Monsters After Dark


Imaginary Friend Hoarder
Hello everyone! I hope you'd like to join, because this has a lot of potential...

If you sign up, don't just quit because you're "bored."


Anyways, if I like your character(s), I will literally "like" it.

Be creative, and make sure you read which roles are open!

Read more about this role play...


Magic User

Magic User





Winged Human

Ice/Snow Elementus (Bender) 




Bio (How they got on the ship):
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Alrighty, good to know. Thank you! 
I should also ask, what age range are you expecting exactly?
For the characters or the actual people?

For the characters, they can be any age between 7 and 29. For the Rpers, I'd prefer they be at least 12 or 13. 
@Venomarrah Ah, that's fine.. I know what you mean :)
Name: Violet Carter

Age: 18

Role: magic-user

Personality: She is Loyal, Passionate, Resourceful, Cunning, Observant, and Dynamic. However she is also a bit Jealous, Suspicious, Manipulative, and Unyielding. She is ruthless and will do anything to help someone... No matter the cost.

Bio: She was the daughter of a well-to-do merchant, no real worries besides the ever-present war. But she fell in love, in love with a man her father forbade her to see. So after the 6pm curfew she would sneak out to see him.... She even got away with it for awhile, until her own father found out and turned her in to the military. And that's where her story begins, alone and betrayed, on a ship to her doom.

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