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Fandom Monster Hunter: Voyage (Character Sheets)



The Eight-Legged Norse Horse
In a world full of monsters, wyverns, and dragons of all types, roaming the wilds, safety can be found nearly exclusively inside the walls and gates of villages, strongholds, and even the occasional city, scattered across the continent. Behind their walls, mankind can find refuge from the beasts which stalk the world beyond, across tundras, oceans, forests, swamps, and deserts. Few are brave enough to push through the wilderness beyond -- traders peddling goods from one village to the next, mail carriers delivering messages from one guildmaster to another, vagabonds hunting for work or a home... and of course, the hunters who slay massive beasts to ensure save passage for the rest.
For a few years now, there has been peace throughout most of the continent, as calamity after calamity has been curbed by brave hunters. And, beyond the normal quarrels with the average monster, things have been quiet.
Rumors of sightings of dragons have taken hold in some of the larger cities. Large and more dangerous wyverns have cast their shadows across high mountains, and tales of elder dragons and Nergigante, dragon-eaters, have begun circulating. Even so, there hasn't been a reliable sighting of the worst of such creatures just yet... only rumors and fears. Some settlements, especially larger ones, have been plagued by more frequent attacks, more monster sightings, and more trouble, all with no clear cause. Word across the roads and between villages has been that these attacks have felt targeted. Occasionally large wyverns and higher-threat monsters have been found dead by hunters riding out into the wilds, with their killer nowhere to be seen, leaving rumors, speculation, and mystery in their wake.
What's killing these monsters? What's causing these attacks? Why are they targeting these towns and cities in particular? There are questions to be answered, and surely some dangerous threat to be dispatched at the end of the trail. Will your weapon be lent to the journey to find out?

I kinda forgot this part... Oops! Nothing too crazy or unexpected here...
--Be courteous OOC and, unless there's some communication OOC, relatively good in-character too!
--This is a beginner friendly space!
--Feel free to discuss ideas for towns, villages, areas, etc. in the OOC; I'd love to build our world together

Character Form
You may use this one, or a similar one! Whatever suits you.



Skills/Weapon Preferences:

Relevant Background:
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Name: "Timber"
Age: Twenty-five
Gender/Pronouns: Non-binary; They/them


Timber's somewhat on the short side, standing at 5'6" (167 cm). They have decently tan, pink-toned skin, with a fairly unimpressive and thin frame , though they clearly still maintain a healthy amount of wiry muscle. After all -- they have to swing that axe around somehow, and that won't happen with just skin and bones. They keep their yellow-blonde hair short. It's thick and straight, with no curl pattern to be seen beyond the occasional cowlick. On one side of their face, their bangs do little to hide three claw marks scarred into one eyebrow and their temple over their right eye. Timber doesn't seem to mind it much -- not enough to make an effort to hide the scars, anyway. The beast narrowly missed their big, painfully puppy-ish dark brown eyes, sit into a soft, youthful face. Timber has a strong jawline and chin, and despite having ample access to it, wears little to no makeup, perhaps owing to their attempts to appear androgynous. Centered on their left shoulder, and arching across the back of their neck and their upper arm, they have distinct, white lightning scars from a bad encounter with another monster -- a much more shocking one. Based on the placement, though the scars are often hard to see, it appears Timber took the blow while attempting to run, rather than fight.
Timber's favorite sets of armor and clothing change with the environment they're in -- in particularly densely-vegetated areas, or places with too much water, they tend to wear pukei-pukei gear, with a metal chest plate and leather waist wear, belts, and thigh guards, though that, much like any cold-weather gear they may carry, is for limited circumstances. In the average forest, desert, plains, or towns, they're more likely to wear wroggi gear -- a foreign-styled set with a shawl, vest, and riding chaps with a wide-brimmed hat. It's their favorite set, though when they're lounging in a hostel, hotel, or at home, Timber may be more likely to wear something more casual and not fit for monster slaying.

Personality: Timber is, to say the least... somewhat singular. They're quiet when you first meet them, and may be prone to something of a lack of self-esteem in social situations, which causes them to keep to theirself more often than not. However, they do love people, and if not for the fact that they're somewhat shy, could easily be considered an extrovert. They're a little oblivious, failing to catch many social cues or secondary meanings to the things people say, and dislike eye contact, but have an affinity for physical touch. Timber considers theirself more of a scientist than a true monster hunter, though they do slay monsters -- they like watching them, learning their behaviors, and more than any of that, love digging in any old ruin they can find to learn about the old civilizations, prior to the bouts of destruction brought on by elder dragons in the past. They're always writing notes about it in their journal, alongside their artistic expressions and paintings of landscapes or highly stylized monsters (And, occasionally, people).

Skills/Weapon Preferences: A switch-axe user. Timber also has an affinity for cooking, and loves figuring out how to make monsters taste good.

Relevant Background: Timber was born and raised in a fairly large settlement in the plains. They don't remember their parents all that well, admittedly; they know very little beyond the fact that their mother was a highly skilled and admired hunter in the guild and was sent after a monster that, ultimately, beat her. They don't actually know where their father went -- they just remember growing up in the town hall, an urchin permitted to live and shelter in the library as well as one home or another. They never struggled much; their village took good care of them, and over time began studying what history they could. They were an adult before they even entertained the idea of becoming a hunter, following conflicts elsewhere with fearsome beasts.
Upon hearing rumors and stories of something new brewing, and amid the worry that monsters were attacking some areas repeatedly, they joined the hunter's guild, and struck out to begin searching for an answer to the attacks and congregations of wyverns.
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Name: Daisuke Ito
Age: 23
Gender/Pronouns: Male, he/him


Personality: Daisuke is an easy-going hunter with a workaholic streak, always working to help his village. Even if it is a simple "Gather these 5 specific herbs for me" he will do it without much complaint. He is dramatic, often exaggerating small problems out of proportion, yet minimizing larger more serious ones through determination to succeed.

Skills/Weapon Preferences: switch axe

Relevant Background:He grew up being raised by his village after his parents, a human hunter named Katsuo and a Wyverian field researcher name Emiko, left the village for a hunt and never returned, presumed dead. With the legacy of his parents still fresh in his mind, he began his hunter training at the age of 10 to carry on their memory.

He failed his first real hunt, losing his left eye to a Great Izuchi. But still, he bounced back determined to succeed. He then moved on to become the Flame of Kamura and met his roommate and partner, Doe. He has defeated magnamalo and the elder dragons responsible for the Rampage.

After hearing about what was going on with all of the monsters, he quickly rose to the challenge and joined the effort to resolve the issue.

Other: is half wyverian! Warm blooded tho.
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Name: Nanashi "Doe" no Gonbei
Age: 26 (wyverian years)
Gender/Pronouns: Transmasc (He/Him)
Personality: Doe is a very friendly individual, he is always very warm and welcoming to anyone who talks to him. Hes very polite and is viewed as a very genuine and honest man. He is very empathetic and will always go out of his way to help others in need, though his kindness is easy to take advantage of. Doe can be a bit of a pushover as he hates the idea of disappointing the people around him. This perfectionist mindset also causes him to overthink small details and stress himself out way more than necessary. It also leads to a lot of overexertion as he will neglect his own needs as to not burden others. He is also somewhat socially awkward, his nervous nature often makes it difficult for him to communicate his thoughts with others. Though he means well, his social ineptness leads to him being somewhat of a loner.
Skills/Weapon Preferences:
Insect Glaive: Doe specializes in the use of the Insect Glaive, a highly mobile, long bladed weapon that allows the user to remain air borne during combat, often used in combination with a Kinsect which provides the owner with small buffs during combat. Doe's Kinsect is named Taiyaki!
Survival Skills: Doe spent the first several months of his life after his accident wandering in the wild, as a result he developed strong survival skills which allowed him to survive in the cruel wilderness.
Biology: Doe is very knowledgeable on most monster hunter wildlife, as its the primary focus of his job. He has a particular fascination with endemic flora and fauna. Doe enjoys growing plants and has a small garden at home he tends to in his free time.
Relevant Background:
Doe came from Hakum Village, located on a distant island and home to a league of Monster Riders. The tribe has kept isolated from the rest of the world until the Hunter's Guild made formal contact. As part of peace offering, the tribe sent a group of Monster Riders to the mainland to work for the Hunter's guild, Doe happening to be one of them. Unfortunately, while traveling through the mainland, the group was attacked by a monster and everyone was killed. Except Doe, who survived at the cost of his memories. He was shortly found by a Melynx bandit who was savaging the aftermath of the attack for food and supplies and chose to take pity on the rider. After Doe was nursed back to health, he and the Melynx decided to travel together to find civilization, they soon ended up in Kamura. With no where else to go, Doe decided to stay with Daisuke and help fight the Rampage plaguing the village. Shortly after defeating the elder dragons Ibushi and Narwa, they caught wind of the mysterious monster attacks and geared up to help solve the mystery behind them.
-Has some mild memory problems related to is amnesia, keeps a journal that keeps track of daily events, he has a separate, larger notebook for research purposes.
-Though he will eat meat, the concept makes him uncomfortable so he avoids it when he can
-Doe focuses primarily on catch and release for the monsters he hunts. He rarely kills his marks unless absolutely necessary for the monster's well-being or the well-being of people around him.
-Doe displays stronger wyvern traits than most wyverians (especially wyverians his age)
-Hes tall, and only going to grow taller with age
-He has bioluminecent scales around his face, shoulders and joint such as his knees and elbows, they look like freckles in daylight
-Doe is cold-blooded, he will become lethargic if stuck in low temperatures for too long
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Name: Harn Proulx
Age: 32
Gender/Pronouns: male he/him

-Missing his right arm just above the elbow

Personality: Normally calm and collected, Harn values grace and discipline both in combat and in his daily life. Though of late, he has been prone to sudden and often violent outbursts when he feels someone is threatening the ones he loves, or if he perceives them as acting unjustly.
Normally Harn is a gentle, compassionate man, a good listener and mediator.
He loves the hunt as much as anyone else, though he usually only takes on problem monsters that are threatening other people, he is known to help with research and seems to enjoy capture missions.
Typically he is slow to anger, yelling at him rarely works or provokes a response, and he’d much rather sit down and talk it out over tea or cider.

Skills/Weapon Preferences: As an adventurer and hunter Harn has picked up skills such as navigation and tracking, he prefers an insect glaive for the mobility it offers.

Relevant Background: Harn Proulx was once known as the sapphire star, the guiding light of the fifth fleet in the new world, he was a proud, successful hunter and widely respected.
Now the once shining star has fallen, after slaying Fatalis his life began to fall apart, losing his fiancé was a major breaking point and falling into conspiracies he should never have known of, which gained the attention of some less savory individuals.
He ran from the Guild Knights as long as he could before being captured and put on trial.
There was a battle, which the guild later called unjust and unprovoked, which marked Harn a fugitive.
Though it was not a public trial, and no one knows the true nature of what happened.
Name: Seejay
Age: 25
Gender/Pronouns: Male, he/him

Appearance: image0.jpeg
Seejay has mid length, light pink hair. The softness of his hair contrasts his sharp jaw and harsher features. His eyes are a brilliant teal that stand out against his tan skin. His clothes and outfits vary greatly, but he often wears a beaded necklace with a feather.

Seejay is very competitive, but his intelligence definitely comes in more…. Unique ways. He always means well, and never wants to see another creature suffer. He values fairness - almost to a detriment. He can be loud, but understands that there are times to listen as well. Seejay is happiest when he’s helping the people around him to be their best selves.
Seejay also is terrified of to too much responsibility. He is not a leader, he doesn’t want to be a leader. He is reliable in a group, though.

Skills/Weapon Preferences:
Seejay is big and strong and likes to show it off. Typically he’ll use a great-sword or an axe. He’s also fairly good with people, but more in a learned behavior sort of way than a natural charisma.

Relevant Background:
Seejay came from a wealthy family in a big city. They had high expectations and his whole life was spent struggling to conform to them. They wanted a son who was a scholar, an inventor, a brilliant mind. He really wanted to just… have fun: hone his body, fight, and play games with his palamute. Eventually, his father grew sick and the expectations that Seejay would take over the family business after he passed became too real. Once his father recovered, Seejay took his palamute and ran away.
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Name: Ginko
Age: 25
Gender/Pronouns: Cis-Male- He/Him



Due to being in a family of well-respected Hunters, Ginko has been raised to uphold the honor of his family as well as the Hunter's Guild. Although, that doesn't mean Ginko's life is bound to the Guild, he yet has a spirit of adventure laid bare across his chest and a fiery personality fit for an incredible Hunter. His ability to work with or without a team expresses his flexibility. Often, Ginko sees fit to lower rising tensions if two personalities clash; a voice of reason and logical aptitude. Despite being 25 winter's old, Ginko often leaves chance at the door and pursues whatever is lacking in his life. He knows what he wants out of life, out of a situation,or out of others. Ginko is a good friend to rely on. It is questionably easy to befriend him. Rarely if ever, will Ginko judge you on your past.

Skills/Weapon Preferences:
Money - Ginko is the best at getting your bang for your buck. He will often be the first to rush towards the market during a sale or when some expensive rare items come into port. You can rely on Ginko to keep party supplies stocked, replenished, and rotated. He will rarely let any shopkeep haggle him.

Gambling - A vice to Ginko, he is infatuated with gambling. Though his streak of luck isn't half bad, it is still a dangerous game to play. He picked this addiction up in Kamura.

Hunting Horn - Ginko is a master at the Hunting Horn, and is often his preferred weapon of choice. You can count on Ginko to make a HH first before any other weapon for himself, and otherwise when preparing for a hunt will observe the best element or ailment to use against said Monster and adapt.

Relevant Background:

Grandson to Snow - A renowned Hunter of Pokke Village
Son to both Brielle a Huntress of Bherna Village
and Zidane, a Hunter of the 5th Fleet of Astera
Ginko houses within his blood the fire and fame of a Hunter true, and with it comes the expecations of greatness. It is said his father had been there fighting the good fight during the Siege of the Red Dragon - To defeat Safi'Jiiva. Though his father is not want to mention it, that was obviously his hardest task ever as a Hunter, and quietly retired afterwards to Kamura village with Brielle and Ginko, their 11 year old son. Zidane asked of Master Utsushi train Ginko to be a Hunter among Kamura's folk. Though his history is not so exciting around this time- it is worth mentioning that Ginko felt an affinity towards the Hunting Horn when his training began and quickly gravitated towards it: now becoming his mainstay weapon.
Years down the line, as a young adult of 20 Ginko had decided to return to his roots and travel to Pokke Village in order to further his training with his Grandfather Snow. After 5 years of strenuous training to prove his Hunter reputation, Ginko felt his path had slowed to a halt, and yearned for adventure to call his name... His luck seemed to answer his prayers, as Ginko heard rumors of unusual happenings with the ecosystem. Quickly thereafter did Ginko rush onward in search of these unusual happenings, ready to aid new friends and forge new bonds along the way.
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Name: Lazarus Garcia
Age: 23
Gender/Pronouns: Transmasc (he/him)



Quite lean in build, similar to that of a swimmer. Angular, almost cat-like face, red/amber heterochromia, and a thick scar down the amber eye. Black spiky hair with two long braids down the front, little bit of a moustache at this age (not quite the full beard in the art, and obv no cat ears)

Personality: Self-assured and confident, but he can cross the line into cocky and brash very easily. Though he would prefer to keep to himself and isn't super outgoing, he'll offer assistance where he can. He doesn't let himself be vulnerable and open easily, as he would rather no one knows how badly he misses his family and wishes to gain close friends.

Skills/Weapon Preferences:
Excellent with scrimshaw, crafting durable tools and repurposing armour from monster remains.
He hates resorting to theft, but in his time away from home, he's become skilled with quick fingers and a light touch with no zenny to his name.
In addition to that, he's excellent at foraging food and materials from the brush. He's never slain a monster, he can't bear the thought of it, but shed scales and fur is fair game.
Gunlance user.

Relevant Background: Hailing from a tiny isolated village of riders, Lazarus has never really had contact with hunters prior to escaping the black blight that had destroyed the hidden village entirely. His own monstie, an elderly Pukei-Pukei that had been passed down from his father to him, was slain by the corrupted dragon in its rampage. He barely managed to steal away with an egg from the stables before it had finished laying waste to the area. Lazarus has no idea if anyone else survived, but knows he'll never be back to check. He'd barely finished his training a few weeks prior, and now he was alone with no monstie, no direction, and nothing but the armour on his back and the faint glow of the kinship stone on his wrist. Now, closer to the time this is set, he's hidden his kinship stone under his armour, and tucked the egg securely in a heavy pack stuffed full of underclothes, bones, fur and scales, and a few rations.

hope this is good ily all i'm big excite :3​
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