monster high

Las noches veteran

The Gillian that peers into dreams









1. Respect other people

2. Atleast some literacy, no one liners please?

3. Don't OP your character, make him/her decent

4. It's a school for monsters. Don't just walk around and destroy thing.

5. don't attack unless they wanna fight (if villainous) if your a villain that enjoys attacking behind then u have to ask me or kiro first
Name:Night Misuki



Race:Angel/Demon Hybrid


Skill:When in agel form water, when in demon form earth control

History:He was born from the parents of Gaara Misuki and Luna Midnight. His father split with his mother and Night went between the parents seeing them as he pleased. Staying with his father for some odd weeks then his mother for some odd weeks and so forth, when he turned to the age of 10 he decided that he wanted to be on his own and set out for a small adventure. As he moved on through his adventure he came across many things and practiced his powers he earned from the two of them. From his mothers side (Luna) He gained the power of controlling the element of water. From his father (Gaara) He gained the power of controlling the element earth. Night's hair is a bit odd. Night has an odd life and many brother and sisters yet he knows none of them. He knows a few of his family members, his favorite aunt is his aunt Shy, behind her is another aunt Squirt. and thats almost all he knows of his family the rest are almost blank to him.


Angel: He is very kind and takes everything he can in a good fashion. Respectful and things of that sort.

Demon:Very aggressive and angry towards others. Doesn't take anything lightly and enjoys causing trouble for others and his other side

Name:Night Misuki



Race:Angel/Demon Hybrid


Skill:When in agel form water, when in demon form earth control

History:He was born from the parents of Gaara Misuki and Luna Midnight. His father split with his mother and Night went between the parents seeing them as he pleased. Staying with his father for some odd weeks then his mother for some odd weeks and so forth, when he turned to the age of 10 he decided that he wanted to be on his own and set out for a small adventure. As he moved on through his adventure he came across many things and practiced his powers he earned from the two of them. From his mothers side (Luna) He gained the power of controlling the element of water. From his father (Gaara) He gained the power of controlling the element earth. Night's hair is a bit odd. Night has an odd life and many brother and sisters yet he knows none of them. He knows a few of his family members, his favorite aunt is his aunt Shy, behind her is another aunt Squirt. and thats almost all he knows of his family the rest are almost blank to him.


Angel: He is very kind and takes everything he can in a good fashion. Respectful and things of that sort.

Demon:Very aggressive and angry towards others. Doesn't take anything lightly and enjoys causing trouble for others and his other side
Name: Venenosa Serpens


Gender: female

Race: Wyvern

grade: 11th

Skill: shapeshifting, mind control, venomous bite

History: Venenosa is a dragon, and a rare breed at that. She is a Wyvern. Wyverns are snake like dragons that have only two limbs, giant wings, and a larged barbed tail. They are feared because as well as breathing fire, the wyvern's bite is more poisonous and deadly the any snake on earth. In their human state they cannot breath fire, however, they can delve into and control the mind of anyone the wish. Wyverns are cunning and daring. They are loyal to those they deem fit and a living nightmare the those they hate. Venenosa is know different. She grew up in a, "nest," or colony of others like herself, where she was told to hate other races and be untrusting of them in every way. Venenosa wanted to make her own opinions of other races for herself and so she applied for Monster High. She looks foward to meeting others unlike herself.


human state


Wyvern state:

cool, loooooves it

you miss are 100% accepted :D  
my sheet-

Name: Franken Steineo

Age: 16

Grade: 10th

Race: Frankenstein

Gender: male

Skill: super strength, electricity, hard head

History: As a child he was a little bit dense and rather slow, normally being picked on for his size and brain power. The worst happened when he was crossing a road, and was hit by a car which in turn slammed him into an electrical fence the boys body stood no chance against the 10,000 volts of electricity which poured into his body, they stopped his organs and made him into a lifeless corpse before the driver, knew what happned. The father was upset however he wanted him back by giving him life through the same energy that took his child. After the experiment it was deemed unsuccessful until the black ashes peeled away revealing franken finally reborn, he's not smatter then he was but is now stronger and a lot more defensive as well as having the power of lightning.


I agree with both of them, but miss :3 only thing I can think of about yours is the mind control. It's all good just keep it limited I mean if I'm walking about and such and you just take my character and make him do as you please I wouldn't enjoy it all to much. :P So your fine just limited if possible?
yea, make the mind control only needed if ur I dunno near death ya know but don't spam

also kiro what u think of mine, about the grade see im English so im kinda confused please tell me if its ok
How about if she can only use it in battle and if she comes into direct contact with her enemy. It can also be a taboo power so she would be frowned upon if she used it in undire circumstances.
hmmm yea that would work, im up for it but well wait till kiro decides, cause they started it, I just spiced the fire if u get me ^^''
age 19 is a little high for 10th grade, general age groups for each grade are 9th=13-14 10th=15-16 11th=17-18 12th=17-19 or something like that O-o
Name: Reesalia Dominique, Reeses Cup for short (Like the candy ^^)

Age: 14

Grade: 9th

Race: Fairy

Gender: Female

Skill: Nature, flight, and understands other's feelings

History: When Reeses Cup was born, all she remembers is waking up in a field of flowers alone. She doesn't know who her parents or family are so she had to develop all her powers on her own. She stayed in the country for most of her life until she heard about Monster High where there would be others like her. She then left and went to attend there in hopes of making new friends


oh okay killer, I think 16 cause even my picture looks 16

also racheal I think your character is cool :D , I wernt expecting this class of monsters

Frankenstein, a wyvern, a fairy and an angel devil hybrid 
true kiro, he is thick but 16 looks like the pic
Name: Nime Higari

Age: 15

Grade: 10th

Race: Dire Wolf

Gender: Female

Skill: Can talk to animals, see in the dark, speed.

History: Nime was born in a small Cave, only seeing one wolf hovering over her. She raised her and she learned the ways of the wolves. She became very strong, and soon beat their leader. He gave her permission to leave the pack and explore on her own. Nime misses her 'family' every now and then, but wants to make it on her own for a while. Everybody picked on her for being different, that's when she heard about Monster High. Some nice people suggested going there instead of going to a normal school. Nime packed up everything and headed to the school, hoping that they would welcome her.

(The wolf is her 'mom')

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