More glider Charms

Forn Clakes

ECR Refugee
For those who don't know, or haven't looked, I've designed some Solar glider Charms (that I've posted here) and am currently trying to make some Abyssal versions. Only thing, I'm not good when designing Abyssal Charms, so any ideas would be great.

Here's the initial Charm, a simple port from the Solar version:

Unfurling Predatory Wings

Cost: 1 or 5 motes

Duration: One turn

Type: Simple

Minimum Sail: 2

Minimum Essence: 1

Prerequisite: None

A nocturnal creature that uses the sky to hunt must be ever prepared for flight, able to ready their wings at an instants notice, the moment in which their predatory instincts trigger.  With this Charm, an Abyssal can assemble, strap to and launch a glider in a single turn.  The cost for this Charm is dependent on the type of glider being used.  The advanced folding gliders (Caste Book: Night, p.78) require 1 mote of Essence while the larger, two-seated gliders (Bastions of the North, p.98) requires 5 motes to activate.  

Cheers all   :D

 The advanced folding gliders (Caste Book: Night' date=' p.78) require 1 mote of Essence while the larger, two-seated gliders (Bastions of the North, p.98) requires 5 motes to activate.[/quote']
How did that happen?

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When I design Abyssal Charms, I try to keep one thing foremost in mind: If the effect involves killing, incapacitating, or weakening something, it's usually going to be more powerful than what a Solar could do. Any other effect should be somewhat less powerful. Abyssals are, after all, Solars with the "kill shit" knob turned all the way to 11.

Yeah I agree with Stillborn, 11 is louder then 10. But anyways, I like that first charm, no disagrements or anything. I have a thought though, you could go with the theme of a Raton or some such nasty bird. Just a thought, also maybe a more aggressive style then the solar glide charms, stuff that is border line suicide dives and stuff. Like I said just a thought or two.
Kabuki said:
I have a thought though, you could go with the theme of a Raton or some such nasty bird.
I think this is a good idea, but I also think that raitons are over-used as Abyssal imagery already. There are plenty of other predatory carrion-birds to choose from.

...condors, crows, ravens, just about any raptor, Marabou storks.

Obviously some are spookier sounding than others. I think the "carrion hawk" might be a cool animal name to theme the Charms on. It sounds swift and lethal, and also kind of icky and necro.

Blus Jays man, one of the biggest carrion birds there are. Blue-Jays Iron Wing attack, that would be one scary ass Abyssal charm.

I am excited to see how the charms will changed and/or named.
Reading those Charms, it occurred to me that some sort of bat-like echolocation effect, which allows the Abyssal to navigate in darkness would be cool. Also, perhaps a Charm that allows the Abyssal to travel faster, or for longer distances, as long as he travels when the sun's down.

If you're not particularly inspired to write these, let me know, and I will.

I liked them very much. They had a nice group theme (about one bird from each region). Not overly powerful, but very fitting to the Abyssal style of things. Like Stillborn said, some longer flying times and maybe a plus to manuvers or dice subtraction for people to hit you would be nice.?

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