Monster Hunter: Of Beast and Men [WIP]

I've dying to make this Rp since ages. So I would appreciate it if you could send me some feedback. This will be a traditional and this is a WIP.


Hunting used to be an act of act to feed ourselves...but now, it is an act of merciless entertainment for it has become a bloody sport that make us no different than the beasts that roams out in the wild. Beast that hungers for blood and that sport is known as....GLADIATING.

This Rp will still retain MH qualities like classes, shops, hunts, community..but sadly not its signature warmth and cute nekos..since this will be a gritty dark Rp. What will be featured in this Rp is some of MH well known towns and villages and of course, A coliseum.

So, that's all I got. I be happy to read out your opinions.
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