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Multiple Settings Morrowind, plus other things


evil flower blossoming cutely
Roleplay Availability
My Interest Check
Hey there, Avi here, the planet's least accomplished poet, philosopher and writer.

This is my second search thread on the site, so a bunch of stuff might be repeated on account of possible laziness. Still, if anything here piques your interest or intrigue, feel free to hit me up as you would.

Time zone is GMT+1, my availability is most evenings and afternoons. If you want fast responses and my waking time is your sleeping time, then I imagine you'll be better off ignoring this.
Limits on post size vary, although, most of the time, I would appreciate at least a paragraph or two. I don't have a specific maximum size limit, but just keep in mind that if the post takes up five A4s, it will take me longer to respond and all that.
When it comes to grammar, please have a good grasp on the English language. We all make mistakes and typos from time to time, obviously, but I prefer to not be distracted by horrid grammatical mishaps when reading.

Roleplay preferences:
I'll keep this brief, since most of this should be fairly self-explanatory. I like to have some pre-establishment before jumping into a roleplay - some basic world building, at least the basis of the character ideas and so on, and so on. I am capable of roleplaying both genders without too much trouble, and homosexuality is not a problem for me either, being secure enough of my own heterosexuality to not fear it. However! While romance is something I can easily accept if developed naturally, I am here to write a story, not just to hook up a fictional character with another. On a similar note, no smut. On another similar note, also please spare me fetishism, themes of overt mental and physical abuse, and overexaggerated mental illnesses and violence. Oh, uh... also I don't like roleplaying canon characters and all that, just so you know.

The good stuff:
What you most likely came here for... the interests and story ideas. Have a list.

Morrowind - As stated in the title, I've recently become greatly infatuated with the world of the third Elder Scrolls game. The exotic landscapes, the underlying motives and the setting, in general, have won me over, and I've accumulated a big amount of interest in roleplaying in the Third Era Resdayn. Not sure if I want to involve the Nerevarine, or CHIM and Amaranth, but I would love to explore Morrowind with a good pair of characters for sure. When it comes to this, please, feel absolutely free to hit me up with any and all ideas you might have for the setting, I'll make sure to treat them very open-mindedly.

Some good ol' High Fantasy - With Warcraft (especially Frozen Throne) being a very big part of my childhood, and my liking of the LotR universe also being pretty sizeable, I've become quite the connoisseur of high-fantasy, if I do say so myself. While mid and low fantasy is fine as well, if you have any good High-Fantasy ideas, I'd love to check them out.

Sci-fi - Starships and lasers, diverse sets of planets and races, the whole universe at one's fingertips. I'll confess, I never watched Star Trek, I wasn't really engulfed by Star Wars, a terribly-dubbed Stargate flew over me. Yet still, Sci-fi's a pretty secure go for me, so there ya' go.

And um... anything else that you might want to try out with someone like me. I'll either say yes, or alternatively no. As they say... you've nothing to lose, eh?

Well, that'll be it for now. Sina out.
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High fantasy sounds good to me, I’d love to start discussing it whenever you’re next available.

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