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Fantasy Moonlight (Closed)

Kenzi giggled, smiling happy at his reaction as she hugged him back.

Wade glanced at her and smirked, "Honestly the explanation might be a little complicated. In 24 years, my sister is married to your nephew and our Alpha is Anna-Lee, Jason's adopted daughter. She and our parents asked us to come and save the Luna. In a few days she actually ends up in a fight and the witches kill her."
Niklaus grinned and buried his face against her neck, he couldn't believe the happiness he felt, but he knew. He knew this was right. "So what now?" He asks, pulling back enough to look to her. "How do we convince your family? And are you Kay being pack? I can't abandon my Alpha a second time." He says trying to reign in the onslaught of thoughts and questions.

Maggie's eyes widened a little as she listened, and Brianna's did too when they told her about Zy. "Oh god..." she whispered. "But with you here now, that won't happen right? I mean if Jason knows he's not going to let her out of his sight." Brianna says. Maggie looked to her and then to Wade. That was the important question, though she was awfully curious about how Wade and Faith had been able to travel back in time.
Kenzi giggled, smiling and nodding, "I don't know how to be pack but I will be pack with you if you teach me." Then she sighed, "It's kind of hard to explain, but basically we would have to do the mating ritual before the marriage ritual." She looked at him, "But there are so many I'm not sure which would work."

Wade sighed shrugging, "Faith and mom have enough power but it is supposed to be all three of us to keep the pack safe. But we have to get mom first which means we have to stop Faith from being conceived at the moment. But I'm sure everything will be fine." Then he smirked, "Can you do me a favor though? On my 6th birthday can Faith stay at your place and not have your son at our place. He's cool and all, but I really wanted that cookie."
Niklaus thought a moment and then hesitated. "There are a lot...but the pack one is probably quickest. It may not be what you want, but it would do the job." He says quietly and gently. "We could find a way to do what you want after this mess." He adds just as gently.

Brianna just looked to him like he was being silly, but Maggie couldn't help laughing. "Come on, let's do what needs to be done." Maggie says, causing Brianna to grin some.
Kenzi giggled again, she was excited to have this with him. "I don't have a preference. I've never really thought it mattered, since I couldn't feel the pull of needing to find your mate. "

Wade nodded, "But I'm serious. Your son is better off just taking Faith home with y'all that day. It is my birthday, bee nice to get what I want. " he did before he got bank to his cleaning. "
Niklaus smiled and hugged her close again, lightly kissing her neck. "There is a little preparation." He says gently. "There are a few plants, think you might be able to help me find them?" He asks her with a grin.

Maggie giggled again. "Can you tell me more about him? 24 years...I can't even imagine my baby that old." Brianna says. Despite herself she couldn't help being curious.
Kenzi smirked at him, "I am studying herbs, pretty sure we have all of the ones that you need." She assured him.

Wade shrugged, "Doesn't talk much at first but when he gets into something he is excitable. He is the Elite leader and he is Alpha Anna-Lee's favorite. So usually if he doesn't like something she will make sure he doesn't have to deal with it. Calls him her little pup and anyone says it then he can be pretty fierce. He gets along with everyone mostly, not much of us can really be upset with him. He is kind of an open book."
Niklaus smiled and pulled back, taking her hands in his. "Let is go look then. I don't know the names but I know what they look like." He says.

Brianna couldn't help smiling. "He sounds exactly like his father." She says, causing Maggie to giggle.

"What? A big, burly teddy bear?" She teases with a giggle and Brianna laughed a little. Maggie smiled and moved to help Wade clean up, she didn't want her sister to do any of it and she didn't mind helping.
Kenzi giggled as she watched dhim before she said, "Hold on. Some herbs need help so I have to go through this and make sure whatever herb we find, if it's dead I can bring it back. "

Wade nodded, "Uncle Elijah is pretty cool. You keep saying he was more reserved but I can't imagine him not playing with us. I heard he was the quiet type before. "

Faith sighed when she finally got back to Jason and Zy, Lee wanted to be with Jonathan and show him around, especially her room. Faith looked at the pair and sighed, she couldn't believe this was the same Alpha she grow up with, "Okay. All the witches are gone for now, where she I start. Because we have to get my parents before they do anything more then they have already."
Niklaus nodded. "Of course." He says, taking her hand in his. "We should go, stay by my side Kenzi and this will all work out for us." He promises her.

Brianna chuckled. "He always had a way with children." She says lovingly. "I look forward to being able to see that day come." She says. As long as everyone was safe.

Jason sighed and looked to Lee. "Sweetheart why don't you show your grandpa around, do not leave the house though." He says, then he looked back to Faith, wrapping his arm around Zy. "Just give us basics of everything I suppose. If you have another task it may be best for you to tend to it and tell us more detail later."
Kenzi smirked, grabbing the oversize book and handing it to Niklaus, "Fine. But as my mate, I hear mates are protective, this will give you something to occupy your protective nature for a bit. Or at least hold it down." She teased.

Wade smirked, "Yeah, but it's even better now that he isn't part of thr Elite anymore. He has a lot more time to be with kids. You guys pretty much have a daycare going right now." He chuckled.

Faith sighed, nodding, "Okay, basics. A few days from now Luna Zyana is killed while I am conceived in a coven. My parents come back and then everyone is in conflict over the fact that my mother is part witch and we are at war with them. The war goes on for years, until the priestess is killed by an Elite name Zeke after his mate is nearly killed. They got lucky to have a pup but she no longer is able to do much of anything but care of pups. Her curse is messed up and everything. Then there is the silver pack on our backs. It's a mess but we survive and thrive like always. But my mother's aunt came two days ago and convinced my parents that saving Luna Zyana would help the future for the better. So she told me mother of a time spell to send us back. Alpha Anna-Lee selected me and my little brother to do this mission and here we are. My brother is protecting my mate and I need to rescue my mother to help her find a way to stop this war from happening, before my parents mate and conceive me." She sighed, "And right now, it's time Jonathan be put back the way he was. If nothing else, a wolf like him could do a lot more good then bad."
Niklaus smirked in amusement as he pretended to lift the book, as though testing its weight. "Yes, its great heft may hold me back." He teases some.

Maggie laughed. "I can picture that. She and Eli adore children." She says, gesturing to Brianna.

Jason tensed more and held Zy closer. The mere thought of losing her hurt him. The idea of bringing his father back..."if it helps to keep Zy and my pups safe, then I will do what is necessary." He says simply.
Kenzi smiled as she looked at him, "We'll also need a place, my aunt had already forbidden it. So there might be a spell in place to stop it. " she pointed out.

Wade looked slightly confused, "Who is Eli? "

Faith nodded, "Then I have work to do. I'm not as magically incline as my brother but finding my parents should be hard. I know what spell always help me find my father, I'll just use that one to take me to him." She started before sighisighing, "Alpha Anna-Lee wanted me to give you a message. She said she loved you both, she's happy to be able to be Alpha, but it's time to allow your pup to be. But she will always love being both rogue and pack in any future. She also said if you could not let her carry the bear when she goes off to Kiba' s pack she would be happy not to.lose it in the mountains and have to be taken home sooner then planned."
Niklaus hummed a little in thought. "That's one I won't be able to fix. Are you able to tell which places might have magic stopping it?" He asks her gently.

Maggie tilted her head a little. "Elijah." She says, not sure how else to phrase it. "Brianna's mate." She adds with a smile.

Jason nodded in understanding and then couldn't help smiling in amusement at that last comment. "I'll try to keep that in mind." He says. "Thank you." He adds.
Kenzi shrugged, "She said not in the house, so maybe we can find a spot in the garden." She playfully teased.

Wade nodded as if just realizing, "Oh. Well, we just know him as elijah."

Faith looked confused, then shrugged, "Well, I need to get my parents out, so you should probably have Lee deal with your father. I'll be back soon."
Niklaus smirked. "Perhaps." He says with a shrug. "Though finding somewhere private would be good." He adds with another grin.

Maggie raised an eyebrow, confused. "Oh. Huh." She says thoughtfully as she lifted an arm. She looked at it with disgust because of the creature it came from, then playfully poked Wade with one of the fingers.

"Mags." Brianna warns.

Jason nodded and watched as she left. Then he looked to Zy and kissed her cheek, hugging her close. "I love you. And I will do everything I can to keep you safe." He whispers.
Kenzi giggled, as she followed, being aware of where her aunt was and hoping Ezra wouldn't come. "That would be the pack way, wouldn't it? With your walls and ceilings and rooms and beds. When will we go on another date? Maybe you'll be more free then. " she teased.

Wade stopped and looked at her, then at the hand. His eyes glowed before it started to move, reaching back towards her to poke her back.

Zy smiled, "I'm sure you will. But the pack might go to war, that should be our biggest focus. "
Niklaus chuckled and looked to her. "Would you rather we do the mating where everyone could see?" He asks playfully. "I suppose you'd need to chose out next date, perhaps I can be less of a stick in the mud." He teases.

Maggie let out a yelp as she backed away and then laughed. "How neat." She says. She'd heard of dealings with witches but until today she'd never seen magic in use.

He hesitated. "I need you by my side then Zy. If I lose you, I will be nothing." He says.
Kenzi giggled, "Our first date was very nice. I think it's nice when you have a morning date of hunting and running and all kinds of things like that. " she teased.

Wade chuckled, "I'm a lot more advanced then even my mother when it comes to magic."

Zy sighed looking at him, she placed her hand on his cheek, "We both know that isn't true. You raise Lee to being a pretty impressive alpha, from what I can tell. But I will stay with you as much as I can, to be protected. " she sighed, "Guess visiting any pack is on hold again. "
Niklaus chuckled a little. "Well, I would think this may even count as a second date don't you? I mean we get to be outside and spend time together." He teases.

Maggie grinned. "Well it is a curious thing to see. I can imagine it will be fun watching you and your sister grow up learning it." She says.

Jason gave her a small smile. "For the time. We will get to it. We will have to." He says. He hugged her close, kissing her neck just behind her ear. "I love you Zy. You are my life and love." He says gently before pulling back. "I suppose we must speak to my father."
Kenzi giggled, "Maybe, but now I think we need a few more before mating." She teased then sighed, "Even if we don't really have the time."

Wade smirked, "Father trained her to be beta, so mostly she is just a really powerful wolf. But father and the mountain pack developed a new way to use primal the curse we all have. It's kind of awesome. "

Zy smirked, "We should probably be careful with it, but I'm sure Lee will be glad she doesn't have to keep any more secrets." She sighed kissing his lips softly, "Everything will be fine in the end, just the way it is supposed to be."
Niklaus sighed. "No I suppose we don't." He says quietly. "We will have plenty of time after...it just may not be the same." He says gently.

"Really?" This time it was Brianna who spoke. "How interesting. Eli...Elijah has that too, and Hailey's family has that curse, I mean her and Niklaus," which made sense then for him and his sister to have it.

Jason sighed but then smiled, kissing her one more time before leading her to where Lee and his father were.
Kenzi giggled, shaking her head, "No, I imagine that it won't be." She teased.

Wade nodded, the smiled, "i love aunt Hailey." He smiled, "She was the one that convinced father to allow us to visit the mountain pack with Alpha Ana-Lee when we were pups. It helped him get a training down and we had loads of fun."

Lee giggled as she was showing her granddad her room. "See I don't even have to be outside I can just be in my room." She stated as Zy and Jason come in.
Niklaus smiled some. "Are you okay with that?" He asks. There was a rush, but if she felt it was too soon then he'd make something work for her.

Maggie couldn't help smiling. She liked hearing that. "Was she rogue? How you know her? She must have been right?" Maggie asks. It would be weird getting used to her not being pack.

Jason smiled some and looked to Zy, then back to Lee. "Lee, can we talk to you a minute?" He asks her gently.
Kenzi looked at him and smirked, nodding, "I am fine, as long as you are."

Wade looked confused, "Aunt Hailey? Has she ever been anything else?" He asked curiously.

Lee looked at her parents, "I'm showing granddad around like you said." Then she looked up at johnathan, "Right? I'm being a good pup."

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