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Fantasy Monster Love (NPC's)



~Vibing along the cosmos~


  • 1019bfe7588ffe90dc082d13bfee44ea.jpgc1c254b243d8afd0f6e2560ca55f0853.jpg(Note: She actually has tan skin)

    Name: Hazel Chiodos

    Species: Light Witch

    Age: Looks 23, Actual age is 337 years old

    Gender: Female

    Weight: 110Ibs (chubby)

    Height: 5'5



    With permission from the counsel of magic, Hazel started her own school using her home as an academy and shelter for monsters. Then she learned college students also require room and board so she came up with an idea to also provide shelter.

    Her second occupation is being a caretaker to the magical beings. She also rescues, heals and tends to their needs of survival knowing just how hard it is to be home stuck for protection. She is also in charge of their education all of which is required for survival.

    Power: Light manipulation


    Light Manipulation-
    Just as it says, Hazel is able to manipulate light in any way she pleases often enhancing them with the help of magic

    Light nowadays can mean more than one thing beside it's physical form. It not only allows her to manipulate light but it can also clear someone's mind , soothe them like a lullaby and even awaken other's true potential/ ability often used as a helping hand. Her ability has helped her clients immensely because of it. As a result of activating her powers, her eyes tend to glow a radiant color:

    Personality: Hazel is a nurturing being with a heart of gold. Although she is filled with plenty of sugar, there is no chance of anyone ever messing with her. Castiel being a ruthless fighter taught her to fight on instinct causing her to harness her powers and practice every day with training to keep up for emergencies. She often demonstrates her authority to her peers, because although everyone lives under one roof, the fact remains everyone is a beast waiting to dominate the strongest.

    Background: Hazel Chiodos was born into a magical family with various species like vampires, zombies, elves as aunts and uncles . Her mother a witch named Liara and father werewolf named Trinity. Alas she has inherited only her mother's witch genetics, but has some wolf features such as being able to have night vision, good sense of hearing and smell. Her birth is an example of hope to the endangered species, but before it was a forbidden birth causing her mother's coven to outcast her for tainting her status. Sometime after their banishment, witch trials began at the age of ten for Hazel. Her mother's sacrifice was an example of how cruel humans can be, just because they were afraid. This lead a young Hazel to go into hiding deep into the woods where she learned to hunt and survive on her own. Her father had already been slaughtered by the coven and spared Hazel and her mother. After a hundred years of adaption, Hazel decided to visit civilization and face her fears. Somewhere among the city she found an injured, rampaging werewolf pup named, "Castiel". Her quick intentions lead her to help this pup after hearing his story about his parents also being slaughtered causing him to snap and hunt down the hunters. Her experience in raising the pup helped her realize what she wished to do with her life. This began her commitment to saving the endangered one and create a haven for them.

    After Castiel's help in creating such a haven, he departed for his own adventure knowing Hazel would be able to succeed with the promise of returning to her one day.
    Sometime later, she fell in love to a hunter named "Vincent" unaware of his status until they both revealed their secrets. Castiel opposed being protective of his 'mother' causing unnecessary conflict which in time came to a mutual understanding. It's been seven years since their marriage, and protecting monsters has always been their top priority.

    Weakness: Whatever a mortal is weak to she still has the body of a human.

    -loss of power through incantation causes her to decay returning to her original age

    -silver (because although she is a witch she still holds weakness of a werewolf)

    -Dark magic

    -other magic




    -Speaks and understands the language of beasts

    -harmonize (the basics of being a good witch is being able to comprehend animals/ beasts to create contracts)

    Mate: Vincent Chiodos

    Other: Hazel is usually found reading books, sewing puppets which look dangerously like the people whom live in the manor as a collection of the family, in the garden tending to her plantation or simply checking up on her family

    Castiel is her adopted son as is Nathanel


Appearance:View attachment 560689

Name: varr


Age: 14


Power: slime..

Abilities: varrs body is a great cleaning product leaving most surfaces with a ocean scent once it goes over them also it’s capable of eating trash

Job:school janitor

Personality: varr doesn’t say much it just slides around keeping the place clean, it does seem happy enough with its job though so that’s good, and will take time out of its day to just listen to what people might wanna get of there chest spains nice talking to something they think can’t speak is better?

Background: varr kinda just showed up one day around the collage there where attempts to get rid of it since it could distract everyone but, after the realisation that it was cleaning the place, it was just left to do its own thing

Weakness: could weather

strength: eating trash cleaning floors

Other: is a NPC

appearance:View attachment 551133
just remove the sword and have him wear a suit


species: ex-demon lord/ demon wraith

age: very very very old like seriously...

gender: N/A masculine appearance

height: 10,5 foot


caretaker: specifically for his "son" telith, and other when the need demands it

power: demon wraith

ghost wraith: being a demon wraith has its little advantages, such as the ability to selectively appear visible to people, of course if he wants to physically interact with the world he must become fully tangible thus visible to all

possession: while the name is misleading galith is able to "possess" a person while he can't actually do much, it basically just paralyzes them with a confusing wave of memories form galiths past, and also makes them rather tired,

personality: galith is old very old, he in fact act a bit like a old man in some ways, always have a somber and slightly mournful tone to everything he does, when he does talk it always come from a position of great wisdom or so it may seem, clearly he's seen his fair share of things is all, and tend to talk down to people but not in an aggressive way more like a father would talk to their children in a sense.

background: galith history is a long one, but we shall move to more recent times, his true body long destroyed he serves as the guardian of the weavers teliths family line of dragons, why is up for debate, anyhow since teliths parents disappearance, hes been the kids father, although he calls himself a "uncle" lending some credibility to certain legends , in even more recent times he's been encouraging telith to branch out form there solitary existence taking up a position as a caretaker at hazels collage, mainly to watch over his "son".


he can't exactly do much to interact with reality unless he becomes corporeal then well he can

is slight overprotective of telith and become partially brash when his "son" is in danger

very powerful holy symbols,


doesn't have to show where he is if he doesn't what to

when corporeal, he has a commanding presence

rather strong

other: as said above he is a npc/caretaker, like to lurk around...alot

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