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Multiple Settings MoonChild is looking for Roleplay! (21+)


ℭ𝔥𝔦𝔩𝔡 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔐𝔬𝔬𝔫
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Introductions and Some Backstory!
Hello Role-players!

I'm MoonChildSel, a 20-something-year-old girl who is a very rusty dusty text role-player! One who has been aching for text roleplay for a long time!

I am looking for some partners to do some one-on-one roleplay until I'm comfortable enough to do groups again.

I have been Roleplaying since I was just a youngin' when most of roleplay was dedicated to the web and involved * this to describe actions before moving on to descriptive paragraphs upon paragraphs of roleplay. I stopped text roleplaying after my favorite Roleplay forum website was turned into an adoptable website but used to go under the name TeenRPG. After that I got into video game roleplay, where most of the roleplay was done with in-game characters, and using my voice to speak. It was fun for a while but nothing quite hits the same as typing out paragraphs of lore with other people. So I joined this site hoping that I could finally get back into text roleplay without annoying my friend group about it. Haha!

Important Things to Know about me for future partners:
  1. Sometimes I forget things: I tend to forget that people respond after I read the response, I do this with texting/dming too, so I apologize if this happens often.
  2. I don't like one-liners, at all: Listen, I have writer's block sometimes too, or its hard for me to articulate what I want my character say/do. But I will always write more than one sentence. I cannot work with "She/He/They sighed." This always drives me up the wall, at least a paragraph, please.
  3. I can roleplay almost anything but I don't do fandoms often, Sorry. I like all settings! (Modern, Fantasy, Sci-fi, Horror, Mystery). But I can't do fandoms sometimes as I have a hard time getting into them. I like watching shows/anime/movies, but I can't visualize a OC character within that world, I don't know why, my brain is weird.
  4. I am in my 20's, so I don't roleplay with anyone under the age of 21. I'm sure there are mature people on this website, but if you're not 21 or over the age of 21, we can't roleplay.
  5. I have okay grammar, I am not a god at grammar so I slip up. I try my best to type as clearly as I can, sometimes when I'm typing so fast in my brain I hear the words in my head but it doesn't translate to text. Ex: My brain is thinking "I have to go to the store" and what I type is "I have the store". At times it's funny, but to prevent this I use editing software. So on the occasion that it does happen, oopsie and I apologize
  6. I like world-building or living in whatever world you create! I love to create lore for a character, fictional place, or the entire world. But I also love other people's personal world-building ideas/stories they like to bring to life. As long as you don't try to control how I act out my character, we'll get along great.
What are my do's and don'ts?
  • I do almost ANY setting. Modern, Fantasy, Horror. Almost ANY, but like I said above I have a hard time with worlds that already exist within pop culture. I'm sorry, my brain is dumb (Crying). My favorite genres are fantasy, sci-fi, and medieval.
  • I don't do MxM, most of my roleplay has consisted of FxM or FxF.
  • I do voice my opinion frequently. If I don't like something, I'll tell you! But mostly I go with the flow of roleplay.
  • I don't like being pressured to reply quickly, it takes me a minute to create a masterpiece, and I don't like to be rushed!
  • I do like roleplays that last almost a lifetime, but if you feel like it's dying I don't mind ending things. I hate making people write things that they're not interested in!
  • I don't like it when you don't bump the thread if I forget to reply, so just bump or privately message me here.
  • I do like creating multiple characters, but that's if it's a big group and a setting that requires me to have more than one character, so for right now. Let us stick to just one, outside of NPC's.

Conclusion And Goodbye!

Thank you all for taking the time to read and potentially be my new partners! Be sure to leave a reply here or dm me privately if you're interested in becoming a long-time partner with me! I hope you can help me get back to the grind of roleplaying!

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