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Multiple Settings Moonlight Drowns Out All But the Brightest Stars - a 1x1 Search Thread


It's always darkest before the dawn
Roleplay Type(s)

  • Full Moon Space GIF

    Hi there! I'm Arca, and this is a little search for some roleplays! I've been on RPN for a good few years now and been around and about, and I'm starting to get an itch for writing some more roleplays. I'm 26 and working full-time, she/her, big fan of fantasy/sci-fi elements, anything not rooted in the real world! I'm neurodivergent and with working full-time, I do find I get fatigued quite easily. I can post a couple of times a week, just with the fatigue and everything in mind. I'm all about OOC chatter and memes and fun little playlists, so please don't be shy.

    I would like to keep roleplays to here if possible - I'm good with doing these in PMs or on threads. If I have any fandoms listed, please note that I have a preference to do stories set within those universes, AUs, and prefer my roleplays to be OC heavy. I just feel awful at playing canon characters. It could be a discussion we have, but please know it might be a hard sell. Love fantasy, would even delve into sci-fi etc. I'll probably add more to this check as damn this is hard work lmfao

    I'll have a couple of rules with a code in them, so make sure you have a look through them!

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