• If your recruitment thread involves completely going off site with your partner(s) then it belongs in the Off-Site Ad Area.
  • This area of the site is governed by the official Recruitment rules. Whether you are looking for players or looking for a roleplay, we recommend you read them and familiarize your self with them. Read the Recruitment Rules Here.


daisies are the friendliest flower.
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Long story short...
  • Quality over quantity (but please, no one-liners)
  • Third person, past tense
  • MxF pairings, F role preferred, doubling an option)
  • Follow the RPN rules
  • I operate on Central time
The Goods

  • Preferred role
  • Craving
  • Big craving​
  • Not right now, thanks!
  • (plot!) = well... a plot idea (:
  • exes reunited
  • forbidden love
  • on again/off again
  • summer love reunited
  • friends/enemies with benefits
  • age gap (18+ only)
  • unplanned pregnancy
  • childhood friends reunited
  • enemies turned lovers
  • mobster's daughter x mobster
  • nanny x widower/single father or nanny x widow/single mother
  • boss x employee
  • boss' son/daughter x employee
  • student x professor
  • opposites attract
    • good x bad
    • athlete x academic
    • city x country
    • rich x poor
    • ambitious x slacker
    • country x city
    • Et cetera, et cetera
  • lawyer x client
  • sibling's best friend x younger sibling
  • single parent x teacher
  • tutor x tutee
  • politician x constituent (think Maid in Manhattan)
  • foreign diplomat x local
  • celebrity x ordinary
  • bodyguard x client/ client's daughter
  • Post-Battle of Hogwarts, between end of book 7 and the epilogue
  • Marauders' Era, year 7 through first war; potential AU
Pairings of interest:​
  • Ginny x Harry
  • Ron x Hermione
  • Ginny x Draco
  • George x OC (only if doubling)
  • George x Angelina (only if doubling)
  • Lily x James
  • Sirius x OC (only if doubling)
  • Snape sympathizers need not apply!

About Us

My motto is "write what feels right". Some scenes call for 1,000+ words, others call for 200-300, but I'm not all that interested in word count. I want a quality reply that drives the story and pushes character growth. That said, I don't do one-liners. No firing squad will be sent for a misplaced comma or typo (I guarantee I'll be making mistakes, too).

I write in third person, past tense and ask that you do, too (and I ask that you try to be consistent with this).

In single-pairing stories, I prefer to write my own gender (female; she/her), but I can and do double on request, and I am perfectly capable of writing male characters.

When I double, I like to connect the stories somehow, but this isn't a requirement. More importantly, whether the stories are connected or not, I play both characters as equally as possible, but will occasionally favour one over the other depending on where we are in the stories.

Out of character, I will gladly call you by whatever pronouns you prefer. In character, my characters will do the same.

I am 18+ and would ask that you are, too. Sorry, not sorry. I prefer pairings be 18+. There will be no illegal age gaps or otherwise illegal relationships (like incest).

Romance is a must for me. I love a slow burn or a whirlwind -- it all depends on the plot we run with. Where NSFW scenarios are concerned, I stick to RPN rules and fade out. My preference is for MxF pairings.

Some other "limits" you might want to be aware of:
  • Blood, guts, and violence are not my wheelhouse. If the story calls for any of it, I can and will write it tastefully and within RPN rules.​
  • I will not write out explicit/detailed sexual violence. This does not mean it can't be included as part of a character's back story.​
  • I will not write out active drug use. Smoking a joint or indulging in some edibles doesn’t count. Drinking is also a-okay. I will not write out someone experiencing withdrawals.​
  • "Fuck" is my favourite word and I will use it. So will my characters... so cuss all you like, but don't bring any racist, prejudice, bigoted, narrow-minded, misogynistic, xenophobic, homophobic, transphobic bullshit here. I will shock you how quickly I can find the ignore and report buttons.​
I am ghost friendly, but appreciate a head's up. Please don't take it personally if I leave a conversation after it's gone quiet a while. Chances are, I left it open to accept new messages (if I didn't, there's a damn good reason for it).

OOC chat is nice, but not necessary except for plotting and story-related discussion. Rest assured, I am a lot more chill OOC than this thread would suggest. I will abuse LOL. I might send you memes. I'll probably bitch about the weather until June (it's -35°C today -- I have a lot to bitch about) forever.

No forums, please! Exceptions may be made for other means if we really hit it off and PM stories aren't your jam. Email, Discord, and Google Docs are all options (and in order of preference).

Other goop:
  • Character sheets are growing on me.​
  • I prefer realistic faceclaims, but don't require them.​
  • If you want a writing sample, ask.​

If you're interested in writing with me, please send me a private message instead of posting here (if you can).

Chat soon!
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Sunny Day Sun GIF
It's been a while!

Finally have some time to breathe and stretch my creative legs a bit.

P.S. I'm lazy today and haven't updated my "cravings", so ask away.
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hello! im interested in rping with you, but because I'm a new user in RPN (not in rping, I come from another site) and I haven't made enough posts on this site, it says I'm "spamming" dms. can you dm me first, if it's not too much of a hassle so we can discuss details? thank you in advance <3

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