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Fantasy monHUNT: Hunter//Hunted v.001- premise, READ ONLY


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hello friends and enemies~! ;)

Here is the thread you have all been waiting and longing for. Links to other related threads (OOC, interest check, character thread-yes it's almost open!) at the bottom of this post!

Premise and Historical Background

The infighting of feudal states was quelled early on by the Zantoric religion. They came from the Middle East and imposed order through their loyal paladins, renewing peace and orderliness on society. Through the paladins' sword, the Zantoric faith gained traction and eventually overtook most of Europe as people were seeking an end to fighting and warfare. Their offer of order and peace was tempting to many.

The Zantorics sought to "civilize" the whole earth and sent scouting ships to the West. And so the New Continent was discovered. The Date of Discovery was Year 00, Month 0, Day 1 and dates are counted up from there. From there, the Zantoric High Priests commissioned "Champions" to rule new states in the new world. These Champions became the leaders of the New Zantoric States of the West and enforced their religious order onto the natives currently living there. They did what they could to convert the natives into their system and scatter the native villagers who would not. They consider those who do not accept their faith as "lesser beings" or just "beasts" saying that they do not have the spirit of men, but of animals. Natives could, surprisingly, gain fairly high positions if they adhered to the Zantoric laws and demonstrated loyalty.

So the city-states grew. Not long after, on Year 123, Month 5, Day 24 (abbreviated Y123, M5, D24) a new wave of people came from the North. They believed in the Isldrassil Faith and posed a problem to the Zantoric states. These newcomers had migrated due to a lack of food and colder, harsher winters. They say that their 'Esteemed One' spoke telling them that they must move South or face desolation and death in the North. Being hard-workers and an exclusive community, they settled where the Zantorians did not, tending the soil and working their craft with a devotion and a passion. The fruits of their labor did not go unnoticed and their crafts and tools were valued greatly. They also had more advanced technology (although not anything with steam/electricity/fossil fuels) and were builders of machines that ran on manpower or animals. Their crops produced in abundance as well, the reward of their obedience, so they said.

Thus, trade began, mostly out of necessity than any sign of acceptance or friendliness. The Isldrassil peoples needed protection from the few lingering native tribes that had resisted by banding together and living in the desolate places. The Zantorics needed the abundant food and useful technology to maintain order. However, the Zantorics look down on those of Isldrassil and see them as convenient sources of technology and food production. This began a utilitarian relationship between those of Isldrassil and the Zantorians. The members of the Isldrassil faith value life and refused to fight or kill the Zantorians, nor did they have the knowledge of how to fight or weapons, so they did not or rather could not go to war, but rather stayed on their land with trade flourishing between them.

In the year 419, month 6, day 03, Quitulias Fendrick found the Ancient Scripts and began his own band of followers among the poorest and most neglected of society. He helped forge bonds between those who knew no friendship or companionship, who didn't know of love and caring for one another. He taught that although life was hard, if they kept the faith they would be welcomed by (or to, it is not clear) the Divinity after death. This new religion and faith spread like wildfire among the lowest class in the city-states. Many times Cleansings have been performed on them, essentially Zantoric paladins sent to kill the Followers of Quitulias. Quickly, the followers of this faith learned secrecy and are known for their discretion. They operate many underground places and know their way around.

Today is Y555, M4, D08. There are whispers on the wind of a Quintulian revolution, but those could be mere rumors. Certainly there are no hard facts to back them up. Trade between the Isldrassilic people and the Zantorics is flourishing despite tensions on both sides. The Isldrassilic grow restless with the way the Zantorics treat them. The Zantorics are frustrated by their continual resistance to their faith. There have also been a few scattered tales of a Plague that has decimated a few cities... but those are in the North that lacks trade. Surely, we are safe here?

Communication between city-states run by Champions has been spotty. It is dangerous to travel long distances without protection for gangs of bandits prey on those who travel.

But where do you belong in this story? Choose your community of faith wisely... these could become your greatest benefactors or your ultimate downfall:

We venture on to a New World, a land full of strange peoples and diverse religions. We are diverse, yet united. We sail in on ships like our forefathers did before us. We come en mass. We come to impose Order on a chaotic realm. We established and rule the city-states today. Come, there is glory and a place for all.
~ the Zantorics

We descend to the South, a foreign place, buffered only by the tightness of our families. We have come because of the Message given to our Elder the Esteemed One. We have met peoples of foreign gods who do not look like us, dress like us, act like us, talk like us. But we keep the peace...yet we are discontent with the way these white princes [Zantorics] look down at us with upturned noses.
~ the people of the Isldrassil Faith

We are the forgotten, lingering on the edges of districts and city-states. We hold fast to our faith... well, most of us. We give with great generosity and help our brethren. We are the secretive. We are the unwashed masses but do not pity our broken lives. Join us, and perhaps a world of secrets will be unveiled to you. Together, we are more powerful than you know.
~ Followers of Quintulias

More on the 3 Religions:

    • The Zantoric Order: based heavily on purity and cleanliness and order. most prideful religious sect. Prioritize rituals and have highly structured positions within the Zantoric Temple. A warrior of the Zantoric Order is called in casual speech a Scoursword. The nickname comes from their powerful paladins which are willing to fight and die for the order. A paladin is highly revered as a Warrior of Zantor, their 'god'. Each month starts out with a Hallowed Blessing, a ritual which takes the entire day to complete. They reign over the East and are extending to the South. Zantoric city-states are bustling populaces surrounding a central Temple. Every fourth day of the week they go to worship in the Temple. Twice a day (morning & night) they will go through a daily cleansing ritual involving herbs and incense. Not based on faith, but rather a structured religious system that seeks to partition out exactly what their god wants and maintain order over society. Important symbols of the Zantoric Order: the Coin (symbolizes common values, economic order and stability, providence). the Paladin's Sword (symbolizes bravery and true courage, sacrifice, enforcing order, action). the Zantoric Star (three pointed star symbolizes enlightenment and the favor of their god, worn by Scourswords). The color blue is a motif of this religion symbolizing water which represents purity. Followers are often rulers and high class, as well as a portion of the middle class, particularly merchants.
    • The Isldrassil Faith: based on works and fellowship. they seek to generate a sense of community, belonging, love, friendship, and brotherhood. only men are allowed to be official acting members although women are seen as supporting entities. rather patriarchical in that they emphasize that men are to protect their family, be the breadwinner (they have their own system of finding/assigning work), and rule the family. Work is heavily prioritized as seen in the saying "Idle hands yield evil, working hands do no harm." Everyone must have a job and children are disciplined to be helpful and participate in daily work from an early age. They also teach filial respect, a respect for elders particularly those of the same faith. Is difficult to convert into as they are a close-knit but exclusive community. One way is to be picked up as an orphan. Members of the Isldrassil Faith are scattered about, often forming small "circles" of people of the same faith. Important religious items: the hammer engraved with the Sacred Words and their Isldrassilic name must be carried at all times (s* diligence and hard work, determination and pursuit of 'the good life'). the candelabra to be lit every fortnight to celebrate the Calm Night (six candles, golden colored, heavy, the more decorated the higher you are in society bc you can afford it with your work s* the flame of friendship and community), the Sun Flower (literally a sunflower which s* the complete, content, and happy community joined together to praise god). The circle is a motif of this religion, particularly concentric circles which symbolizes completeness and unity of all mankind. Followers tend to have ancestry in the North and are seeking to spread throughout the New Continent of North Esmeria. They are hard workers and often craftsmen or farmers.
    • Quitulias' Followers: A newer faith based on the findings of Quitulias Fendrick. They count the Year of Founding as year 0. Often persecuted by the others, often found in the slums. "The Faith of the Poor" it is often called because Quitulias was a peasant who became a priest. It emphasizes caring for brethren and generosity in the face of adversity. Quitulias was led by 'the Divinity' to a cache of ancient scrolls. These Ancient Texts told of a god who had created life on earth, was forced to abandon it, but would come back eventually. They were to keep their faith through their lives in order to gain entrance into the Divinity in the afterlife. Their god is more vague, having no gender and no number. The Divinity is a mysterious god and more of a ruling force from which stems the notions of justice, belief, honesty, and morality. Quitulias' Followers are not allowed to steal or to lie. Joining is fairly easy. They teach that the Divinity looks favorably upon those who are poor as they are the 'true rulers' who will one day reign across the globe. One of their Central Scripts tells a story about how the snake became a dragon which symbolizes how the lowliest, even repulsive, creature that has been created can gain power and respect and honor. They are practitioners of meditation in order to reach a divine state of mind. The eye is a motif of this religion symbolizing that the Divinity is always watching. Members are usually the poorest, lower class although some middle classed people support them as well. Often viewed as a fool's faith by upper class and even some poor, but this demeaning phrase only fuels their faith.
Okay, that was a lot... congrats if you made it this far! Stay with me! Staaaaay with meeeeee~!!!

Daily Life on the New Continent

Modern English will suffice for this roleplay for the sake of simplicity and ease. I will be flexible with names. Please have a nickname if it is unpronounceable, and no obviously futuristic names! Thank you :)

Zantorian Society: highly structured, quite rigid, formal customs, rituals

    • Manor System - one ruling family with surrounding servants' families live under one roof

    • Guilds - belonging to guilds makes one more involved in society, has benefits

    • Hierarchy - Chamions => Priests & Paladins => Royals => Nobles => Respected Workers loyal to Zantor (incl. merchants, craftsmen, farmers, scribes, etc.) => Plain Workers/Servants => Slaves => Unwanteds
Isldrassilic Enclaves: warm open and friendly to those of the same religion, neutral and passive to those without

    • Family - filial respect of elders, men are to protect their family, especially high emphasis placed on the oldest living male whether that be grandfather etc., you had to listen to your elders or be punished, children and women have little say and power

    • Work - extremely important, work six days out of seven, seventh day to be spent with family and building a shared sense of community

    • Community - "overseen" by the Esteemed One gifted by Isldrass, have Clan Gatherings every 6th day of the week often with dancing, singing, and telling of tales
Followers of Quitulias: sharing of possessions and residences in the slums to survive

    • Generosity - when you see the sign of the eye, you know you are in the company of a Follower and can expect self-sacrificial generosity, sometimes there are shows of generosity that one Follower may make an extremely lavish gift to another Brother who will refuse it twice then begrudgingly accept half of the gift

    • Meditation - often they gather to meditate together either silently or with the chanting of an Appointed Brother, the longer they meditate, the 'higher' they believe they go on a spiritual scale

    • Begging - often done to gain daily food, those who can work and share their earnings and highly revered
Interest Check

Character Thread - it's OPEN
Logistics - Must Watch
The Hunt Begins (Adelport)
The Hunt Begins (Duermio)
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City names will be... drumroll please...

Fast group will start the Hunt in Adelport!
Slow group will start the Hunt in Duermio!

    • City Info-Adelport
Very rigid structure

Religion, very centered w/ oversight of each regional district

Law enforcement more strict

By a famous port- Port Royale

Many shipments from the Motherland-supplies, people, etc.

Better armed/equipped

Plague will hit there hardest, carried in by travelling ships

town4.jpg coastal1.jpg

    • City Info-Duermio
Sleepy town

Big class divide between respected/not respected folk

Nobles and Upper class live near the center

Some fringe groups of other religions closer than usual

Less government control and oversight

Govt and religious corrupt and enjoy pleasure--very lax
town2.jpg town1.jpg

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  1. All RPN rules apply (obviously).
  2. For now everyone will play one main character. I am accepting side characters at this time.
  3. Obey the GM, that is, me. :lenny:
  4. All posts must be longer than a paragraph (5 lines on computer screen). I reserve the right to make anyone extend the length of their post.
  5. Posts should begin with a header containing: name of character, time, place, interacting with [tag].
  6. No unnecessary cussing, violence, R-rated stuff etc. If I deem that you are overusing these and it doesn't add to the roleplay plot or character, I will give a warning, then remove you if it continues.
  7. No god-modding and all that. Use your role-playing manners! If you are going to kill someone else, talk to both me and the owner of character in PM.
  8. If you have read these rules, put the word eggplant in your CS.
  9. You MUST watch the Logistics thread for me to approve your CS.
  10. Have fun... but not too much fun. ^;3^ jk, jk
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