Local-super-mega-Potassium-cyborg Ninja!
"Welcome My fellow Hunters!So i have seen you have Hunted LOTS of monster...But you are not done yet,Now we are Going on a WORLD TOUR around the world,hunting the most Exotic Monster we can Finde,From *Coughstupiedcough* Great Jaggi to a evil Deviljoe!...But we are hunting MORE than that...we are Hunting new monsters you have never seen before!....and if you think the Deviljoe is Strong...Hehehe...You are Right,But anyway...pack your Mega Potions and Shock Traps because we are going to the other side of the world!"
This is a Monster Hunter Base RP,were our fellow Hunters would Travel to the Other side of the world and meet new monsters along with there Classi Buddies like the Tigrex!,Hunters would start in a Village (...i dont know why you say this happens alot) Or maybe they would be left at a Island were they will Survive and Built there own Village! Lots and many ways to start this off but as i have plan,Crafting,Currency and aswell Item usage would play along this RP,aswell each area hunters are place in will have (Duh) 10 Zones like always and aswell each differet and detaild.
But Dont worry its not gona be all Hunting as there is gona be passive so all Hunters could Interact and have fun...Heck i might even (Try) make some monster tamable and let RP,ers play as them but im still planing,If you have not ever playd Monster hunter it dosent mean you cant join....it would make your adventures much more a Mysterie so all are free to join.
In short this is a RP were Hunters would go to the other side of the world and Hunt down new Monsters,with insane wepons Like a large Switch axe or a Mighty Gun Lance.
so i just put this here to see if anybody is interested befor i make long details and start making up Monsters,..so anybody interested in a MH base RP?