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local tired fool
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My Interest Check

Ignis Solace
Blaze of Glory
Moonbeam Resistance
cs link:
Cindervale Resistance Camp
image credits:
So these were the first enlistments of the Moonbeam Resistance. Ignis looked over the crowd of gathered people, eyes narrowed. As much as he wanted to curse out the angels and the Slayers, he could not. He had to be levelheaded, at least for the moment.

"You all know why you're here," he began, voice steady and precise. "The humans have found their way into our world, have partnered with those angel bastards to try and wipe us out! And we will not stand for this, am I right? We will not fall to them. We will fight back, and we will survive." That was what they had to do. If peace was not an option for the angels and humans, peace would not be an option for them, either.

"This will not be easy. We will have to fight. You will get hurt. You may even die. If that is not something you wish to risk, you are free to back down now," Ignis barked. He gave those that didn't have the heart to stand with them a few moments to take their leave before continuing. "We are not just going to fight back against the humans and angels, however. We are protectors of all vampirekind, and as such, we may have to do some menial tasks. Escort some nobles, gather materials for the resistance and kingdoms... But I'm sure that a break from battle will be much appreciated eventually."

The redhead took a breath, cracking his knuckles. "Even if we just want to fight, we have to do the boring stuff too. And also..." His eyes landed upon a pair of white-haired twins, pressed together in the back of the crowd. "You will have to work with other people, even those that you aren't close with. You will be civil, you will do as your told. Put aside your dislike for others for the greater of vampirekind."

Ignis looked over the crowd once more, folding his arms. "Now, does anyone have anything to say? Any questions?" He hoped they didn't, he was already tired of giving speeches.

code by @Nano
Aria Nightingale
Dusk Bleeds Into Dawn
Slayers of the Holy Sun
cs link:
Purewing Slayers Camp
image credits:
sena on pxiiv (Image not found)
Aria cared not for the marble pillars of the angel kingdom, but this was where they had to set up base first. A shame, really. She took a puff out of her pipe, rolling her eyes at the crowd before her.

"You're not stupid. I don't know what you're waiting for. We are settling in right now, I do not have orders for any of you at the moment," she scoffed, but some still expectantly looked at her. Once again, she rolled her eyes. "Fine, since you seem to want it so bad, I'll give a speech."

"We are the Slayers of the Holy Sun! And we shall wipe out all the vampires from the source. Blood will be shed. Yours and theirs. But you all know the sacrifices you need to make. You knew them when we came to this place. And also, we are working together, angels and humans, and we will have downtime missions in order to keep their support and bolster our ranks. You have no right to deny a mission unless you physically cannot do it, and you will work with whoever we tell you to work with! Do I make myself clear? Unless you want your head server to your family on a silver platter, you will obey me and all your superiors!" Her voice was harsh and cold, her gaze even more frigid. "Now go! Settle in and leave me be!"

code by @Nano


Scott leaned against Viktor's arm as she stared as Aria as she talked, one of her hands intertwined with her husband's fingers.

Smoking was going to kill that woman's lungs. Not at all a good idea for somebody who fought with a melee weapon, she'd find herself running out of breath sooner than she expected. Well, Scott really didn't care whether or not a human got herself killed because she made poor health decisions.

Scott tuned out most of the things Aria was saying, she wasn't saying anything that Scott couldn't already guess she'd say. A pretty face, but it was wasted with that personality of hers...She'd probably look good in a low-cut qipao? With long gloves that were designed to resemble butterflies? The pipe would go with that look. But her boobs weren't big enough, she wasn't tall, and her eyes weren't red, so she couldn't really pull that off. Maybe some padding could make Aria's chest big enough for that kind of look? No, she'd probably need more boob than padding could provide... A shame, an outfit like that might've made up for her poor personality. But not every babe with a hime cut was created equal.

Oh, Aria had stopped talking. Great. Now Scott could stop standing there pretending to listen.

"...Hopefully, I won't be interrupted by anyone spraining their ankle while moving in..." She mumbled to herself as he reached in her shirt pocket and pulled out a piece of hard candy, tossing it in her mouth. Grapefruit flavoured. This meant she needed to go work on getting everything settled in with Viktor. Well, he'd probably be doing most of the work, Scott wasn't really good at lifting heavy things.

With an overly dramatic sigh that the person she was with wouldn't even hear, she lifted her head off of Viktor's arm and stepped in front of him.

'Her threats could use some work. Threatening to break people on the wheel is much more intimidating.' Scott signed. That was seriously what she'd gotten from Aria's entire speech? 'We should go...Let me give you an examination first.'

Without waiting for a response, Svott reached up to smush Viktor's cheeks, a thoughtful expression on his face. Then, her hands moved down to pat her shoulders, followed by his biceps. Once she'd apparently squished him enough, she pulled her phone out of her pocket, typed something, and held it up for him to see with a smile.

Diagnosis: A good husband!

interactions: Garrett.Hawke Garrett.Hawke
mentions: AnemoVictorious AnemoVictorious


Ringo had found that turning her back on everything she'd ever known was a shockingly easy decision to make. Blending in with vampires was also easier than expected. Enlisting in the vampire resistance? Not a problem. Listening to people's speeches? That was where she started struggling, Ringo hated listening to a lecture and that was why she'd never enrolled in college. So boring.

This guy wasn't even good eye candy. What a shame.

Her ended up turning her head to look at the other people around her once she found herself unable to listen to What's-his-name the Red vampire anymore. A pair of white haired twins, a pair of purple haired twins, a bunch of people that seemed like they could blend in with trees...A cute girl with pink hair...A whole emo band's worth of people that looked like they belonged in a Hot Topic. Huh, when everybody had a fashion sense that stood out, everyone really started to all blend in together again. She wasn't much different from them, in that regard.

That was fine.

Once Red Guy that she could barely see was done speaking, she stopped standing still. There wasn't any entertainment to be found in standing around praying someone would acknowledge her, so she'd speed up the process by approaching someone herself.

She picked one of the people that were as tall as trees. Acheron...She'd met him a little bit earlier, so getting to know him beyond his name was probably her best option.

"Acheron~ Nice seeing you again!" She chimed with a wave as she approached him. It was hard to see his face like this, part of her wished that it was acceptable to take tall people out at the knees. Did they really need all that leg length? "...I so can't stand speeches..." A very, very basic complaint.

blue tea blue tea

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