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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy Moonlight Academy (Always Open)

Venus Vesper

Adorable Demon

Female Pure Bloods allowed...


0 more spots left.

Male Pure Bloods allowed...


0 more spots left.

Pure bloods:

Ayuna Kusado

Celestial Bunny




Knight Nate

Lana Valentine

D i v i d e d L0V3rz

ghost of past

ashel darkwing

Here are the rules I have for this roleplay.

1. No overpowering your character

2. No more than 2 characters per person.

3. No constantly picking fights.

4. No out of character talking outside of the OOC chat

5. No controlling someone else's character.

6. No killing off someone else's character without their permission

Character Creation Skeleton

Appearance(Anime Please):

Full Name:


Age in human years:


Vampire Class:(Pure Blood, Aristocrat, Common)


Powers:(No more than 3)



The Principal's Character Sheet

Appearance(Anime Please):

Full Name:
Izaria Karlyth

Nickname: Headmistress Karlyth

Age in human years: 35

Gender: Female

Vampire Class: Pure Blood

Personality: Regal, Understanding, Serious when she needs to be.

Powers: Reading minds, Lie detection, Speed.

Bio: N/A

Other: She is not married and has never been.

Anya Aldon

Appearance(Anime Please):

Full Name: Anya Isabelle Aldon

Nickname: Anya

Age in human years: 17

Gender: Female

Vampire Class: Aristocrat

Personality: Bubbly, Kind, Caring, Compassionate, Sometimes cold and rude, easily embarrassed.

Powers: Strength, Speed, and high jumping

Bio: Anya was sent the email (in the overview). She was so excited that there was a school just for vampires. She was also extremely excited that it accepted everyone and that it was safe. She wasn't thrilled about the commons being shunned and separated from everyone else, but she was nonetheless happy and couldn't wait to attend. She couldn't wait for the first day of school. She wanted to see what friends she would make and see what the school looked like.

Other: She always wears her white cape with the hood that has cat ears. She think's its adorable.

I will accept your characters by liking your character sheet. :)

Britt-21, sprouhtt, HimeragiSeiker, iChaotic,CellistCat606, Laeta,Wood,thebrokendoll,Paint The Wind, DergTheDergon,Tazmodo,Bea,DarthCorvus, QueenOfDisaster, PvtZetacius,DarknessSpirit,Butterfly22,TheDeparture,MomoiroGingerBread,Shaul,BookWyrm,zacharychi,Ldybug123ViAdvena, Otakuyaki, Grell Sutcliff 708,HollyAnne91, Lotusy,WiLeo,Sazabi, OriginalDaydreamer, XiaoLu,Butterfly22,Dxfoe, Lucyfer, claty,
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Appearance(Anime Please):


Blue ear but turns red



Who cares 1 or 2 you pick

Full Name:

Emily June Tousle



Age in human years:




Vampire Class:(Pure Blood, Aristocrat, Common)

Pure Blood


Shy, Kind

Powers:(No more than 3)

Power Sensing: The ability to sense the powers of another person.

Psychokinesis: The ability to mentally move objects.

Psychometry: The power to read the history of an object by touching it.


She dosen't like that the vampire's are not together but she understands it. She was born a pure blood with purple eyes but they made them blue and then they change to red when she gets mad. Most vampire's are born with ANY thing BUT Purple eyes so she is unique.

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Full Name: Lila Hemingway

Nickname: N/A

Age in human years: 17

Gender: Female

Vampire Class: Pure Blood

Personality: Cruel, Heartless, Mean, Unlikeable




Bio: TBR

Other: Has a dark secret

I'm not the type to bend to someone's will. I'm not that fucking flexible, come on! Do I look like I enjoyed gym class?


Ayumu Sights Dreemwalker.;.Ayu?.;.Male.;.Aristocrat.;.Fifth-Teen

Sexuality:: Homoflexible

[fieldset="I can't help being this fucking adorable!&quot]


Ayumu is no secret, but an open book. He's fun, energetic, and not really what you'd expect. Sure, this kid can be a real bitch, but that's just a part of him and his personality. He's the kind to say what's on his mind, and not go back on things he promises. He gets into trouble a lot because of his big mouth and is often beaten on. That's why he always wears clothes for the winter like a jacket and scarf.
Powers:: Ayu had the power of illusion. He can create an illusion, or more a mirage to say, and have everyone see the same illusion.


Other:: When embarrassed he says things in Swedish rather then English.

Hates sour candies and prefers things sweet.

Ayumu is rather lazy when it comes down to needing to do something, but then again, he also gets bored easy and
needs something to do at all times or else he gets hyper and jumpy.

Is scared of almost everything, birds, cats, dogs, mirrors, spiders, large amounts of water, ect. It's really easier to just say he's scared of everything because the list is so damn long.

When scared he tends to tear up and cling onto the nearest person to him.

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(She doesn't have that necklace on)


Full Name: Asami Hayashi

Nickname: Sami, Asa or Ami

Age in human years: 16

Vampire age: 1,328 years old


Gender: Female

Vampire Class: Pure Blood

Weakness: her weakness is WATER since the water is pure. It causes her extreme pain and parts of her body turns reddish/rash. That's why when she showers/bathes she puts in herbs to make the water unpure.

Personality: She is helpful, dauntless, humble and sometimes stubborn when it comes to things. Asami is very blunt towards others and because of her bluntness she is often getting into trouble with the wrong group of people but she knows how to handle herself pretty well. She is rather loyal to all her friends and family. She can be a very loving, loyal, generous, caring, and fun person. She is often named the quiet, and awkward one in school since she has a hard time expressing herself. She won't let anyone get in her way of doing something she wants to do.



  • Psychometry: The power to read the history of an object/person by touching it.
  • Telepathy: The ability to read the thoughts of others.
  • Mental Shielding: The ability to block any and all kinds of psychic powers that act on invading the mind. Also it can be used to shield others from their minds being invaded by casting a shield around them.

Bio: Asami was born to a pure blood family with two other siblings, Takema her sister and Usai her brother. The families name name was pretty well known, since they would donate to the school as well as other communities. They were a very generous family but if you crossed them they'd make you see hell quicker then you would want to. Asami was raised to be a very poised, well-mannered 'young' lady that her mother always wanted her to be. At times she can be a bit blunt which usually kills the mood since it puts her in trouble at times. Asami get's along more with her father then she does with her mother, her father is her everything as well as her mother but he seems to understand her more. Asami used to, still does, train with her father on her fighting skills and how to control her powers when she uses them. Others may think her powers are useless but she thinks otherwise since her mental shielding helps block her thoughts from others with special telepathy powers not read her mind.


Other: Doesn't exactly believe in love
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Full Name: Quinn Smith

Nickname: Quinn

Age in human years: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Gay as hell~

Vampire Class: Aristocrat

Personality: Quinn is, well, to put it nicely, the biggest flirt you'll ever meet. Chances are that if you're a girl with a pretty face that has come within a few feet of her, you've either been checked out from head to toe or flirted with relentlessly. She's not the type to kiss and tell, though, even if she does some sleeping around. She does her best in school, and her grades reflect the effort she puts in. She only wants the best for the people she is friends with.

Powers: Sensing Danger - The hairs on her neck stand on end when something bad is about to happen

Night Vision - Can see very well in the dark

Foreseeing - While the visions are unclear to an extent, they often help her out with deciding on things for the future

Bio: Quinn, like all Aristocrats, has only one vampire parent. She grew up living a pretty nice life with very few troubles. Well, very few troubles that were caused by someone else. She searches for trouble where ever she can, whether it's picking fights with vampires that are much stronger than her or scaring the living day lights out of an innocent human.

Other: She loves being around people!


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/images-35.jpeg.1f5014f3f0f758d56213feb1ae72c107.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108266" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/images-35.jpeg.1f5014f3f0f758d56213feb1ae72c107.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Full Name: Ajax Lavender

Nickname: A.J

Age in human years: 18

Gender: Male

Vampire Class: Pure Blood.

Personality: Ajax is a very, very quiet guy, and doesn't speak often, only where he believes it's needed. He's a thinker, but always seems to have a silly grin on his face; who knows what he's thinking about? He treats others as equals, and he doesn't judge anyone, unless their deeds prove to be unforgivable.


Transmutation: Can turn most matter into different matter, such as rock to paper. Takes a lot of energy.

Ethreality: Using a large amount of power, Ajax can become...transparent, like a ghost almost. He cannot harm or be harmed; he is merely there.

Bio: Ajax comes from the very prestigious family of Lavender. They are known for their age, influence, and probably most importantly, their donations to Moonlight Academy. Ajax wasn't very particularly interested in going to this academy, but he couldn't refuse his parents; not yet at least. He has a plan for the future...one where he's at the top.

Other: He was born with a bad left leg. While he cannot really run with it, he can walk just fine. He still uses a cane just in case though, one specifically made for him, with his family's emblem on the top.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/images-44.jpeg.07d08636db704ce4520a9972cd87f803.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108274" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/images-44.jpeg.07d08636db704ce4520a9972cd87f803.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Appearance(Anime Please): :<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/a76cb767ea7ab422b3a3bdf0ba8a32718c7f6da2.png.8b71700d0d9608f6f483d47fe2ec806c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108270" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/a76cb767ea7ab422b3a3bdf0ba8a32718c7f6da2.png.8b71700d0d9608f6f483d47fe2ec806c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/8784a7c1f05c7854156544dcb9b0d92a.jpeg.9e800eb22dc1e6a4c3bbca780b118867.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108271" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/8784a7c1f05c7854156544dcb9b0d92a.jpeg.9e800eb22dc1e6a4c3bbca780b118867.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/hires_796cbe3c90e5f4a16035edc22fb6b147ee74b047.png.08ec7ca16ed8e0928d1af5f4cd3ded4b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108273" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/hires_796cbe3c90e5f4a16035edc22fb6b147ee74b047.png.08ec7ca16ed8e0928d1af5f4cd3ded4b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Full Name: Ashur Wolfhound

Nickname: Ash

Age in human years: 17

Gender: Male

Vampire Class:(Pure Blood, Aristocrat, Common) Pure Blood ^-^

Personality: Ashur is a somewhat secretive person. He comes from a family whom specializes in selling and trading of secrets so his family knows a lot. He is being groomed to be that way even if he rejects most their ideals. He is friendly, outgoing and prefers to simply enjoy his unlife as much as possible. He always seems to have a playful and unserious attitude but, this is simply a mask that hides the deeply serious, sentimental person he is around some of his close friends.

Powers:(No more than 3)

Shroud of Night: Ashur cloaks himself in darkness to spy upon others. A family trained power he has mastered it but, only uses it when doing a job (reluctantly) for his family

Enhanced speed and Strength: Simple hidden increases to his speed and strength. His eyes turn a deep red color upon using this ability.

Mind reading: Another ability he trains due to family is mind reading. What better way to gain information from others unwillingly right? He never uses this outside familial matters however, does mess with others sometimes by pretending he has used it on them.

Bio: Ashur comes from a long line of vampires whom train as spies and sellers of information. His family has been around for a long time plying this trade and has a reputation for being untrustworthy around others and unwelcoming to them. After all today's friends might be tomorrows enemies with a simple transaction. His family is rich and powerful if somewhat unknown due to their extra secretive nature.

Ashur doesn't generally fit what his family approves of. Though always working his hardest when he has to, he hardly ever does outside of such times. His family as sent him to the academy upon his request as they had all agreed for different reasons, that he needed time to grow away from their influence.

Other: I hope he is okay to have around ^-^ I don't have much else to say otherwise though. β€’-β€’



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Appearance(Anime Please):

Full Name: Shu Nakahara

Nickname: none

Age in human years: 14

Gender: male

Vampire Class: common

Personality: Shu is quiet, shy, kind hearted, and easily flustered sometimes.

Powers: enhanced agility, night vision, enhanced combat

Bio: Shu was always shunned for being a common vampire. His own family even abandoned him when he found out. He was adopted by another family who knew what he was but didn't judge him for it. He was in his room one day when he got the email. He was thrilled to go to the school so he could be around more people like him.

Other: he doesn't like to talk about how he was transformed into a vampire

@Ayuna Kusado
Casual Outfit:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.9f0a37a98f90cc5ad3248f9ecfb9605e.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108279" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.9f0a37a98f90cc5ad3248f9ecfb9605e.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Full Name: Belladonna Count

Nickname: Princess, Belle, Bella, Donna or Donnie

Age in human years: 14

Gender: Female

Vampire Class: Pure Blood

Personality: Belladonna is bubbly, sweet, outgoing and really innocent. She's friendly, childish, silly and she is fair.


Shapeshifting: "Turning into any animal, and changing my human appearance"

Ice/Snow Manipulation: "Simple, control over ice and snow"

Enhanced Senses/Agility: "Both a blessing and a curse"

Bio: Born daughter of Count Dracula she was always expected to hate humans and commons but she doesn't and she believes that everyone should be fair and kind to all, even commons.

Other: She tells people she's a common when she first meets them.

Fancy Looks:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.a708b32c848452b9966c3d5ff037f121.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108282" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.a708b32c848452b9966c3d5ff037f121.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

@Ayuna Kusado



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpg.9b8f79b0cc7961e2c6158433554d9fff.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108283" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpg.9b8f79b0cc7961e2c6158433554d9fff.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance(Anime Please):

Full Name: Elizabeth Rose

Nickname: Eliza

Age in human years: 14

Gender: Female

Vampire Class: Common

Personality: The girl is introverted, sweet, and soft spoken but not necessarily shy. She speaks her mind, loves books, and studying. She is extremely smart and cultured, sometimes her peers don't understand her strange behaviors. Her quirkiness makes her unique, she likes to see and do things differently than others. She loves to create whether it be inventing, drawing, or animating objects, it brings her a lot of happiness and helps her cope with the fact she is now a vampire. Her bright orange hair and pale complexion makes her very insecure and she is easily flustered. She is very creative and has a sharp memory, giving her an edge over most common vampires and to a certain extent, pure bloods and aristocrats. Being looked down upon makes her frusterated and she wants to prove to everyone her skills. She hs no time for BS nor Aristocrats and Pure Bloods making fun of her, her sweet nature can easily change once she's agitated.


Animation: To make an object come to life, this is her strongest ability.

Transmutation: To change the material of an object, it takes a lot of time and energy to do so.

Levitiation: Ability to levitate objects and herself.

Bio: She was born into a loving family, with two parents, her being the only child. She lived a rather normal life for a child of two famous vampire hunters. Her parents were extremely well known vampire hunters, and even at the tender age of five she was learning how to use stakes and holy water. The family was feared by the vampire community, they were a force to be reckoned with. Her parents would send her on 'missions' when she was younger, her birth and existence was a secret kept from everyone, thus when a small girl asks for help, you don't really expect her to stab you with a stake. One day, a mission went wrong, she was only five, a pureblood vampire bit her, changing her entire life. Things weren't quite the same at home, her parents loved her too much to kill her, but had trouble accepting that their little girl was now a vampire. After about a year, they asked her to do something crazy, to bite them, it would be the only way to settle down their urge to kill their only child. She went through with it, they were now a family of vampires, and the whole vampire community knew of it. Her parents decided to settle down and move to the suburbs. The rest of her childhood was rather normal, she went to a public school, and celebrated holidays. Her peers knew that she was different, her red hair and pale complexion, her quirky behavior, and her weird parents. She was endlessly bullied for being 'her', up until now. Her parents secretly trained her, how to use her newfound abilities and how to kill vampires, at the academy she has an edge over her peers because of her control over her abilities and her knowledge on how to kill vampires.

@Ayuna Kusado



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My life is meaningless compared to the life of my master. I'd rather die then to allow anyone to touch them.


A.I..;.Ai (Pronounced like "I").;.Male.;.Seven-Teen

Sexuality:: Aromantic

[fieldset="I'm simply to serve and protect.&quot]


Ai is an android created to serve, protect, and care for the pure bloods. He's more like a close-hand servant when it comes down to it. He was sent to the school to serve for the pure bloods there.

He has different settings for different "emotions" and actions. I.e, a setting that makes him be the happy, energetic person he usually is. This setting is turned on most of the time due to the gentle approach it gives, but he does have other settings as well, also a nerve in his programming that sets off the different settings at the appropriate times. But, the setting can also be done manually by a small door located on his left shoulder blade.

His setting are what control him, and depending on what setting is activated is how his personality varies. Really there is no way to explain him, for all he is, is a machine.

Powers:: Ai has the powers of a superhuman, large amounts of speed, smell, hearing, and eye-sight, but he also has abilities in his voice. He can sing a song to put people into a sort of trance mode, however using this makes him extremely immobile during and afterward and leaves him near-to-easily target-able and defeat-able, hence why he doesn't often use this ability during fights and rather uses it for emergencies.

Bio::Created an A.I. he doesn't remember much about himself. Most of his life was spent turned off and having experiments ran on him. He's model type #134 (a tattoo of this number is located on his right wrist) and his main purpose is to serve pure bloods as a "butler" of sorts. Ai was sent to the school to take care and watch over the pure bloods there, this is really just a test-drive to see if he is prepared to be dealing with real jobs with a pure-blood.

Other:: He speaks several languages including English, Spanish, Chinese, French, and Arabic.

Ai rather hates getting angry and into fights, trying to avoid those types of things as much as he possibly can.

Due to a strange thing about his skin, Ai wears a lab coat, scarf, and gloves even in hot weather. Normally when walking around in public, he also wears a gas mask and carries an umbrella with him. The umbrella blocks out the sun and it is important that Ai not come into contact with sunlight for very long periods of time.

Ai deals with simple problems a computer has such as overheating, viruses, and bugs as well and his creators are still working on a strong enough program for him to prevent things like those from getting into his system.

Despite being a machine, he does appear to have emotions, although he doesn't cry when sad due to the fact he doesn't necessarily have any "tears."

He is
not waterproof and tends to avoid water as much as possible. Another use of the umbrella.

Ai does have a system in his body that repairs him when damage is dealt, although if the system were to get a virus of any sorts he'd be screwed.


Special Permission From:

@Ayuna Kusado

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Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/zeref___fairy_tail___by_n3v3rsenpai-d97wa44.png.9e67293180763e31cc3a65fb53e77ce1.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108351" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/zeref___fairy_tail___by_n3v3rsenpai-d97wa44.png.9e67293180763e31cc3a65fb53e77ce1.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Full Name: Hant?

Nickname: Hunter or Seeker.

Age in human years: 11

Gender: Male

Vampire Class:Pure Blood

Hunter can be very shy at times, although he is normally very charismatic and helpful. He's very mature for his age, and extremly smart as well. He can be very troublesome however, as he is quite the daredevil, despite being brought up to not do extremly dangerous things. He loves to dance and skateboard, and he does one of the two almost every day. He's more of a steampunk/punkrock kind of guy more than anything, and you'd only ever be able to tell from how he dresses. He's also extremly sensitive when it comes to a certain topic, and he doesn't like to talk about it to much.

Powers: He can cause chaos when he's upset, but only small acts of chaos, such as fights between diffrent people for the silliest reasons and the like. He can't seem to control this power yet, but he's trying. So far, this is his only power.

Hunter doesn't remeber most of his childhood, due to a tragic event that killed his sister (DO NOT bring this up around him). He was sent to this school because of his I.Q, which is significantly much higher than most his age. He tends to get babied a lot, and he honestly dosn't mind it to much, just as long as he doesn't get treated as if he's completly clueless.

Other: Loves chocolate cake, and pretty much any kind of sweets.



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Appearance(Anime Please):


Full Name: ALexia

Nickname: Lexi

Age in human years:14

Gender: female

Vampire Class: Common

Personality: shy, hyperactive, talktive with friends, hates purebloods, sweet, childish

Powers:(No more than 3)



Bio: She is an orphan her parents died protecting her she got bitten when it happened her world changed she don't remember much of her past she lives on her own she looks up to the headmistress she was sent the email when she moved to a apartment she been running away from the orphanage trying to get away she hates being on the run she just wants a family again she hates purebloods she thinks donna is a common like herself

Other: she is friends with belladonna

(srry if not good)
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Appearance(Anime Please): http://i875.photobucket.com/albums/ab318/Knallkopp93/A.jpg

Full Name:

Yasuke Odaichi

Nickname: Yasu

Age in human years: 14

Gender: Male

Vampire Class:(Pure Blood, Aristocrat, Common)



Sweet, friendly, charming, alluring, secretive.


Pro Bloodsucker: Yasuke can drink a creatures blood, just by sucking on the skin of said creature.

Teleportation: Yasuke can teleport.

Shh: Yasuke can silence all sound he makes, including thoughts.

Bio: Yasuke grew up in a family that wasn't known for being nice. They would kill humans for sport, and not even eat them. Yasuke tried to go away from this happened, but a vampire hunter killed his sister. She gave him a knife which made vampires muscles cramp, when plugged in to them. He tries to be nice, but he will always hold a hatred for humans. He seeks something that can revive his sister.


He always carries around the anti-vamp-knife his sister gave him when she died.
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So are there still spots for purebloods? :o also are human characters aloud? not neccesarily as students but maybe as caretakers or school staff?
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