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Realistic or Modern Monster town: a romantic reboot IC



The lord of randomness and the warp
It was 2 months before the town of sunderburg’s annual winter festival, and every monster and human in the town was a little more excited the usual around this time, the festival was normally for couples and the like, but this year was different rumours have it that the mayor, along with some, other mystical stuff like planets aligning. Would grand the couples a wish, nothing world altering although it would be life changing, that if the rumours where true, now everyone was looking for a partner, even if it was just to get a that sweet sweet wish.

it was afternoon at the moment what would the towns people do? Will the find true love.. or will there romantic partnership only exist for personal gains?

Although this morning was very different for the usually quiet town, almost every place and business had be hit by a town wide streak of vandalism everything form broken window graffiti to destroyed/damage or stolen goods. Their where questions that needed answering but for now that would have to wait, people would want to know how much damage had been done to there own places and if people they knew where ok or not.
Location: Coffee Shop

Yumi drank some homebrewed coffee, looking over what remained of the coffee shop she worked at. "Oh, you poor little place, who did this to you?" The Nekomimi looked up at the shop. She was wearing a purple unzipped coat over her pink floral dress.

As she looked into her former workplace, Yumi reminisced how clean and peaceful it used to be before the vandals stopped by. She was making a steady income and was getting close to getting promoted. But now, she could barely even pay her rent. Why would they do this? Why would they ruin her like this? Was this a targeted attack?

Then, she caught an eye at Sarcove. "Hey, B-Baka! Why didn't you protect the shop?" She said, frustrated.

Interactions/mentions: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
Open to Interaction.
Last edited:
Thalia Glass

Two wolves were wondering down the street, their noses on the ground. One was significantly larger than the other and a large scar over its right eye. For those currently wondering the town, the wolves were a common sight. The Sunderburg wolf pack was currently trying to figure out who could have done this. Though Thalia knew her father already had an idea. His head shot up as he sniffed the air before releasing a loud howl that the whole town would hear. With that the two wolves shifted. One was Thalia and the other her father both were in official police uniforms. "Did you also smell them?" Thalia said looking up at her father. Dimitri's visible eye narrowed. He knew who it was but didn't want to say it out loud.

"Ill speak to the pack. You continue looking around. See how much damage was actually done. " Thalia nodded and with that her father left her to head back to the 'den', which was were the pack would hang out and meet for meetings. Thalia pulled her up into a sloppy bun and sighed. She couldn't believe this could happen. No one had been ballsy enough to do such a thing to Sunderburg with the pack here as well as the due to the mayor. This only happened once before, when Thalia was younger and it didn't end well for both sides. Thalia continued along the main street of Sunderburg that held all the shops. Soon she will have to deal with questions from the owners.
Alexandre Dominal
LOCATION: Emerald Hall Station
Amidst the steam from a surprisingly Old-Western style train, a slight figure stepped only. Only slightly tall, though appearing taller if only because of how slim he was, he simultaneously cut both quite a figure and blended into the small crowd of other passengers- it depended on how closely one looked at him. When the steam cleared, only a handful of people were standing around, chatting. The lone man stood alone, simply gazing about the place.

Alexandre sighed to himself. Great. A waste of nearly fifty dollars and a couple of hours, all because his original ticket wasn't accepted. Thankfully, he had managed to procure another one, just before the train left- a rare break, Alexandre thought bitterly. Still, the day was still... well.. relatively young. His hotel room could have been auctioned off to some sort of person willing to pay more for it, his rental car could break down... Alexandre knew not to let his guard down. Life wasn't that easy for him.

Eventually, the smoke caught up with his respiratory system, and he felt his throat start closing up. Beginning to cough painfully, he fumbled around his jacket pocket, and pulled out his inhaler- one of the few things that kind of stayed with him his entire life. As he began using it as intended, he also strode away from the miasma of choking hazard that was beautiful, at first. He had a rental car to get to... Hopefully.

When Alexandre was far enough away, he pocketed his inhaler, and smiled at a pair of passengers gawking at the scenic view. The station really was beautiful. It would make a wonderful painting. Pity that he couldn't do it, thanks to the smoke. With a start, he realized that he was staring at the duo. Thankfully, they didn't notice him, and Alexandre managed to walk away unscathed. Good. He preferred it when no one really noticed him. That meant no staring, that meant no uncomfortable questions, and that meant having to do the painful job of smiling as they chatted away about how they were fortunate enough to have the money to enjoy a small vacation, or something like that.

Finally, he arrived at the designated spot where his car was at. Or rather, where it should have been. Alexandre sighed, this time visibly. He knew it. As he started to pull out his phone to call the agency, fearing the worst, a honk startled him. Lo and behold, a small grey Kia Forte pulled up, followed by another car Alexandre couldn't recognize. Out of the Kia Forte came a man- the man Alexandre had rented the car from, in fact.

As the businessman looked around, seemingly looking for his customer, Alexandre stepped forward. A flash of surprise and some horror ran across his face, before he managed to get it under control. Alexandre was used to that. What he wasn't used to was the apologies: apparently, the town had been vandalized, and they had a couple of cars with their tires slashed, windows broken, etc. etc. Thankfully, they were able to pull out an older version of the Kia Forte Alexandre ordered. Alexandre was actually pleasantly surprised.

Today must be a good day for him or something.

A rush of guilt overwhelmed him at that thought. He honestly would have preferred having a bad day if it meant the town didn't suffer for it. But enough about that. The salesman was obviously waiting. After doing the bare minimum of necessary talking and deals and other businessman-like discussions that Alexandre never really cared for, and he was off. His destination: the shop of Neelakleokannah Nox, better known as Neela. While Alexandre really didn't want to go to that place, Neela had extracted a promise that he would visit her. And, well, Alexandre didn't like breaking promises.

....No, it wasn't because he was happy to see Neela again. It certainly wasn't for that reason!

As Alexandre drove through the town, GPS online, he couldn't help but see just how much the vandalizers had done. A complicated rush of guilt, sadness, and anger hit him, but he shoved it back down. He was driving. Still, he couldn't help but pity the townspeople. Did this happen often? Were people hurt? ...Wonder how bad it was for Neela? At that thought, his pedal foot became just a little bit heavier. Just a little bit. He was thinking many thoughts, after all.

Yeah. That was why he was driving slightly faster.

When he pulled up to Neela's shop, he was appalled. The place was a wreck. Scattered bits of eggs, graffiti on the walls, broken windows, bits of items here and there... They must have hit her place real bad. Parking, he entered the shop, the little bell tinging. If anything, the inside was worse than the outside. Not only was there bits of eggs in here too- Alexandre's nose wrinkled at the smell- but it was chilly as well; furthermore, there was a wide assortment of materials strewn about into piles and on the floor. It seriously felt like walking through a minefield. And in the middle of all of the mess, sleeping on a conveniently placed couch with pillows strewn about here and there, was the owner of the shop herself.

"Neela! Senpai! What the hell happened here!" Alexandre winced at the bit of language that slipped out of his mouth, but this occasion warranted it. "Are you alright!?"

No, he wasn't concerned for Neela because he cared or anything! I-it was because it was basic human- er, moral- behavior to worry about people!

Interacts: queanbean queanbean

Maria O'Kelly
Interactions: Open

Maria arrived at her floral shot and let out a ghastly wail. Her floral shop, The Moon Flower, was in ruins. all the windows were broken and flower bits and broken vases covered the ground. as she took in the scene tears started to well up in her eyes.

"How could somebody do this?" She cried out. After floating around the shop she found no product left intact. She'd have to replant all new flowers which would take awhile for them to bloom. On top of that her prized 'Queen of the Night', which she had been taking care of for the past 45 years, was ripped to shreds. As much as she wanted to cry at the sight she knew she'd have to get cleaning.

Grabbing a broom and dust pan she got to work sweeping up all the flower remnants and glass shards. Beyond her selfish worries she wondered how her roommates coffee shop was faring. Has it been destroyed just as much? If so both of them would be really tight on money. The thought made her eyes water even more. Wiping her tears from her eyes she heard the familiar sound of a werewolf's howl.
interaction: holyman1998 holyman1998 mention: neela queanbean queanbean Zexian Ineptitude Ineptitude
Sarcove woke up to it a chill.. his power seemed to have been cut? it wasn't doing the naga any good coiling around a large metal heater that was no longer functioning didn't do much to help either uncoiling himself from the heater Sarcove slithered his way outside his house only to find that... both his windows where broken. Sarcove sniffing the hair half-delirious sniffed the air almost vomiting at the smell of spray paint, that was scrawled across his front door, just great. what had happened? while he was asleep? he just had ONE-night off.. and now his own house was wrecked and he couldn't think straight. grabbing his phone from inside he yawned turning the thing on, he A LOT OF MESSAGES some by places he'd worked at before one form his current contractor, MOSTLY by the mayor Wavey who wanted the naga to help with the investigation, due to his more portent senses.... the WHOLE town had been wreaked apparently... shit what about Neela, Yumi or Zexian... where they ok? could they have been hurt? that would be horrible. Sarcove darted towards Main street the naga was surprisingly fast when he wanted to be.. of course, it didn't help he was still cold so he wasn't exactly thinking perfectly straight. there was so much damaged seemed literally every place had been hit in some capacity. that was until he heard a voice, of course, it was an angry, voice but a familiar one Yumi was ok... but the coffee shop was in pieces. he almost instantly coiled around the poor Neko who was now stuck amongst his coils. "It's NOT MY FAULT EVERY PLACE HAS BEEN HIT HOW COULD I BE EXPECTED TO KEEP EVERYTHING SAFE IM JUST ONE NAGA... and... I was taking a night off.." he blurted out suddenly in an odd half crying half please forgive me tone.
Before she could react, Yumi was coiled up in the nagas coils. At first, she wanted to freak out, hit him, yell at him, but then she heard his apology...


Combined with the comforting coils, Yumi soon calmed down, only to then break down in tears.

"Oh Sarcove, what are we going to do? I didn't have much saved up and I still have to pay rent for my apartment!" She sobbed into his coils.

"Maybe..." she wiped a tear. "I can stay at your place for a while? Maybe give me a loan?" She looked at Sarcove with beady, kawaii eyes.

"Pwetty pwease?"

Interactions: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
The little oni stirred with a groan, rubbing her eyes and letting loose of a long yawn. "Mmm?" She stretched her arms far above her head and squeaked. "Who's there?" She was completely surrounded by rubble and trash but hardly seemed to notice. Instead, her first thought was the to-be-identified standing in the doorway. Neela tucked her robes around her slender form and clambered dizzily to her feet, stepping over an eggshell. "Sorry, the shop isn't open ye-" As she rubbed the sleepiness from her eyes she realized who exactly woke her. "Alessandre?!" The little woman gasped. Her lips spread into a grin. "Hellfire and Hades, what brings you here?" She bounded across the room, skipping over glass and trash and tossing herself into her old friend's arms. Well, she didn't particularly expect him to catch her, but she threw herself anyway.

"You're a little bit taller since you last came, aren't you?" She set her hands on her hips. Humans were so strange in the way that they grew and aged. So linear. "You haven't come to visit me in ages" She whined, squishing her own cheeks. "Oh, but I just HAVE to show you this new potion I mixed up. You wouldn't believe the-" Neela finally turned around to witness the destruction of her little shop. Broken bottles littered the floor and the shelves. Oozy liquids of every color speckled the walls and pooled on the floor. Neela gasped. "When did this happen?!" She suddenly wheeled on her old apprentice, furrowing her brow. "What did I say about mixing kyamalise and moonshine? Hm?" But as she looked closely at him, almost squishing his nose with her own, she realized this was not any deed of his.

"My poor little shop..." She cocked her head to the side and rubbed the back of her neck. All in all, she was relatively cool about it. No fire or demons or anything of that sort started spilling out of the ground like... other times she had been angry. It most likely would have ended very differently for the offenders if they had woken her up. "I'll have to summon a hell of a cleaning crew to get this fixed up. Hm... and they're probably still exhausted from the last explosion I set off..." Her voice faded on the last part while she brought a finger to her chin to think. "This couldn't be the only place that's ruined, right?" The oni turned to her companion with a childishly curious gleam in her eye. The part of her that loved chaos was conflicted.

darkborn darkborn
interaction: holyman1998 holyman1998
sarcove remained quiet for a little while just wrapping around yumi who seemed to have taken everything badly..
after all repairing all of this would be expensive, and now the poor neko had start crying sarcove shifting his torso so he could properly hug Yumi, who spoke between bouts of crying about how she wouldn’t be able to pay for her apartment rent “hey... I’m sure we can work something out” sarcove replied trying to sound comforting. However the neko did soon offer her own suggestion and... well was looking adorable... “sure you can stay with me. for a while.. I’m not sure about the loan though... oh.. before you ask yeah your roommate can come along too... but my place is a bit messed up as well...” he replied hugging the Yumi tighter his coils squishing her a little bit too.
The golem stood stock-still in front of his ruined restaurant, unmoving as he took in the damage. His hands clenched into fists at his sides, nails digging into the false skin of his palms, but there wasn't any sign of his inner turmoil outside of this. Taking a deep breath, he stepped through the battered front doors. The interior, fortunately, was left untouched, but he'd still have to close the establishment. Muttering a curse under his breath, he whipped out his phone and made a few calls to both the police to report the incident and a couple different construction companies.

Zexian would have to give his employees a paid leave, at least until repairs were completed. It didn't seem fair to deduct their salary for something that was out of their control, after all. Besides, with how far technology had progressed compared to hundreds of years ago, it shouldn't take too long to get done. Keeping that in mind, he was then overcome with the realization that he wouldn't have much to do for the next few days.

Managing the restaurant took up much of his time, you see, and his life outside of that wasn't exactly... noteworthy. Aside from a select few, he didn't really interact with any of the townsfolk either. That being said, he wasn't one to look on the downside of things. He's sure he'll find something to do in his spare time.

Alexandre visibly flinched when Neela practically threw herself at him. Thankfully, he managed to catch her, though he stumbled back a few steps. Be careful of the minefield... Ugh. Why did Neela have to sound so... endearing to him? He answered her replies with flushed cheeks: "You're a little bit taller since you last came, aren't you?" "You haven't come to visit me in ages." "N-no. It's only been four months since I last visited! Remember, I-I was visiting the town because Eidelon Co. offered me a spot there, a-and you insisted that I come visit you! And then you had the gall to tell me I had to visit you again!" Of course, Alexandre didn't have to keep the promise and not come here... b-but he kept his promises!

And then came the interrogation of the shop. If that wasn't embarrassing, Alexandre wasn't alive. And the worst part was, he really couldn't open his mouth, what with the fact that Neela was nose-to-nose with him. Then, she backed off. She muttered a couple of things to herself. Then, when she turned to Alexandre again, she had...quite a disturbing gleam in her eyes. "This couldn't be the only place that's ruined, right?"

"Unfortunately, I think the entire town was vandalized. It seems to have shaken all of the poor townspeople." Alexandre responded. Then, he frowned, a suspicious look coming over him. "You're not planning anything that exploits this, are you, senpai? I'm fairly certain the people have enough of a mess to clean up now. As do you." At that, he gestured to the shop itself.

Would he help? Of course. ...I-it wasn't because he actually cared or anything. It was what a decent human being would do. He would probably make it more of a disaster, but... Neela needed help.
Sachiko the Fox Spirit

Sachiko had taken her time getting up, after all she didn't have an urgent need for money. Sure tourist were starting to make their way to the small town, wanting to see the place before the festival, but Sachiko honestly didn't care. As a fox spirit she really had no need for money the only real reason she had her store was to have a little fun with the humans. Even though she felt this way, Sachiko was fuming at the site of her store. Who dared to vandalize her place. She heard the howls in the distance and knew the werewolves were doing their job. Despite them being half human she did admit they were useful.

Sachiko was just standing in front of her store, her fox ears flickered, listening to see if there was movement inside. Once she heard none she left the sign on 'CLOSED' and left. The werewolves would take care of it. She started over to the direction of her dear golem friend's restaurant. The poor thing probably had it worse than her. After all she didn't care about her store. She could easily replace everything there. When she got to Zexian's restaurant she let out a low whistle. It looked bad. "Seems like they hit everyone in town." The fox spirit said as she entered the establishment. "At least the inside is untouched."

Ineptitude Ineptitude
Thalia Glass
Thalia fixed up her uniform, patted off the dust that was there. The uniform looked slightly awkward since it wasn't hers. She was just helping the pack with the investigation. This belonged to one of the other female members that was a little bit taller than her. Thalia let out a long sigh, this was going to be a long day. She was hoping to get away from the paper work while on her break but she was terribly wrong. Thalia decided to enter the first store that was along her route. She inwardly groaned for it belonged to the Oni. Someone who she has heard stories of from her father. She tended to blow things up on multiple occasions. Thalia knocked on the door before entering the store. "Hello, I'm Sergeant Thalia Glass with the SPD (Sundenburg Police Department). I've come to take invoice of the damage done to your store. Or at leas the abnormal damage." She muttered the last part. When Thalia walked in she was not expecting there to be a second person. He looked human, smelled human too.

Interactions: queanbean queanbean darkborn darkborn
"No no no no no." She shook her head, humming as she sort of tip-toed around the shop. "As much as it may surprise you, Alexandre, I care about some people in this town. There's sweet little Yumi and Maria and Sarcove..." She paused and her eyes slowly widened. "Ah-!" Neela spun around. "Oh noooo!" She gasped. "If the whole town has been all messed up poor little Yumi and Maria are going to be devastated..." She groaned and leaned against a wall, hiding her face.

For just a moment the girl looked like she could cry, but then she whirled around, eyes bright again. "I should check on them, mhm." She was just about to turn around to leave when an unfamiliar voice entered in.

"Hello, I'm Sergeant Thalia Glass with the SPD (Sundenburg Police Department). I've come to take invoice of the damage done to your store."

This was certainly a surprise to Neela. The police stopped showing up after the - she counted on her fingers and seemed relatively deep in thought - seventh time they were called. The small woman turns to her and tips her head. "Well, whoever did it certainly did a number." She nods, then looked her over and stepped closer. "Do you... know who did it?" There was something devilish in her eyes and an unsettling smile on her face as she leaned forward.

darkborn darkborn Ch3rryBlossom28 Ch3rryBlossom28
"Ah... Sachiko," Zexian greeted with a nod, onyx eyes glancing in her direction. He gave her a wry smile, "You as well, huh?"

The golem took off his hat, running fingers through his artificial hair as he let out a sigh. It appears that everyone's establishments had been vandalized. That, in and of itself, wasn't strange, but to happen at the same time and all in one night? Regardless, he's sure that there's already people looking into it. The most important part right now is damage control. The fact that this incident took place at all is already costing the restaurant hundreds in losses, and if there was one thing that Zexian was known for, it was his greed.

"This whole thing," he began, gesturing vaguely towards the exterior, "is a setback, but fortunately enough it's nothing that would keep us shut down for long."

Ch3rryBlossom28 Ch3rryBlossom28
Haroun slept easy in his apartment above the parlor and woke up to the sound of the alarm. Getting out of bed was always a struggle for the jackal, he still hadn't gotten used to the cold and often times he dreamed of the colors of his home and the homes in the ancestral memories he had inherited. With a sigh he got up, making his bed behind him. No sounds drifted up from the downstairs and there were no messages for him on his desk phone or in his mailbox, physical and electronic.

It was a source of relief for him. He took great pride in what he did and his upbringing and the time spent with his Am Mustafa, Uncle Mustafa, taught him that these things should be done as swiftly as possible. He wasn't expecting anyone to come in today so he could afford to dress a little more casually, somber black denim trousers, a black collared shirt left open at the top and a black bomber jacket; the horned headress stayed in its place. He checked his appearance in the mirror, picking a scrap of meat from his teeth. Just because he wasn't expecting anyone today didn't mean that things could happen unexpectedly.

The jackal froze once his foot reached the floor of the parlor. The place was a mess. The furniture was all over the place and windows were broken everywhere. Empty cans and scraps of junk food littered the parlor floor and in the middle of the main sitting area were the ashes of a small fire. A frustrated bark burst from his lungs.

He frowned at himself, that bark was something he was still trying to keep under control. He left the main floor of the parlor and went to the "operating room" down in the basement. The first part that contained his office and a few of the more "normal" parts of the business were ransacked, broken chairs, tipped over bookshelves and tables with footprints all over them. The main part of the basement was left untouched.

Haroun sighed in relief. The cold of steel and the ceramic tiles must have scared the vandals off. Unfortunately not before the vandals tore his supply closets apart and scattered all of their contents over the floor but it didn't matter. Those things could be replaced. The jackal tidied up the worst part of the destruction and got a better feel for what he would have to replace. He placed an order for some of the things online and chose the rushed delivery option, the rest he would have to pick up from town.

Outside of the funeral parlor the porch was a little worse for wear and certain choice phrases were painted across the front. Haroun didn't know whether to laugh or get angry at the words "Son of a bitch". The driveway was left unscathed outside of that and they seemed to have missed the small garage in the dark of the night. The hearse was in perfect condition and his motorbike was just as he left it.

His motorbike was a rather small and fairly old thing, what they would call a baby Honda where he's from. Whether it was a Honda or not didn't matter, it was still a baby Honda. It sputtered to life and Haroun made a note to get it checked up at some point. He rode into town, slowing down to see just what happened to the rest of the stores.

Haroun stopped his bike in front of Neela's store. A frown covered his face when he saw that it looked like the rest of the Town. He pulled his weight off the bike and flicked the kickstand out and turned the front wheel to the side with one well practiced move. The bike managed to lean over further and further every time he took it for a ride. Yet another thing for him to fix.

"Good morning, Neela. Sergeant. And I don't believe I've met you before good day to you too." The jackal's tone was a bit more defeated than normal. His shoulders hunched over as if he was carrying something too heavy for him. He smiled at Thalia, nodded to the Sergeant and racked his brains as he tried to place Alexandre. "I'm sorry to interrupt all this but I have something to ask from Neela. Whoever did all this managed to get into my basement and trashed my supply closest. Do you have some of the usual supplies I pick up every month? If someone comes in I won't be able to help them and I really don't like that."

Mentions: queanbean queanbean Ch3rryBlossom28 Ch3rryBlossom28 darkborn darkborn
Thalia Glass

Thalia honestly wanted nothing more than to be home right now. She couldn't believe her father dragged out to take tally on damages. Though this would be her life soon enough. Once her father retired (or died) she would take over and she would have to do this often. Pulling out a small note book and pen Thalia began taking notes of the damage. She knew that there was some legit damage done even if the shop was normally a wreck. Thalia took a step away from Neela when she got closer to her. "We have an idea of who might of done it but unfortunately that is pack business. The culprit will be dealt with. Swiftly." The iris of Thalia's eyes started to swirl, a mix of her natural blue and a golden color. The thought of their neighboring pack always made her upset. They had been very difficult over the years but when her father finally put his hand down on them they had stayed back for a while. Guess they decided they laid low long enough.

Thalia's eyes flickered towards the door when she heard it open. She always had to catch herself whenever she saw the jackal, she didn't know why though. From the sound of his voice it seem he had been hit as well. This was confirmed when he asked for some supplies from the Oni. Thalia scribbled down some more notes. "I'm really sorry for all the damage that has been caused. We will make sure everyone is compensated for the damages." Thalia put her notebook and pen away by this point her eyes had turned back to being fully crystal blue. "How does everyone look? I only saw some of the area." Two months before the festival and this happens. Thalia was grateful it didn't happen while there were many tourists in town but now she felt like they would need to up the security for the event. I could ask some of my Marine buddies. I'm sure they'd be happy to help.

Marius_Last Marius_Last queanbean queanbean
Sachiko the Fox Spirit

"Yes but at least I don't particularly care if my shop is open or not." Sachiko looked around his place as he talked. It was true, he wouldn't be shut down for long. The front would be easy to fix and the inside wasn't touched. "I'm sure you will be alright." Sachiko's tails waived around as she spoke, mostly showing that she was a bit bored. Honestly this town could be pretty boring, except during the festival. She couldn't wait for tourist to come for she loved tormenting them. Not that they fully knew what was happening. Honestly she would have left if she could but she was bound to her forest and shrine. "Shall we go check on how everyone else is doing? I'm sure our little werewolves are dealing with the culprits. In the mean time i can cast an illusion on your entrance if you'd like. Make it look like it isn't vandalized." Sachiko normally made her place look vandalized when she closed just so people would lose interest in trying. She forgot to last night for she had been....distracted. (food. she was distracted by food.)

Ineptitude Ineptitude
Alexandre Dominal
Location: Neela's shop

Well, if Neela didn't voice specific people, Alexandre would've thought that she was lying. As it was, it was obvious she took the time to know some people; maybe she wasn't quite the exploitative person he probably imagined her to normally be. Then again, it had been... How long ago had it been since he had worked with her? ...Was it before or after that time an anvil crushed the roof of his second car? Bah. Who cares. Because... it seemed as if he had also forgotten about Neela's abrupt, almost bi-polar attitude changes. Well, at least someone can have a happy outlook at this situation. And as Neela was about to go charging off to help these people-"Yumi," "Maria," and "Sarcove," wasn't it?- Alexandre opened his mouth to at least prep her. He was all about helping them, but, seriously. Going in unprepared was like asking to be near-useless. At least, it was in Alexandre's opinion.

But before Alexandre could chastise Neela, the police..woman? Is that what you call a female member of the police force?- walked in, Alexandre's raised an eyebrow, though he still couldn't help but be appreciative. At least the police were, well... helping. Though, basing off of the woman's small add-on, this state of chaos was actually kind of... normal. He couldn't help but glare at Neela. "S-senpai.." Already, Alexandre was reddening at the unexpected slip of the word, but it was too late to change it. Best forge on. "What did I tell you about keeping a clean work space?" Alexandre was aghast. And his face showed it as well. How many times was it drilled into his head that neatness was a virtue? Neela's question to the Police made him wince internally for the idiots who vandalized the place. But only for a moment; when he looked around the wrecked place, albeit with a somewhat more..informed..view, he still thought that whoever did this needed to repay the town.

..But apparently he would never find out. Pack Business? What did that mean..? Then came the... mix of her golden eyes. Oh. A Therianthrope. Well, that was a surprise, though, in hindsight, it made sense.. But enough about that, as...

ANOTHER person entered the shop. ...Alexandre was already shrinking inside himself. But he would be polite and return the introduction. Even if it was a little.... mumbled. But he said it clear enough... hopefully. He then sighed at the Jackal's- for what else could he be, based off of his appearance?- request. "Y'see, Neela... this is why we can't go rushing off quite yet. Now, do you have a list of what you give him? I kind of doubt that I'll be able to find it in this mess..." At this point, he stopped and glared for a moment at Neela, before resuming: "But, I guess since you'll be busy invoicing the damages, and seeing just how bad it is, it's only right that I deal with the supplies." Why was he helping Neela? She was annoying! LOOK AT THE MESS OF HER SHOP, for heaven's sake! ...It was so he could find a reason to convince Neela to clean up. Yeah. That's why. And he was convincing Neela to clean up because he hated messiness. That was the reason. Most definitely not because he thought that Neela would like the help, and he was a friend. Why did the word "friend" even come up? SHUT UP, BRAIN!
Interacts: Ch3rryBlossom28 Ch3rryBlossom28 , Marius_Last Marius_Last , queanbean queanbean Mentions: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 , holyman1998 holyman1998 , ArchAngelLexi ArchAngelLexi
Neela studied the expression on the wolfish woman for a few moments longer before settling back on her heels and releasing a disappointed sigh flush from her lips. Of course they wouldn't have told her anyway. The last time somebody crossed the little oni it didn't go... particularly well for everyone else and may have involved the release of a particularly angry class of shadow. Pack business however, stirred her interest. What captured her interest more was the sudden appearance of her regular.

"Hauron, they got you too? All the way in the basement...?" She whined and set her chin into her palm. "I'm really not all sure what survived this mess but I'll see what I have for you..." Neela turned to Alexandre and cocked her head to the side. "Well, if you'd like to help can you go in the back and see if there's embalming liquid left?" She listed off a few other strange-sounding elixers and alcohols. "I'm just going to have my cleanup crew come by tonight but I'll likely have to go out to collect some ingredients. Especially if Maria got hit." Neela bites her finger and then throws her arms to her side, lips pursing.

"Ahh! I need a drink. It's too bright n' early for all this." Once again, the little woman looked as though she could cry. "Alexandre~?" She cooed weakly, "While you're back there... could you get me a bottle of wine?" Her eyes were lidded and dark - sort of like a deadly kitten.

Yes, exactly. In the mean time, she turned back to the other two guests, first addressing the police woman. "If you see Maria and Yumi, could you tell them Neela will check on them later? A-and that she will give them a hug and a kiss and maybe send her cleaning crew to help?" Her expression seemed sincere, which was rare for her apparently. Her next order of attention was to the tall anubis in her doorway. She waltzed over and looked up. "If I'm all out of what you need I can get them to you soon or order them in." She blinked. "If you've got any hairs, eyes, or organs to spare I would really appreciate it." Such vulgar words spilling from such sweet lips. "Until I get more ingredients I can't do very much. If you would like some company in the meantime..." She looked over her shoulder at the trash-spattered lounge and then back at him with a carefree grin, "Feel free to stick around."

Marius_Last Marius_Last darkborn darkborn Ch3rryBlossom28 Ch3rryBlossom28
"Would you now?" Zexian visibly perked up, looking pleasantly surprised by the offer. "That would be very much appreciated."

The golem let his guard relax in the presence of a friend. Not down, Zexian's guard was never down, especially now that this incident had occurred. To care and protect, that had always been his base function. Seeing the damaged state of his restaurant very nearly threw his programs into a frenzied state. The other's suggestion to check on the others made for a very tempting idea at this point. He mulled over it for a while in his head before eventually giving in; his schedule had been cleared out in light of the attack anyway.

"Who to visit first, then?" He questioned, turning the sign on the door to "CLOSED".

Ch3rryBlossom28 Ch3rryBlossom28
Haroun knew what he looked like and he was aware of the effect he had on people. It irked him sometimes but he couldn't and didn't blame anyone. He was the town undertaker. Not to mention the fact that he had the snout and teeth of an animal. "Thank you, Sergeant," Haroun said with a nod of his head. "If the police force needs any help don't hesitate to ask. I'm always glad to help anyone who asks."

"I don't know how but they made it all the way down there." He turned to the little oni. "They didn't get too far in thankfully. I think the place scared them." Haroun shifted his weight from one foot to the other, running through the work he still had to complete. "Hair is no problem. Eyes and organs tend to be a bit harder to find but you're in luck with the eyes. Well, eye singular. Latest case that can spare one had a glass eye. Organs, maybe a day or two depending on if I get any organ donors."

All this was said simply and matter a factly. He dealt with death and corpses so often that he saw these things differently. There was a moment or two when he first started when he felt like a butcher, dividing and weighing and sending to different places. Now, he felt nothing. Or close to nothing. "I can stay for a little bit. I don't have anything urgent to get to. The parlor needs to be cleaned and set in order but it can wait a little." He peered over her towards the lounge, and decided to stay with the alchemist instead of waiting back there.

queanbean queanbean Ch3rryBlossom28 Ch3rryBlossom28
Today seemed to have a nice start to it like most for Wildr but this time was different. As the man sipped a cup of coffee in his boxer briefs he got a call from the pack leader, the person who was basically his father after being taken in by Thalia and the pack. He answered the phone without hesitation assuming something bad had happened since getting a call from him was a rare occurrence. The call ended quickly, the order was to help Thalia collect notes on some vandalisms across the majority of the town, from what he could already gather it was probably the Dark Haven wolf pack. It had been a while since they had any issues with them but it seemed like they could have been finally acting out from all that time of being kept in check. Wildr quickly got dressed and went on his way to Thalia’s location. Upon driving through the town, it was clear that all of the shops were hit up, he gave a sigh as he pulled up and got out at where Thalia’s father said he last left her and their she was in the Pharmacy talking to a group of 3 of which he had to assume had their shops ravaged along with the rest of this town. They needed to take care of the Dark Haven…before they went farther than just demolishing shops like they did so long ago. “Sergeant, your father sent me to assist you. Seems like we may have to put some people back in their place again huh? It’s a shame that people just never learn.” He then looked to the others. “Sorry this all happened to you, this will be handled as soon as possible.” Wildr then turned back to Thalia. “How much left do you have to report?”

Interacting: Ch3rryBlossom28 Ch3rryBlossom28 (Thalia), queanbean queanbean (Neela), Marius_Last Marius_Last (Jackal), darkborn darkborn
vree's day wasn't going the best... finding his home and cafe in total ruins wasn't at all good... what could have even happened? did some Beast show up out of nowhere and wreck the place? no, it couldn't have been why would it paint anything? it didn't make any sense it had to be vandal.. walking down main street, vree saw that his place wasn't the only one hit practically every single building had been hit where were the cops in all of this what the heck had the mayor done about this... oh well vree couldn't really complain too much they were probably doing their best and by the looks of it, there was way to much stuff for them to deal with. it seemed that there was a rather big gather around neela's store. while he didn't exactly like going near the tiny oni... (the girl had tried to eat him once) it seemed that it would be the best place to go to get some answers "umm... hey... guys? seems like the whole towns been wreaked... ya guys got any clues on what happened or anything? was thinking it might have been a hydra or some other beast.... but like do they paint? I'm not sure?" he asked casually as he entered the destroyed store keeping a close eye on neela... just in case.

No modeling shoots were going on for a while so Danny just thought of getting a good walk around town a try after not really getting a chance to get a good exercise since his presence was needed at almost every company wanting him to promote their products. He went over to get his tracksuit on and began his job with a nice smile on his face as the sun seemed to lighten up his day but…that soon changed once the town he was living in was beginning to look like a wasteland as he came across each building. “What in the world is going on here?…” He continued to look around and it made him wonder about Sarcove and that Banshee he had met. “Hope they are okay…” He said to himself, he decided on checking on the Banshee, she wasn’t too far from where he stayed and well frankly his cry for attention always seemed to be wailing away. Speaking of wailing away that sounded like her! A cry came from the Flower shop making him pick up the pace, as he burst through the establishments doors he could see dirt thrown about everywhere, flowers dangling like dead bodies from a horror movie, and of course, the owner herself falling into a depression from having to clean up the thing that was most dear to her…maybe he could try and cheer her up? He wasn’t too sure how but the least he could do was try. Danny spoke up. “Hey…you alright? I heard your cry from down the street. here let me help you clean…it seems you weren’t the only one whose shop was ransacked.” He grabbed another nearby broom and helped her sweep causing the task to be over fairly quickly, there were still flowers hanging around though. Danny decided on giving her a hug to cheer her up hopefully. “Feeling any better? Your name was Maria, wasn’t it? We met when I first moved here.” He clearly liked this girl from the last time they met but he didn’t have too much of a reason to talk to her up until now…maybe this was some sort of sign for him to make his move but he figured trying to be a friend, for now, would work.

Interaction: ArchAngelLexi ArchAngelLexi (Maria)

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