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Fantasy Moonlight (Closed)

Kenzi smiled at him, before Yoli sighed as she got up, "I will be right back." She told them before leaving.

Kenzi have him a sorry smile, "I'm sorry about them. They ignore I'm wolf too. If we keep trying to explain they would just not get it and it would only be frustrating for us both."

The copy stepped in Hailey's path, tilting his head as he tried to understand what he felt. Boy sighed, as his copy moved towards her, motioning her to stop.

Zy had tried to keep Lee still but they had just left to see Jason's father. Emery Energy was with them, since Zeke went back to Eli. She sighed as Lee knocked excited waiting for Jonathan to let them in.
Niklaus nodded. "As long as you remember you're wolf, then I don't mind. But I can't see you being like them." He says gently

Hailey looked to him and frowned. Worry covering her features. "What are you doing? You're in danger being out here." She says, nothing but worry in her voice. It didn't really occur to her that it could be a clone. She was too preoccupied to think about that.

Jason had been more focused on send the warning though his bond with the pack that he wasn't not much paying attention to the voice telling him to go to his father's. it wasn't until he was at Eli's that Brianna told him where Zy and Lee had gone. He sighed and ran that way. He just needed to know they were safe.
Kenzi smirked, "I can't imagine being anything else." She assured him.

The clone lookelooked at her before looking upwards, a witch stood on a tree and smirked, his hands moved and the clone grabbed Hailey before the fireball could hit her. It waved it's have, the branch fall but the witch landed on it's feet, "Look at this. I go looking for the most powerful to kill first and it's got a pet. A mutt and a filth, must be my lucky day." The witch tainted as his hands moved.

Emery sighed as they waited before she felt something. Looking back she reached her hand out to the witch coming towards them. "What? A little limp?" The witch teased moving her habds, but when she stopped nothing happened. Zy moved towards Lee, protectively holding her. The witch growled, "You filth dog."

Emery smirked, "My curse works on gods, a witch like you didn't think I couldn't do it to you, did you? " she stated standing between Zy and the witch.

"The hard way then." The witch snapped, taking out a silver dagger, it wasn't long before she attacked Emery which didn't matter. She matched the witch with ease and bested her a few times, before the silver slide at the edge of her neck, leaving a cut burning through her. Emery growled in pain as she fall and the witch smirked. I'm a panic, Zy didn't know what to do.

The witch raised the dagger for a blow to Emery's heart. Zy moved forward, locking eyes with the witch. She froze, the magic was back and it was hard for her, but Zy held the witch in place with her sight. "Go inside." She told Lee, who was already afraid and Zy took a deep breath to try and seem calm, "Lee, go with granddad, everything will be fine. I can't hold her much longer, Lee. Please do as I say. I need you safe, go inside." She told her.

"But mom....?" Lee was afraid and it was in her voice but she did a she was told, using her mind to unlock the door and rush in. She yelled in a panic, "Granddad granddad." She cried as she looked for him.
Niklaus smiled some and nodded. "Good. Because I mean I'd like you either way but I'd much rather you be wolf." He says with a smirk.

Hailey covered her face against the fire, looking to Boy thankfully and then back to the witch, instinctively placing herself between him and the witch. But even so she was pitching him back to start moving. Then it started to dawn on her that he hadn't once spoken and she knew Boy would have some negative comment about her. She looked to the clone. "We need to run:" she says. She didn't know if something happened to the clone if it would hurt Boy. She didn't want to risk it.

Jason felt the panic from both of them and picked up his pace. He smelled the fear and then saw the witch. He saw Sy barely holding her and he felt a blind rage take over him. With a growl he leapt forward, shifting to his wolf form as he did and tackling into the witch, snarling as he fought to get her away from Zy and their unborn pup. Get in the house! He growled. He was terrified for her and the growl was because of the witch, not her.
Kenzi giggled, "maybe you would like me if both my parents were witches but then my best friend wouldn't be a wolf." She teased.

The clone looked at her, before motioning her to go. The witch didn't give her a chance top argue. Casting another spell, the clone pulled her out of the way, before the vines gripped him. He glared at her to go, before Boy linked with her, Get out of there, before they kill you.he growled in her head.

Zy pulled away as Jason attacked, the witch couldn't move. Zy rushed to Emery, "Come on." She told her, helping her up to go inside.

Lee cried in the hall, "Granddad." She cried, as she sat on the floor, whimpering, "Mom needs you."
"I probably never would have met you if you were all witch." He points out. He didn't much care for that thought.

Hailey nodded and turned to run back to where Boy was. If he was urging her to go then she was sure it wouldn't hurt him when the clone got hurt. At least a she hoped not. She booked it for the house and before too long was ya king the door open as she skidded in and then slammed it shut behind her.

Jason tore at the witch's throat, he wanted to tear to shreds for daring to threaten his mate.

Johnathan went to Lee as she cried though he wasn't entirely sure what to do with her. He knelt down beside her and placed a hand on her shoulder but he didn't really know what else.
Kenzi smirked but before she could say anything a large book slammed on the table between them, "There." her aunt sighed, "Your mother wrote nearly everything about herbs in her own words in a few books." she told her and smiled at Kenzi, "These are the basics." she kissed Kenzi's forehead, "You'll be just as amazing as she was, I am sure. But while Ezra is getting the dress you should get make to studying." she nodded before moving around to go back to her seat.

Kenzi sighed watching her, "Dress? But I haven't been back for more then an hour."

Yoli nodded, "Yes, but rehearsal will be soon and you should be fitted." she stated.

Boy was seating, annoyed with his arms crossed as he looked up at her, "I can be in more then one place." he stated standing up, "They want to get rid of the most powerful of us before the rest of us. Eliminate the chance of a retaliation. But I don't know enough about them to do anything until they do." he explained.

Wade sighed as he opened the door, they had been there for seconds and already he was wondering why they were stepping in so late. He looked around to find Maggie and Brianna and he raised his hands before Maggie attack, "Whow, I'm not attacking, I'm her to help."

Zy reached inside and started to follow the crying, "Lee." she said, as she came in and fall to her knees to hold her daughter. "Shhhh, it's fine, I told you. Dad came and he is going to come inside soon." she assured her and looked up to Johnathan, "Thank you."
Niklaus looked to her curiously. "What is Shen talking about?" He asks her curiously.

Hailey sighed. "I know, I forgot. Of course I only knew because Mike told me when you first came." She shrugged and then looked at him worriedly. "Does it hurt you if something happens to one of your clones?" She asks.

Maggie had stepped in front of Brianna, much to her sister's dislike. Of course she smiled ups be protective, Maggie wasn't the pregnant one. "Who are you?" Brianna asks wearily as she placed a hand on Maggie's shoulder.

Jason stepped into the house covered in the witch's blood. He looked to Lee and Zy, still fuming that they'd almost been hurt. "We're getting you two to the house, they can't find you there or get in, even with magic." He says.
Kenzi glanced at him, but Yoli was the one that smiled, as she said, "The reason Kenzi ran off last time." she stated, "Since her mother didn't marry a witch, so Kenzi will be marrying the son of the man my sister was supposed to marry." Kenzi wasn't happy about it, she frowned as she looked between them, before she got up.

"I'm going to read." she said, as she took the book and started towards her room, too embarrassed to look at Niklaus again.

Boy glanced at her and shook his head, "Just some aches." he explained before looking around, "So why does this place have magic around it."

Wade looked at her, before he sighed, "Wade Zerks, it's a long story but basics are, I'm the brother of your son's mate." he smiled, "I've been ordered to protect you. While my sister clears out the witches and finds the Luna."

Lee looked up at him, before pulling from Zyana's arms and rushing to hug him, before looking up at him, "What about Granddad? His not safe alone, like this."

"She's got a point." Faith sighed, brushing off the dust of magic and looked up at them, "Not the way he is now, he is useless." she stated before looking in shook at Jason, "Jason? You are Alpha Jason?" she said in disbelief and it was all over her face.
Niklaus looked to her in disbelief and then back to Yoli. "No. You can't make her do that." He says before he realized what he was saying.

Hailey frowned but didn't push. "To protect Zy. Jason made a deal with two witches to get this place built and protected." She answers.

Jason hugged her back and then looked to Faith. He hadn't even seen her before. "Yes. Who are you?" He asks cautiously, instinctively placing himself between her and his family. He couldn't help it, he was still on edge.
Yoli sighed, "This is our way, she is our kind." she turned to a plant that was on the table, "You will be there, better then getting a ring carrier, to have her pet bring the rings." she smiled, "It will be nice."

Boy looked around, "It's powerful, but two can't out do a group of them." he stated.

Faith looked at Jason then Lee, before she sighed, looking at Jason again, "Beta Faith of the Moonlight pack. Long story short, I'm here under Alpha Anna-Lee's orders and my parents request to keep Luna Zyana safe and rescue my parents before this becomes an all out war that nearly kills half the pack." she looked at Jason curiously, "You look a lot better then when I was growing up. Guess mother was right, losing your mate does break you." then she glanced at Johnathan and smirked, "And you must be Alpha Johnathan. Alpha Anna-Lee speaks very loving of you, so much that" she looked around, "This place looks exactly the same even when she lives her."
Niklaus fought to hold in a growl and then got to his feet. "I think jangling to go find Kenzi." He mutters.

Hailey nodded. "I know. But it's a start and the best I can do to keep you safe." She says quietly. Fighting the urge to pace.

Jason looked to her in confusion and then to Zy before looking back to Faith. "Explain more later. For now I need to get them to safety." He says, picking Lee up and holding her close.
Brianna and Maggie shared a look and then looked back to Wade. "Alright. Are we staying here?" Brianna asks. She was confused and curious.
Yoli smirked, nodding, "You should, a dog should always be with it's owner."

Boy sighed, as he started to pace and think, "Well, if there are too many of them, there is no way that I can do anything but get myself killed and I am not going to be able to do anything else without my siblings."

Faith nodded, "First things first," she motioned to Johnathan, "You can't leave him like this." she stated. "My Alpha told me all about this and right now, you are going to need someone like him when it comes to witches."
Niklaus frowned but then moved to find Kenzi. He followed her scent and found her shortly after. "Are you going to go through with the wedding?" He asks her.

Hailey turned and looked to him. "They have them and Mike." She says. "If the three of you were together...are you saying things could be different?" She asks.

Jason held in a growl but then nodded. "Fine, we will take him with us." He mutters, ignoring the cold glare his father passed his way. "We need to go though."
Kenzi sighed as she looked up from the book, frowning, "I have to." was all she said before looking ashamed and turning back to the book. "My mother was more then just the potion master of the coven, she was a warrior of the Priestess, making her very high ranked and all high ranked witches have arranged marriages. It's just how the coven works. If I take her place they expect nothing less and I have no other option."

Boy looked at her stopping and looked confused, "Yes. I'm powerful but together we share Nature's true power, that is how we work." he explained.

Faith nodded, "That not really what I meant." she said before she sighed looking around, "We should go out through the back, the front is only going to be clear for so long."

"And Ember?" Zyana asked.

Faith looked at her and sighed, "Ember went to find Zeke." she smirked, "Not to be spoiler, but probably easiest to leave everything to those two. What witch I didn't get to, they can wipe out pretty well." she said motioning them to go.
Niklaus let out a low growl. "But you're not her and you said you didn't want this. Isn't there something to keep you out of it?" He asks.

Hailey raised her eyebrows but then quickly gathered herself. "Then we need a way to get to them. First to free them and ensure your safety and theirs and then to fight if it comes to that." She says.

Jason gave Zy a gentle smile. "Those two are forced to be reckoned with alone, together in sure they'll be unstoppable." He assures her gently. Then he looked to Faith. "Perhaps you should lead if you know what if going to happen?"
Kenzi sighed, "There is no way. I don't have a mate and even if I did, I wouldn't find him now." she shrugged, "I just have to deal with this, unless I go through the mating ritual first I don't have a choice."

Boy looked at her, "We can get passed them, but I would have to use all my powers."

Faith nodded, as she lead the way through the kitchen out to the garden before she took a deep breath, she growled, her eyes glowing as if she was losing control to her primal form, before she led them towards their home. Zy held on to Lee, keeping her close by as she stayed with Jason. Lee took Johnathan's hand so that he came with them and was close to her.
Niklaus clenched his hands into fists. An overwhelming desire to keep her to himself hitting him. "But then be my mate." He says quietly. No matter how short a time he'd known her, he couldn't lose her.

Hailey frowned in worry. "But then you'll be weak. We'd have to have a place to get you safe until you had more of your power back."

Jason kept himself between his family and Faith while she led the way. Just in case. Something told him to trust her and so he did. But he'd still protect his family.
Kenzi looked at him surprised, almost completely lost for words fro a moment, as she tried to understand what he just said. She wanted to be his mate, it didn't struck her until now, that she wanted nothing more then to be his mate. But then she was reminded that he had had a mate. She frowned, "It's not possible. Nature gave you a mate, she wouldn't let you just pick another." she sighed, looking at her book, "I would, you know. Be your mate, you are stick in the mud but one that makes me smile." she smiled, "You are more then you think you are, it's amazing."

Boy sighed, "There really isn't another way."

Faith stopped as she looked around, she smirked, "Puppies." she said almost teasing, before she started to move, looking around before she stopped, turning to them, "Well, Alpha family, you'll be save here for a little while, I have to check on my mate and my brother but I should be back soon." she assured them before stepping towards Jason, "Then we can talk about what I am here for and what I know you would not like to be talking about, but sometimes it's a ruthless wolf that is best to help." she stated before moving passed him.
Niklaus shook his head a little, moving towards her. "Nature granted me the gift of having another mate. I don't feel the pull, but there was supposed to be someone she had in mind. I...I think that someone was you." He says.

Hailey sighed. "Alright. But we need an exit plan. If you're drained, I need to make sure we have somewhere safe for you."

Jason sighed but nodded. "Alright. Be safe." He says. He couldn't help himself. And he was staying on alert. He would protect his family at any cost.
Kenzi looked at him when he came to her and listened to him, then smirked, "I doubt that."s he brushed her hand against his cheek, "I'm sure she would give you a second mate that you could never let go. Not one that has never been loved. Someone that could love you." she sighed, "I am just an orphan that knows nothing about her father and is only worth what she can copy of her mother."

Boy nodded, "Just follow me, you will be fine and you can wake Mike."

Faith took a few minutes before she entered Brianna's house, looking at teh bloody bodies as she went towards the kitchen and growled, "You have made a miss." she snapped at her brother Wade.

Wade looked at him, "It's fine, I did what I was asked."

"You are cleaning those bodies and parts."

"Brianna was always cleaning I am sure she would like the way she does it." he protested.

"Yes, but I am not risking my mate's existence, because you couldn't keep your Primal in check."

"He will be fine, he lives."

Faith growled before she snapped, "You are not chancing my mate. If she exerts herself it could be the end of his existence." Wade looked down before Faith sighed, before turning to Brianna, "How are you feeling mom." she asked as she went towards Brianna.
Niklaus shook his head moving to her and gently placing his hands on either side of her face, brushing some of her hair back. "You could love me, and I know I can love you. But I wouldn't let you go Kenzi." He says gently.

Hailey sighed and nodded. "She wasn't worried about herself, she was worried about him.

Brianna looked between them, her hands protectively on her belly, Maggie close beside her. "Confused." She answers at first. "But physically unharmed." She adds.
Kenzi looked at him and smirked, she wanted that. Deep down she wanted that with him. But there was always that small voice telling her that there was a limit. She opened her mouth to say something but closed it, before she sighed, closing her eyes and leaning towards his touch, "Okay. " she said looking at him again.

Boy sighed as he started towards the back that they came through to get to the woods.

Faith smiled, sighing with relief, "Good." She glared at Wade, "Start cleaning." She snapped and he sighed, rolling his eyes as he left to clean the blood, hits and parts of witches that were near the entrance. Faith smiled at Brianna, "My brother will keep you safe, if you need anything just ask him. I wish I could stay but as Beta I do need to get back to my Alpha and her father."
Niklaus was already preparing his next argument, so her agreement caught him off guard. He opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out at first, and then he smiled, leaning in and kissed her forehead, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into a hug.

Hailey followed Boy out, trying again to reach Mike, but there was nothing. She clenched her hands into fists and readied herself. She needed her mate.

"Alright dear." Brianna says with a small smile. Maggie was looked between them all, bewildered.

"If she can ask you anything, can she ask for more of an explanation?" Maggie asks Wade, trying to sound playful. She was nervous bough, especially for her pup and unborn nephew.

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