Morgan Le Fay Academy.


Queen of Broken Hearts
Welcome to Morgan Le Fay Academy, a boarding school for gifted Witches.

Hidden deep in the outskirts of Roseville, South Carolina, is a large boarding school designed for humans with the ability to use magic, or Witches. Founded and named after a legendary Sorceress, the academy now opens it's doors to international Witches. It's classes are taught by the best, trained professors in their given subject and kept guarded from outside threats. The new curriculum is focused on bringing technology and magic together while giving the students a diverse knowledge and experience of Medieval magic as well. Care to join and try your hand at honing your powers?



  • Follow ALL of RpN's rules. There is no ifs ands or buts to this.
  • Romance is VERY encouraged but please, keep it to Pg-13 (fade to black if necessary.)

  • No godmodding, Mary sues or Gary stews, and no taking over characters unless given permission.

  • Please, no one-liners. At LEAST two lines of text.

  • Break any school rule you want (they'll be given at the start of the term), but accept the consequences afterwards.

  • Have FUN! ^^

Character Skeleton:









Dorm 1) - Isis (jj9095)

- Charlotte Delmont (Ruri)

Dorm 2) - Blair Waters (NebulaSkies)

- Fable

Dorm 3) -Paulette

-Layla Rayne

Dorm 1) -Logan Blodwyn

-Jordan Hashi

Dorm 2) - Carlisle (Ronkaime)

- Aato (jj9095)

Dorm 3) - Ryan



~Name~ Paulette (Letti) Ross

~Age~ 16

~Personality~ She's a very diligent, hard working girl with a love for books. She hides her true feelings underneath a snarky, witty attitude but deep down she is a five year old at heart.

~Looks~ Letti is a rather pretty but plain girl, her only unique attributes being gold eyes behind her glasses and her bright blue hair. She is average height and weight, 5'5 and 132 pounds.


~History~ Her mother is an Alchemist Witch highly rgrarded within the Witch community and that is how she was allowed to attend the school.

~Other~ Her book collection rivals the school's library.

~Dorm~ 3
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Name: Layla Rayne

Age: 19

Personality: Layla is very caring, sweet, and bubbly. She loves talking to people and expressing herself. Layla can usually sense if people are truly nice within the first minute of meeting them. She keeps a tight circle of friends and doesn't like to let many people into her life or heart.

Looks: Layla has long, dark brown hair that she always wears straight. Her eyes are a very light but vibrant blue color. Layla's skin is naturally a light tan color but it tends to get pale in the winter no matter what. She is about 5'3" and 120 pounds.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Girl10.jpg.b0b8c16568b8e4cb9da5ef6176e6e34b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3570" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Girl10.jpg.b0b8c16568b8e4cb9da5ef6176e6e34b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

History: After finding out about her "powers", her adoptive parents didn't want her around. They always complained that they wanted to rid themselves of the trouble they assumed she might cause. The day she found out that Logan was coming here, she told them she was going away and never coming back. They, of course, tried to plead with her to stay but she insisted she needed to go and didn't want to stay with these horrid people. She always thought she had a good life until she realized how much they hated her and the rude things they said behind her back.

Other: Layla and Logan have been friends for three years. They became friends in school and got closer when they both discovered their true self.

Dorm: 3


Name: Logan Blodwyn

Age: 19

Personality: Logan can sometimes come off as a jerk. He is actually really sweet and kind, but his protectiveness sometimes gets in the way. Logan isn't really the most social so the combination of him and Layla is good. He always wants to talk to people and make more friends but his social anxiety prevents this.

Looks: Logan has very dark, shaggy brown hair that almost looks black. His eyes are a light hazel color that can appear quite green at times. His skin is also normally a tan color and is slightly darker than Layla's. He is around 5'7" and 145 pounds.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Guy8.jpg.6912f03c4ea08d9abf9d6e704ba614c4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3571" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Guy8.jpg.6912f03c4ea08d9abf9d6e704ba614c4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

History: Logan lived with both of his parents his entire life. They never mentioned anything about him having special abilities, although he almost always knew something was different about him. His parents were always supportive because they both possessed these abilities as well. They sent him here to learn more about everything, the same way they did.

Other: Layla is his best friend and has been for a long time.

Dorm: 1



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Still open~! C'mon people, join in on the magical fun!! I promise there's no actual homework! xD
I call in! YES! *jumps up and down excitedly* I need to eat right now but when I get back I am SOOOOO making one! 
Although I dont want a pink dorm <.<
~Name~Carlisle Minako


~Personality~Carlisle is all about love it's his favorite thing in the world but balance is importatn too he is a libra to a T and likes to have balance in his life more than anything



~History~Carlisle comes from an ancient family of witches down to the famous Wizard melvin he normally uses a combination of eastern and western magic,But western is his favorite he doesn't use a wand just his finger (Like sabrina the teenage witch) He is exceedingly powerful but doesn't flaunt it much top of his class he strives to become a great and powerful witch but right now he feels like he's missing something in life he's rich good looking grades are top notch and he's missing one thing right now.Hopefully in this new school without having to hide his abilities he can find it


~Dorm~2<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/tumblr_mp0wbqZxYv1s5byd6o1_500.png.e2a6de33271d1e2f71336273d08148f3.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4320" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/tumblr_mp0wbqZxYv1s5byd6o1_500.png.e2a6de33271d1e2f71336273d08148f3.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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~Name~ Isis Smith

~Age~ 19

~Personality~ Isis is a lovable individual that gets excited for pretty much everything and acts very young at heart. She is kind hearted to anyone she meets even if they are rude to her and makes it very hard for anyone to hate her. If you do something rude to her she normally will not fight back but instead forgive you and say its okay. If someone trys to scare her she gets jumpy and screams. Her spells that work the most revolve around Spirit and Water. She is a smarty pants and a great test taker. She loves to read books and always has at least one book in hand or in her purse. She knows everything about the Witch world if they are in a book.

~Looks~ Her hair is a mix of white and blue, her eyes a dark blue that watches your soul, her clothes is always extravagant but she makes it looks good and sometimes out of place she likes to wear cowgirl boots.

~Picture~ <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/1499955438_d211156bc5.jpg.6e49175716dae7949e83827a5818193c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4321" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/1499955438_d211156bc5.jpg.6e49175716dae7949e83827a5818193c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

~History~ Her parents while she was four years old had taken her to a show of very extravagant Witch powers. She left the show with a witch hat, broom, and a cloak just like the young lady. She became a fan of Witches and learned everything possible about them with posters and many many books of powers and spells and supernaturals in all. Although she goes a little out with her outfits she knows in and out 99% of Witch history and basic spells. One day when she tried out an actual spell it worked so completely well that the school found out about it and she was entered to be a Witch.

~Other~ Reads books like there is no tomorrow and her rooms walls are not seen by all the bookcases she has. She even ran out of space in her bookcases and has books shoved under the bed and in some of the drawers. While packing for school she took a ton of books not being able to let any of them go. And Bisexual.

~Dorm~ Dorm 1!



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Accepted ronkaime ill edit you into your dorm when I get to my laptop! 
Accepted ronkaime ill edit you into your dorm when I get to my laptop!
~Name~ Aato Renaldo

~Age~ 19

~Personality~ Aato is used to stealing with no problem and lies so well even a lie detector cannot catch it. His heart has been broken so many times he feels like he can never fall in love again. He goes around with a blank stare at everyone not really caring to meet anyone new anymore or making friends always expecting them to leave again. If Aato is touched nicely he automatically cringes back. He stands up for what he believes in though and is very hard headed. Because he believes there was a curse thrust upon him he cares about his classes and listens, not needing to take notes.

~Looks~ Brown hair with a very masculine face and green eyes. He has a small tan and likes to wear very simple clothes.



~History~ Aato ever since little has gotten his heartbroken by every girl or guy that has ever crossed his path. He feels like he has a curse for even his parents left him and he has been living on his own since he was 13 years old hiding from the world. He would practice his magic in free time with no issue and got very used to being a con to get his way around. Aato has always thought there was a curse set upon him by a witch and has made it a life goal to find a spell and break it.

~Other~ Bisexual

~Dorm~ 2
JJ, I changed the first dorm and do you guys want to wait to get more characters or start now?
Alright I put Isis in dorm 1. I need to shower but I would love to start in 30 minutes or so. We have 6 characters. 6-8 is normally a good starter so up to everyone else and yourself Bree but I say start it up! In another day I'm sure more people will join =)
I only planned to have a few teachers and a headmaster but since school is starting up, would any of you like to play a teacher? Every day is open except for Friday.
I wouldn't mind. You want to make my character for me Bree? Ill take whatever you give me. I need to shower
Go shower JJ, I'll try my hand at making your teacher. Would you like to do Earth Magic?
~Name~ Mrs. Raven Gollem.

~Age~ 32

~Personality~ Mrs. Gollem is a strict, uptight person who heavily frowns on horseplay of any kind. Though she comes off as an icey person, Raven does have a sincere interest in other's feelings and is known to ask a student if they are alright and her door is always open to anyone in need of a chat, hug, or advice. Not being a judgment person, she is quick to chastise anyone who does so in her presence.

~Looks~ Her hair falls to her hips and is a light shade of grey. Having grey eyes also, Raven is surprisingly wrinkle free with a thin, pointed facial structure and thin lips. Averaging a nice 5'7 and 121 pounds, underneath her work clothes Raven has some light padding of muscle.


~History~ Growing up in a Witch household, Raven was always in love with magic and excelled at Earth magic. Early in her life-22-, Raven married her sweetheart and told him of her being a Witch. Luckily, he was one of the rare few who accepted this and they lived content lives with her training to become a teacher. When her husband had been fooling off in his car to make a child laugh, another car crashed into them and Raven had to plan her late husband's funeral three years into their marriage. Now she works at Morgan Le Fay Academy teaching a class in mastering Earth Magic.

~Other~ Lives in the teacher's wing and whatever else jj9095 wants to add. 

ethericalAlchemist said:
Could I write for a teacher also?
Sure, just exit out the dorm part of the Skelly and approve with me what they will teach. Also, as a note jj9095 all teachers must give me a day between Monday and Thursday for them to teach and pre-approve the lesson plan through PM.

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