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One x One Moral Greys [Closed]


Said you'd die for me, well -- there's the ground
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My Interest Check


Name: Alec Cornell

Age: Looks in his early 20s (Born in 1877, turned in 1896)

Species: Vampire

Talent: Empathy—to understand the emotions that others are feeling perfectly, though this does not tell Alec why the person is feeling that way.

Brief History: Alec and Mira were childhood friends, English Aristocrats. Their parents wanted to arrange to have them wed, but the two found the idea distasteful despite how well they got on.

Alec and Mira's lives were changed by a vampiress who seduced Alec once upon a time. She was looking to make a name for herself, and wealth, in English society and saw Alec as her way in. Things went a bit awry when Mira walked in on the turning scene. Alec has yet to forgive himself for attacking her for blood, and then demanding she also be turned by the other vampiress.

Mira's first action was to kill the vampiress, and she hasn't quite been the same since that day. Alec's overlooked most of her actions, driven by guilt. The two have wandered the world since they have a lifetime, and their friendship has recovered.

Alec has fully enjoyed his freedom, and all the exploration he’s been allowed to do. The ways in which technology has advanced have astounded and impressed him. He got so caught up in it, he didn’t recognize Mira’s struggles. Amusingly enough, his talent became empathy and despite that, he never caught on. Though, empathy isn’t a mind-reading tool.

Then, Mira did the unthinkable. She began to consort with a demon. Alec would feel responsible for this.

He had, after all, started it.​



Name: Mira Jamison

Age: Looks in her early 20s (Born in 1875, turned in 1896)

Species: Vampire

Talent: Painless bite—though most vampire bites are painful, Mira’s actually causes pleasure due to the secretion of a “toxin” from her saliva.

Brief History: Alec and Mira were childhood friends, English Aristocrats. Their parents wanted to arrange to have them wed, but the two found the idea distasteful despite how well they got on.

Alec and Mira's lives were changed by a vampiress who seduced Alec once upon a time. She was looking to make a name for herself, and wealth, in English society and saw Alec as her way in. Things went a bit awry when Mira walked in on the turning scene. Mira should have died when Alec attacked and drained her, but the vampiress brought her back.

Mira's killed that woman on awakening, succeeding more due to surprise than anything. She was not pleased to be brought back, but she's never sought suicide as an option. She made her farewells to her family and her life before running off. Alec wanted to tour the world, and it seemed as good an idea as any.

The wonders of the world couldn't satisfy Mira, though. She learned much, particularly arts to make feeding easier such as massage and other such things. Her talent grew out of her desire to aid others while she continued to live.

Understanding she was something 'apart' from humanity, Mira wanted to know more about what she was, and what else was out there. This led to her consorting with a demon, an action that she knew Alec would find repulsive.​
-Bentley Anders-




•Lifespan is unknown

Bentley has spent her rather extensive life residing primarily in the depths of Hell. As a demon, she has held many jobs and many forms. To pass time, she has experimented with possessing humans and other creatures purely for the information she would gain from it.

Although her kind typically has a bad reputation, Bentley is one of the "good" ones even though she is anything but.

She is sarcastic, witty, and short tempered. She likes control over situations and others. Because of this, she frequently travels to the human dimension to seduce young and gullible men into eternal damnation.


-Sebastian Johnston-




•Lifespan unknown

From his early years to the present, Sebastian has been a major contributing factor to the world of magic and witchcraft. His father himself was amongst the most powerful in the nations. He had apprenticed his son to further the family name.

Sebastian has dabbled in everything from simple tricks to amuse the locals to exercising spirits and speaking to the dead. Although his kind does age, Sebastian has used magic to keep his appearance that of a younger man. Most witches and warlocks do.

He despises every evil supernatural and human being out there and is working to create a better and more functional world.

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