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Fantasy Moonlight (Closed)

Niklaus followed after them because of Kenzi pulling him with her. "You don't eat meat here?" He asks.

Hailey sighed. "When we come back, will you work with me for us to get along better?" She asks.
Kenzi smirked at him, "Witches are vegetarians, but they do eat meat, sometimes." she assured her.

Boy sighed, "If you come back, I should be here with my siblings and I will stay with them."
Niklaus nodded in understanding. "I can eat other things as well." He says. He just really preferred not to.

"I know. So I'm saying let's make a deal. I know we're coming back. So when we do I proved a small thing to you. In return I want you to just try to give me a chance." She says.
Kenzi smirked at him, before her aunt stopped, letting her go before opening a door. Inside Kenzi led him into a kitchen area that was humble and wood. She sat down and pulled him to seat beside her in a bench that was just in front of the table as her aunt disappeared. "I know you can, but I also know that you probably wouldn't want to. It's just easier one way then the other." She smiled at him. "Thank you for coming with me, by the way. It means a lot that you even thought of it."

Boy sighed looking at her and nodding, "For my siblings I will try. But we won t be staying long and waiting For you."
Niklaus looked to her and then shrugged. "I just...I couldn't let them just take you. I didn't know what else to do if I didn't come." He says.

"I told Brot...Brody and Kendra, that it would be three months. It could be shorter but it won't be longer." She says. She felt a burst of panic though, what if they were gone when she and Mike got back?
Kenzi smiled, "But still, thank you. I'm not sure how anyone else would be for sure. But from what I've been told, no wolf would be so nice to actually want me to be around them. Especially after they find out that I'm not full wolf."

Boy sighed, crossing his arms, "Do you want us to stay here for three months? After what this pack felt when rogues came before. We aren't only rogues, we are hybrids. I don't think we will last three months."
Niklaus shrugged. "I'm not judging you based off what you are but who you've been so far. I was rogue to for a while, I do remember that there is more out there." He says gently.

Hailey sighed. "Jason and Zy have said they would take care of you. They are as much your family as we are. You don't have to live with them, you can stay here if you wish. But they will help protect you." She says.
Kenzi smiled, blushing, "You must have been an amazing mate, or she must have taught you." she commented. "Maybe you can tell me about her later. I know things can get strange around here, but I think it would be nice to hear about her."

Boy sighed, "I don't need them to protect me or my siblings, I don't need anyone to protect my siblings. I can do that all for myself."
Niklaus smirked. "She taught me. I am not a good person." He says with a sad smile.

Hailey sighed. "And I can protect myself. The point is that it's okay to have someone else around to help. They can leave you alone all you want, they're just...added security so there's one less thing for you to worry about." She says.
Kenzi looked at him, "You are a little mean, but that has more to do with you being so stiff." She teased, before she smiled at him, "I would still like to hear about her."

Boy sighed, "I don't need it and I like being the one to take care of my.siblings." he pointed out.
Niklaus smirked a little. "I think we can manage that." He says gently.

Hailey sighed. "I'm not saying you have to stop. But they want a family Boy. I want to give that to them and you too. I'm just saying that I would like for you to give me a chance. I know you don't want to, but it'd be kinda nice."
Kenzi smirked, "I would like that." She told him, part of her didn't but part of her was curious. She wasn't sure why, the thought made her feel like she was always going to be alone, no matter how close she got to anyone.

Boy growled, "It would have been kind of nice to be wanted in the first place. To not be hurt because you're first words were father. Nice isn't in our lives, the sooner the three of you understand the sooner it can be just the three of us it should have been.
Niklaus nodded and looked around where they were some. "How many live here?" He asks curiously.

Hailey looked to him sadly. "Yes, it would have been better if I'd acted differently in the first place. And if I could go back and change it I would." She says. "The problem is I can't. So I'll just keep working to make it up to you." She adds, shrugging a little.
Kenzi looked around and smirked, "Three, technically. I live here with my aunt and her daughter. My uncle died a few years back, before I met him." She leaned towards him, "I make up stories about what he was like. So far, he is my favorite family member." she giggled like a child that just told her best friend a secret.

Boy sighed, "Well, you can't. The only ones I care about are the siblings that I was created with." he told her straight before he felt it. It was almost like a wave of nothing, something that made him panic as he looked around, "Magic." he said under his breath.
Niklaus couldn't help smiling at her giggle. It was just too cute. "I can imagine so. What's he like?" He asks, humoring her.

Hailey sighed and was about to tell him that she was going to care for him no matter what, but that one word stopped her short. She felt like a bucket of ice water had been poured on her. The pack had dealt with magic when she was a pup still and it never turned out well. Now she focused she could sort of feel it too. "Get back to your siblings, where you can protect them." She says gently. Jason needed to know and she couldn't link with him. And Mike she could link with.
Kenzi looked ta him happily ready to explain, she smiled, "He is hard headed and kind. You can't tell him no, he won't listen, but he always wants to hug and dance. He thinks I'm special because I am both."

Boy turned to go but stopped, it was too late. That was why the magic sense was so strong, they had reached his siblings and Mike first. He was so distracted with her and she with him that they didn't even notice that pit in their stomach. He sighed turning to her, at least they were alive, that much he knew. He growled as he looked around, sure that he knew what they were doing, getting the most powerful ones out of the way and that meant the hybrids with Nature's blood and power running through them. That included him.
Niklaus smirked. "Sounds like someone else I know." He says, playfully nudging her side.

Hailey stopped close behind him, her eyes widening as she looked towards the cave. She focused on her bond with Mike so she could feel everything he did. She knew he was alive, she'd know if he wasn't. But that didn't mean much right now. "We have to help them." She says quietly. They had to be careful and smart about it, but all she wanted was to run to her mate and her pups. But she didn't know how to keep them and Boy safe.
Kenzi smirked at him, "And who would that be?" she playfully asked, before she jumped at her aunt's announcement.

"Alright. You two. I know wolves are very close, but I won't have any mating in my home." she worried and Kenzi blushed as she watched her place a plate of veges and stew with more veges then meat in front of her. "There, just like when you always come home." she smiled, before placing on for Niklaus that was mostly meat, "There might be veges in there, it couldn't be helped."

Boy grabbed her arm, "They are looking for us." he snapped at her, "You need to get to your family while I stay hidden. If you go there and they haven't left, they will get you." he said letting her go before turning to the cave, "They are safer where they are. If they catch me, they will kill us all."
Niklaus smirked in amusement and then looked to the food in front of him. He shrugged and shook his head a little. "I don't mind." He says as he started to dig into the food. He was much hungrier than he'd thought.

"Come with me." Hailey says. She took his hand and started to pull him with her.Everything in her told her to go to Mike. "I know a place where magic won't be able to detect you. Do not argue with me Boy." She says, not waiting for argument as she pulled him with her towards the town.
Kenzi smiled as she ate, sure loved the stew and having Niklaus there was amazing to her. She blushed at the fact that she would probably only be happy with him there and she couldn't help feel like there was more between them.

Boy did as he was told after some eye rolling and half protesting with him slightly pulling but not enough to get loose.
Niklaus ate his food quickly and he was done far too soon. He looked to Kenzi and smiled a little sheepishly. He would wait until she was done and from there...well from there he wasn't sure.

Hailey held onto Boy until they reached the town. No one was at Jason's house but she could get in because she had been allowed before. She pulled him with her and inside the house she could still feel the magic but it felt different. It felt...harmless. "Stay here until I get back. They can't find you here do you understand me?" She says. "I have to warn my family, and then I'll be back for you." She promises.
Kenzi finished the last of her food, reaching her hands out with the plate, "More." She said her aunt gave her a look and Kenzi smiled sweetlu, "Please, deary?" Her aunt laughed before taking her plate to get more. Kenzi smiled looking at Niklaus, "If you want more, you have to ask and say please or she'll make you clean." She whispered.

Boy sighed rolling his eyes, "Fine, whatever. "
Niklaus smirked. He could always eat more but he didn't feel right doing so. Nothing about his felt right still. "I think I'm okay. Thank you for letting me know though." He whispers back.

Hailey gave him one last sad look and then left the house, running towards the center of town to find and warm Jason. Mike? She tried. She needed to know he was okay.
Kenzi smiled at him, before Yoli was back and smiled as she sat down, giving Kenzi her food. "I'm happy you are home, my dear. I was think, we don't we go over a few of your mother's books. We tell you about what she did and who she was, but you've never actually been able to get to know her. That's probably why you want to know about your father's people, because we keep going on about us and forgetting how alone you have been for so many years."

Kenzi looked at her, with a smile, it made her sad to think that they believed that, but she wanted to know both her parents and this could be a chance for her to know about her father. "I would love that."

Yoli nodded, "Good. Ezra should be home soon. You know how she gets. Keep your pet under control and I'm sure she'll learn to be nice to it. " her aunt nodded. Kenzi frowned even more. Her aunt was kind and sweet, a push over but like ever witch here, she still believed that they were more then most, because of magic. She looked at Niklaus concerned, reaching for his hand, so he knew that she didn't feel that way.

Boy rolled his eyes, when she was gone, he sighed. He could disobey her and listen at the same time. He took a deep breath as another copy of him pulled out of him. It was painful and grinded his teeth as the copy freed itself, he painted when it was separated from him and looking at him. "Go." He ordered, the copy was just like him in every way, but one. His voice. It ran off the way Hailey had left and Boy did as he was told, staying put out and waiting.
Niklaus clenched his jaw, biting the inside of his cheek to keep himself from sounding rude as he corrected Yoli. It took him a moment to process Kenzi squeezing his hand and he looked to her when she did. Giving her the most reassuring smile he could manage.

Hailey managed to get to Jason without much issue. After she explained everything to him, including having Boy hide out in his house which he was fine with. Then she keft to return to Boy. Getting more anxious when she didn't hear back from Mike.

Jason sent out an alert to his pack, and then made his way to Eli and Brianna's. Eli was already leaving to get the Elite together and he was hoping Zy and Lee were still there.

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