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Fantasy Moonlight Academy OOC

Things are getting a bit spiky.

Seems like Charlotte has something against Luna

She finds it awkward that a ruling demon is in her class, so she's not sure if that makes her subservient or not, since she's part human.

Hence, tension!

Also, one does not simply mention food around Charlotte and not expect her to show up.
She finds it awkward that a ruling demon is in her class, so she's not sure if that makes her subservient or not, since she's part human.

Hence, tension!

Also, one does not simply mention food around Charlotte and not expect her to show up.
Ah-hah. Makes sense. I suppose I'll leave that decision up to you.
Looks like we're having a small sushi party xD
She'd probably be awkwardly defiant, personality considered, though it's probably possible for her to be convinced otherwise, if the situation is right.
Mhmhm. Considering Luna's personality as well, and the situation that must happen for Charlotte to be convinced, I believe this is going to be a somewhat difficult process to overcome for the both of them.
I like popcorn *peers from behind the couch*

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