Story More Like a Fanfic but ok/'Starry Eyes' ygo fanfiction ch 1

The Waluigist Priestess

Try Our Hot Wings! MMM! SPICY!!!
A week into Duelist Kingdom, Kari was standing on the water's edge, thinking about how Mai had her beat at everything. Mai was prettier, smarter, and better than Kari in every possible way. She saw the way Joey looked at her. It broke Kari's heart to see Joey fall for another, and she just wanted to be left alone.. Yugi approached Kari, "Hey, sis... we've been looking all over for you." he said. Kari sighed, "Why? Is it so you can tell me what I already know? So you can tell me Joey left me for Mai?" she asked brokenly. Yugi sighed, "No, Kari... Joey wouldn't do that to you. He was just telling me how much he regrets being blinded by Mai's physical beauty that he lost sight of what he loves about you, which is everything." Kari smiled, still seeming sad, but wanting to talk to Joey for confirmation.

Yugi took his sister's hand and went to the meetup site, waiting for the others. Téa and Tristan arrived, followed by Joey and Mai. Mai had a concerned look on her face when she saw Kari failing at drying her eyes, "Kari, are you alright?" she asked. Kari said nothing, "Joey, I think you should talk to her..." Yugi stated. Joey approachec Kari, "'ey, Kari... talk t'me..." he said. Kari looked at Joey, "Do you really regret letting Mai's appearance blind you?" she asked, "or did you lie to Yugi?" Joey looked shocked at Kari's words, "'course I regret dat, Babe... yer all I want... I shouldnt'a let mahself lose sight'a how much I need ya..." Mai grabbed Kari's shoulders, while Tristan did the same to Joey. The two pushed the lovers together, and once they were inches apart, Joey put his strong, gentle hands on Kari's cheeks and kissed her deeply. Kari kissed back, "I missed this..." she said, her head on Joey's chest, just over his beating heart. "I love you..."
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