him that, but confidence was a feeble shield in his eyes.

    "I do not wish to fight you, but if you are so keen on accusing me of this whole ordeal, then so be it."

    The professor's desire for peace had quickly faded, knowing he couldn't afford to leave himself wide open for too long. It was only a matter of time before the boy changed his mind about waiting to strike first. There was no telling if he'd be able to reverse time fast enough if he were to get mortally wounded after all. However, where was the best place to take this fight?

    Again, Byleth's eyes wandered about the room and he turned slightly to get a look behind him. That was when his gazed landed upon the windows on the opposite side. There was no telling how high up they were, but it was his only escape option to the outside world. Turning his attention back towards Inosuke, he decided to give one final statement before he went through with his own reckless plan. "If fighting is the only way I can prove myself to you, then you better be able to keep up."

    Unlike his voice before, hints of emotion seeped into Byleth's final statement. Seriousness laced his words along with a clear annoyed undertone. To have such emotion come through was more meaningful than Inosuke would understand, unfortunately.

    Not waiting more than a moment after he spoke, Byleth turned briskly towards the window and burst forward with as much speed as he could gather in a short amount of time. Putting his arms up to protect his head and upper body, he jumped forward into the glass panel causing it to shatter instantly upon impact and allow him to escape into the outside world. He couldn't waste any time as soon as he was airborne.

    Turning his back towards the ground, he reached for his sword and pulled it from its sheath, quickly lashing it out. Instantly, the sword came to life, glowing a faint orange as it began to break apart into its whip form. Its tip lodged itself securely into the side of the building, offering Byleth a safer fall. However, that wasn't all he needed. Bracing himself for impact with the side of the building, the former mercenary extended his legs out to take the brunt of it. Grunting softly as his feet collided with the wall, the young man let a sigh of relief escape his lips as he allowed himself to stay dangling there for a moment.

    Everything was alright. Well, almost everything. He still had the issue of the kid. There was no doubt he'd follow, even after such a reckless maneuver. There was no time to rest. He needed to get down all the way and prepare himself for what was to come.

    Glancing down at the ground, it wasn't too far under him now. Luckily the jump had only been about three stories high, though no normal person would do such a thing. Luckily, he was no normal person. Dropping his feet from the wall, Byleth allowed his sword to release itself from the wall and let him fall the rest of the way. With himself on solid ground once more, he let the glow fade from his weapon as he stepped back and looked up from where he had jumped. All he could do was mentally prepare himself and hope the boy would come to his senses sooner rather than later.
    For a moment Joker remained crouched beneath the window of the Trophy Room, the after thought of his conversation with Ann still lingering at the forefront of his mind. Even though he knew he had upset her, and likely the others too, he didn't regret his decision to come alone. Who knows what might have happened if he dragged them here as a group? He could only imagine the swarm of enemies that would be after both Inkling and himself. While he didn't doubt her abilities, his own, or even the others of their group, this wasn't a battle they had to take... not yet at least. They couldn't run from it forever though, not that he even wanted to, but diving in blind would only lead to disaster. As a leader, he was well aware of that notion.

    His lips pursed as his mind continued to think it all over, but luckily for him, the voice of Nurse Joy would keep him from diving into the complexity and negativity that awaited. Ren's whole train of thought would be shattered the moment he heard his name.

    Immediately, he perked up and his body tensed as he was reminded of the situation he found himself in. He didn't have the luxury of relaxing or losing himself in his own thoughts. He was deep in enemy grounds and alone. If he got caught now, it'd spell disaster in more than one way. It'd hinder his chances of safely returning to his friends and possibly lead him to capture or worse... death itself. Even if capture was all, he was sure Ann would kill him herself for being such an idiot. He could vividly imagine that scene in his mind, despite not wanting to.

    Furrowing his brows, Joker's eyes darted around his surroundings, trying to locate its source as quickly as possible. The thought of the window over head didn't cross his mind immediately and instead, the thief poked his head over the edge, only to be greeted by nothingness. Confusion bubbled in his mind until he finally craned his head upward. The sight of the window now open along with the nurse's words finally clicking in his own mind made it obvious where her voice was coming from. How stupid he must have looked.

    The thief quickly brushed off his own idiocy as he rose to his full height and stepped in front of the window. Dark eyes gazed inside, quickly observing it in order to assess whether it was a trap or not. Nothing seemed to stand out. If anything, it merely looked like a storage room turned into study given the desk he could see across the room. Despite how harmless it seemed, his eyes did waver over the trophy stands that leaned against the walls. Their presence alone deterred him. He may have lacked the knowledge of how exactly they were used, but he knew he had seen them at the feet of his comrades. He had no doubt that he too could end up in such a state if he wasn't careful.

    Ren had no reason to distrust the nurse after all. She had done nothing wrong in all this. Actually, she had always been one helping with the injured fighters and as far as he remembered, the Pokemon fighters were especially fond of her, or at least one of her. He couldn't remember what the exact reason was for there being many of her, but in this moment it didn't mattered. What did was the fact that she SHOULD be trustworthy.

    Joker's shoulders rolled back as he sighed and pushed back his own concerns of what could happen. Finally after his moment of hesitation, the Phantom Thief ducked his upper body down and slid himself through the opened window.

    In an instant he was greeted by both who waited inside, one being Nurse Joy herself and the other being an odd humanoid bird who probably rivaled Arsene in terms of height. Ren held back any remarks that itched in the back of his throat and instead returned Wandering Quill's silent greeting with one of his own. He placed a hand over his own chest and politely dipped his head before falling back to his usual stature.

    As she began to speak, Joker remained quiet. It was an understatement to say he was puzzled and full of questions of his own, but he refrained himself from getting started much like she asked of him. Still, the later part of her statement left him with more questions than answers. Why did he and the nurse need to escape before sunrise? What about herself? Those questions begged to escape his lips yet he remained silent and stone faced.

    Even if he wanted to speak, he had no time to. As words of a foreign language slipped from the Chozo's beak, Ren's face finally shifted behind his mask. His brows furrowed in confusion. Whatever language it was, it wasn't Japanese, nor was it English. Either would have clicked with him. Luckily, Wandering Quill seemed to anticipate as much. Seeing the glow around her talons, the thief took a small step back. While he had no reason to show signs of distrust, he still found himself wary, and rightfully so.

    The sparks danced around him and in an instant, he felt the words begin to come clear in his mind, but not without some resistance from his own persona. Invasion of his mind wasn't something that was taken lightly by his other self, although it could do little to prevent it. Arsene still would cause sharp pain to take form as blue flames flickered from the edge of his mask as the persona tried to keep such an intrusion out.

    "Arsene, stop!" the thief hissed under his breath as sweat beaded on his forehead and he curled his fingers over the edge of his mask, trying to hold it in place, even if it was a hopeless endeavor.

    Luckily, it was not. At his plea, his persona let up. The pain in his head lessened, though it still felt odd to have his usual mental fortitude broken through so easily. While it was merely words being spoken, it wasn't easy to get into a head like his own, or that was what he had thought. He'd ignore such for now. It was the least of his worries. What was important was what was being spoken to him. That left its own complications.

    The first words were easy enough to follow. It was a plea, not much different than the one Lavenza had given him back during his own journey. Perhaps it was becoming a habit of being told to save the world, via a mysterious voice in his head. He wasn't going crazy, was he? Moving his hand from his mask to his temple, he rubbed it, though it provided him with little assurance that he was indeed sane.

    Letting Wandering Quill's poem go on, things began to get more complex. Statements of collecting Pillars of Creation and Destruction filled his mind and left him with even more questions. He'd never heard of such things existing before nor did he know where to even find them. Her words offered little guidance in that regard. All they offered were what these pillars stood for. What sense he was supposed to get out of it all, he wasn't sure, but again he had no time to think. Even if he wanted to, it'd be impossible. Her voice filled his entire head leaving no room for his own thoughts, thus he let her continue even as he became a bit frazzled from it all.

    What came next only added to his already dazed state. Locations and fancy words supposedly describing his fellow Smash Bros passed through his head. There were far too many for him to easily take in, though despite the sheer amount she spoke of, it was nowhere near the number which it should have been. Many of the others were still absent or at least that was the conclusion he could come to. Even so, deciphering who was described was difficult in the moment. Even the easy ones were a blur for him. The thief's mind was being overloaded after all. He wasn't sure how he'd keep it all straight. He'd have to find a way.

    That wasn't the end of it though. There was still more!

    One last warning was left in Joker's mind. A name unfamiliar to him, but one that seemed to belong to the one behind this all: Lunaris. From the context given, he was the Lord of Moon and Stars. A god? Perhaps. It wouldn't be the first time this world had faced a being of such nature, nor would it be his first time either. Gods always found a way to shove their noses where they didn't belong. Some even had the audacity to try and strike deals with people they feared. Ren was well accustomed to that notion, and on more than one occasion, if he wanted to think of Maruki being on the level of a god. It didn't matter. He wasn't even sure if this Lunaris was one, but if he had the power to cause such problems to arise, Joker had to assume he was a powerful man. It was a good thing he hadn't told Ann he was going to get himself captured. To end up in the hands of a man like that... Joker was smart enough to know things wouldn't bode well for him.

    With the voice finally silent and the light finally gone from around him, Joker rubbed his head as the information tried to settle. Despite how calm he tried to appear, the look in his eyes betrayed him. They were wide and slightly glazed over as if he was still lost in his own thoughts. His brows flattened as he sucked in a deep breath, allowing his shoulders to slack a bit as he slowly was pulled back to reality when Wandering Quill spoke normally to him.

    Gray eyes stared at the amulet she presented him and he slowly nodded his head as he extended a hand out to take it. It was like nothing he'd seen before, though that was no surprise. Rubbing his thumb over the runes engraved on it, he silently studied for a few seconds before finally pocketing it. "Thank you."

    Those were the only words he could manage to utter. He may appear collected in mind and body, but that couldn't be further from the truth. It almost felt as if he was short circuiting with the information dump he had received. Processing his head through it all would take time- something he clearly did not possess in the moment.

    His lips curled downward as the Chozo stated that he and the nurse should go and leave her behind for her fate had already been decided.

    Fate... it was always a cruel thing. He had been a prisoner of it once- a title which Igor and the twin wardens had always reminded him of with each visit he had to the Velvet Room. It wasn't something he liked to believe in. In his eyes it wasn't as absolute as she was seeming to claim. Such was an argument he had long ago had with Chihaya when she claimed her fortune readings of fate were always absolute. He had squashed her views quite quickly, though perhaps comparing this moment to that where he changed the hearts of people was quite different. Even so, he couldn't remain silent.

    "You're speaking of fate to the wrong person," he murmured, keeping his voice low.

    Despite wanting to continue, the banging at the door would cause him to fall silent. An air of seriousness overcame him quickly and he knew he was out of time. Anything he would have wanted to say or do was all brought to an abrupt halt. His eyes moved to the door as the jingle of keys echoed out. Deep down, he didn't want to play into fate, but he couldn't let everything go to waste either. His own internal conflict was obvious in his gaze as it flickered between the door and window.

    What was one guard to someone like him? He could easily handle that. Surely Wandering Quill was aware of that much for it not to be her concern. There had to be more, but what exactly that was, Joker couldn't figure out. He had to respect her wishes or at least make an attempt to. His heart still told him to make a difference though, but in the current moment, he couldn't argue. Hiding himself and getting the nurse out had to be his priority. Bowing his head in defeat, the Phantom Thief gave in to the Chozo's wishes even though it pained him.

    Without a word, Ren briskly turned towards the window. They didn't have much time and he knew it. Waiting for Nurse Joy to climb out herself was not an option. He'd have to take matters into his own hands if they wanted to move swiftly.

    Looking at the pink haired nurse, he held a finger up to his lips indicating for her to remain silent. Dropping his hand back down after a moment, he picked her up without warning and softly murmured something akin to an apology, but it hardly could be heard as he slipped through the window with her.

    He found his footing quickly once they were outside and he sighed out softly. They weren't safe here. They'd only be seen the moment the guard looked towards the window, if they were smart enough. That left him with little choice. As risky as it was to summon Arsene in the open like this, he had to if he cared an ounce about the nurse's safety.

    Upon feeling his own will, his mask began to flare up as he uttered Arsene's name, allowing the persona to manifest himself. Acting quickly, Joker faced his other self and held Nurse Joy out to him. "Take her back to the others and return immediately if I'm not behind you, understood? This way we can't both be easily pinned down and captured if it comes to that."

    Arsene stared at the boy before he simply followed his orders. He took the nurse from the thief without a second thought and he launched himself from the edge of the Stadium, taking off in the direction which the others were in. He was well aware that Joker hadn't made his full intentions clear, but that was his choice to make. He simply did what was asked of him, letting the thief follow whatever path he wanted.

    Watching the pair fly off, Ren turned back towards the window and silently crouched down beneath it. Maybe, just maybe there was still something he could do. It was a risk, but he had to at least listen to what was about to occur.
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